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Muhammad Adi Putra Sudiman
"Tesis ini membahas dampak ekonomi dan fiskal Pembangunan Pelabuhan Khusus Ekspor Batubara di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif menggunakan Data Tabel Input-Output Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Tahun 2011 untuk menghitung dampak ekonomi serta proyeksi sederhana untuk menghitung dampak fiskal berupa potensi peningkatan royalti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan Pelabuhan Khusus Ekspor Batubara ini memberikan dampak positif terhadap perekonomian Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, karena mampu menciptakan peningkatan output, nilai tambah bruto, pendapatan masyarakat, dan lapangan kerja yang cukup signifikan. Dampak ekonomi terhadap penciptaan output selama kurun waktu 2015-2027 sebesar Rp. 168.247,87 miliar, peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat sebesar Rp. 29.148,08 miliar, penciptaan nilai tambah bruto sebesar Rp. 119.161,15 miliar, dan penciptaan lapangan kerja sebanyak 148,77 ribu orang. Terkait dampak fiskal, keberadaan Pelabuhan Khusus Ekspor Batubara akan meningkatkan pengawasan yang berdampak pada pengurangan opportunity losses dan berdasarkan hasil simulasi, semakin besar pengurangan ekspor batubara ilegal maka akan meningkatkan potensi penerimaan PNBP dalam bentuk royalti.

This thesis discusses the impact of Coal Export Port Development to East Kalimantan Province economy. This research is quantitative descriptive design using Data Input-Output East Kalimantan Province in 2011 to measuring economic impact, and simple projection method to measuring fiscal impact. The results showed that the development of Coal Exports Port have a positive impact on the East Kalimantan Province economy, because it can create an increase in output, gross value added, public revenue, and employment significantly. The economic impact of the creation of the output amounting to Rp. 168,247.87 billion, increased public revenue amounting to Rp. 29148.08 billion, the creation of gross value added amounted to Rp. 119,161.15 billion, and job creation amounted to 148.77 thousand. Related fiscal impact, the existence of Coal Exports Port will increase supervision to reduction of opportunity losses, and based on simulation results, the greater the reduction in illegal coal exports will increase non-tax revenue potential in the form of royalties."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adanya kebijakan peningkatan nilai tambah sektor pertambangan mineral memberikan konsekuensi kepada para pelaku usaha pertambangan mineral untuk membangun smelter di dalam negeri, sehingga sektor ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi yang lebih besar terhadap penerimaan negara dan perekonomian daerah maupun nasional.
Pembangunan smelter PT. BSI di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara memberikan dampak yang sangat besar terhadap perekonomian dalam bentuk penambahan output, pendapatan, nilai tambah, dan lapangan kerja serta mendorong tumbuhnya sektor-sektor industri lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis input-output, PT. BSI pada tahapan konstruksi mampu berkontribusi terhadap total nilai output sebesar 1,03%, penambahan total pendapatan sebesar 1,08%, penambahan total nilai tambah sebesar 0,83% dan kontribusi terhadap lapangan kerja sebesar 2,26%. Sedangkan pada tahap produksi, PT. BSI diperkirakan dapat berkontribusi terhadap total nilai output sebesar 10,31% per tahun, penambahan pendapatan 37% per tahun, penambahan total nilai tambah sebesar 24% per tahun dan dapat memberikan lapangan kerja sebesar 46% per tahun. Kehadiran PT. BSI diperkirakan akan berkontribusi terhadap penerimaan dana bagi hasil ke Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara sekitar Rp. 38,350 miliar per tahun dan ke Kabupaten Konawe Selatan sekitar Rp. 76,701 miliar per tahun

Value added policy in mineral and coal mining sector has a consequence for business operators as they have an obligatory to build domestic smelting plants. This mining sector is expected to provide a greater contribution to state revenue also boost the local and national economy.
The smelter development of PT. BSI in the Province of Southeast Sulawesi gives a vast impact on the economic growth in the form of output addition, additional income, value added, job opportunity, also stimulates economic growth in other sectors. Based on the input-output analysis result, PT. BSI on the stage of construction contributes 1,03% of the total output value, 1,08% of additional total income, 0,83% of value added, and provide 2,26% job opportunities. Moreover, in the stage of production, PT. BSI is expected per year to contribute up to 10,31% of the total output value, 37% of additional total income, 24% of value added, and create 46% employment opportunities. PT. BSI estimated to contribute to the revenue sharing fund to Southeast Sulawesi Province Rp. 38,350 billion per year and to South Konawe Regency Rp. 76,701 billlion per year.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfino Rinaldi Arief
"Kawasan Industri Maloy telah ditetapkan sebagai pusat industri berbasis pertanian kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak ekonomi yang ditimbulkan dari pembangunan kawasan industri tersebut terhadap perekonomian wilayah, serta menganalisis pola investasi terbaik berdasarkan pilihan alternatif skenario. Perkiraan jumlah nilai investasi dalam kurun waktu tahun 2012-2025 adalah sebesar Rp.21.534.028.560.000,- yang terdiri dari : pembangunan infrastruktur, pengembangan industri hulu dan hilir kelapa sawit, serta pengembangan komoditas kelapa sawit. Melalui metode analisis Input-Output, diperoleh hasil bahwa dampak total yang ditimbulkan dari investasi tahun 2012-2015 terhadap perekonomian Kalimantan Timur adalah peningkatan output sebesar 5,18%, peningkatan nilai tambah bruto sebesar 4,16%, peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat sebesar 4,42%, dan peningkatan tenaga kerja sebesar 17,34%. Terhadap 3 (tiga) skenario pola investasi, juga diketahui bahwa strategi dengan terus berfokus pada pengembangan sektor (21) industri makanan dan minuman serta sektor (25) industri pupuk, kimia, dan karet merupakan strategi yang paling menguntungkan bagi perekonomian Kalimantan Timur.

Maloy Industrial Area has been designated as a center of palm oil agriculture-based industry in East Kalimantan. The aim of this study is to analyze the economic impacts from Maloy industrial area development, and to analyze the best investment pattern based on alternative scenario choices. Estimated total value of investment within 2012-2015 is Rp.21.534.028.560.000,- consist of : infrastructure development, upstream and downstream palm oil industrial development, and palm oil commodity development. Through Input-Output analysis methods, result that the total impact from investments within 2012-2015 to East Kalimantan economy are 5.18% growth in output, 4.16% growth in gross value added, 4.42% growth in household incomes, and 17.34% growth in labor. There are three scenarios in investment pattern, where to continue focusing on food and beverage industry sector and fertilizers, chemicals, and rubber industry sector development are most beneficial strategies to East Kalimantan economy.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinta Amalia
"Provinsi Sumatera Selatan merupakan daerah dengan kekayaan sumber daya alam tak terbarukan yang melimpah khususnya batubara, minyak bumi dan gas alam. Perekonomian Sumatera Selatan ditopang oleh investasi di sektor pertambangan migas sebagai sektor andalan. Sebagai non-renewable natural resources atau sumber daya alam tak terbarukan, cadangan migas terus mengalami deplesi sehingga mengharuskan Sumatera Selatan mencari sumber-sumber investasi di sektor lain sebagai penopang pertumbuhan ekonomi. Sumber daya dan cadangan batubara yang melimpah di Sumatera Selatan dapat dijadikan dasar pijakan untuk pengembangan industri pendukung, antara lain melalui pembangunan PLTU Batubara. Pembangunan PLTU batubara merupakan salah satu upaya memanfaatkan energi primer selain bahan bakar minyak. Selama ini pemenuhan kebutuhan listrik di Sumatera Selatan dirasakan masih kurang. Dengan sumber daya batubara yang cukup besar kurang lebih 11,54 Milyar ton, sudah sepatutnya potensinya diarahkan sebagai modal pembangunan dalam bentuk sumber energi.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak dari pembangunan PLTU batubara terhadap perekonomian Sumatera Selatan, mulai dari saat konstruksinya sampai dengan setelah PLTU batubara berdiri. Dengan menggunakan analisa model input-output, akan dapat diketahui efek multiplier yang terdiri dari angka pengganda output, pendapatan dan lapangan kerja. Elastisitas permintaan listrik Sumatera Selatan data tahun 1995 ? 2009 diperkirakan 1,96 yang merupakan indikator yang menunjukkan laju konsumsi listrik lebih besar dari pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dengan asumsi bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi Sumatera Selatan mencapai 6% di tahun 2023 dan kapasitas produksi listrik yang telah ada di Sumsel berkisar 724,65 MW , maka kapasitas produksi yang perlu disediakan sebesar 1.020 MW untuk mengatasi defisit listrik sampai dengan tahun 2023.
Melalui analisa model Input-Output, disimpulkan bahwa dengan adanya PLTU batubara 1.020 MW di Sumatera Selatan melalui permintaan akhir di sektor konstruksi selama 5 tahun (2009-2013), batubara dan listrik pada tahun 2013 akan dapat menstimulir pertumbuhan perekonomian Sumatera Selatan yang ditandai dengan terciptanya output di seluruh sektor perekonomian menjadi sebesar Rp. 174,3 Triliun, peningkatan total pendapatan masyarakat menjadi sebesar Rp. 24,56 Triliun dan penyerapan tenaga kerja yang meningkat sebanyak 110.954 tenaga kerja di tahun 2013. Saat PLTU mulai beroperasi tahun 2013, terjadi peningkatan nilai output di sektor batubara sebesar Rp. 2,26 Triliun, pendapatan naik Rp. 0,546 Triliun dan terciptanya lapangan kerja baru pada sektor batubara sebanyak 3.372 lapangan kerja jika dibandingkan dengan dampaknya selama PLTU batubara dibangun tahun 2009-2013. Dengan dibangunnya PLTU batubara 1.020 MW diharapkan peranan batubara ke depan sebagai penyedia energi dapat ditingkatkan sejalan dengan Peraturan Presiden No. 5 Tahun 2006 tentang Kebijakan Energi Nasional

South Sumatra Province is an area with a wealth of abundant a non-renewable natural resources, especially coal, petroleum and natural gas. South Sumatra's economy is sustained by oil and gas investment in the mining sector as the leading sectors. As a non-renewable natural resources, oil and gas reserves continue to depletion, thereby necessitating the South Sumatra to find sources of investment in other sectors as the support of economic growth. The resources and coal reserves are so abundant in South Sumatra can be used as the foundation for supporting industry development, one through the construction of coal power plant. Development of coal power plant is one of the efforts to utilize the primary energy than fuel oil. During this time, the meeting of electricity demand in South Sumatra felt still lacking. With coal resources are large enough to approximately 11.54 billion tonnes, should be directed their potential as development capital in the form of an energy source.
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of coal power plant construction to the economy of South Sumatra, from the time of construction until after the coal power plant stands. By using input-output analysis model, will be known multiplier effect which consists of multiplier output, income and employment. The elasticity of electricity demand in South Sumatra 1995 - 2009 is estimated to 1.96 which is an indicator that shows the rate of electricity consumption is greater than economic growth. Assuming that economic growth reached 6% in 2023 and electricity production capacity that has existed in South Sumatera 724.65 MW range, then the production capacity of 1020 MW should be provided to overcome the power deficit until the year 2023.
Through analysis of the Input-Output model, concluded that the 1020 MW coal power plant in South Sumatra through the final demand in the construction sector for 5 years (2009-2013), coal and electricity in 2013 will be able to stimulate economic growth in South Sumatra which is characterized by the creation of output in all sectors of the economy to Rp. 174.3 trillion, an increase in total income to Rp. 24.56 trillion and employment increased to 110,954 workers in 2013. When the plant started operating in 2013, there is increased output of coal sector amounted to Rp. 2.26 Trillion, revenue rose to Rp. 0.546 trillion and new employment in the coal sector as many as many as 3372 workers if compared with its effects during coal power plant was built during the years 2009-2013. With the construction of 1020 MW coal power plant is expected in the future role of coal as an energy provider can be increased in line with Presidential Decree No. 5 Year 2006 on National Energy Policy.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizqi Ramadhandi
"Batubara merupakan batuan sedimen yang menjadi bahan bakar fosil yang terbentuk karena endapan organik yaitu adalah sisa sisa tumbuhan yang mengalami proses pembatubaraan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di wilayah pertambangan PT. Indowana Bara Mining Coal, Lapangan X, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur memiliki potensi batubara yang sangat melimpah. Pada lokasi penelitian dilakukan pengambilan sampel singkapan disetiap titik yang telah ditentukan dengan metode pengumpulan data lapangan, Data yang digunakan dalam pemodelan batubara berupa 21 titik bor yaitu data survei, collar, geologi, dan kualitas batubara yang kemudian diinterpretasikan untuk menghasilkan model bawah permukaan dan besaran tonase sumber daya batubara, setelah itu dilanjutkan pengolahan data dengan software Surpac menggunakan metode circular dan triangular. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan batubara seam B,C,dan D pada daerah penelitian menunjukan Timur Laut – Barat Daya dengan kemiringannya rata rata adalah 5o. Ketebalan batubara pada daerah penelitian memiliki rata-rata 2,490 meter (Seam B), 2,513 meter (Seam C), dan 2,909 meter (Seam D). Perbedaan tonase batubara menggunakan metode Triangular dan Circular jika dipahami pada metode Circular memiliki tonase yang lebih besar dibandingkan metode Triangular, jika dipahami pada metode Circular, tonase terbesar berada di Seam D dengan total tonase 43.737.358,58 ton.

Coal is a sedimentary rock which is a fossil fuel formed by organic deposits, namely the remains of plants that have undergone a process of coalescence. This research was conducted in the mining area of PT. Indowana Bara Mining Coal, X Field, East Kalimantan Province has very abundant coal potential. At the research location, outcrop samples were taken at each predetermined point using the field data collection method. The data used in coal modeling was in the form of 21 drill points, namely survey data, collar, geology, and coal quality which were then interpreted to produce a subsurface model and tonnage. coal resources, after which data processing was continued with Surpac software using circular and triangular methods. Based on the results of seam B, C, and D coal modeling in the study area it shows Northeast - Southwest with an average slope of 5o. Coal thickness in the study area has an average of 2,490 meters (Seam B), 2,513 meters (Seam C), and 2,909 meters (Seam D). The difference in tonnage of coal using the Triangular and Circular methods if understood in the Circular method has a larger tonnage than the Triangular method, if understood in the Circular method, the largest tonnage is in Seam D with a total tonnage of 43,737,358.58 tons."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deana Zhafira Fatihani
"Batubara pada site Gurimbang PT Berau Coal Kecamatan Sambaliung, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur dianalisis berdasarkan pengamatan makroskopis, metode analisis petrografi organik dan analisis nilai sulfur untuk mendapatkan karakteristik dan peringkat batubaranya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pengamatan makroskopis, dapat diketahui bahwa seam K, KU, KL memiliki ciri berwarna hitam kecokelatan dengan cerat cokelat, memiliki bentuk sub-conchoidal sampai conchoidal, kekerasan moderately hard-hard, kilap kusam, banyak ditemukan jejak resin serta mineral pirit. Berdasarkan hasil analisis petrografi maseral, seluruh sampel didominasi oleh maseral vitrinite sebanyak 83.8-94.4%, maseral liptinite sebanyak 3.2%-11.2% dan maseral inertinite sebanyak 1.3%-4.2%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis petrografi mineral, seluruh sampel didominasi oleh mineral clay dengan jumlah 0.30% – 1.60% pada sampel yang berbeda. Berdasarkan analisis nilai sulfur, seam KU memiliki kandungan sulfur dengan nilai tertinggi 2.58% dan terendah 0.41% dan dapat digolongkan ke dalam batubara high sulphur, sedangkan seam KL memiliki kandungan sulfur dengan nilai tertinggi 0.4% dan terendah 0.11% dan dapat digolongkan ke dalam batubara low sulphur. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran reflektan dapat disimpulkan semua sampel yang ada termasuk ke dalam rank batubara lignit sampai dengan sub-bituminus C berdasarkan klasifikasi ASTM D 388-05. Berdasarkan perhitungan TPI dan GI, sampel terendapkan pada lingkungan pengendapan lower delta plain hingga upper delta plain dengan sublingkungan pengendapan telmatik dan limno-telmatic pada rawa gambut wet forest swamp dan fen.

Coal at the Gurimbang site of PT Berau Coal, Sambaliung District, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan was analyzed based on macroscopic observations, organic petrographic analysis methods and analysis of sulfur values to obtain the characteristics and rank of the coal. Based on the results of the macroscopic observation analysis, it can be seen that the K, KU, KL seams have a characteristic black-brown color with brown streaks, have a sub-conchoidal to conchoidal shape, moderately hard-hard hardness, dull luster, many traces of resin and pyrite minerals are found. Based on the results of maseral petrographic analysis, all samples were dominated by vitrinite maceral as much as 83.8-94.4%, liptinite as much as 3.2%-11.2% and inertinite as much as 1.3%-4.2%. Based on the results of mineral petrographic analysis, all samples were dominated by mineral clay with an amount of 0.30% - 1.60% in different samples. Based on the sulfur value analysis, seam KU has a sulfur content with the highest value of 2.58 and the lowest 0.41 and can be classified as high sulfur coal, while seam KL has a sulfur content with the highest value of 0.4 and the lowest 0.11 and can be classified as low sulfur coal. Based on the results of reflectance measurements, it can be concluded that all samples are included in the rank of lignite coal to sub-bituminous C based on ASTM D 388-05 classification. Based on TPI and GI calculations, the samples were deposited in the lower delta plain to upper delta plain depositional environments with telmatic and limno-telmatic depositional environments in wet swamp forest and fen peat swamps."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
NamaProgram StudiJudul: Jumbadi: Magister Perencanaan dan Kebijakan Publik: ldquo;Analisis Dampak Pembangunan Smelter Nikel Terhadap Perekonomian Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara rdquo; Adanya kebijakan peningkatan nilai tambah sektor pertambangan mineral memberikan konsekuensi kepada para pelaku usaha pertambangan mineral untuk membangun smelter di dalam negeri, sehingga sektor ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi yang lebih besar terhadap penerimaan negara dan perekonomian daerah maupun nasional.Pembangunan smelter PT. BSI di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara memberikan dampak yang sangat besar terhadap perekonomian dalam bentuk penambahan output, pendapatan, nilai tambah, dan lapangan kerja serta mendorong tumbuhnya sektor-sektor industri lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis input-output, PT. BSI pada tahapan konstruksi mampu berkontribusi terhadap total nilai output sebesar 1,03 , penambahan total pendapatan sebesar 1,08 , penambahan total nilai tambah sebesar 0,83 dan kontribusi terhadap lapangan kerja sebesar 2,26 . Sedangkan pada tahap produksi, PT. BSI diperkirakan dapat berkontribusi terhadap total nilai output sebesar 10,31 per tahun, penambahan pendapatan 37 per tahun, penambahan total nilai tambah sebesar 24 per tahun dan dapat memberikan lapangan kerja sebesar 46 per tahun. Kehadiran PT. BSI diperkirakan akan berkontribusi terhadap penerimaan dana bagi hasil ke Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara sekitar Rp. 38,350 miliar per tahun dan ke Kabupaten Konawe Selatan sekitar Rp. 76,701 miliar per tahun. Kata Kunci : Dampak Pembangunan Smelter, Analisis Input-Output

NamaProgram StudiJudul Jumbadi Master of Planning and Public Polcy ldquo Impact Analysis of nickel smelter development on the economy of Southeast Sulawesi Province rdquo Value added policy in mineral and coal mining sector has a consequence for business operators as they have an obligatory to build domestic smelting plants. This mining sector is expected to provide a greater contribution to state revenue also boost the local and national economy.The smelter development of PT. BSI in the Province of Southeast Sulawesi gives a vast impact on the economic growth in the form of output addition, additional income, value added, job opportunity, also stimulates economic growth in other sectors. Based on the input output analysis result, PT. BSI on the stage of construction contributes 1,03 of the total output value, 1,08 of additional total income, 0,83 of value added, and provide 2,26 job opportunities. Moreover, in the stage of production, PT. BSI is expected per year to contribute up to 10,31 of the total output value, 37 of additional total income, 24 of value added, and create 46 employment opportunities. PT. BSI estimated to contribute to the revenue sharing fund to Southeast Sulawesi Province Rp. 38,350 billion per year and to South Konawe Regency Rp. 76,701 billlion per year.. Keyword impact of smelter development, input output analysis"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herlambang Hartono
"Jakarta sebagai ibukota negara republik Indonesia memiliki predikat sebagai kota jasa dan perdagangan, Struktur ekonomi suatu wilayah sangat ditentukan oleh besarnya peranan sektor ekonomi dalam memproduksi barang dan jasa, sehingga dengan adanya sektor yang memiliki keunggulan diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi cukup besar bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pendorong bagi sektor lainnya. Mengetahui potensi perekonomian provinsi DKI Jakarta melalui analisa sektor unggulan sehingga dapat diketahuo mana sektor basis dan non basis. mana sektor yang mempunyai keunggulan lokasional dan sektor prioritasnya."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinda Rahmania
Pemerintah Indonesia dewasa ini menunjukan fokus pembangunan pada infrastruktur dengan gencarnya proyek pembangunan infrastruktur dan berbagai langkah kebijakan terkait yang diambil. Berbagai studi empiris telah menjelaskan peranan penting infrastruktur terhadap pembangunan perekonomian. Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat PUPR merupakan salah satu kementerian/lembaga K/L yang bertanggung jawab dalam penyediaan infrastruktur dan mendapatkan porsi alokasi belanja infrastruktur terbesar dalam APBN. Studi ini mencoba untuk melihat seperti apa peranan infrastruktur dalam lingkup Kementerian PUPR serta dampak yang timbul dari alokasi anggaran infrastruktur Kementerian PUPR dari APBN terhadap perekonomian nasional. Studi ini menggunakan metode analisis input-output IO dengan menggunakan data Tabel IO Konstruksi Kementerian PUPR tahun 2015. Hasil analisis menunjukan infrastruktur dalam lingkup Kementerian PUPR memiliki keterkaitan dengan sektor hulu yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sektor hilirnya. Selain itu, infrastruktur Kementerian PUPR memiliki potensi dampak ekonomi yang besar, baik terhadap penciptaan output, nilai tambah bruto NTB, pendapatan masyarakat maupun penyerapan tenaga kerja. Alokasi anggaran infrastruktur Kementerian PUPR dapat diprioritaskan di Ditjen Perumahan untuk memaksimalkan peningkatan output dan pendapatan masyarakat, di Ditjen Bina Marga untuk memaksimalkan NTB, atau di Ditjen Cipta Karya untuk memaksimalkan peningkatan tenaga kerja.

Nowadays, Indonesian government shows the focus of development on infrastructure with massive infrastructure development projects and various related policy actions that taken. Empirical studies have explained the important role of infrastructure for economic development. Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing PUPR is one of the ministries agencies responsible for the provision of infrastructure with the largest portion of infrastructure spending allocations from the state budget. This study tries to see the roles of infrastructure within the scope of the PUPR ministry as well as the impact of infrastructure budget allocation of PUPR ministry from state budget on the national economy. This study uses input output analysis method with PUPR Ministry 39s Construction input output table data of 2015. The analysis shows that infrastructure under PUPR ministries has a higher linkage with upstream sector than the downstream sector. In addition, infrastructure under PUPR ministry has a large economic impact potential, whether the creation of output, gross value added GVA, society income, or employment. Infrastructure budget allocation of PUPR ministry can be prioritized at Directorate General of Housing to maximize the increase of output and income, at Directorate General of Highways to maximize the increase of GVA, or at Directorate General of Human Settlements to maximize the increase of employment."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astriesa Adriana
Kegiatan produksi tahu menimbulkan panas dan bau dari asap dan dari air limbah
yang dihasilkan selama proses produksi. Kayu bakar yang digunakan dalam
proses produksi di industri tahu dapat mempengaruhi luas penebangan hutan
untuk permintaan kayu bakar, dengan mengasumsikan semua kayu yang
digunakan untuk keperluan produksi industri tahu di lokasi penelitian berasal dari
hutan. Kegiatan produksi di industri tahu menimbulkan dampak lingkungan dan
dampak sosial, padahal pengelola industri tahu berkewajiban menjaga lingkungan,
misalnya dengan menginternalisasi biaya eksternal dari kegiatan produksinya.
Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis dampak industri tahu pada ekonomi, sosial,
dan lingkungan di Jakarta. Analisis data berupa narasi deskriptif. Penelitian
dilakukan di wilayah Karang Tengah, dan di PIK Semanan. Hasil penelitian; 1)
Pembuangan limbah cair tahu tanpa pengolahan dapat mengganggu kehidupan
biota perairan; 2) Kegiatan di pabrik tahu menimbulkan biaya sosial yang
dikeluarkan warga yang tinggal di sekitarnya; 3) Keberadaan industri tahu
membantu penyerapan tenaga kerja pada masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitarnya;
4) Internalisasi biaya eksternal berupa biaya lingkungan mengakibatkan
penurunan pendapatan industri tahu.

Tofu production activity producing heat and stink from the smoke and tofu
wastewater that arouse during the process. Firewood used during tofu production
process effects the amount of deforestation, assuming the woods used are entirely
taken from the woods. Production activity in tofu industry causing environmental
effect and social effect, whereas the managers should be protecting the
environment, for example, by internalizing the external cost caused by the
production activities. The aim of this research is to analyse the effect of tofu
industry to economy, social, and environment in Jakarta. Data analysis using
descriptive narrative method. Research locations are Karang Tengah, and PIK
Semanan. Research results: 1) Tofu wastewater disposal without proper
management will disturbing water organism; 2) The activity in tofu industry will
procure social costs which will spend by the residents near tofu factory; 3) Tofu
industry helps in giving employment to residents near them; 4) Internalization of
external cost from environmental cost will decrease profit for tofu industry.;Tofu production activity producing heat and stink from the smoke and tofu
wastewater that arouse during the process. Firewood used during tofu production
process effects the amount of deforestation, assuming the woods used are entirely
taken from the woods. Production activity in tofu industry causing environmental
effect and social effect, whereas the managers should be protecting the
environment, for example, by internalizing the external cost caused by the
production activities. The aim of this research is to analyse the effect of tofu
industry to economy, social, and environment in Jakarta. Data analysis using
descriptive narrative method. Research locations are Karang Tengah, and PIK
Semanan. Research results: 1) Tofu wastewater disposal without proper
management will disturbing water organism; 2) The activity in tofu industry will
procure social costs which will spend by the residents near tofu factory; 3) Tofu
industry helps in giving employment to residents near them; 4) Internalization of
external cost from environmental cost will decrease profit for tofu industry.;Tofu production activity producing heat and stink from the smoke and tofu
wastewater that arouse during the process. Firewood used during tofu production
process effects the amount of deforestation, assuming the woods used are entirely
taken from the woods. Production activity in tofu industry causing environmental
effect and social effect, whereas the managers should be protecting the
environment, for example, by internalizing the external cost caused by the
production activities. The aim of this research is to analyse the effect of tofu
industry to economy, social, and environment in Jakarta. Data analysis using
descriptive narrative method. Research locations are Karang Tengah, and PIK
Semanan. Research results: 1) Tofu wastewater disposal without proper
management will disturbing water organism; 2) The activity in tofu industry will
procure social costs which will spend by the residents near tofu factory; 3) Tofu
industry helps in giving employment to residents near them; 4) Internalization of
external cost from environmental cost will decrease profit for tofu industry.;Tofu production activity producing heat and stink from the smoke and tofu
wastewater that arouse during the process. Firewood used during tofu production
process effects the amount of deforestation, assuming the woods used are entirely
taken from the woods. Production activity in tofu industry causing environmental
effect and social effect, whereas the managers should be protecting the
environment, for example, by internalizing the external cost caused by the
production activities. The aim of this research is to analyse the effect of tofu
industry to economy, social, and environment in Jakarta. Data analysis using
descriptive narrative method. Research locations are Karang Tengah, and PIK
Semanan. Research results: 1) Tofu wastewater disposal without proper
management will disturbing water organism; 2) The activity in tofu industry will
procure social costs which will spend by the residents near tofu factory; 3) Tofu
industry helps in giving employment to residents near them; 4) Internalization of
external cost from environmental cost will decrease profit for tofu industry.;Tofu production activity producing heat and stink from the smoke and tofu
wastewater that arouse during the process. Firewood used during tofu production
process effects the amount of deforestation, assuming the woods used are entirely
taken from the woods. Production activity in tofu industry causing environmental
effect and social effect, whereas the managers should be protecting the
environment, for example, by internalizing the external cost caused by the
production activities. The aim of this research is to analyse the effect of tofu
industry to economy, social, and environment in Jakarta. Data analysis using
descriptive narrative method. Research locations are Karang Tengah, and PIK
Semanan. Research results: 1) Tofu wastewater disposal without proper
management will disturbing water organism; 2) The activity in tofu industry will
procure social costs which will spend by the residents near tofu factory; 3) Tofu
industry helps in giving employment to residents near them; 4) Internalization of
external cost from environmental cost will decrease profit for tofu industry.;Tofu production activity producing heat and stink from the smoke and tofu
wastewater that arouse during the process. Firewood used during tofu production
process effects the amount of deforestation, assuming the woods used are entirely
taken from the woods. Production activity in tofu industry causing environmental
effect and social effect, whereas the managers should be protecting the
environment, for example, by internalizing the external cost caused by the
production activities. The aim of this research is to analyse the effect of tofu
industry to economy, social, and environment in Jakarta. Data analysis using
descriptive narrative method. Research locations are Karang Tengah, and PIK
Semanan. Research results: 1) Tofu wastewater disposal without proper
management will disturbing water organism; 2) The activity in tofu industry will
procure social costs which will spend by the residents near tofu factory; 3) Tofu
industry helps in giving employment to residents near them; 4) Internalization of
external cost from environmental cost will decrease profit for tofu industry.;Tofu production activity producing heat and stink from the smoke and tofu
wastewater that arouse during the process. Firewood used during tofu production
process effects the amount of deforestation, assuming the woods used are entirely
taken from the woods. Production activity in tofu industry causing environmental
effect and social effect, whereas the managers should be protecting the
environment, for example, by internalizing the external cost caused by the
production activities. The aim of this research is to analyse the effect of tofu
industry to economy, social, and environment in Jakarta. Data analysis using
descriptive narrative method. Research locations are Karang Tengah, and PIK
Semanan. Research results: 1) Tofu wastewater disposal without proper
management will disturbing water organism; 2) The activity in tofu industry will
procure social costs which will spend by the residents near tofu factory; 3) Tofu
industry helps in giving employment to residents near them; 4) Internalization of
external cost from environmental cost will decrease profit for tofu industry., Tofu production activity producing heat and stink from the smoke and tofu
wastewater that arouse during the process. Firewood used during tofu production
process effects the amount of deforestation, assuming the woods used are entirely
taken from the woods. Production activity in tofu industry causing environmental
effect and social effect, whereas the managers should be protecting the
environment, for example, by internalizing the external cost caused by the
production activities. The aim of this research is to analyse the effect of tofu
industry to economy, social, and environment in Jakarta. Data analysis using
descriptive narrative method. Research locations are Karang Tengah, and PIK
Semanan. Research results: 1) Tofu wastewater disposal without proper
management will disturbing water organism; 2) The activity in tofu industry will
procure social costs which will spend by the residents near tofu factory; 3) Tofu
industry helps in giving employment to residents near them; 4) Internalization of
external cost from environmental cost will decrease profit for tofu industry.]"
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