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Hermawan Susanto
"Tesis ini menganalisis lembaga kepresidenan dalam persepektif konstitusi dan praktik, dengan mengurai pelaksanaan sistem pemerintahan presidensial sesuai konstitusi dengan praktik. Gap yang ditemukan dijadikan langkah awal dalam merekonstruksi kantor kepresidenan. Rekonstruksi dilakukan menggunakan the McKinsey 7S Framework¸ yang meliputi variabel: style, skills, systems, structure, staff, strategy, dan shared values. Penelitian mengacu pada paradigma kualitatif dan postpositivism, dimana metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi dokumen, wawancara mendalam, dan diskusi pakar. Praktik lembaga kepresidenan dalam beberapa hal tidak sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Dasar Tahun 1945. Ketidaksesuaian dapat diakibatkan oleh regulasi, sistem politik, ataupun individu Presiden. Dalam tataran individu Presiden, kelemahan praktik pelaksanaan konstitusi lebih dominan diakibatkan oleh dukungan kantor kepresidenan. Kelembagaan kantor kepresidenan sejauh ini sangat ditentukan oleh keinginan individu Presiden, sehingga efektivitas dukungan kinerja kepada Presiden juga bergantung pada keinginan Presiden. Rekonstruksi kantor kepresidenan antara lain dilakukan terhadap struktur organisasi, sumber daya manusia, business process, payung hukum pembentukannya, dan figur kepala kantornya. Rekonstruksi kantor kepresidenan memerlukan usaha yang besar seperti mengubah peraturan perundang-undangan, merombak kemapanan (status quo), dan terutama keberanian seorang Presiden dalam membuat kebijakan yang belum tentu sesuai dengan harapan para pemangku kepentingan.

This thesis examines the presidential office using the constitutional and
practical perspective by discussing the implementation of the presidential system
of government based on Constitution and how it runs on the practical basis. The
gap, which is found in the thesis, is used as an initial step in reconstructing the
presidential office. The institutional reconstruction is applied by the utilization of
the McKinsey 7S Framework¸ including style, skills, systems, structure, staff,
strategy, and shared values variables. The research refers to the post-positivism
paradigm and qualitative approach, in which the collecting data method is
conducted through the document studies, in-depth interviews, and discussion with
the experts. Presidential office, in practice, is not in accordance with the
Indonesian Constitution in some ways. This non-compliance is caused by the
regulations, political system, or the president as an individual. In terms of the
president as an individual, the shortcoming of the application of the Constitution,
regarding the presidential office, is dominantly caused by the staffs? support of the
presidential office. So far, the institution of presidential office is highly influenced by the inclination of the President as an individual. Thus, the effectiveness of the presidential office in supporting the President depends on the core concept coming from the President. The presidential office reconstruction is applied to its organizational structure, human resources, business process, and figure of a chief of staff. The presidential office reconstruction requires several considerable efforts, including changing existing laws, changing existing social structure and values (status quo), and more importantly the courage of the President in making policies that do not necessarily correspond to the expectations of stakeholders."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mayang Devi Azhara
"Kewenangan Presiden dalam hal menetapkan suatu Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang (Perppu) merupakan haknya dalam kekuasaan legislasi. Kewenangan tersebut diberikan secara langsung oleh Konstitusi dalam hal terjadi keadaan genting yang memaksa. Adanya kewenangan tersebut ditakutkan melampaui kewenangan Lembaga Legislatif sebagai lembaga utama yang memiliki kekuasaan legislasi. Mengenai hal tersebut, diperlukan suatu batasan bagi Presiden dalam hal menetapkan sebuah Perppu. Limitasi tersebut dapat berupa materi muatan dengan disandarkan pada 3 syarat parameter kegentingan yang memaksa dalam Putusan MK Nomor 138/PUU-VII/2009, yaitu: adanya keadaan hukum mendesak; kekosongan hukum; dan proses legislasi biasa memakan waktu yang lama. Dengan demikian, diperlukan suatu perubahan dalam Konstitusi ataupun Undang-Undang yang mengatur mengenai kewenangan tersebut. Tulisan ini bersifat evaluatif yang menilai pengaturan mengenai kewenangan Presiden dalam menetapkan Perppu dengan melakukan perbandingan pengaturan mengenai Constitutional Decree Authority dengan beberapa negara, yakni Brazil, Argentina, Ekuador, Filipina, dan Turki.

The President's authority in determining a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) is his right in the legislative power. This authority is granted directly by the Constitution in the event of a compelling emergency. The existence of such authority is feared to exceed the authority of the Legislative Institution as the main institution that has legislative power. Regarding this, a limit is needed for the President in terms of enacting a Perppu. The limitation can be in the form of the content of the Perppu based on the 3 conditions of the compelling urgency parameter in the Constitutional Court Decision Number 138/PUU-VII/2009, namely: urgent legal situation; legal vacuum; and the usual legislative process takes a long time. Thus, it is necessary to make a change in the Constitution or the Law that regulates this authority. This paper is evaluative the regulation regarding the President's authority in stipulating a Perppu by comparing the regulations regarding the Constitutional Decree Authority with Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, the Philippines, and Turkey.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulia Kusuma
Skripsi ini mencoba membahas pengaruh hubungan Raja-militer di
Thailand terhadap Konstitusi 2007. Untuk menjelaskan pengaruh Raja-militer,
digunakan teori militer, elit, peran Raja dan konstitusi. Metode penelitian yang
dipakai adalah kualitatif dengan teknik studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian
menunjukan bahwa hubungan Raja-militer di Thailand memiliki pengaruh
terhadap Konstitusi 2007. Hubungan Raja-militer bisa dilihat dari pasal-pasal
yang ada dan saat proses penyusunan draft Konstitusi 2007. Kesimpulannya,
Konstitusi 2007 bukanlah konstitusi yang demokratis melainkan suatu konstitusi
yang hanya menguntungkan beberapa pihak saja yaitu Raja dan militer.

The thesis discussed the influence of King-Military relations in Thailand
to the Constitution of 2007. The theory of military, elite as well as role of King
and Constitution are applied in order to further explain the influence of the King-
Military. The research methodology is qualitative through literature study. The
research presented that the relations between King and Military in Thailand has
given influence to the Constitution of 2007. The relations itself was reflected
through the existing articles and the establishment process of the Draft
Constitution 2007. As a conclusion, the constitution of 2007 is understood as a
non democratic constitution which will only give advantage to several parties :
King and the Military."
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siahaan, Maruarar
Jakarta: Mahkamah Konstitusi, 2008
342.02 SIA u
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Komisi III DPR RI tengah menuntaskan revisi UU MK . Pertimbangan pokok yang mendasari revisi ini karena ada kecurigaan yang makin berkembang di kalangan ahli hukum bahwa MK tidak dapat sepenuhnya menyelesaikan persoalan ketatanegaraan Indonesia...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesia tengah terus mewujudkan konsolidasi demokratik dan dalam keseluruhan prosesw dimaksud ,bisa terjadi ketidakpuasan,ketidakpastiandan ketidakjelasan serta terus menerus ada pertanyaan yang mempersoalkan,kemana ujung dari seluruh proses transisi akan bermuara? ...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"As a government souvrenities of the people base to the law and to handle the state government base on constitution, therefore the management of state finance system should be appropriate with main regulation which stated in constitution 1945. The government budget and expenses (APBN), also the local government budget and expenses (APBD) to be fixed each year by the law including taxes and others charge with forced for the government needs also sort and price money area stated by the law. The President as an authority holder state management finance, delegates to the Ministers/Institution leaders, governors, Regents or Mayors and Head of certain organization unit leaders for arranging and fixing also responsibility in management of APBN anf APBD. In order to support good government realization in management of government state finance it's need to do profesionalism, open up and responsibility due to constitution 1945 in general principle namely: Accountability for the result oriented , Profesionalsm, Prpporsionalsm, Open up and controling . Relationship between Central government and Local government and Local government, that is central government to feel an obligation to local government for allocation funds sharing with proprosionality base on law and others regulation."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raindi Andreas
"Skripsi ini menyajikan hasil penelitian atau kajian mengenai Analisis Penerapan Pasal 12 ayat (4) juncto Pasal 71 KUHP dalam studi kasus Robert Tantular. Masalah yang dijadikan obyek penelitian dalam skripsi ini berkaitan dengan 3 (tiga) masalah pokok, yakni : pertama, bagaimana pemaknaan tentang Gabungan Tindak Pidana/Concursus/Samenloop dalam Pengaturan Hukum Pidana di Indonesia ; kedua, bagaimana kaitan Pasal 71 KUHP tentang Delik Tertinggal dengan ketentuan maksimum total pidana penjara, terkhususnya Pidana penjara sementara waktu sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 12 ayat (4) KUHP ; ketiga, Bagaimana ketepatan Penerapan 2 Pasal tersebut dalam perkara-perkara di Indonesia, terkhususnya perkara Robert Tantular. Penelitian ini berbentuk yuridis-normatif, dengan tipe deskriptif-analitis. Simpulan yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa banyak penegak hukum di Indonesia tidak memahami penerapan 2 Pasal tersebut dan cenderung mengabaikan ketentuan pada Pasal 12 ayat (4) dan Pasal 71 KUH Pidana pada beberapa Perkara di Indonesia. Seperti yang terjadi pada perkara yang dihadapi oleh Robert Tantular yang menghadapi 4 proses ajudikasi/persidangan, dimana total pidana yang dijatuhkan terhadap dirinya berjumlah 21 tahun, dimana total vonis ini telah melampaui batas maksimum pidana penjara selama waktu tertentu, yakni 20 tahun. Sehingga kesalahan Penegak Hukum dalam menerapkan 2 Pasal tersebut, mengakibatkan ketidak pastian dalam penjatuhan total vonis pidana bagi Robert Tantular karena telah bertentangan dengan ketentuan jumlah maksimum pidana penjara selama waktu tertentu, yakni telah melampaui 20 tahun dan juga telah bertentangan dengan penerapan Pasal-Pasal tentang Gabungan Tindak Pidana.

This thesis presents the results of research or studies regarding the Analysis of the Application of Article 12 paragraph (4) in conjunction with Article 71 of the Criminal Code in the Robert Tantular case study. The problem which is used as the object of research in this thesis is related to 3 (three) main problems, namely: first, how is the meaning of Combined Crime / Conc discourse / Samenloop in Criminal Law Arrangements in Indonesia; secondly, how does Article 71 of the Criminal Code on Delicacy Offense with the maximum provision of total imprisonment, especially temporary imprisonment as regulated in Article 12 paragraph (4) of the Criminal Code; third, how is the accuracy of the application of these 2 articles in cases in Indonesia, especially in the case of Robert Tantular. This research is in the form of juridical-normative, with descriptive-analytical type. The conclusion from this research is that many law enforcers in Indonesia do not understand the application of these 2 Articles and tend to ignore the provisions in Article 12 paragraph (4) and Article 71 of the Criminal Code in several cases in Indonesia. As happened in the case faced by Robert Tantular, who faced 4 adjudication / trial processes, where the total number of crimes imposed against him was 21 years, where the total sentence has exceeded the maximum imprisonment limit for a certain time, namely 20 years. So that the Law Enforcement's mistake in applying the 2 Articles, resulted in uncertainty in the imposition of the total criminal sentence for Robert Tantular because it had contradicted the maximum number of imprisonment provisions for a certain period of time, which had exceeded 20 years and was also contrary to the application of the Articles on Combination. Criminal act."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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