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"Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) mixtures for use in Prestressed Concrete applications are evaluated in this paper . Twenty one SCC mixtures were made under laboratory conditions with varying water to cementitious materials ratios, sand to total aggregate rations, and cementitious materials combinations (type III cement , class C fly ash, ground-granular blast-furnance slag, and silica fume). The SCC mixtures archived prestress transfer compressive strengths between 5470 and 9530 psi (38 and 66 MPa). The moduli of elasticity of the SCC Mixtures were in reasonable agreement with the elastic stiffness assumed during the design of conventional slump concrete structures. The long term drying shrinkage strain for all the SCC mixtures were approximately the same or less than those measured for the control mixtures. A change in sand to total aggregate ratio had no significant effect on the long term drying shrinkage. At later ages of 56 and 112 days, the measured drying shrinkage corresponded reasonable well to those predicated by the ACI 209 procedure."
507 ACI 104:1 (2007)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The maturity is a nondesctructive testing"
507 ACI 104:1 (2007)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annin Hudaya
The definition, purposes and applications of Damage Mechanics, which is relatively newly developed, is introduced and reviewed. Initially and mostly, Damage Mechanics relates to metal materials. The appearance of micro cracks due to the application of external load and their propagations cause damage to the material. This paper discusses and reviews Damage Mechanics when applied to concrete. A mathematical model of concrete subjected to tension using Continuum Damage Mechanics Theory proposed by Jean Lemaitre and Jacky Mazars in. 1982 is presented.
This initial model, which is called Scalar Damage Model, even relatively simple in the formulation but gives quite good result to model the concrete in tension. This can be seen from the comparison between the numerical and experimental results done by them at laboratory in Cachan, France. Application of the initial model to analysis of reinforced concrete beam of three-point flexion subjected to monotonic loading is presented and evaluated. By using the initial model, the damage evolution, stress evolution and flexural rigidity evolution of the observed beams can be reviewed. The possibility of the application of the initial model to analysis of reinforced concrete beam in three-point flexion subjected to cyclic loading is also reviewed."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dalam studi yang dilakukan oleh Alfetra Henoch Tandita di Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 2021 mengenai sambungan spun pile-pile cap dengan benda uji berupa spun pile dengan beton pengisi, diperoleh hasil berupa parameter-parameter sambungan, seperti daktilitas, momen rotasi, dan lain-lain. Pada studi lanjutan ini, akan ditinjau mengenai damage atau kerusakan secara khusus dan lebih mendalam, terutama mengenai parameter yang menyebabkan persebarannya pada sambungan spun pile-pile cap. Parameter-parameter yang diujikan untuk mengetahui hubungannya dengan damage yang muncul antara lain parameter tulangan spiral, tulangan longitudinal, dan beban aksial. Dalam pengujian numerik menggunakan software ABAQUS ini, diperoleh hasil bahwa parameter aksial merupakan parameter yang paling konsisten dan signifikan dalam menambah kekakuan spun pile, sehingga damage yang ada lebih tersebar dan tidak terlokalisasi. Parameter berikutnya yang cukup konsisten adalah tulangan spiral, dan yang terakhir adalah parameter tulangan longitudinal. Parameter tulangan longitudinal dinilai tidak konsisten karena perkembangannya tidak mengikuti suatu pola tertentu, yang diduga diakibatkan kapasitas tulangan-tulangan longitudinal parameternya yang telah mendekati titik fracture.

In a study conducted by Alfetra Henoch Tandita at the University of Indonesia in 2021, regarding the connection between spun pile-pile cap and a test object consisting of a spun pile with filled concrete, results were obtained in the form of connection parameters such as ductility, rotational moment, and others. In this further study, the focus will be on examining the specific and deeper aspects of damage, particularly regarding the parameters that cause its distribution in the spun pile-pile cap connection. The parameters tested to understand their relationship with the emerging damage include spiral reinforcement, longitudinal reinforcement, and axial load. Through numerical testing using the ABAQUS software, it was found that the axial parameter is the most consistent and significant parameter in increasing the stiffness of the spun pile, resulting in more widespread and non-localized damage. The next parameter that showed sufficient consistency is the spiral reinforcement, and the last one is the longitudinal reinforcement parameter. The longitudinal reinforcement parameter is considered inconsistent because its development does not follow a specific pattern, which is suspected to be caused by the longitudinal reinforcement's capacity approaching the point of fracture.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desriana Permatasari
"Sambungan spun pile-pile cap adalah struktur penting yang menyambungkan dan menyalurkan beban dari struktur atas ke struktur bawah hingga ke dalam tanah. Performance Based Design (PBD) belum diizinkan diterapkan di Indonesia sebagai acuan desain. Menurut SNI 8460:2017, penegakkan batas desain fondasi masih mengacu berdasarkan konsep elastik tiang yang menyebabkan ketidakekonomisan pemasangan tiang akibat overdesign dari ukuran dimensi tiang. Damage (kerusakan) adalah bentuk kegagalan atau ketidakmampuan struktur dari tegangan dari yang terlampaui. Pemodelan ABAQUS digunakan untuk melihat output dari berbagai variasi sehingga didapatkan korelasi variabel-variabel yang memengaruhi kerusakan, yaitu volumetrik rasio dan sebaran dari tulangan spiral, tulangan longitudinal, dan besarnya beban aksial. Variasi tulangan spiral dan longitudinal memberi pengaruh persebaran kerusakan yang lebih merata menjadi kerusakan-kerusakan kecil dan mengurangi sebaran localized damage. Sedangkan variasi beban aksial memengaruhi persebaran kerusakan menjadi lebih tinggi akibat membutuhkan gaya yang lebih besar untuk mencapai drift tertentu.

The continuation of spun pile-pile cap is an important structure that connects and transfers loads from the upper structure to the lower structure and into the ground. Performance Based Design (PBD) is not yet permitted to be implemented in Indonesia as a design reference. According to SNI 8460:2017, the enforcement of foundation design limits still relies on the concept of elastic piles, which leads to uneconomical pile installation due to overdesign in pile dimensions. Damage refers to the form of failure or the inability of a structure to withstand excessive stress. ABAQUS modeling is used to observe the output of various variations to obtain correlations of variables that affect damage, such as volumetric ratio and distribution of spiral reinforcement, longitudinal reinforcement, and axial load magnitude. Variations in spiral and longitudinal reinforcement contribute to a more uniform distribution of small damages and reduce the spread of localized damage. On the other hand, variations in axial load affect the spread of damage, as they require greater force to achieve a certain drift.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The response of concrete under tensile loading is crucial for most applications because concrete is much weaker in tension than in compression. Understanding the response mechanisms of concrete under tensile conditions is therefore key to understanding and using concrete in structural applications. Understanding the tensile properties of concrete summarises key recent research in this important subject.
After an introduction to concrete, the book is divided into two parts: part one on static response and part two on dynamic response. Part one starts with a summary chapter on the most important parameters that affect the tensile response of concrete. Chapters show how multi scale modelling is used to relate concrete composition to tensile properties. Part two focuses on dynamic response and starts with an introduction to the different regimes of dynamic loading, ranging from the low frequency loading by wind or earthquakes up to the extreme dynamic conditions due to explosions and ballistic impacts. Following chapters review dynamic testing techniques and devices that deal with the various regimes of dynamic loading. Later chapters highlight the dynamic behaviour of concrete from different viewpoints, and the book ends with a chapter on practical examples of how detailed knowledge on tensile properties is used by engineers in structural applications."
Cambridge, UK: Woodhead, 2013
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley , 2010
624.183 4 MEC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Water permeability of plain and fiber reinforced concrete was measured with and without and applied compressive stress. For the measurement of permeability under stress , a novel test technique was developed, in this technique , two hollow core concrete cylinders were simultaneously tested -one with stress and the other without using indentical flow conditions. A special design of the permeability cell eliminates leakage and allows the specimen to achieve conditions of flow equilibrium early in the test. For the stressed specimens , two levels of the applied stress , 0.3 Fu and 0.5 fu where fu is the ultimate strength of concrete in compression were investigated. A collated cellulose fiber at volume fractions of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5% was used.
Results indicated that in the unstressed state, fiber reinforcement reduces the permeability of concrete. For the stressed concrete on the other hand, and interesting phenomenon was observed. Initially as the applied stress was increased , a reduction in the permeability for both plain and fiber reinforced concrete was observed. This reduction, however , occurred only to a certain threshold value of stress . Beyond this threshold, a rapid increase in the permeability occurred for plain concrete. For fiber reinforced concrete as well, an increase in the permeability was noticed beyond the threshold value of stress, but the permeability still remained below the unstressed level."
507 ACI 104:1 (2007)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Balqis Fara Norita
"Indoaustralia, dan Pasifik. Hal tersebut membuat Indonesia memiliki potensi terjadi gempa bumi yang tinggi. Dilansir dari (BBC News, 2018), wilayah Indonesia berpotensi mengalami gempa kuat terimplikasi dari adanya sekitar enam tumbukan lempeng aktif. Bencana alam selalu menyisakan puing-puing bangunan yang telah hancur dan rusak. Peneliti Pusat Litbang Perumahan dan Permukiman, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR), M. Edi Nur, mengatakan bahwa puing bangunan sisa bencana bisa saja menjadi sampah, tetapi ada juga yang masih dapat dimanfaatkan. Menurut (Haryanti, 2018), dalam satu rumah bertembok sederhana terdapat unsur beton sebanyak 22%, lalu unsur tembok, lantai, serta genteng sebesar 60%, dan masih ada unsur kayu atau bambu sekitar 18%. Limbah beton tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan kembali menjadi agregat daur ulang penyusun beton. Penulis melakukan penelitian mengenai karakteristik beton dengan material subtitusi agregat kasar daur ulang mengenai kuat tekan dan homogenitasnya pada umur muda hingga optimum. Terdapat dua metode pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap beton daur ulang ini, yaitu metode destruktif dan non-destruktif. Dimana pengujian destruktif yang dilakukan ialah crushing test untuk mendapatkan nilai kuat tekan dan pengujian non-destruktif yang dilakukan ialah Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) test untuk mendapatkan nilai kecepatan rambat gelombang ultrasonik pada beton daur ulang. Selain menganalisis karakteristik beton daur ulang dari nilai kuat tekan dan nilai kecepatan rambat gelombangnya, dilakukan pengolahan untuk mengetahui hubungan dari kedua variabel tersebut. Penelitian ini mendapatkan persamaan hubungan kuat tekan dengan kecepatan rambat gelombang yaitu 𝑓𝑐= 0,0381827741𝑒1,5376800300𝑉𝑐 [𝑘𝑚 𝑠⁄ ] dengan koefisien determinasi sebesar R2 = 0,6985272443.
Selanjutnya karakteristik homogenitas beton daur ulang akan dilihat tingkat homogenitasnya melalui nilai kecepatan rambat gelombang dimulai dari empat atau lima jam setelah proses pengadukan.

Indonesia is located at the confluence of three major plates of the world, the Eurasia Plates, Indo-Australia, and the Pacific. This makes Indonesia has the highest potential for earthquakes to happen. Reported by (BBC News, 2018), Indonesias region has the potential to encounter a strong earthquake implicated by, at least six active plates collision. Natural disaster always left ruins of buildings which have been ruined. Researcher at the Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, M. Edi Nur, conveyed that ruins of buildings remained from natural disaster could become trash, but some could also be used as something useful. According to (Haryanti, 2018), in a simple walled house usually has as many as 22% of concrete elements, wall elements, floor, and roof as many as 60%, and the other 18% are wood or bamboo elements. The concrete waste can be reused into recycled concrete complier aggregates. The writer did research about concrete characteristics with coarse recycled aggregate substitution material regarding the compressive strength and its homogeneity at early age to optimum age. There are two testing methods done for this recycled concrete, destructive methode and non-destructive methode. The destructive methode is done by crushing test to achieve the compressive strength value and the non-destructive method is done by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) test to gain ultrasonic pulse velocity value of the recycled concrete. Aside from analizing the characteristics of the recycled concrete from compressive strength value and the ultrasonic pulse velocity value, a process is done to knowledge the relation between the two variables. This research gained the equation of the relation between compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity, which is 𝑓𝑐= 0,0381827741𝑒1,5376800300𝑉𝑐 [𝑘𝑚 𝑠⁄ ] with coefficient of determination in the amount of R2 = 0,6985272443. Hereafter, the characteristics of recycled concrete homogeneity will be seen from the level of its homogeneity through the amount of ultrasonic pulse velocity starting from four or five hours after casting process. "
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"internal curing is promoted as a way tpo mitigate autogenous shrinkage in high-performance concrete having a low water binder ratio (w/b). Different methods of internal curing have been proposed. In this study, the effect of substituting 20% of normalweight sand by an equal mass of lightweight sand on the development of shrinkage was investigated on a 0.35 w/b high performance concrete . Shrinkage was monitored using vibrating wire gauges cast at the center of 100x100x400 mm (4x4x16 in.) concrete samples. Two samples were sealed with self-adhesive aluminum foil to present a closed curing system without any exchanged of humidity between the concrete and its environment, After demolding at the age if 23 to 25 hours. two other samples were cured under water for 6 days . Thereafter these two samples were removed from water and maintained at 23 C (73 F ) and a 50% relative humidity (RH) Environment . Experimental results clearly demonstrate the effeciency of a 20% substitution of normalweight by a lightweight sand to reduce autogenous and drying shrinkage . The Incorporation of 20% lightweight sand did not significantly affect the 28-day compressive strength. The cementitious matrix presented low chloride ion permeability. Internal curing through the use of partial replacement of normalweight sang by lightweight sand definitely represent and efficient method to diminish autogenous and drying shrinkage in low w/b concretes where external water curing does not allow in-depth curing of concrete"
507 ACI 104:1 (2007)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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