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Ni Made Rika Trismayanti
"Latar Belakang: Kebocoran anastomosis adalah komplikasi yang dapat terjadi pasca dilakukannya reduksi manual, reseksi dan anastomosis end-to-end pada kasus intususepsi. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kebocoran anastomosis antara lain teknik operator, kondisi lokal usus, kondisi umum pasien dan grading kolagen yang terbentuk pada proses penyembuhan luka.
Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh perubahan grading kolagen usus pasca reseksi anastomosis terhadap kebocoran pada kasus intususepsi.
Metode: Dua puluh satu tikus Sprague-dawley dilakukan laparatomi untuk dibuat model intususepsi (IN). Setelah 45 menit dilakukan destrangulasi selama 10 menit, dinilai adanya nekrosis dan dilanjutkan reseksi anastomosis. Tikus dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok, kelompok A : reseksi anastomosis pada batas usus yang nekrosis, kelompok B : reseksi anastomosis pada batas usus yang mengalami trombosis pembuluh darah mesenteriumnya, dan kelompok C : reseksi anastomosis pada batas usus yang sehat. Sampel usus yang direseksi diperiksa secara Histopatologi untuk menilai grading kolagen. Setelah 5 hari dilakukan laparatomi ulang, dinilai secara subjektif ada tidaknya kebocoran anastomosis, lalu diambil sampel segmen anastomosis usus untuk dinilai kembali grading kolagennya. Diharapkan jika terjadi kenaikan grading kolagen, anastomosis akan paten, sebaliknya jika terjadi penurunan akan terjadi perforasi.
Hasil: Kelompok A: grading kolagen menurun dengan perforasi 6 (85,7%), grading kolagen tetap tanpa perforasi 1 (14,2%). Kelompok B: grading kolagen menurun dengan perforasi 2 (28,6%), tetap dengan perforasi 1 (14,3%), meningkat tanpa perforasi 4 (42,9%). Kelompok C: grading kolagen meningkat tanpa perforasi 5 (71,4%), menetap tanpa perforasi 2 (28,6%).
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perubahan grading kolagen pasca reseksi anastomosis usus yang mempengaruhi tingkat kebocoran anastomosis pada kasus intususepsi.

Background: Anastomosis leakage is a common complication following manual reduction, resection and end-to-end anastomosis in treating intussusceptions. Factors influencing the anastomosis leakage such as surgeon?s technique, local bowel condition, systemic condition of patients and the concentration of collagen in the bowel tissue during the anastomosis healing.
Aim: To study the effect of collagen concentration changes after resection and anastomosis procedure, in relation to the anastomosis leakages in intussusceptions case.
Methods: 21 Sprague-dawley rats were performed laparotomy to create the intussusception model (IN). The IN models were applied for 45 minute, after the bowel considered necrotic, destrangulation were performed for 10 minutes continued with resection and anastomosis on 3 group of resection margin: A on necrotic margin of bowel, B: on the thrombotic mesenterium vessel margin, C: on normal bowel margin. Resected bowels were sent for histopathology examination of collagen concentrations. After 5 days, another laparotomy was performed and the anastomosis leakages were subjectively assessed. The anastomosed segments were sampled for collagen concentration and grade.
Results: In study group A the collagen grading were found to be decreased with 6 leakages occurred (85.7%) and 1 subject (14.2%) with stable collagen grading and no leakages. From group B, subjects with decreased collagen and leakages were 2 (28.6%), and 1 subjects (14.3%) were stable in grading with leakages, and 4 subjects (42.9%) with increased collagen without leakages. In Group C, 5 rats (71.4%) had increased collagens without leakages, and 2 rats were at stable collagen grade without leakages.
Conclusion: There were collagen grade changes in bowel anastomosis that affect the extent of leakages in intussusceptions case.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Pratama Arnofyan
Latar Belakang : Angka kejadian reseksi anastomosis pada kasus intususepsi
masih sangat tinggi. Hal ini dikarenakan masih seringnya pasien datang terlambat
setelah 72 jam, kurangnya SDM untuk melakukan reduksi non operatif, dan
kurangnya penunjang seperti USG untuk menegakkan diagnosa. Penting untuk
memperhatikan presisi, tehnik dan mempertimbangkan usus yang tersisa dalam
melakukan reseksi anastomosis. Hingga saat ini belum ada standar operasi khusus
yang dapat menjadi panduan bagi para dokter bedah dalam melakukan reseksi
akibat intususepsi. Karena itu, peneliti tertarik untuk mencari batas reseksi yang
diperlukan untuk menghasilkan suatu anastomosis end-to-end yang optimal dan
rendah tingkat kebocorannya. Penelitian akan dilakukan kepada tikus sebagai pilot
study sebelum dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut.
Tujuan : Mengetahui batas reseksi usus yang optimal dinilai dari kebocoran
anastomosis berdasarkan grading kolagen pada batas reseksi tersebut.
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan hewan coba
tikus putih Sprague Dawley. Tikus putih dilakukan intususepsi dengan
menggunakan stylet, dari proksimal ke distal. Setelah 45 menit, intususepsi di
reduksi.Tikus putih dikelompokkan dalam tiga kelompok sesuai batas reseksi
anastomosis, yang kemudian batas reseksi ini dilakukan pemeriksaan grading
kolagen. Setelah 5 hari, dilakukan laparotomi untuk menilai kebocoran
Hasil : Pada perbandingan grading kolagen dengan reseksi usus didapatkan
grading terbanyak pada batas 1 adalah grading 2 (57,1 %), pada batas 2 grading 2
(71,4 %) ,batas 3 grading 3 (71,4%).Perforasi terbanyak ditemukan pada grading
2 sebanyak 5 sampel. Pada perbandingan batas reseksi dengan perforasi
didapatkan perforasi terbanyak pada batas 1 (85,7 %)
Simpulan : Terdapat perbedaaan grading kolagen pada batas reseksi usus dimana
batas kelompok batas 3 memiliki grading kolagen yang lebih baik ( grade 3 dan 4)
sehingga kelompok batas 3 lebih direkomendasikan secara histopatologis.
Grading kolagen dapat dinilai untuk melihat kemungkinan perforasi hasil
anastomosis. Terdapat faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kejadian perforasi selain grading kolagen. ;Background ABSTRACT
There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading. ;Background : There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading. ;Background : There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading. ;Background : There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading. "
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Pratama Arnofyan
"Latar Belakang : Angka kejadian reseksi anastomosis pada kasus intususepsi
masih sangat tinggi. Hal ini dikarenakan masih seringnya pasien datang terlambat
setelah 72 jam, kurangnya SDM untuk melakukan reduksi non operatif, dan
kurangnya penunjang seperti USG untuk menegakkan diagnosa. Penting untuk
memperhatikan presisi, tehnik dan mempertimbangkan usus yang tersisa dalam
melakukan reseksi anastomosis. Hingga saat ini belum ada standar operasi khusus
yang dapat menjadi panduan bagi para dokter bedah dalam melakukan reseksi
akibat intususepsi. Karena itu, peneliti tertarik untuk mencari batas reseksi yang
diperlukan untuk menghasilkan suatu anastomosis end-to-end yang optimal dan
rendah tingkat kebocorannya. Penelitian akan dilakukan kepada tikus sebagai pilot
study sebelum dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut.
Tujuan : Mengetahui batas reseksi usus yang optimal dinilai dari kebocoran
anastomosis berdasarkan grading kolagen pada batas reseksi tersebut.
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan hewan coba
tikus putih Sprague Dawley. Tikus putih dilakukan intususepsi dengan
menggunakan stylet, dari proksimal ke distal. Setelah 45 menit, intususepsi di
reduksi.Tikus putih dikelompokkan dalam tiga kelompok sesuai batas reseksi
anastomosis, yang kemudian batas reseksi ini dilakukan pemeriksaan grading
kolagen. Setelah 5 hari, dilakukan laparotomi untuk menilai kebocoran
Hasil : Pada perbandingan grading kolagen dengan reseksi usus didapatkan
grading terbanyak pada batas 1 adalah grading 2 (57,1 %), pada batas 2 grading 2
(71,4 %) ,batas 3 grading 3 (71,4%).Perforasi terbanyak ditemukan pada grading
2 sebanyak 5 sampel. Pada perbandingan batas reseksi dengan perforasi
didapatkan perforasi terbanyak pada batas 1 (85,7 %)
Simpulan : Terdapat perbedaaan grading kolagen pada batas reseksi usus dimana
batas kelompok batas 3 memiliki grading kolagen yang lebih baik ( grade 3 dan 4)
sehingga kelompok batas 3 lebih direkomendasikan secara histopatologis.
Grading kolagen dapat dinilai untuk melihat kemungkinan perforasi hasil
anastomosis. Terdapat faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kejadian
perforasi selain grading kolagen.

Background : There is still high presentation of intussuseption cases with resection and
anastomose, caused of multi factors as : patient delay more than 72 hours, less on
profesional expert to do non operative reduction and less of examination such as ultra
sound to make a diagnose. That is important to take attention with pretition, tehniques
and less of intestine when do the resection. There is still no operative standard about the
boundary of resection cause of intussuseption, thats why the author want to do the
experimental to find the optimal part of resection with minimal leakage. The experimental
will do on rat as a pilot study.
Aim : How to get the optimal part of resection compared with anastomotic leakege based
on collagen grading.
Method : The experimental test using a Sprague Dawley rat. We make a intussuseption
on gut rat using a styleth from proximal to distal. The release do after 45 minutes. The
rats then separated into three boundaries group, and did resection-anastomose with each
gut from groups were performed a histopatologic test to count collagen grading. Leakage
of anastomose were examinated after 5 days
Result : In comparison between collagen grading and the extent of resection
obtained the highest grading in group 1 is grade 2 (57,1%), group 2 is grade 2
(71,4%), group 3 (71,4%). The highest Leakage can be found on grade 2 (5
sample).in comparison the extent of resection and leakage,the highest is group 1
Summary : There are differences about collagen gradingin the extent of bowel
resection which is the third group of resection has higher collagen grading (3 and
4 ) and then more recommended as histopatologic exam. Collagen grading could
be marked to see possibilities of anastomotic leakage. There is some factors that
affect a leakage besides collagen grading.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wita Sukmara
"Pendahuluan. Kebocoran anastomosis merupakan komplikasi yang berat berhubungan dengan peningkatan morbiditas, dan mempengaruhi lama rawat di rumah sakit. Banyak peneliti yang telah meneliti faktor resiko terjadinya kebocoran usus, diantaranya sepsis, malnutrisi, ketegangan garis anastomosis, gangguan perfusi jaringan, obstruksi distal, dll. Usus adalah organ yang rentan terhadap cedera, cedera pada usus dapat menyebabkan edema, ileus, dan kegagalan mekanisme pertahanan usus. Kondisi ini dapat ditemukan pada gastroshizis, invaginasi, strangulasi, penyakit radang usus dan sirosis. Pemberian cairan berlebih dapat menyebabkan edema, peningkatan tekanan intra abdomen, menurunkan aliran darah mesenterik, berpengaruh terhadap penyembuhan dan meningkatkan kebocoran anastomosis. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh edema terhadap anastomosis usus. Metode. Studi eksperimental pada tikus Sprague–Dawley untuk mengetahui pengaruh edema dan pemberian cairan yang berlebihan terhadap anastomosis usus. Hasil. Tidak terdapat perbedaan antara edema usus dan pemberian cairan berlebihan dengan peningkatan kebocoran anastomosis (p=0,178)  Kesimpulan. Edema usus tidak ada hubungan dengan kebocoran anastomosis.

Introduction. Anastomotic leak is a severe complication associated with increased morbidity, and affects hospital stay. Many researchers have examined risk factors for intestinal leakage, including sepsis, malnutrition, anastomotic line tension, impaired tissue perfusion, distal obstruction, etc. The intestine is an organ that is prone to injury, injury to the intestine can cause edema, ileus, and failure of the intestinal defense mechanism. This condition can be found in gastroshizis, invagination, strangulation, inflammatory bowel disease and cirrhosis. Excessive fluid can cause edema, increase intra-abdominal pressure, decrease mesenteric blood flow, affect healing and increase anastomotic leakage. This study is to investigate intestinal edema on anastomosis. Method. This is an experimental study using Sprague-Dawley to determine the effect of edema and excessive fluid administration on intestinal anastomosis Results. There was no difference between intestinal edema and excessive fluid administration with increased anastomotic leak (p = 0.178). Conclusion. Intestinal edema is not associated with anastomotic leakage."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amir Juliansyah
"Intususepsi merupakan penyebab paling sering obstruksi usus pada bayi dan anak. Di beberapa negara berkembang, banyak anak dengan intususepsi datang terlambat untuk terapi definitif dan tindakan pembedahan masih rutin dilakukan. Pada penelitian ini menentukan durasi klinis sebagai predictor reseksi usus pada intususepsi. Analisis dilakukan pada 73 subjek dengan intususepsi yang ditangani dari bulan Juli 2008 ndash; Desember 2015 di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo. Didapatkan tujuh puluh tiga bayi dan anak dengan intususepsi. Median usia sebesar 7 bulan dengan rentang 3 ndash; 48 bulan. Median durasi klinis sekitar 81 jam dengan rentang 15-256 jam. Durasi klinis mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan reseksi usus p 0,004. Area under curve AUC sebesar 73.7 dengan nilai p 0,001. Titik potong durasi klinis sebagai batas apakah diperlukan reseksi usus atau tidak sebesar 78,5 jam dengan sensitifitas 67,9 dan spesifisitas 71.1. Pada penelitian ini kami mencoba untuk menurunkan tindakan pembedahan di rumah sakit kami dengan mendapatkan titik potong durasi klinis terhadap reseksi usus sebesar 78,5 jam yang merupakan prediktor signifikan yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan strategi tatalaksana dan sebagai panduan tenaga medis untuk lebih mempercepat penegakan diagnosis sehingga tatalaksana non-operatif dapat dilakukan.

Intussusception is the commonest cause of bowel obstruction in infancy and childhood. In some developing countries, many children with intussusception are reported to present late for definitive therapy and operative treatment is still routinely performed for intussusceptions. This study determines the clinical duration as a predictor of bowel resection in intussusception. Comparative analysis of 73 consecutive children with intussusception managed from January 2008 to December 2015 at Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital was done. Seventy three infants and children with intussusception were identified. Median age was 7 months range 3 to 48 months. The median time from onset to definitive treatment was 81 hours range 15 hours to 256 hours. Clinical duration was significantly associated with the need for intestinal resection p 0.004. Area under curve AUC was 73.7 p 0.001. Cut off point clinical duration as prediction border needed or not bowel resection was 78.5 hours with sensitivity 67.9 and specificity 71.1. In this study, we try to decreasing regular surgical treatment in our hospital with find cut off point clinical duration and bowel resection is 78.5 hours, a significant predictor which can be used to determine treatment strategy for intussusception and as guidance healthcare provider to enhanced establishment diagnosis intussusception in order to can use as much as nonoperative management.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maury Wijaya
"Latar belakang : Tindakan diversi fekal sclama kurun waktu tertentu dapat menyebabkan hilangnya kekuatan dan kontraktilitas otot polos usus scrta atrofi villi mukosa usus segmen distal, yang secara makroskopis tampak scbagai perbedaan diameter
antara puntung proksimal dengan puntung distal.
Akhirnya, stoma tidak dapat dianastomosis langsung namun memerlukan prosedur Santulli terlebih dahulu, kemudian
penutupan stoma. Untuk mencegah morbiditas ini, anastomosis stoma harus sudah dilakukan sebelum puntung distal mengecil.
Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui rentang waktu rata-rata antara diversi fekal dan anastomosis secara langsung, antara diversi fekal dan prosedur Santulli, scrta antara prosedur Santulli dan penutupan Santulli.
Subyek & Cara Kerja : Subyek dari studi Kohort retrospektif ini adalah scmua pasien atresia ani dengan data rekam medis yang lengkap, yang telah dilakukan diversi fekal pada usia < 13 tahun dan sudah menjalani operasi PSARP, yang dirawat untuk dilakukan
operasi penutupan stoma di RSUPN-CM, antara bulan Juni 2006 dan bulan Pebruari 2010.
Hasil : Didapatkan 50 pasien, terdiri dari 25 laki-laki (8 anastomosis langsung; 17
Santulli) dan 25 perempuan (21 anastomosis langsung, 4 Santulli). Jenis atresia ani
dengan : fistel rektovestibuler (36%); fistel rektouretra (24%); tanpa fistel (18%); fistel
rektoperineal (10%); fistel rektovesika dan anus anterior (masing-masing 4%); scrta fistel
rektovagina dan kloaka (masing-masing 2%). Rentang waktu antara diversi fekal -
anastomosis langsung : rata-rata 427 (SD 213) hari, median 358 hari; antara diversi fekal
- prosedur Santulli: median 1267 (minimum 335, maksimum 6848) hari. Hasil uji
statistik non parametrik '2-independent samples' dengan Mann Whitney nilai p < 0.05.
Rentang waktu antara prosedur Santulli - penutupan Santulli: rata-rata 245 (SD 112)
Kesimpulan : Rentang waktu rata-rata antara diversi fekal - anastomosis langsung
dengan diversi fekal - proscdur Santulli berbeda Sebaiknya operasi penutupan stoma telah dilakukan sebelum waktu minimum perbedaan diameter puntung terjadi"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Patandung, Richman
"Pendahuluan dan tujuan: Hiperplasia prostat jinak merupakan penyakit yang melemahkan yang menyebabkan 90% pria berusia 80 tahun menderita sindrom saluran kemih bagian bawah. Dalam studi ini, kami mencoba untuk mengevaluasi hasil dari reseksi transurethral prostat pada pasien hiperplasia prostat jinak untuk menguraikan manfaatnya.
Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan secara retrospektif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien yang didiagnosis BPH. Pasien dibagi menjadi dua kelompok (<80gr dan> 80gr). Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan Independent T-Test dan Mann-Whitney.
Hasil: Kami tidak menemukan perbedaan yang signifikan pada skor IPSS dan QoL pada kedua kelompok. Skor IPSS dan kualitas hidup pasca operasi juga menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pasien kelompok 1 dan 2.
Kesimpulan: Kami menemukan bahwa volume prostat tidak berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup pasien, yang diilustrasikan oleh indeks IPSS dan QoL setelah TURP. Selain itu, TURP dapat dilakukan pada semua pasien terlepas dari ukuran prostatnya. Lebih lanjut, TURP memiliki keuntungan komplikasi yang lebih rendah untuk pasien dengan ukuran prostat> 80 gr.

Introduction and objectives: Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a debilitating disease which causes 90% of 80 years old male suffers from lower urinary tract syndrome. In this study, we tried to evaluate the outcome of transurethral resection of the prostate in benign prostatic hyperplasia patients to elaborate its benefit.
Methods: This study is conducted retrospectively. Subject in this study are patients who are diagnosed with BPH. Patients is divided into two groups (<80gr and >80gr). Data obtained in this study is statistically analyzed using Independent T-Test and Mann-Whitney.
Results: We found no significant differences in the IPSS and QoL score in both groups. Postoperative IPSS and QoL score also showed no significant differences between group 1 and 2 patients.
Conclusion: We found that prostate volume is not correlated with patient quality of life, which illustrated by IPSS and QoL index after TURP. In addition, TURP can be conducted in any patients regardless of their prostate size. Furthermore, TURP has the advantage of lower complication for patients with prostate size >80 gr.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat efek temperatur cairan irigasi terhadap perubahan temperatur inti badan selama prosedur Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP). Suatu uji klinis acak terkontrol dilakukan terhadap 32 penderita pembesaran prostat jinak (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia = BPH) yang menjalani prosedur TURP di RSUPNCM Jakarta, antara bulan September 2003 dan Januari 2004. Secara acak berselang-seling, penderita penelitian dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok standar (menggunakan cairan irigasi setara temperatur kamar + 23.60C) dan kelompok isotermik (menggunakan cairan irigasi yang dihangatkan sampai setara dengan temperatur badan + 37.20C). Jenis cairan irigasi yang digunakan oleh kedua kelompok adalah aquabidest. Kemudian dilakukan pencatatan terhadap usia penderita, lama reseksi, berat jaringan prostat yang direseksi, volume total cairan irigasi yang digunakan, temperatur kamar operasi serta temperatur inti badan sebelum dan sesudah prosedur TURP. Uji hipotesis untuk kedua kelompok menggunakan uji t, dengan nilai p < 0,05 dianggap bermakna. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat penurunan temperatur inti badan selama prosedur TURP, baik pada kelompok standar maupun pada kelompok isotermik (keduanya p = 0,000), tetapi tidak satupun penderita dari kedua kelompok tersebut yang masuk dalam kriteria hipotermi. Rerata penurunan temperatur inti badan pada kelompok standar (0,990C) lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kelompok isotermik (0,750C), tetapi secara statistik tidak berbeda bermakna (p > 0,05). Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan cairan irigasi selama prosedur TURP baik dengan temperatur yang setara dengan temperatur badan maupun yang setara dengan temperatur kamar, sama-sama menyebabkan penurunan temperatur inti badan pada tingkat yang kurang lebih sama. (Med J Indones 2005; 14: 152-6)

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of irrigating fluid temperature on core body temperature changes in patients undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). A cross sectional study was conducted on 32 patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) who underwent TURP at our institution between September 2003 and January 2004. Patients were randomized to one of two groups. Standard group consisted of 16 patients who received room temperature irrigating fluid (± 23.6 0C) throughout TURP. Isothermic group consisted of 16 patients whose procedure was performed using warmed irrigating fluid (± 37.2 0C). The irrigating fluid used for both groups was aquabidest. The age, resection time, weight of resected prostate, amount of irrigating fluid used, temperature in the operating theatre, core body temperature at beginning and at conclusion of TURP were recorded for each patient. The t test was used for comparison between both groups and a p value of 0.05 or less was considered significant. The result of this study showed a decrease of core body temperature during TURP, using either room temperature or warmed irrigating fluid (both p = 0.000). None of the patients in either group demonstrated any criteria of hypothermia. The average decrease of core body temperature in standard group (0.99 0C) was greater than in isothermic group (0.75 0C), but it was not significantly different (p > 0.05). In conclusion, our study revealed that using either room temperature irrigating fluid or warmed irrigating fluid during TURP could decrease core body temperature at approximately similar level, with no incidence of hypothermia. (Med J Indones 2005; 14: 152-6)"
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 14 (3) July September 2005: 152-156, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kshetra Rinaldhy
"Komplikasi kebocoran anastomosis dan panjangnya reseksi usus non vital pada kasus intususepsi masih menjadi permasalahan.
Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh NaCl 0.9 dan papaverin terhadap derajat kolagen serta kejadian komplikasi kebocoran anastomosis usus yang mengalami intususepsi pada model tikus putih.
Metode: Dilakukan laparotomi pada 21 tikus Sprague-dawley untuk membuat model intususepsi. Setelah 45 menit, dilakukan relaparotomi dan reduksi manual intususepsi. Tikus dibagi 3 kelompok secara random: kelompok A tanpa perlakuan, kelompok B aplikasi NaCl 0,9 hangat, kelompok C aplikasi papaverin di daerah usus yang mengalami strangulasi. Kemudian dilakukan reseksi dan anastomosis pada zona usus yang votalitasnya meragukan. Setelah hari ke-5 dilakukan laparatomi ulang, dinilai secara subjektif ada tidaknya kebocoran anastomosis, dan diambil sampel untuk dinilai grade kolagennya secara mikroskopik dengan parameter Philips.
Hasil: Kadar kolagen tertinggi pada kelompok C dan tidak ada kebocoran anastomosis pada kelompok ini. Lima ekor tikus dengan kolagen terendah pada kelompok A dan B, seluruhnya mengalami perforasi. Tikus dengan kolagen grade 3 dan 4 tidak ada yang mengalami perforasi. Perlakuan aplikasi NaCl 0.9 dan papaverin tidak bermakna secara statistik terhadap kejadian perforasi namun bermakna terhadap kadar kolagen.
Kesimpulan: NaCl 0.9% dan papaverin memiliki hubungan dengan tingginya derajat kolagen. Tingginya derajat kolagen berhubungan dengan rendahnya kejadian perforasi anastomosis pada model intususepsi tikus.

Background: In operative management of intussusception case, the most common complication is anastomosis leakage. Many factors influenced the anastomosis leakage and we concern the collagen factor which important in anastomosis wound healing process. We performed experimental study using topical 0.9 warm saline and papaverine at the released intussusceptum bowel.
Aim: To study the effect of topical saline and papaverin application in collagen grading and anastomosis leakage incident in rats intussusception model.
Methods: laparotomy was performed in 21 Sprague dawley rats to create the intussusception model. After the bowel considered ischemic, destrangulation with retrograde milking technique were performed. Rats were randomly divided in 3 groups A, control group B, saline group and C, papaverine group. We gave topical saline or papaverine at the mesenterium of the released intussusceptum bowel then resected and anastomosed the questionable vitality of bowel. After 5 days, the anastomosis leakage were subjectively assessed. The anastomose segment were sampled for measuring the collagen grading Phillips.
Results: Collagen grade of the group C was the highest among other groups and no anastomosis leakage in this group. There were 5 rats with collagen grade 1 and 2 in group A and B, and all 5 anastomosis site were perforated. There is no statistically relation between saline or papaverine application and the leakage events, but the application were significantly effect the collagen grading.
Conclusion: Findings suggest that saline and papaverine increase the collagen grading and the grading decrease the anastomosis leakage incidents.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Frengky Bermana
"Latar Belakang: Kebocoran anastomosis merupakan komplikasi pada pembedahan kolorektal. Banyak faktor yang memngaruhi kejadian kebocoran anastomosis namun studi terbaru peran mikrobiota menjadi salah satu pencetus kebocoran anastomosis. Kasus kebocoran anastomosis berkisar 3-18 % yang meningkat seiring berbagai faktor yang dimiliki oleh pasien. Disbiosis mikrobiota selanjutnya dapat memicu gangguan penyembuhan dan merusak kolagen pada lumen usus. Diperlukan penelitian prospektif untuk dapat menilai karakteristik kebocoran anastomosis.
Metode: Dilakukan pengambilan sampel pascaanastomosis lalu dilakukan kultur jaringan. Lendir mukosa dipisahkan dari lumen untuk mendapatkan gambaran mikrobiota pada lumen. Kejadian kebocoran diikuti 5 hari pascaanastomosis dan dinilai faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kejadian kebocoran anastomosis. Data ditampilkan dalam bentuk deskriptif tabel dan persentase.
Hasil: Terdapat satu kasus kebocoran anastomosis pada operasi lower anterior resection, usia 65 tahun, ASA III dengan komorbid hipertensi tingkat II. Didapat bakteri Escherichia coli terbanyak ditemukan selain Proteus spp dan Klebsiella spp. Bakteri ini merupakan bakteri komensal saluran cerna dan belum diketahui patogenitasnya serta hubungan dengan pemberian antibiotik preoperasi.
Kesimpulan: Belum diketahuinya strain patogen pada temuan hasil kultur. Karakteristik subjek memiliki jarak anastomosis ke anal <10 cm, ASA III, usia >65 tahun dan memiliki komorbid tidak signifikan memiliki hubungan kejadian kebocoran anastomosis.

Background: Anastomotic leak is a complication of colorectal surgery. Many factors influence the incidence of anastomotic leakage, but recent studies on the role of the microbiota are one of the triggers for anastomotic leakage. Anastomotic leak cases range from 3-18% which increases with various factors possessed by the patient. Microbiota dysbiosis can then trigger healing disorders and damage collagen in the intestinal lumen. Prospective studies are needed to assess the characteristics of anastomotic leak.
Methods: Post-anastomosis samples were taken and then tissue culture was performed. Mucous mucus is separated from the lumen to obtain an image of the microbiota in the lumen. The incidence of leakage was followed 5 days post-anastomosis and assessed the factors that influence the incidence of anastomotic leak. The data is displayed in the form of descriptive tables and percentages.
Results: There was one case of anastomotic leak during lower anterior resection surgery, age 65 years, ASA III with comorbid grade II hypertension. The most Escherichia coli bacteria were found besides Proteus spp and Klebsiella spp. These bacteria are commensal bacteria of the gastrointestinal tract and the pathogenicity and relationship with preoperative antibiotics are not known.
Conclusion: There is no known pathogenic strain in the culture findings. Characteristics of the subject had an anastomotic distance to the anal <10 cm, ASA III, age> 65 years and had no significant comorbid association with the incidence of anastomotic leak.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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