Jannete H. Malata Silva
AbstrakUsing Community Organizing Participatory Action Research (COPAR) as the main framework for the multiple data-gathering methods utilizedin the study, the researcher addressed the following objectives: (1) to assessthe educational needs of the Lumad and peasant communities in light of theimplementation of Republic Act 10533, and (2) to developa curriculum that addresses the needs of the Lumad and peasant communitiesconsidering the learning competencies stipulated by RA 10533. Freires methodof education was maximized as participants in the research included men, women,and children who learned toassess their role in their community as agents of change with the goal ofachieving social transformation through education. Still adhering to Freires method of education, the intended curriculum that was designed is simple andeasy to understand, integrative, and perceptive of the social realitiessurrounding the Lumads and other peasant learners. From the state approvedcurriculum, the new alternative curriculum ensured the presence of lessons andactivities with a positive influence on all the aspects of a childs development: physical, emotional, social, linguistic, aesthetic, and cognitivethrough the application of the outcomes-based education (OBE) framework. Curriculumdesign also utilized the Makabayan (nationalist), Makamasa (mass-oriented), andSiyentipiko (scientific) (MMS) orientation, which is based on rooted assessmentof the needs of the community learners. The integration of OBE with MMSframework is expected to result in transformative education that can producelifelong learners who will aspire to be part of national development whilepromoting their identity and the good of their communities. The researchprocess undertaken proved that community immersion provides an opportunity forself reflexivity that can result in a more inclusive curriculum design. Lastly it can be concluded that community organizing in education is a painstaking andendless process of collaborations, which, if purposeful and sustained, canpositively impact the communities."
Depok: Directorate of research and community engagement Universitas Indonesia, 2017