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Lumban Tobing, Sri Tampomas
"Perencanaan tata ruang sebagai dasar pembangunan suatu wilayah, memerlukan informasi spasial yang akurat dan lengkap agar hasil perencanaan tata ruang yang dihasilkan tepat sasaran. Peta dasar rupa bumi sebagai informasi spasial utama di Indonesia pada umumnya menggunakan sumber data foto udara. Perkembangan teknologi penginderaan jauh akhir-akhir ini telah dapat mengasilkan citra satelit dengan resolusi spasial yang tinggi. Salah satunya adalah Citra ALOS PRISM dengan resolusi 2.5 m. Pemetaan rupa bumi skala 1:25.000 menggunakan Citra ALOS PRISM tersebut menghasilkan peta rupabumi dengan tingkat akurasi Horizontal (x,y) yang baik secara relatif terhadap peta RBI (Rupa Bumi Indonesia) skala 1:25.000 dan secara absolut terhadap hasil pengukuran di lapangan. Sementara tingkat akurasi vertikal-nya dapat memenuhi standar pemetaan nasional hanya pada wilayah topografi datar tetapi tidak dapat memenuhi standar pada wilayah topografi bergelombang dan bergunung.

Spatial planning as the foundation of spatial development needs the accurate and complete spatial information so the results could meet the aim. Topographic map is one of the main spatial information that generally uses the source of the aerial photograph data. Recent development of remote sensing technology produce the satellite image with the high spatial resolution. One of them is ALOS PRISM with the spatial resolution 2.5 m. Topographic mapping at various topographic area using ALOS PRISM image has produced map at scale 1:25.000 with the level of the Horizontal accuracy (x,y) that was relatively good against the RBI map at the scale 1:25.000 and absolutely towards ground-surveyed reference points. While the level of it?s vertical accuracy could meet the standard of the national mapping only on the flat area but could not meet the standard on undulating and mountainous area."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lumban Tobing, Sri Tampomas
"Perencanaan tata ruang sebagai dasar pembangunan suatu wilayah, memerlukan informasi spasial yang akurat dan lengkap agar hasil perencanaan tata ruang yang dihasilkan tepat sasaran. Peta dasar rupa bumi sebagai informasi spasial utama di Indonesia pada umumnya menggunakan sumber data foto udara. Perkembangan teknologi penginderaan jauh akhir-akhir ini telah dapat mengasilkan citra satelit dengan resolusi spasial yang tinggi. Salah satunya adalah Citra ALOS PRISM dengan resolusi 2.5 m. Pemetaan rupa bumi skala 1:25.000 menggunakan Citra ALOS PRISM tersebut menghasilkan peta rupabumi dengan tingkat akurasi Horizontal (x,y) yang baik secara relatif terhadap peta RBI (Rupa Bumi Indonesia) skala 1:25.000 dan secara absolut terhadap hasil pengukuran di lapangan. Sementara tingkat akurasi vertikal-nya dapat memenuhi standar pemetaan nasional hanya pada wilayah topografi datar tetapi tidak dapat memenuhi standar pada wilayah topografi bergelombang dan bergunung.

Spatial planning as the foundation of spatial development needs the accurate and complete spatial information so the results could meet the aim. Topographic map is one of the main spatial information that generally uses the source of the aerial photograph data. Recent development of remote sensing technology produce the satellite image with the high spatial resolution. One of them is ALOS PRISM with the spatial resolution 2.5 m. Topographic mapping at various topographic area using ALOS PRISM image has produced map at scale 1:25.000 with the level of the Horizontal accuracy (x,y) that was relatively good against the RBI map at the scale 1:25.000 and absolutely towards ground-surveyed reference points. While the level of it’s vertical accuracy could meet the standard of the national mapping only on the flat area but could not meet the standard on undulating and mountainous area."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Geographic Information Systems (GIS), with its capability in integrating spatial and attribute data, becomes important means in visualisation and analysis built environment. Good visualization capability of GIS has made this technology an important communication tool. In this research, a 3D City Block Model of Simpang Lima Area has been made. This research make us of digital topographic map of Semarang, scale 1:5000 which cover Simpang Lima and its surrounding.Digital terrain model of the area was made by interpolate contour lines and spot hights. ArcView 3.2a with 3D analyst extension was used to construct buildings block model. Result from 3D Analyst when then exported into VRML format (Virtual Reality Modeling Language). Buildings block model in VRML format could be viewed using Internet Explorer ver. 5.0 or later, if it is equipped with Cosmo Player plug in. A 3D City Block Model of Simpang Lima Area, has been obtained. Users can be obtain information about characteristic of each building in the study area. Users can simulate if a new building have been built and see the effect to the visibility to its surrounding. Use of VRML format has advantages that users who do not have GIS software can still explore the virtual 3D city model interactively; even they can define their own direction of 'virtual walking'."
MTUGM 30:4 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fauzan
"Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, dimana pada wilayah ini telah terjadi gempa bumi yang berkekuatan 7.5 Mw pada 28 September 2018 yang mengakibatkan terjadinya pergerakan tanah di banyak titik sehingga perlu dilakukan pemetaan kerentanan pergerakan tanah untuk mengetahui lokasi-lokasi yang rentan akan terjadinya pergerakan tanah. Penelitian menggunakan dua metode yaitu metode Frequency Ratio dan Random Forest. Metode Frequency Ratio dapat mengidentifikasi kejadian tanah longsor di masa depan dengan menggunakan kondisi yang sama dengan kejadian tanah longsor di masa lalu sedangkan metode Random Forest merupakan algoritma pembelajaran mesin yang digunakan dalam penginderaan jauh serta bersifat non-parametrik. Penelitian menghasilkan dua jenis peta kerentanan dengan hasil yang hampir sama dimana wilayah Kinovaro, dan Banawa Selatan. Jika dikaitkan dengan titik-titik kejadian longsor dan parameter hal telah bersesuaian dimana wilayah dengan tingkat kerentanan paling tinggi banyak terjadi kejadian longsor dan juga wilayah ini memiliki tingkat kemiringan dan elevasi yang tinggi.

The research was conducted in Palu City, Central Sulawesi, where in this area there was an earthquake measuring 7.5 Mw on 28 September 2018 which resulted in ground movement at many points so it is necessary to map the vulnerability of ground movement to find out locations that are vulnerable to movement. soil. The study used two methods, namely the Frequency Ratio and Random Forest methods. The Frequency Ratio method can identify future landslide events using the same conditions as past landslides, while the Random Forest method is a machine learning algorithm used in remote sensing and is non-parametric. The study produced two types of vulnerability maps with almost the same results in the areas of Kinovaro and South Banawa. If it is associated with the points of landslide occurrence and the parameters of the event, it is appropriate where the area with the highest level of vulnerability has the most occurrences of landslides and also this area has a high level of slope and elevation."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The first nearly complete land use/land cover map of the island of Sulawesi was prepared using the 1972 Landsat imagery. Seventeen Landsat frames were used in a multistage approach to compile what is believed to be the first map of its kind covering the two hundreds and two thousand sq.km. on the island. This paper reports the methods of visual analysis, data compilation and transfer, and ground truth sampling which were adopted for the mapping. Discrepancies between the Landsat images and the existing topographic maps are described.
GEOUGM 8:36 (1978)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jika dilakukan observasi, bentuk permukaan bumi setiap saat selalu berubah-ubah
atau mengalami deformasi. Hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor alam, manusia
ataupun gabungan dari keduanya. Beberapa perubahan bentuk ini dapat
menyebabkan bencana kalau tidak kerugian. Sehingga perlu adanya suatu metode
untuk melakukan pengukuran dan pemetaan deformasi permukaan tanah.
Pada penulisan ini dilakukan study-case pemetaan deformasi yang terjadi pada
area Bandung dan sekitarnya. Fokus dari percobaan adalah mengamati laju
deformasi pertahun pada area tersebut. Teknik PSInSAR dengan kerangka kerja
StaMPS digunakan untuk mengolah data citra PALSAR satelit ALOS menjadi
peta laju deformasi.
Pemetaan dengan citra radar dipilih karena kemampuan akuisisi citranya yang
dapat digunakan pada hampir semua kondisi. Sinyal sensor SAR dapat menembus
awan sehingga dapat mengatasi kesulitan dalam menganalisis kawasan yang
diselimuti awan, seperti Bandung. Sensor ini juga dapat bekerja siang-malam,
karena sensor bekerja secara aktif dalam memancarkan dan menangkap sinyalnya.
Ketelitian hingga ukuran mm per tahun dapat diperoleh dengan menggunakan
teknik SAR persistent scatterrer interferometry. Selain itu dengan melakukan
analisis ampitudo dan fase pada beberapa interferogram menggunakan kerangka
kerja StaMPS, pengukuran juga dapat dilakukan walaupun pada area yang
berkoherensi rendah. Misalnya sebagian besar area terselimuti oleh vegetasi
ataupun keadaan atmosfir yang menyelimuti, seperti kawasan Bandung dan
Dari hasil pemetaan dapat diamati bahwa terjadi penurunan permukaan tanah pada
hampir seluruh kawasan perkotaan Bandung. Penyusutan dengan nilai tertinggi
terjadi pada daerah Cimahi dan Bojong sebesar 13.5 cm per tahun. Diduga
penurunan muka tanah pada area perkotaan Bandung diakibatkan oleh pemakaian
air tanah yang berlebih terutama pada kawasan industri.

If the observation is made, it is observable that earth surface is always changing or
constantly undergo a deformation. This can be caused by natural factors, human,
or a combination of both. Some of these deformation can lead to disaster if not
losses. Because of that, it important to have method to measure and ultimately
map the ground surface deformation.
In this study-case, the map of deformation that occurs in Bandung and it
surrounding areas was made. The focus of the experiment was to observe the
deformation rate per year in these areas. PSInSAR technique with StaMPS
framework was used to processed PALSAR images of ALOS satellite.
Mapping with radar images was chosen because of radar imaging system have the
capabilities to operate at almost any condition. SAR sensor signal can penetrate
clouds this can be used to overcome the difficulties in analyzing the cloudy areas,
such as Bandung. This sensor can also work day and night, because it is active
sensor, it emit and recieve it's own signal.
Using the SAR persistent scatterrer interferometry technique, measurement
accuracy up to mm per year can be obtained. In addition, by analyzing amplitude
and phase of multiple interferograms using StaMPS framework, the measurement
even with low coherence image can be done. For example, most of the area-ofinterest
is covered by vegetation or randomly high atmosphere retardation at
surrounds area, such as Bandung and it?s surrounding areas.
Form the deformation map, can be observed that there was a subsidence in almost
all urban areas in Bandung. The highest value of ground shrinkage occurred in
Cimahi and Bojong with 13.5 cm per year. Suspected, land subsidence of urban
areas in Bandung was caused by excessive use of ground water, especially in the
industrial area.;If the observation is made, it is observable that earth surface is always changing or
constantly undergo a deformation. This can be caused by natural factors, human,
or a combination of both. Some of these deformation can lead to disaster if not
losses. Because of that, it important to have method to measure and ultimately
map the ground surface deformation.
In this study-case, the map of deformation that occurs in Bandung and it
surrounding areas was made. The focus of the experiment was to observe the
deformation rate per year in these areas. PSInSAR technique with StaMPS
framework was used to processed PALSAR images of ALOS satellite.
Mapping with radar images was chosen because of radar imaging system have the
capabilities to operate at almost any condition. SAR sensor signal can penetrate
clouds this can be used to overcome the difficulties in analyzing the cloudy areas,
such as Bandung. This sensor can also work day and night, because it is active
sensor, it emit and recieve it's own signal.
Using the SAR persistent scatterrer interferometry technique, measurement
accuracy up to mm per year can be obtained. In addition, by analyzing amplitude
and phase of multiple interferograms using StaMPS framework, the measurement
even with low coherence image can be done. For example, most of the area-ofinterest
is covered by vegetation or randomly high atmosphere retardation at
surrounds area, such as Bandung and it?s surrounding areas.
Form the deformation map, can be observed that there was a subsidence in almost
all urban areas in Bandung. The highest value of ground shrinkage occurred in
Cimahi and Bojong with 13.5 cm per year. Suspected, land subsidence of urban
areas in Bandung was caused by excessive use of ground water, especially in the
industrial area., If the observation is made, it is observable that earth surface is always changing or
constantly undergo a deformation. This can be caused by natural factors, human,
or a combination of both. Some of these deformation can lead to disaster if not
losses. Because of that, it important to have method to measure and ultimately
map the ground surface deformation.
In this study-case, the map of deformation that occurs in Bandung and it
surrounding areas was made. The focus of the experiment was to observe the
deformation rate per year in these areas. PSInSAR technique with StaMPS
framework was used to processed PALSAR images of ALOS satellite.
Mapping with radar images was chosen because of radar imaging system have the
capabilities to operate at almost any condition. SAR sensor signal can penetrate
clouds this can be used to overcome the difficulties in analyzing the cloudy areas,
such as Bandung. This sensor can also work day and night, because it is active
sensor, it emit and recieve it's own signal.
Using the SAR persistent scatterrer interferometry technique, measurement
accuracy up to mm per year can be obtained. In addition, by analyzing amplitude
and phase of multiple interferograms using StaMPS framework, the measurement
even with low coherence image can be done. For example, most of the area-ofinterest
is covered by vegetation or randomly high atmosphere retardation at
surrounds area, such as Bandung and it’s surrounding areas.
Form the deformation map, can be observed that there was a subsidence in almost
all urban areas in Bandung. The highest value of ground shrinkage occurred in
Cimahi and Bojong with 13.5 cm per year. Suspected, land subsidence of urban
areas in Bandung was caused by excessive use of ground water, especially in the
industrial area.]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Becker, F.
Berlin: ISLSCP-Secretariat, 1988
551.6 BEC i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Febriono Putra
"Banjir merupakan bencana yang hampir setiap tahun terjadi di wilayah-wilayah Indonesia, salah satunya Kabupaten Karawang. Analisis Penginderaan Jauh menjadi penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui persebaran daerah yang berpotensi banjir dengan memperhatikan aspek geomorfologi dikarenakan lebih efisien, murah, dan jangkauannya luas. Berdasarkan topografi dan morfologinya, Kabupaten Karawang sebagian besar merupakan dataran yang relatif rendah dengan variasi ketinggian antara 0-5 mdpl, terdiri dari dataran, perbukitan, dan pegunungan dengan dominasi kemiringan lereng 0-2%. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penginderaan jauh menggunakan data satelit Himawari-8 yang nantinya digabungkan dengan data lain seperti data indeks banjir dari BNPB dan data administratif dari BIG. Setelah itu, data diolah menggunakan perangkat lunak ArcGIS 10.4 yang meliputi pembuatan peta potensi banjir dan peta geomorfologi. Hasil Analisis menunjukkan bahwa daerah penelitian memiliki morfologi dominan berupa dataran rendah dengan kemiringan lereng 0-2% yang mencapai kurang lebih 75%. Selain dataran rendah, terdapat morfologi perbukitan dan pegunungan dengan elevasi 50 sampai lebih dari 1000 mdpl dengan kemiringan lereng bervariatif antara 2-140%. Untuk persebaran daerah potensi banjir, didapatkan hasil bahwa dari 30 kecamatan yang ada di Kabupaten Karawang, hanya dua kecamatan yang tidak berpotensi banjir, yakni kecamatan Ciampel dan Kota Baru. Secara kuantitatif, potensi kejadian banjir yang terjadi di Kabupaten Karawang pada Mei 2019 sebesar 36 potensi kejadian dengan jumlah terbanyak terdapat pada minggu ketiga sebesar 11 potensi kejadian

Flood is a disaster which occurs almost every year in some of Indonesian regions, one of them is Karawang Regency. Remote Sensing Analysis is important to know the distribution of areas that have the potential to flood by paying attention to geomorphological aspects because it is more efficient, inexpensive, and has a wide range. Based on the topography and morphology, Karawang regency is mostly a relatively low plain with a height variation between 0-5 meters above sea level, consisting of plains, hills, and mountains with the dominant slope of 0-2%. The method used is a remote sensing method using Himawari-8 satellite data which will be combined with other data such as flood index data from BNPB and administrative data from BIG. After that, the data is processed using ArcGIS 10.4 software which includes making flood potential maps and geomorphological maps. The analysis shows that the study area has a dominant morphology in the form of lowlands with a slope of 0-2% which reaches approximately 75%. In addition to the lowlands, there is morphology of hills and mountains with elevations of 50 to more than 1000 masl with slope vary between 2-140%. For the distribution of potential flooding areas, the results obtained are that from 30 sub-districts in the Karawang regency, only two sub-districts have no potential for flooding, such as Ciampel and Kota Baru sub-districts. Quantitatively, the potential for floods that occurred in Karawang Regency in May 2019 was 36 potential floods with the most number being in the third week of 11 potential floods"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panji Nurul Achmadi
"Perkembangan fisik suatu kota merupakan hasil dari pertumbuhan penduduk dan segala aktivitas di wilayah perkotaan yang dicirikan dengan adanya perubahan penggunaan lahan dalam skala yang luas didorong oleh pembangunan infrastruktur dan perkembangan sosial ekonomi yang memiliki dampak negatif terhadap keberlanjutan lingkungan. Prediksi perkembangan fisik kota di Kecamatan Slawi dan Adiwerna Kabupaten Tegal dihasilkan melalui pemodelan dengan metode Cellular Automata-Markov Chain (CA-MC) menggunakan citra satelit resolusi tinggi . Penelitian ini menggunakan data citra satelit resolusi tinggi Worldview-2 tahun 2011 dan 2021 dan Geoeye-1 tahun 2017. Variabel pendorong yang digunakan untuk memprediksi perkembangan fisik kota diantaranya yaitu jarak dari jalan arteri, jarak dari jalan kolektor, jarak dari pintu tol, jarak dari pusat kota, dan jarak dari pusat kegiatan ekonomi.. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pada periode 2021-2032, tren alih fungsi lahan pertanian ke lahan terbangun, terutama lahan perumahan diprediksi akan terus terjadi. Perkembangan fisik kota pada kecamatan dengan dua fungsi berbeda akan berpengaruh pada perbedaan proses perembetan kenampakan fisik kota yang terjadi. Perkembangan fisik kota di Kecamatan Slawi cenderung mendekati pusat kota dengan arah perubahan penggunaan lahan perumahan dengan proses perembetan kenampakan fisik kota yang liner atau memanjang mengikuti jalan kolektor. Sedangkan perkembangan fisik kota di Kecamatan Adiwerna berupa perkembangan industri, perdagangan dan jasa dimana terjadi perembetan secara meloncat (leap frog). Hasil kesesuaian prediksi perkembangan fisik kota dengan Pola Ruang, terdapat prediksi penggunaan lahan yang tidak sesuai peruntukan kawasan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan acuan dalam penyusunan RDTR Kecamatan Slawi dan Adiwerna yang membutuhkan peta detail skala 1 : 10.000 sebagai skala minimal dalam penyusunan RDTR.

The physical development of a city is the result of population growth and all activities in urban areas characterized by extensive changes in land use driven by infrastructure development and socio-economic growth, which have negative impacts on environmental sustainability. The prediction of the physical development of the cities in Slawi and Adiwerna sub-districts in Tegal Regency is achieved through modeling using the Cellular Automata-Markov Chain (CA-MC) method, utilizing high-resolution satellite imagery. This research utilizes high-resolution satellite imagery, such as Worldview-2 from 2011 and 2021, and Geoeye-1 from 2017. The driving variables used to predict the city's physical development include distance from arterial roads, distance from collector roads, distance from toll gates, distance from the city center, and distance from economic activity centers. The results of the study show that during the period 2021-2032, the trend of converting agricultural land to built-up areas, especially residential areas, is predicted to continue. The physical development of the city in sub-districts with different functions will affect the differences in the process of physical appearance propagation that occurs. The physical development of the city in Slawi sub-district tends to approach the city center, with changes in land use mainly focused on residential areas and the propagation process following collector roads. On the other hand, the physical development of the city in Adiwerna sub-district involves the development of industries, trade and services, with leap-frogging propagation.The results of the prediction of the city's physical development compared to the Spatial Pattern show instances of land use prediction that do not match the designated zones. These research findings can be used as references in the formulation of Spatial Plans for Slawi and Adiwerna sub-districts, requiring detailed maps at a minimum scale of 1:10,000 for the Urban Planning."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2018
551.48 SAT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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