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Hanif Audina Rahmawati
Jakarta merupakan wilayah yang berpotensi mengalami gempa bumi. Salah satu
parameter resiko dan bahaya gempa bumi adalah parameter kelas situs tanah
wilayah tersebut yang ditentukan dengan kecepatan geser tanah pada kedalaman
30 m (VS30). VS30 diperoleh dari survei lapangan diantaran N-SPT, MASW,
seismic borehole dan masih banyak lagi. Namun untuk menentukan kelas situs
seluruh Jakarta, survei lapangan tidak memungkinkan sehingga diperlukan
metode empiris untuk menentukan VS30. Metode empiris yang sudah ada diantara
metode Wald-Allen (Amerika) dan metode Matsuoka (Jepang). Metode Wald-
Allen menunjukkan hubungan antara VS30 dengan topografi slope, sedangkan
metode Matsuoka menunjukkan hubungan antara VS30 dan geomorfologi area
tinjauan. Namun, tanah serta wilayah Jakarta berbeda dengan kedua metode
tersebut sehingga diperlukan evaluasi dari keduanya manakah metode yang cocok
digunakan di Jakarta. Salah satu bentuk evalasi dengan metode perbandingan dan
log rasio antara data lapagan dan empiris. Pengolahan data dibantu dengan
menggunakan software Arc-GIS hingga diperoleh peta topograsi slope, topografi
elevasi dan geomorfologi. Setelah dilakukan analisis perbandingan serta analisis
log ratio maka diperoleh hasil metode Wald-Allen lebih cocok untuk Jakarta
dibandingkan metode Matsuoka.

Jakarta is area where is earthquake potentially. One of parameter risk and hazard
of earthquake is represented site class of soil determined by shear wave velocity
of the top 30 m soil layer (VS30). VS30 is collected by field survey such as MASW,
N-SPT, seismic borehole and so on. However, to determine site class of Jakarta,
field survey is impossible so empirical method necessary used to determine VS30.
Empirical method was published by Wald-Allen (United State) and Matsuoka
(Japan). Wald-Allen?a method explain about correlation between VS30 and
topographic slope, while Matsuoka?s method explain about correlation between
VS30 and geomorphology of observation area. However, characteristic of soil of
Jakarta is different from all of method, so evaluate both of them is important to
know what method is compatible to Jakarta. One of evaluation used ratio method
and log ratio method between field survey and empirical datas. Data processing
use Arc-GIS to get topographic slope map, topographic slope map, and
geomorphologic map. After, analyze ratio and log ratio so we get the result that
Wald-Allen?s method is more compatible to Jakarta than Matsuoka?s method."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dita Ade Susanti
"Analisis kebijakan adalah suatu proses strategis yang menjadi tahapan awal sebelum dilakukannya pembuatan kebijakan, khususnya dilembaga pemerintahan. Kebijakan yang mengakomodir semua pihak serta memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat adalah kunci kesuksesan dari dikeluarkannya kebijakan oleh pihak pemerintah. Pembuatan kebijakan dengan multi-aktor adalah suatu perkembangan dari pembuatan kebijakan itu sendiri, ketepatan pengidentifikasian dan analisis awal dari kepentingan multi actor tersebut, dapat mewujdkan kebijakan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Skripsi ini menggambarkan sebuah pendekatan konseptual untuk memetakan relativitas kepentingan para stakeholder dalam pembuatan kebijakan di DKI Jakarta. Dengan menggunakan serangkaian metode semi kuantitatif Dynamic Actor Network Analysis (DANA). Pemetaan relativitas kepentingan ini dilakukan pada stakeholder yang memiliki pengaruh, peran, serta power dalam pengimplementasian kebijakan tersebut. Skripsi ini mengidentifikasi adanya hubungan antar stakeholder; BAPEDA DKI Jakarta, PT KAI Divisi jabotabek, bank, investor swasta, BLU Trans Jakarta, Biro ekonomi dan administrasi DKI Jakarta dan KWK Hubungan tersebut dapat berupa cooperation, conflict, similariry. Skripsi ini juga merekomendasikan strategi dari tiap stakeholder untuk menciptakan kondisi ideal.

Policy analysis is one of the strategic process as the first stage before making a policy, especially in government institution. A policy which could acomodate the interests of the parties and also gives benefits to the public is a successful key of creating policy. Multi actor analysis is a development of policy analysis itself. This research describe a conseptual approachment for mapping the relativity of stakeholder's interest in making policy at DKI Jakarta. By using a semi quantitative method's series Dynamic Actor Network Analysis (DANA). This mapping process targetted to the stakeholders who have influence, role, and power in implementing that policy. This research successfully identify the relation among stakeholders; BAPEDA, PT KAI Jabotabek division, banking institution, private investor, BLU Trans Jakarta, Economic and administration beureau of DKI Jakarta, and KWK. The relation shows the cooperation, conflict, similarity. This research also recomended the strategy of each stakeholder to create an ideal condition."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Martwinny Reinsiska Benung
Blastocystis hominis adalah parasit protozoa uniseluler yang sering ditemukan pada saluran intestinal manusia. Gejala klinis pada infeksi Blastocystis hominis tidak spesifik, seperti diare kronis, nyeri abdomen, dan rasa tidak nyaman di perut. Diare yang kronis pada anak dapat mengakibatkan gangguan tumbuh kembang. Diagnostik deteksi Blastocystis hominis dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan langsung. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya telah melaporkan metode lain dalam pemeriksaan Blastocystis hominis, yaitu metode kultur dan metode PCR. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perbandingan hasil deteksi Blastocystis hominis dengan menggunakan metode kultur dan metode PCR dengan menggunakan gen 18S rRNA, setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan langsung untuk mengetahui tingkat sensifisitas dan spesifisitas kedua metode tersebut. Sampel penelitian berupa feses yang berjumlah 36 sampel, yang terdiri dari kelompok positif dan kelompok negatif infeksi Blastocystis hominis setelah pemeriksaan langsung, masing-masing kelompok sebanyak 18 sampel. Kelompok sampel tersebut dilakukan pemeriksaan metode kultur dan metode PCR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna (p > 0,05) antara metode kultur dan metode PCR, dan hasil penelitian juga mengindikasikan sensitivitas PCR terhadap metode kultur adalah 89% dan spesifisitas PCR terhadap metode kultur adalah 78%.

Blastocystishominis is a unicellular protozoan parasites that are often found in the human intestinal tract. Clinical symptoms in Blastocystishominis infection are not specific, such as chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, and discomfort in the abdomen. Chronic diarrhea in children can result in growth disorders. Blastocystis hominis diagnostic detection was done with direct examination. Preliminary studies have reported other methods of examination Blastocystis hominis, namely the culture method and the PCR method. We studied a comparison forBlastocystishominis detection using culture method and the PCR method with 18S rRNA gene as a marker, after direct examination to determine the level sencitivity and specificity of the two methods. The sample from fecal totaling 36 samples, classified of a positive and negative groups Blastocystis hominis infection after direct examination, each group as many as 18 samples. The sample group examined culture method and the PCR method. The results showed there was no significant differences (p> 0.05) between the culture method and the PCR method, and the results also indicate thatthe sensitivity of PCR for culture method is 89% and specificity of PCR to the culture method is 78%.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Muslicha
Penurunan kualitas lingkungan terjadi karena kelalaian, ketidaktahuan dan tiadanya etika serta moral terhadap lingkungan. PLH penting diajarkan pada murid SD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis metode yang digunakan di Sekolah Jepang dan Sekolah Adiwiyata dalam mengajarkan PLH; dan (2) menganalisis metode yang efektif dalam mengajarkan PLH. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan di
Sekolah Jepang Jakarta dan Bandung; dan sekolah penerima Adiwiyata di DKI Jakarta yaitu SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02, dan SDN Sungai Bambu 05 serta SDN Sungailiat 05. Responden berjumlah 72 orang guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode yang digunakan oleh guru Sekolah Jepang dan Sekolah Adiwiyata dalam mengajarkan PLH adalah metode ceramah, metode pengalaman langsung dan metode diskusi. Pemilihan metode mempertimbangkan tujuan pembelajaran, situasi dan kesiapan pengajar sendiri. Metode yang efektif digunakan untuk mengajarkan PLH di sekolah dasar Adiwiyata dan sekolah Jepang adalah metode pengalaman langsung, metode diskusi dan metode ceramah.

The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance, lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective., The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rafi Zhafran Wisnuwardana
"Jakarta merupakan ibukota Indonesia yang berfungsi sebagai pusat pemerintahan dan ekonomi, dimana urbanisasi menjadi masalah di Jakarta yang memiliki laju pertumbuhan penduduk yang mencapai 0,86% menurut Badan Pusat Statistik. Dengan pertumbuhan penduduk yang masih terus bertambah, pengelolaan sumber air menjadi aspek yang krusial dalam tata kota dan urban planning. Salah satu aspek utama dalam pengelolaan tersebut adalah mengelola hubungan curah hujan-limpasan permukaan pada daerah tersebut. Salah satu cara dalam pengelolaan tersebut adalah melalui metode pemodelan dimana metode ini dapat memberikan analisis secara mendalam serta kemampuannya dalam memprediksi yang berguna untuk pengelolaan sumber air. Terdapat berbagai cara dalam memodelkan hubungan curah hujan-limpasan permukaan dimana salah satunya adalah pemodelan berbasis data. Salah satu metode pemodelan tersebut adalah melalui deep learning dimana pada penelitian ini penulis mengunakan metode Long Short-term Memory (LSTM). Penelitian ini akan menggunakan LSTM sebagai alat untuk memodelkan data curah hujan dari tiga stasiun pengukuran dan data debit sungai dari tiga stasiun pengukuran dengan rentang waktu sepanjang 12 tahun (2009-2020). Hasil dari prediksi menunjukkan bahwa model LSTM memiliki performa yang buruk dalam dataset curah hujan dimana nilai R² tertinggi yang mencapai 0.09 dengan nilai MAE dan RMSE yang masing-masing berada pada 9,7 mm dan 18,14 mm. Performa pada dataset limpasan permukaan menunjukkan bahwa LSTM memiliki performa yang cukup baik dimana masing-masing rata-rata nilai R², MAE dan RMSE tertinggi berada pada 0,58, 4,15 m³/s dan 8 m³/s. Berdasarkan dari hasil evaluasi tersebut, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa meskipun dengan nilai akurasi yang rendah, model LSTM masih memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan secara lebih lanjut apabila melihat nilai MAE dan RMSE yang berada pada kisaran yang cenderung lumayan sehingga LSTM dapat dikembangkan dengan penambahan data masukan.

Jakarta is a capital city which functioned as both a governmental and economic centre in Indonesia, which makes urbanization a problem in Jakarta, on which Jakarta itself has a population growth rate of 0.86% according to Statistic Indonesia. As Jakarta is still growing in terms of its population, managing water resources in the city is such a critical aspect of its urban planning. ­One of the key aspects of water resources management is managing the rainfall-runoff relationship in the area. One of the ways of managing it is through modelling the relationship itself which can give an in-depth analysis and its capability for forecasting which can be valuable in water resources management. Various approaches to modelling rainfall-runoff have been developed over the years, which data-driven modelling is one of them. One of the methods is through deep learning, which in this study we will use long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network. This study will use LSTM neural network as a tool to model 9 years (2009-2020) of rainfall data from three rain gauge stations and three discharge gauge stations to train the model. Results from the prediction shows that the LSTM model performed terribly on rainfall datasets, which the highest from the R² values are 0.09 with MAE and RMSE are on 9.7 mm and 18.4 respectively. Performance on runoff datasets shows that LSTM performed on a decent level, which mean from the R², MAE and RMSE are on 0.58, 4.15 m³/s and 8 m³/s respectively. Based on the evaluation results, author suggests that despite of its low level of accuracy, models based on LSTM still have some room for improvement based on their MAE and RMSE value that at least are on a respectable level shown that they could benefit from adding more data as an input for better performance of the model."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Adityo Prastama
Penelitian 4D microgravity atau microgravity antarwaktu telah dilakukan untuk mendeteksi zona dan laju amblesan antara tahun 2014 dan 2018 di Jakarta. Jakarta secara garis besar berada di atas kipas aluvial kuarter yang berasal dari bagian Selatan. Amblesan sendiri terjadi akibat beberapa faktor termasuk eksploitasi airtanah berlebihan, beban permukaan, dan sifat alami dari aluvial yang tidak terkonsolidasi dengan baik. Dengan menggabungkan persamaan Simple Bouguer Anomaly SBA dan metode gradien gravitas, diperoleh nilai densitas Bouguer sebesar 2.33 g/cm3. Amblesan terjadi di dekat permukaan sehingga anomali gravitasi regional perlu dipisahkan dari SBA dengan mengkombinasikan analisis spektrum dan metode moving average setelah mengimplementasikan transformasi Fourier. Efek dari pergerakan airtanah sudah dihilangkan dengan korelasi data sumur. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa amblesan terjadi hampir di seluruh wilayah pesisir Jakarta, dengan nilai tertinggi di Jakarta Utara 7-20 cm/tahun . Terdapat pula nilai 4D microgravity negatif pada bagian selatan Jakarta yang mengindikasikan fenomena uplift.

Study of time lapse or 4D microgravity had been done to detect subsidence zone and its rate between 2014 and 2018 in Jakarta. Jakarta mostly covered by quaternary alluvium fan supplied from southern part of this city. Subsidence happened by several factors including excessive water exploitation, surface load, and the natural sinking properties of unconsolidated alluvium. By combining Simple Bouguer Anomaly SBA equation and gravity gradiometry methods, we can get the Bouguer density of 2.33 g cm3. Since subsidence occurred on near surface, regional gravity anomaly has been separated from SBA by combining spectrum analysis and moving average methods after implementing Fourier transform. The effect of groundwater movements removed from 4D microgravity anomaly with correlation to groundwater well data. The result shows that subsidence occurred all over the coastal area of Jakarta, with highest rate in North Jakarta 7 20 cm year . There also negative 4D microgravity anomaly in southern part of Jakarta that related to ground level uplifting."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Sekolah adalah lembaga pendidikan formal yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pengajaran dan pembelajaran kepada siswa dalam berbagai bidang studi. Sekolah terdiri dari berbagai jenjang pendidikan, taman kanak-kanak hingga sekolah menengah atas. Kualitas performa suatu sekolah dapat diukur dengan melihat capaian Ujian Nasionalnya. Ujian Nasional tingkat SMA wajib diikuti oleh seluruh siswa kelas 12 dan dilaksanakan untuk menetapkan standar nasional yang akan digunakan untuk mengendalikan mutu pendidikan secara nasional. Analisis performa sekolah pada umumnya menggunakan metode konvensional sistem peringkat atau ranking berdasarkan nilai rata-rata Ujian Nasional. Analisis data nilai Ujian Nasional juga dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara termasuk pengelompokan data menggunakan algoritma clustering maupun biclustering. Metode clustering dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi nilai sekolah yang mirip satu sama lain. Salah satu metode clustering yang populer digunakan adalah metode hierarki dan metode partisi (metode K-Means). Tetapi pada kenyataannya, masing-masing mata pelajaran memiliki penilaian yang sangat berbeda dari mata pelajaran lainnya. Penerapan biclustering pada metode pengelompokan ini diperlukan untuk mengungkap pola hubungan yang tidak terlihat antara nilai dan mata pelajaran pada data. Hal ini diimplementasikan dalam pengelompokan secara bersamaan dan simultan antara SMA (baris) dan mata pelajaran (kolom). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan SMA/MA di DKI Jakarta dan indikator nilai Ujian Nasional tahun 2019 menggunakan metode biclustering Cheng and Church dan Plaid Model serta membandingkan hasil penerapan metode tersebut menggunakan nilai indeks Jaccard dan variansi koherensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data Capaian Nilai Ujian Nasional tahun 2019 pada SMA/MA di DKI Jakarta yang bersumber dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Hasil penerapan metode biclustering Cheng and Church dan biclustering Plaid Model, menunjukkan bahwa bicluster-bicluster yang dihasilkan metode biclustering Plaid Model memiliki kisaran nilai indeks Jaccard dan variansi koherensi yang lebih rendah dibandingkan biclustering Cheng and Church. Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa metode biclustering Plaid Model memberikan performa pengelompokan terbaik pada data Ujian Nasional. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat membantu memberikan wawasan terkait metode yang sesuai untuk diterapkan pada data dengan kondisi yang serupa.

A school is a formal educational institution aimed at providing teaching and learning to students in various fields of study. Schools consist of various levels of education, from kindergarten to high school. The quality of a school's performance can be measured by looking at its National Exam achievements. The National Exam at the high school level must be taken by all 12th-grade students and is conducted to establish national standards that will be used to control the quality of education on a national scale. School performance analysis generally uses conventional ranking systems based on the average National Exam scores. National Exam score data analysis can also be performed in various ways, including data clustering using clustering or biclustering algorithms. Clustering methods can be used to identify schools with similar scores. One of the popular clustering methods used is hierarchical clustering and partitioning methods (K-Means method). However, in reality, each subject has distinctly different assessments from other subjects. The application of biclustering in this clustering method is necessary to reveal hidden patterns of relationships between scores and subjects in the data. This is implemented in simultaneous grouping of both high schools (rows) and subjects (columns). This study aimsto cluster high schools (SMA/MA) in Jakarta and the 2019 National Exam score indicators using the Cheng and Church biclustering method and the Plaid Model biclustering method, and to compare the results of these methods using Jaccard index values and coherence variance. This study uses the 2019 National Exam Score Achievement data for high schools (SMA/MA) in Jakarta sourced from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The results of the application of the Cheng and Church biclustering method and the Plaid Model biclustering method show that the biclusters produced by the Plaid Model biclustering method have a lower range of Jaccard index values and coherence variance compared to Cheng and Church biclustering. The results of this study indicate that the Plaid Model biclustering method provides the best clustering performance for National Exam data. The findings of this study are expected to offer insights into the appropriate methods for application to similar data conditions."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Luqman Hakim
"Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) memiliki tugas untuk memberikan informasi cuaca termasuk curah hujan. Cuaca merupakan seluruh fenomena yang terjadi di atmosfer bumi. Kondisi cuaca baik hujan atau cerah sangat mempengaruhi aktivitas masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, terutama untuk aktivitas di luar ruangan. Kondisi hujan yang terjadi dapat ditentukan dengan adanya curah hujan. BMKG memiliki beberapa jenis alat pengukur curah hujan, dengan jumlah yang belum merata di seluruh wilayah. Harga peralatan itu relative mahal. Solusi yang bisa dilakukan untuk menambah kerapatan pengamatan curah hujan yaitu dengan memanfaatkan sumber yang sudah ada untuk mendapatkan informasi cuaca.
Penelitian ini akan memanfaatkan CCTV yang tersebar di wilayah Jakarta untuk diolah sehingga menghasilkan informasi kondisi hujan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu melakukan image processing menggunakan metode Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Gambar CCTV akan diambil dari internet secara otomatis dengan metode crawling untuk mendapatkan data citra digital. Gambar yang telah tersedia selanjutnya akan dilakukan proses pelatihan dan pengujian model untuk mendapatkan model dengan akurasi terbaik.
Hasil dari model ini akan digunakan untuk deteksi hujan pada citra digital CCTV. Proses deteksi hujan akan dilakukan secara otomatis dan real time. Hasil proses deteksi hujan akan ditampilkan ke dalam peta sesuai dengan lokasi terpasangnya CCTV. Penelitian ini telah membuat model CNN untuk deteksi hujan secara otomatis dengan akurasi training 98,8% dan akurasi testing sebesar 96,4% serta telah dilakukan evaluasi dengan data pengamatan BMKG sehingga memiliki akurasi evaluasi sebesar 96,7%.

Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has the duty to provide weather information including rainfall. Weather is a whole phenomenon that occurs in the Earth's atmosphere. Rainy or sunny weather conditions greatly affect community activities in daily life, especially for outdoor activities. Rainfall conditions that occur can be determined by the presence of rainfall. BMKG has several types of rainfall gauges, with a number that has not been evenly distributed throughout the region. The price of the equipment is relatively expensive. The solution that can be done to increase the density of rainfall observations is to utilize existing sources to obtain weather information.
This research will utilize CCTV that is spread in the Jakarta area to be processed so as to produce information on rain conditions. The method used is to do image processing using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method. CCTV images will be taken from the internet automatically by the crawling method to get digital image data. The available images will then be carried out a training process and model testing to get the model with the best accuracy. The results of this model will be used for rain detection on digital CCTV images. The rain detection process will be done automatically and in real time.
The results of the rain detection process will be displayed on the map according to the location of the installed CCTV. This research has made a CNN model for automatic rain detection with 98.8% training accuracy and 96.4% testing accuracy and has been evaluated with BMKG observation data so that it has an evaluation accuracy of 96.7%.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pringga Satria Panji
"Perkembangan wilayah Bekasi, Depok dan Tangerang memicu pembangunan infrastruktur seperti gedung perkantoran, pusat perbelanjaan, perumahan dan infrastruktur lain. Pembangunan infrastruktur tersebut rentan terhadap bahaya gempa dan perlu dilakukan upaya pencegahan bahaya gempa. Dalam penelitian ini, analisis percepatan gempa dengan metode analisis respon tanah dilakukan dalam rangka reduksi bahaya gempa. Jumlah titik peak ground acceleration (PGA) untuk wilayah Bekasi bernilai antara 0,36 g - 0,39 g. Rentang nilai PGA untuk wilayah Depok bernilai 0,22 g - 0,24 g. Sedangkan, rata-rata nilai PGA untuk wilayah Tangerang adalah 0,22 g. Keseluruhan titik tinjauan akan menghasilkan nilai PGA untuk masing-masing tempat dan nilai PGA tersebut akan di-plot ke dalam peta kontur percepatan gempa. Peta kontur percepatan gempa Bekasi, Depok dan Tangerang akan digabungkan dengan peta kontur DKI Jakarta (hasil penelitian sebelumnya).

The development in Bekasi, Depok and Tangerang triggers the development of infrastructure such as office buildings, shopping centers, housing and other infrastructure. These infrastructures are prone to seismic hazard and prevention efforts need to be done. In this study, ground response analyses were conducted within the framework of earthquake hazard reduction. Peak ground acceleration (PGA) value for Bekasi region ranged between 0.36 g - 0.39 g. Then, PGA for Depok region worth between 0.22 g - 0.24 g. Meanwhile, the average PGA value for the Tangerang region was 0.22 g. All the data points are used to produce a seismic microzonation map. This map is a combination of a contour map of Jakarta (done in previous studies)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hafidh Erry Priyanto
"Gedung Bank of America Plaza adalah gedung yang sudah dibangun di San Diego, California, Amerika Serikat. Gedung tersebut merupakan gedung dengan satu sistem penahan beban lateral (single system), yaitu EBF (Eccentrically Braced Frame). Tinggi dari gedung tersebut melampaui batas limit yang sudah ditetapkan untuk gedung dengan satu sistem penahan beban lateral untuk EBF, yaitu 48 meter berdasarkan SNI 1726:2012 tentang Perencanaan Gedung Tahan Gempa. Metode untuk pengecekan awal struktur adalah metode pengecekan Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (DCR) dan nilai DCR harus kurang dari 1 (satu). Dari hasil pengecekan DCR, struktur memiliki penampang profil baja bervariasi. Pada kolom bagian plaza1 dan plaza2, ada beberapa yang harus menggunakan pelat tambahan pada sayap profil untuk menambah kekuatan nominal terhadap beban aksial. Nilai gaya geser dasar seismik respon spektrum kurang dari 0,85 kali dari gaya geser dasar sesimik statik ekivalen, sehingga beban lateral yang digunakan harus diskalakan dan diperbesar berdasarkan SNI 1726:2012 Nilai drift terbesar pada arah x terjadi pada story11, yaitu sebesar 2,026 inchi. Nilai drift terbesar pada arah y terjadi pada story11, yaitu sebesar 1,478 inchi. Karena nilai drift izin yang didapatkan dari hasil perhitungan SNI 1726:2012 adalah 2,584 inchi, nilai drift maksimum struktur memenuhi syarat berdasarkan peraturan SNI 1726:2012. Oleh karena itu, struktur tersebut bisa aman dibangun terhadap beban gempa dengan proses desain yang benar sesuai dengan SNI 1726:2012.

Bank of America Plaza building is a building that built in San Diego, California, United States of America. The building is single system seismic resisting type bulding (Eccentrically Braced Frame). The height of building is overlimit of the standard SNI 1726:2012 for EBF single system building, the limit is 48 meters. The first method to early check design is Demand/Capacity (D/C) Ratio (DCR) method and the value of DCR must be below of one. From the result of DCR check, the structure has variation of steel profile. For column in plaza1 and plaza2, there are additional steel plate in flange for the improvement of nominal capacity for internal axial force. Respon spectrum’s seismic base shear is below of 0,85 times of static equivalent’s seismic base shear, so lateral force must be scale up based on SNI 1726:2012. Drift maximum in axis x is 2,026 in and drift maximum in axis y is 1,478 in. Because drift limit based on SNI 1726:2012 is 2,584 in, drift maximum of structure is satisfy the condition for allowable drift. Therefore, based on SNI 1726:2012, the structure is safe to be built for seismic load and right design process."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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