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Willmore, Joe
"Discover a strategic planning method called scenario planning that is used to plan for the future of an organization while embracing uncertainty. A case study of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group illustrates the scenario planning method. And a checklist of trigger questions helps you identify organizational assumptions in the scenario planning process."
Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development Press, 1998
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Verardo, Denzil
"Steer a clear course for your organization's strategic planning with the process in this Infoline. A seven-step model and a sample strategic plan and planning worksheet help clarify every step."
Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development Press, 1999
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didik Suhartono
"The management of communication sector which included government as a regulator and providing the service by operator and also other service provider, aimed to provide communication service which can fulfill intention and requirement of all public community not only in country, but also from and to foreign country.
In sea communication sub-sector, especially in port, the government through the revision from Government Regulation No. 7011996 become Government Regulation No. 6912001 has given the facility to stakeholder to be able to respond the situation that happened in liberalization, competition in globalization, transformation in reformation era and also the implementation of decentralization.
By the implementation of Government Regulation No. 6912001, PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II, in managing port service in the future should positively done in improving income through good strategic management, because the challenge in the future in facing the competition is more competitive either in the country, for example of Local Government demand in order to make-up of Local Government Income and also competition which tend to ascend with other port in ASEAN, for example Port Of Singapore, Port of Kiang, Bintulu, Tanjung Pelepas, Hochi Minh, etc which have more efficient in operational performance.
In facing the competition which tend to global, it is needed the existence of reliable strategic management matching with existing strategic environment which able to assign value added to company growth, especially in make-up its income. This is the condition which need excellence compete in managing its business.
Therefore, in stimulating how the company could succeed in facing the competition in the future which tend to spread out, it is needed the existence of scenario planning of strategic management for company to know the situation happened in the next time, so that various policy which need to solve the condition could set up early.
This research is aiming to analyze how compilation process of scenario planning of strategic management of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II in facing the globalization, to show what factors were become resistor in creating excellence competition of the company in providing the port service, and also to explain what factors which can be developed to to create excellence competition in providing the port service.
The theory in this research, are taken from various literature, Internet websites and interview with all experts concerning the strategic management of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II to face the competition globally which analyzed with scenario planning approach.
This research are basically showing and describing all external and internal factors related to scenario planning of company which estimated that it can influence emulation of management of port that happened in the future. The approaches used in this research are qualitative approach, so that it can explain the reality or symptom which happened in business management in the future.
From the result of analysis, it can know that the decision of the strategic management of the company in the future very influenced by the decisions as a key factors for scenario input. Hereinafter, from the result of that analysis found that there are 10 factors which have high impact level and uncertainty of degree, which influence the compilation process of scenario, can divide to four clusters.
The conclusion of this research is there are four scenarios in developing PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II base on most sensible strategic management in the future. Pursuant to interpretation, hence the scenario ?PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II Berjaya? is the scenario which is more reliable happened in the future.
So that the scenario planning of strategic management of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II in facing the of globalization which have been compiled in this research become better and more objective, it is suggested to be continued with additional research by socialization or consulted with other related parties outside the company.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Russell, Jeffrey
"Your organization has a strategic agenda and a compelling vision of the future, right? But do you know what it isdo you fully grasp its meaning and translate that into your day-to-day work? While most companies have carefully crafted strategic vision statements and a strategic plan to translate this vision into results, in reality there is often a large knowledge/behavior gap between what the organization says its strategic vision and agenda are, and what people actually know, understand, and do. This Infoline offers you a simple, straightforward look at strategic planning and strategic thinking and helps you develop practical approaches to bring the disciplines of both into your everyday work."
Alexandria, Virginia: American Society for Training & Development, 2006
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Apung Sumengkar
"Era keemasan ekonomi industri telah berakhir, saat ini dunia bisnis global sedang memasuki era ekonomi informasi. Di era ekonomi industri, perusahaan yang dapat memenangkan persaingan ialah perusahaan yang memiliki modal tangible (berwujud) yang paling optimal. Di era ekonomi informasi, perusahaan yang akan memenangkan persaingan bisnis ialah perusahaan yang memiliki modal intangible (tidak berwujud), yaitu pengetahuan, paling optimal.
Selain itu, dampak langsung dari era ekonomi informasi, ialah meningkatnya jumlah informasi dan pengetahuan yang dikuasai oleh masyarakat. Hal ini menyebabkan konsumen memiliki banyak sekali pilihan produl/jasa dari berbagai macam perusahaan diseiuruh dunia. Konsumen saat ini memiliki power yang sangat besar jika dibandingkan dengan konsumen pada era sebelumnya. Konsumen saat ini dapat membandingkan produk/jasa yang dikeluarkan oleh satu perusahaan dengan perusahaan lainnya, sehingga mereka dapat memilih produk yang paling optimal menurut mereka. Hal ini menyebabkan iklim persaingan bisnis saat ini sangatlah ketat, karena tiap perusahaan berlomba-lomba untuk memberikan produk/jasa yang optimal agar konsumen terus membeli produk/jasa mereka.
Fenomena yang sama juga terjadi di industri konsultan. Sebuah perusahaan konsultan dituntut untuk terus menciptakan dan menguasai pengetahuan-pengetahuan baru agar dapat mempertahankan klien mereka. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah sistem manajemen pengetahuan yang dapat membantu perusahaan untuk dapat menciptakan dan menguasai pengetahuan baru.
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai proses perancangan sistem manajemen pengetahuan. Skripsi ini dimulai dengan mengumpulkan data mengenai strategi bisnis dan posisi penguasaan pengetahuan perusahaan melalui kuesioner. Lalu kemudian dilakukan proses analisis infrastruktur pendukung untuk mengetahui kesiapan perusahaan dalam menerapkan sistem manajemen pengelahuan dilihat dari infrastruktur yang mereka miliki. Setelah itu, dilakukan proses identifikasi proses bisnis, aset pengetahuan dan dokumen yang ada untuk kemudian dirancang proses bisnis dan infrastruktur yang dapat mendukung berjalannya sistem manajemen pengetahuan. Hasil pengolahan data kemudian dianalisis. Hasil akhir dari skripsi ini adalah berupa usulan rancangan sistem manajemen pengetahuan Metodologi perancangan sistem manajemen pengetahuan yang dilakukan menggunakan metodologi yang dikembangkan oleh Amrit Tiwanna.

The golden age of industrial economy had come to an end. Today our global business environment is entering a new era, infonnation economy era. In the industrial economy, companies that won the competition are companies that have an unlimited capital of tangible assets. But, in the information economy era, companies that will win the competition are companies that have unlimited capital of intangible assets or knowledge.
Besides that, a direct impact of this era, is the increasing amount of information and knowledge of the society. This phenomenon will also cause the consumer to have so many option of products/services. This kind of consumer will have greater power if compared by the consumer in the last era. Consumer nowadays can directly compare productslservices that produced by this company with the products/services produced by another compay, so that they can choose the right product according to their needs This situation will cause a very competitive business environment, because every company will struggle to produce the best products/services to make the consumer buy their products/services.
The same phenomenon also happens in the consultancy industry. To retain their client, a consultant company is obliged to continually create and master new knowledge. Because of that, this kind of company need a new management system that can help the company to continually create and master new knowledge.
This linal paper is about the design process of a knowledge management system. This script start by compiling data about the company?s business strategy and their position on mastering knowledge. Then, an analysis process on the existing infratsructure is conducted to identify the readiness of the company to conduct this knowledge management system. After that, an identification process on business process, knowledge assets and document assets are conducted. So that a knowledge management system can be designed. The result for this paper are a recommendation of knowledge management process for the company. The methodology used in this paper are the methodology developed by Amrit Tiwanna.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chandler, John
London: McGraw-Hill, 1982
658.401 2 CHA t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Animan Inoe
PT Mitra Permata a été fonde en aotlt 2004 par trois fondateurs. Les fondateurs n'ont eu aucune experience ou exposition aux affaires au detail mais ils a eu l?esprit d?étre entrepreneur. Cette circonstance conduit les fondateurs pour choisir franchise I licence de PT Modem Photo, le principal de Fujifilm en lndonesie. La raison prineipale de choisir la concession de Fujifilm est basse sur l'observation a plusieurs hypennarches a Jakarta qui menent a la conclusion ce Fujifilm toujours disponible toutes les fois que I'hyperrnarche s'est ouvert. Sans étude du marché, etude de faisabilite et clans absent des strategies, PT Mitra Permata a commence sa sortie en janvier 2005.
Identiiication De Probléme
Depuis son ouvert sa premiere sortie, PT Mitra Pen-nata a souffert de sa operation quotidienne. Bien que le chiffre d?aH`aire augmentait de la revue mensuelle, sa bénetioe d?exploitation est négatiti D' autre part, la PT Mitra Perrnata doit affronter aux concurrents qui sont plus gxands et avoir capital fort. Les concurrents ne sont pas prevus par des fondateurs puisqu'ils car ils pensait que ils sont le pnemier au nouveau centre de commercial. En l'absence des strategies, l'analyse du marché et le concurrent , menent sa gestion tendent a étre passifs au lieu d'acti£ Apres sept mois de son operation, la compagnie perd l?argent. Elle ne sait pas toujours de resoudre les problémes. D'aiIleurs, la gestion n?a pas le plan d'action pour repondre a Pauctioneer sur la perspective de compagnie a I?avenir.
Solutions et recommendations
Apres on a etudie et analyse des données primaires (des données opérationnels et de sondage) et des données secondaires (littérature, rapport de centre commercial) alors nous pouvons identifier plusieurs point clé:
- La compagnie servir a seulement de 0,6% de visitcur de centre commercial.
- Le potentiel du marché est assez grand.
- la plupart de chiftie d?al?faire a devenu des ventes des marchandises alors le grand potentiel du marche n'avait pas saisi.
- Actuellement, la technologie numerique a change l'industrie de photographic, cependant Jakarta a toujours beaucoup d'utilisateurs d'appareil photo de film au moins pendant 1'annee l ct l'annéc 2.
Pour obtenir Pavantage du occasions PT Mitra Permata doit
2. Faire les activites promotionnelles pour augmenter la conscience particulierement pendant la période de pointe (Jul-Aug et Oct, Nov, Dec).
3. Augmenter Ia capacité de photo imprimant en acquerant Ia nouvelle machine numerique en année 3.
4. Ne pas ignorer la Categorie de marchandises puisque le son situé au centre commercial alors PT Mitra Permala peut obtenir Pavantage de les vendre.
La PT Mitra Pennata a toujours la perspective a l'avenir bien qu'elle ait besoin de grands efforts de la faire se produire. Des strategies et les plans d'action avaient été développes pendant |'étude alors la gestion peut |'cmployer si besoins. Cependaut, en raison des changements dynamiq ues de Penvironnement, le gestion doit revoir le strategies regulierement."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nilsson, William P.
New York: Adisson Wesley, 1987
658.4 NIL a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Yuli Wulandari
"Perpustakaan adalah sebuah sistem terbuka yang berhubungan dinamis dengan lingkungannya. Banyak faktor internal maupun eksternal yang mempengaruhi keberadaan suatu sistem perpustakaan. Penelitian ini mengemukakan keberadaan dua buah system perpustakaan yang saat ini dimiliki oleh Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (LAI), yaitu Perpustakaan Departemen Penerjemahan dan Perpustakaan Departemen Penelitian dan Pengembangan LAI. Kedua perpustakaan tersebut akan dikembangkan menjadi Perpustakaan Biblika LAI, yaitu perpustakaan yang menyediakan informasi dalam bidang biblika atau kealkitaban. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan sebuah perencanaan.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif untuk memperoleh gambaran yang mendalam dan kontekstual mengenai obyek penelitian. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mengobservasi kedua obyek penelitian, kemudian wawancara mendalam dengan 8 orang responden.
Proses analisis data menggunakan kerangka kerja Perencanaan Strategis yang terdiri atas beberapa tahap yaitu: (1) Menetapkan Misi dan Tujuan Perpustakaan, (2) Mencatat faktor internal dan eksternal Perpustakaan, (3) Analisis SWOT dengan menggunakan model perumusan Matriks SWOT, (4) Memilih strategi-strategi yang diperoleh dari Matriks SWOT. Analisis SWOT merupakan metode analisis logis atas faktor internal yang dimiliki oleh sistem perpustakaan yaitu kekuatan (strength) dan kelemahan (weakness) dengan faktor eksternal sistem yaitu peluang (opportunity) dan ancaman (threat).
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah Rencana Strategi Pengembangan Perpustakaan LAI, yang akan diimplementasikan oleh Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia. Dengan adanya Rencana Strategi Pengembangan Perpustakaan LAI tersebut, LAI ingin mendirikan sebuah Perpustakaan Biblika LAI di H. Ahmad Yani No.90 Bogor. Perpustakaan yang akan dilengkapi dengan Museum ini diharapkan menjadi sebuah pusat informasi khusus dalam bidang biblika bagi masyarakat Indonesia.

The Library is an open system which has a dynamic relation with its environment; many internal and external factors influence the library's system. This research describe two systems of library belong to the Indonesian Bible Society (IBS), that is the Library of the Translation Department and the Library of the Research and Development Department. In the future, both libraries are going to be united become the Biblical Library which is aimed to provide the biblical information for those who need information about the Bible. In that purpose this research is undertaken.
The research uses the qualitative methods to understand the contextual data of the research object. While for the gathering data, the research uses observation and interview methods.
The data is analyzed through the Strategic Planning stages: (1) Defining the mission and the objectives of the library, (2) Recording the internal and external factors, (3) Analyzing SWOT by using the SWOT Matrix Model, and (4) Choosing the strategies from the SWOT Matrix, SWOT analysis is a logical analysis method for the internal factors (strength and weakness) and the external factors (opportunity and threat) of the library's system.
The output of the research is a Strategic Development Plan that will be implemented in the development of the new Indonesian Bible Society's Library. The Indonesian Bible Society hopes that the Biblical Library at Ahmad Yani Street No. 90, Bogor, able to become the Biblical Information Center.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Peter Tamira
"Perubahan RSIA JMB Keluarga Ibu menjadi rumah sakit umum sebagai upaya merespon kebutuhan masyarakat kota Tangerang membutuhkan acuan perencanaan strategi yang tepat. Melalui wawancara mendalam dan Consensus Decision Making Group (CDMG), penelitian ini merupakan penelitian operasional dengan pendekatan analisa kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk menjadi Rumah Sakit Umum JMB Tangerang, perlu mengembangkan produk layanan sebagai rumah sakit kelas D dan perlu memenuhi standar kriteria rumah sakit kelas D dalam 5 tahun ke depan, dengan prioritas penyempurnaan poliklinik rawat jalan penyakit dalam dan bedah.

The transformation of JMB Keluarga Ibu Children and Women?s Hospital into a general hospital as an attempt to respond the needs of the community at Tangerang city requires a accurate development plan strategy. Through an in-depth interview and Consensus Decision Making Group (CDMG), this research is an operational research with a qualitative analysis approach. The research result indicates that to be a JMB Tangerang General Hospital, it is essential to develop a product service as a type D hospital and meeting the standard criteria of class D hospital in the next five years prioritizing in the excellence of internal medicine and surgery outpatient clinic."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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