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"Background: In many developing countries, like Indonesia, most patients with oral mass lesion, i.e. infection, inflammation, even cancer came to the hospital at late stage of the diseases. Some of them afraid of endure suffering a killer disease, either after a biopsy or even should undergo an operation. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy is a technique rarely used to diagnose oral and oropharyngeal lesion. This technique seems promise a convenience, painless, accurate, safe, and easy to use to help patients and surgeons, and have been demonstrated repeatedly. Objectives: This case report emphasized many advantages of FNA biopsy to examine oral mass lesions and its metastasis to lymph node. Materials and methods: Under a local anesthesia, incisional biopsy and FNA biopsy were done on four cases of oral mass lesions. All samples were prepared for microscopic examination with Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staning and with Diff-Quick or Papaniculaou staining. Results: Incisional biopsy showed features of malignancy asthe same as FNA biopsy. There were bigger cells with high ratio between cells and nucleus, hyperchromatic nucleoli, and mitotic cells that refers to Squamous cell carcinoma. FNA biopsy from the nearest lymph node showed clumps atypia cells, prominent nucleoli, nuclear hyperchromatic and pleomorphism. Conclusion: FNA biopsy could well diagnose on oral mass lesions and the adjacent lymph node. FNA biopsy has many advantages particularly its convenience, painless, ease to use, cost effectiveness, and accuracy."
Jakarta: Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latar Belakang: Kanker tiroid merupakan keganasan endokrin yang paling sering ditemukan dan insidennya semakin meningkat. Meskipun metode biopsi aspirasi jarum halus memiliki sensitivitas yang baik dalam mendiagnosis nodul tiroid, sebanyak 10-40 masih memberikan hasil inkonklusif dalam penentuan keganasan. Hal ini sering merugikan pasien karena harus mengalami re-operasi apabila terdapat keganasan pada hasil histopatologi.Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui proporsi dan mendapatkan nilai diagnostik dari pemeriksaan mutasi BRAF, NRAS, dan promoter TERT pada spesimen BAJAH untuk meningkatkan akurasi diagnosis kanker tiroid.Metode Penelitian: Studi retrospektif dengan mengikutsertakan 50 pasien nodul tiroid yang memerlukan pembedahan. Spesimen diambil pada saat proses BAJAH atau pasca operasi. Deteksi mutasi BRAF, NRAS, dan promoter TERT menggunakan metode DNA sekuensing Sanger . Hasil mutasi akan dibandingkan dengan pemeriksaan baku emas histopatologi.Hasil: Dari 50 kasus yang ikut dalam analisis, terdapat 39 kasus 78 merupakan keganasan tiroid. Nilai proporsi mutasi BRAF, NRAS, dan pTERT berturut-turut sebesar 31 , 18 , dan 13 . Uji diagnostik mutasi BRAF menghasilkan sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai duga positif, dan nilai duga negatif berturut-turut 31 , 100 , 100 , 29 terhadap kanker tiroid. Untuk mutasi NRAS sebesar 18 , 100 . 100 , 26 . Sedangkan untuk mutasi pTERT sebesar 13 , 100 , 100 , 24 . Jika ketiga mutasi tersebut dikombinasikan, maka nilainya akan meningkat menjadi 49 , 100 , 100 , 35 . Kesimpulan: Pemeriksaan mutasi BRAF, NRAS dan promoter TERT pada kanker tiroid masing-masing memiliki spesifisitas yang tinggi. Jika ketiganya dikombinasikan maka akan meningkatkan sensitivitas untuk membantu dalam meningkatkan akurasi diagnosis keganasan tiroid.

Background Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine malignancy and it rsquo s incidence is on the rise. Although the fine needle aspiration biopsy FNAB has a good sensitivity in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules, as much as 10 40 still gives inconclusive results in malignant determination. This is often detrimental to patients having to undergo re surgery if there is a malignancy in the histopathologic outcome.Aim To establish the proportion and diagnostic value of BRAF, NRAS, and TERT promoter mutation detection on FNAB specimens to improve the accuracy of thyroid cancer diagnosis.Methods The retrospective study by involving 50 patients with thyroid nodules surgery. Specimens were taken during the FNAB or postoperative process. Detection of BRAF, NRAS, and TERT promoter mutation using DNA sequencing method Sanger . The mutation results will be compared with the histopathologic gold standard examination.Resuts Of the 50 cases involved in the analysis, there were 39 cases 78 of thyroid malignancies. The proportion of BRAF, NRAS, and pTERT mutations was 31 , 18 , and 13 , respectively. BRAF mutation diagnostic test results in sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 31 , 100 , 100 , 29 respectively. For NRAS mutation were 18 , 100 . 100 , 26 . As for pTERT mutation were 13 , 100 , 100 , 24 . If the three mutations are combined, then the value will increase to 45 , 100 , 100 , 35 .Conclusion Detection mutations of BRAF, NRAS and TERT promoters in thyroid cancer have a high specificity. If all three are combined it will increase the sensitivity to improve the accuracy of the diagnosis in thyroid malignancy."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahma Ayu Indahati
"Latar Belakang: Penegakkan diagnosis sedini dan setepat mungkin menjadi hal utama dalam penatalaksanaan kanker paru. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya tentang biopsi transtorakal dengan panduan USG menunjukkan akurasi diagnosis yang cukup baik. USG dinilai sebagai modalitas radiologi yang mudah digunakan secara aman, bedside, real-time, mobile dan bebas pajanan radiasi. Saat ini di RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta belum terdapat penelitian tentang biopsi jarum halus transtorakal dengan panduan USG.
Metode Penelitian:  Studi observasional dengan pendekatan potong lintang terhadap subjek dengan tumor paru atau tumor mediastinum yang dilakukan biopsi jarum halus transtorakal dengan panduan ultrasononografi toraks pada bulan April-September 2021. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara consecutive sampling. Peneliti melakukan observasi terhadap karakteristik lesi, karakteristik prosedur dan komplikasi. Diagnosis akhir berdasarkan hasil sitologi biopsi jarum halus transtorakal dengan panduan USG.
Hasil Penelitian: Dari 46 subjek, rerata usia subjek adalah 52 tahun dan didominasi jenis kelamin laki-laki (69,6%) dan jenis tumor terbanyak adalah tumor paru (80,4%). Proporsi kepositifan sitologi biopsi jarum halus transtorakal dengan panduan USG toraks adalah 78,3%. Karakteristik lesi pada subjek dengan hasil sitologi TTNA positif antara lain memiliki rerata diameter lesi 9,61 ± 2,27 cm, lesi di anterosuperior paru (63,9%), memiliki gambaran ekogenitas hipoekoik heterogen (58,3%) dan memiliki kontak dengan pleura (77,8%). Karakteristik prosedur pada subjek dengan hasil sitologi TTNA positif antara lain dilakukan teknik aspirasi (77,8%), pengambilan TTNA sebanyak < 3 set (58,3%), rerata jumlah gelas objek yang terpakai adalah 15 ± 4 dan median kedalaman insersi adalah 4 (2 – 6) cm. Komplikasi pasca tindakan terjadi pada dua subjek yaitu hemoptisis (4%).
Kesimpulan: Biopsi jarum halus transtorakal merupakan metode diagnostik yang invasif minimal dengan proporsi kepositifan yang tinggi (78,3%) dan angka komplikasi yang rendah (4%).

Background: Treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) using second-line drugs is known to have more side effects. Recent studies have shown concern about bedaquiline and delamanid that can cause a prolonged QT interval. This condition is a known risk factor for Torsades de Pointes, a lethal cardiac arrhythmia. This study sought to observe the condition among such patients treated in the study location.
Methods: This study was a prospective cohort study  of MDR-TB patients receiving bedaquilin in the outpatient clinic and inpatient ward of National Respiratory Referral Hospital Persahabatan, Jakarta, Indonesia between February 2020 to February 2021. Patients received 400 mg on week 0-2 (intensive phase) and followed by 200 mg 3 times per week (continuation phase) of bedaquiline. Sampling was carried out by consecutive sampling and data on subjects who met the inclusion criteria were taken from medical records.
Result: From a total of 71 subjects, all of them met the inclusion criteria. Prolonged QT interval was experienced in 18.3% patients. From eleven patients who experienced prolonged QT interval, two patients required hospitalization: one presented with nausea and gastric upset and one patient presented with dyspnea and palpitation. Prolonged QT interval occurred in initial phase and correlated with drug dosing. A mycobacterial culture conversion at month-6 was observed in those receiving multidrug regimens which include bedaquiline, quinolone, and clofazimine. There was a correlation between prolonged QT interval and hypocalemia. Treatment success rate was 46.5% without prolonged QT. Other outcomes included 4.2% died, 26.8% loss-to-follow up, and 4.1% treatment failed.
Conclusion: The use of bedaquiline MDR-TB appeared to be effective and safe across different settings, although the certainty of evidence was assessed as very low. Hypokalemia was correlated with the outcomes of patients receiving bedaquiline, particularly in those experienced prolonged QT interval.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2014
617.522 ORA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lewis, Michael A.O.
Boca Raton: CRC press, 2012
616.31 LEW o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bruch, Jean M.
"Clinical Oral Medicine and Pathology is a clinically relevant and accessible resource for health care professionals that truly bridges the worlds of dentistry and medicine. This handbook of oral medicine and oral pathology serves as a highly readable guide for diagnosis and treatment of commonly encountered oral conditions. The volume is organized by grouping clinical entities under easily recognizable, diagnostically related headings and subheadings and allows the busy clinician to quickly reference and identify a lesion of interest. Concise descriptions of each entity provide background information and treatment recommendations while including specific guidelines on diagnosis, management, and follow-up. The authors of this text both have extensive training in the fields of oral pathology, dentistry, oral surgery and otolaryngology, and provide a comprehensive approach to the practice of oral medicine for all those who are likely to encounter diseases of the oral cavity in their --
daily practice." --Book Jacket."
New York : Humana Press , 2010
617.522 BRU c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purkait, Swapan Kumar
"Fully revised and updated, this new edition features a large number of clinical and radiographic photographs and several photomicrographs of important cases. Each topic is presented in a concise and comprehensive manner that will be helpful for both undergraduate and postgraduate students."
New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publisher, 2019
617.6 PUR e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chattopadhyay, Amit, 1963-
Sudbury, MA : Jones and Bartlett Publishers , 2011
617.522 CHA o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raisa Cecilia Sarita
Latar belakang : Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology FNAC adalah teknik yang cepat, murah, dengan komplikasi yang minimal untuk mendiagnosis tumor tulang. FNAC memiliki kapasitas untuk membedakan lesi jinak dan ganas. Namun FNAC memiliki keterbatasan di sisi teknik dan cara interpretasi.Tujuan : mengevaluasi akurasi FNAC sebagai salah satu prosedur preoperasi diagnosis tumor tulang. Metode : Sampel diambil dari arsip rekam medis pasien curiga tumor tulang yang diperiksa dengan FNAC dan histopatologi di Departemen Patologi Anatomi FKUI/RSCM dari tahun 2011 sampai 2014. Uji diagnostik dilakukan untuk mengetahui sensitivitas, spesifisitas, PPV, NPV, dan akurasi dari FNAC. Hasil : Terdapat 78 pasien kasus curiga tumor tulang yang diperiksa dengan FNAC dan Histopatologi di Departemen Patologi Anatomi FKUI/RSCM pada tahun 2011 ndash; 2014. Empat puluh sembilan kasus dilaporkan tumor tulang ganas dengan 5 kasus diskrepansi subtipe ganas dan 20 kasus tumor tulang jinak dengan 1 kasus diskrepansi subtype jinak. Selain itu, terdapat 8 kasus negatif semu dan 1 kasus positif semu. Secara keseluruhan, hasil yang didapatkan adalah sensitivitas 86 , spesifisitas 95.2 , PPV 98 , NPV 71.4 , dan akurasi sebesar 88.5 .Kesimpulan : Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa FNAC memiliki kualitas yang baik untuk mendiagnosis tumor tulang, dibuktikan dengan tingginya angka sensitivitas dan spesifisitas 86 dan 95.2 .

Background Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology FNAC is a rapid, inexpensive, minimum invasive technique with less complication in diagnosing bone neoplasm. FNAC is able to differentiate between neoplasm and non neoplasm cases. However, there are limitations of FNAC technique and interpretation.Aim to evaluate the accuracy of FNAC as one of diagnostic approach in preoperative or diagnosing bone neoplasm.Method Samples were obtained from archives of medical records data of patients who clinically suspected of bone neoplasm and undergo FNAC Histopathology in Anatomical Pathology Department FKUI RSCM from 2011 to 2014. The diagnostic test will be conducted in order to obtain the sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and accuracy of FNAC.Results There are 78 patients of bone neoplasm were undergo Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology and Histopathology examination from the archives Anatomical Pathology Department in 2011 to 2014. Forty nine cases were reported as malignant bone neoplasm with 5 discrepancy type and 20 cases were benign with 1 discrepancy type. Furthermore, there were 8 false negative cases, and 1 false positive case. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value PPV , negative predictive value NPV , accuracy were 86 . 95.2 . 98 , 71.4 , and 88.5 respectively.Conclusions FNAC shows a good quality as one of diagnostic approach in bone neoplasm as can be seen in a high sensitivity and specificity 86 and 95.2 in this study. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2014
616.31 TEX
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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