"[Kegiatan usaha di bidang ketenagalistrikan tidak akan terlepas dari value chain aktivitas ketenagalistrikan yang dimulai dari pembangkitan, transmisi, distribusi sampai dengan ritel. Dalam siklus aktivitas ketenagalistrikan tersebut, selalu timbul adanya susut energi listrik akibat dari selisih antara jumlah energi listrik yang diproduksi dengan jumlah energi listrik yang dicatat sebagai penjualan kepada pelanggan. PT PLN (Persero) sebagai BUMN di bidang ketenagalistrikan, sejak Desember 2007 telah memiliki kebijakan perusahaan dalam rangka pengendalian susut jaringan distribusi yang dituangkan dalam buku berjudul Pedoman Peta Kegiatan dan Identifikasi Proses Bisnis Distribusi.
Karya akhir ini meneliti bagaimana upaya pengendalian susut energi listrik pada jaringan distribusi yang dilakukan di PT PLN (Persero) area distribusi Jakarta Raya dan Tangerang, dampaknya terhadap subsidi listrik Pemerintah pada PT PLN (Persero). Faktanya, aktivitas pengendalian susut energi listrik pada jaringan distribusi dibagi menjadi aktivitas pengendalian karena penyebab faktor teknis dan faktor non teknis.;Electricty business value chain consist of power generation activities, transmission and distribution network activities, and retail activities. Usually energy losses happen, due to the calculation gap between electricity produced by power plants and recorded as sales to the customer. Since December 2007, regarding to the Board of Director Decree, PT PLN (Persero) has developed corporate policy to control energy losses, particularly energy losses on distribution network.
This thesis examines what are the efforts conducted by PT PLN (Persero) distribution area Jakarta Raya and Tangerang and how effective they were to control energy losses on distribution network and also its impact to the electricity subsidy provided by the government. In fact, the activities to control the losses divided into technical factors and non technical factors.;Electricty business value chain consist of power generation activities, transmission and distribution network activities, and retail activities. Usually energy losses happen, due to the calculation gap between electricity produced by power plants and recorded as sales to the customer. Since December 2007, regarding to the Board of Director Decree, PT PLN (Persero) has developed corporate policy to control energy losses, particularly energy losses on distribution network.
This thesis examines what are the efforts conducted by PT PLN (Persero) distribution area Jakarta Raya and Tangerang and how effective they were to control energy losses on distribution network and also its impact to the electricity subsidy provided by the government. In fact, the activities to control the losses divided into technical factors and non technical factors., Electricty business value chain consist of power generation activities, transmission and distribution network activities, and retail activities. Usually energy losses happen, due to the calculation gap between electricity produced by power plants and recorded as sales to the customer. Since December 2007, regarding to the Board of Director Decree, PT PLN (Persero) has developed corporate policy to control energy losses, particularly energy losses on distribution network.
This thesis examines what are the efforts conducted by PT PLN (Persero) distribution area Jakarta Raya and Tangerang and how effective they were to control energy losses on distribution network and also its impact to the electricity subsidy provided by the government. In fact, the activities to control the losses divided into technical factors and non technical factors.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014