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Mahfudl Umar Khamdan
"Perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya merupakan salah satu daerah penangkapan udang jerbung yang sangat potensial di perairan pantai selatan Jawa. Trend indeks kelimpahan stok udang jerbung di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya cenderung menurun pada periode tahun 2004-2010. Hal ini sangat mengkhawatirkan terhadap keberlanjutan produksi udang jerbung apabila tidak ada pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya udang tersebut dengan baik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Cilacap dan sentra perikanan udang lainnya di Kabupaten Cilacap pada Januari sampai dengan November 2013. Data dikumpulkan melalui metode survey dan wawancara. Metode analisis terdiri dari metode analitik menggunakan Program FiSAT II, dan model surplus produksi. Udang jerbung yang tertangkap dominan pada mid length 31 mm, 33 mm, dan 35 mm, dan umumnya belum dewasa. Nilai faktor kondisi udang jerbung betina dan jantan masing-masing berkisar 37,36-648,87 dan 15,55-319,05. Laju pertumbuhan (K) udang jerbung betina 1,10 per tahun dan udang jerbung jantan 1,00 per tahun. Laju eksploitasi (E) udang jerbung betina 0,36 per tahun dan udang jerbung jantan 0,56 per tahun. Laju mortalitas total (Z) udang jerbung betina 1,69 per tahun dan udang jerbung jantan 2,46 per tahun. Pola rekruitmennya menunjukkan 2 modus dalam satu tahun, dengan puncak terjadi pada periode Maret-April dan periode Juli-Agustus. Estimasi potensi lestari (MSY) dan f-opt udang jerbung di perairan Cilacap 326 ton/tahun dan effort optimum (f-opt) 231 trip serta tingkat pemanfaatan sudah berada pada tahap overfishing.

Cilacap and surrounding waters is one of the potential fishing ground of banana prawn in south of Java sea. Abundance stock index of banana prawn in Cilacap and surrounding waters tend to decline in 2004-2010. It was apprehension for the banana prawn sustainability, when no appropriate management and utilization for this species. This research conducted in Cilacap and other shrimp fisheries centers in Cilacap District begin from January until November 2013. Data collected through a survey and interview methods. The method of analysis consists of : an analytical method by FiSAT II program, and surplus production models. Most of Banana prawn caught dominantly in the mid length 31 mm, 33 mm, and 35 mm, and generally immature. Value factor condition banana prawn females and males respectively ranged from 37.36-648.87 and 15.55-319.05. Growth rate (K) of banana prawn female was 1.10 per year and banana prawn male was 1.00 per year. The exploitation rate (E) of banana prawn female was 0.36 per year and banana prawn male was 0.56 per year. Total mortality rate (Z) of banana prawn female was 1.69 per year and banana prawn male was 2.46 per year. The pattern of recruitment showed two models in one year, with the peak season occur in the period of March-April and July-August. Estimation of the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) and f-opt banana prawn in Cilacap waters about 326 tons/year and optimum effort (f-opt) about 231 trips, and the utilization rate toward to overfishing level.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasan El Fakhri
Terdapatnya upaya tangkap udang dogol (Metapenaeus ensis, De Haan
1844 ) di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya yang berlebih maka perlu dilakukan
penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika populasi, tingkat pemanfaatan
dan optimasi pemanfaatan udang dogol di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya.
Penelitian dilaksanakan di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya dari bulan Januari 2013
sampai Desember 2014. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan
pengambilan sampel udang dogol yang tertangkap oleh alat tangkap arad dan
trammel net. Analisis dinamika populasi menggunakan program FiSAT II dan
pengkajian potensi lestari dianalisis dengan menggunakan model surplus produksi
dalam menentukan Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Optimasi pemanfaatan
dilakukan dengan analisis Linier Programming terhadap aspek-aspek yang terkait
dengan pemanfaatan udang dogol.
Udang dogol di perairan ini memiliki pola pertumbuhan allometrik negatif,
dengan nilai Lc > Lm yang menunjukkan sebagian besar udang dogol yang tertangkap
di perairan ini sudah memijah. Nilai parameter pertumbuhan yaitu L∞: 55.8 mm, K:
1,18 per tahun, to: 0,1129, Z: 7,09 per tahun, M: 0,8 per tahun, F: 6,29 per tahun, dan
E: 0,88. Nilai E menunjukkan tingkat pemanfaatan sudah melebihi batas ekploitasi
dan sudah terjadi overfishing. Pendugaan MSY dan f-Opt sebesar 57 ton/tahun dan
392 unit alat tangkap standar trammel net. Skenario optimasi pemanfaatan udang
dogol di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya yang paling menguntungkan dan lestari
adalah dengan mengoperasikan 392 unit jaring trammel net dengan keuntungan Rp.
35,2 milyar per tahun.

There were an excessive fishing effort of greasyback shrimp (Metapenaeus
Ensis, De Haan 1844) in Cilacap Waters, so it is necessary to study the population
dynamics, the level of utilization and optimization of greasyback shrimp in Cilacap
waters. Research was conducted in Cilacap and surrounding waters from January
2013 to December 2014. The method used was survey method using samples of
Greasyback Shrimp that were caught by fishing gear Arad and trammel net. Analysis
of population dynamics used FiSAT II program. Assessment of the maximum
sustainable yield was analyzed using surplus production models in order to determine
the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). The optimization of the utilization of Linear
Programming was done using analysis of aspects related to the use of greasyback
Greasyback Shrimp growth in the Cilacap waters moreover negative
allometric, with a value of Lc> Lm which show that most of Greasyback Shrimp
caught with fishing gear used in waters Cilacap already in spawning condition. Value
of growth parameters L∞: 55.8 mm, K: 1.18 per year, to: 0.1129, Z: 7.09 per year,
M: 0.8 per year, F: 6.29 per year, and E: 0.88. The value of E indicate that the
utilization rate has exceeded the limits of exploitation (overfishing). Base on surplus
production models analysis estimation of MSY was 57 tons / year while f-Opt for
and 392 units using standard trammel net fishing gear. Optimization scenarios of
Greasyback Shrimp in the Cilacap waters was the use of the most profitable and
sustainable ways to operate 392 units trammel nets with a net profit of Rp. 35.2
billion per year, There were an excessive fishing effort of greasyback shrimp (Metapenaeus
Ensis, De Haan 1844) in Cilacap Waters, so it is necessary to study the population
dynamics, the level of utilization and optimization of greasyback shrimp in Cilacap
waters. Research was conducted in Cilacap and surrounding waters from January
2013 to December 2014. The method used was survey method using samples of
Greasyback Shrimp that were caught by fishing gear Arad and trammel net. Analysis
of population dynamics used FiSAT II program. Assessment of the maximum
sustainable yield was analyzed using surplus production models in order to determine
the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). The optimization of the utilization of Linear
Programming was done using analysis of aspects related to the use of greasyback
Greasyback Shrimp growth in the Cilacap waters moreover negative
allometric, with a value of Lc> Lm which show that most of Greasyback Shrimp
caught with fishing gear used in waters Cilacap already in spawning condition. Value
of growth parameters L∞: 55.8 mm, K: 1.18 per year, to: 0.1129, Z: 7.09 per year,
M: 0.8 per year, F: 6.29 per year, and E: 0.88. The value of E indicate that the
utilization rate has exceeded the limits of exploitation (overfishing). Base on surplus
production models analysis estimation of MSY was 57 tons / year while f-Opt for
and 392 units using standard trammel net fishing gear. Optimization scenarios of
Greasyback Shrimp in the Cilacap waters was the use of the most profitable and
sustainable ways to operate 392 units trammel nets with a net profit of Rp. 35.2
billion per year]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erik Sostenes
"Fenomena penurunan sumberdaya ikan layur di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya terjadi disebabkan peningkatan laju eksploitasi.tanpa mempertimbangkan dinamika atau perubahan stok ikan dan aspek optimasi pemanfaatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika populasi ikan layur tingkat pemanfaatan, dan optimasi pemanfaatannya di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di PPS Cilacap dan lokasi penelitian di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya dari bulan April 2013 sampai Juni 2014. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan pengambilan ikan layur yang tertangkap oleh alat tangkap jaring sirang dan jaring payang. Analisis dinamika populasi digunakan program FiSAT II dan pengkajian potensi lestari dianalisis dengan model surplus produksi dalam menentukan Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Sementara optimasi pemanfaatan dilakukan dengan analisis Linier Programing terhadap aspek-aspek yang terkait dengan pemanfaatan ikan layur. Kisaran panjang total dan modus panjang 13-77 cm dan 51 cm. Ikan layur allometrik negatif, dengan nilai Lc < Lm yang menunjukkan sebagian besar ikan layur yang tertangkap dengan alat tangkap yang digunakan di perairan selatan Cilacap belum memijah / belum dewasa. Nilai parameter pertumbuhan adalah L∞ = 80,85 cm, K= 0,70 per tahun, to= -0,1748, Z = 2,18 per tahun, M = 1,07 per tahun, F = 1,11 per tahun, dan E = 0,51. Nilai menunjukkan tingkat pemanfaatan sudah fully exploited. Pendugaan MSY dan F-Opt sebesar 626,318 ton/tahun dan 1.173 unit dengan alat tangkap standar jaring sirang. Skenario optimasi menghasilkan jenis alat tangkap yang direkomendasikan yaitu 1.173 unit alat tangkap jaring sirang dengan keuntungan Rp. 78,3 milyar per tahun.

The phenomenon occurs due to a decrease of hairtai resources in Cilacap water area because eksploitation without consider increasing the rate or change the dynamics of fish stocks and utilization optimization aspects. This study aims to examine the dynamics of hairtail populations utilization rates and utilization optimization in Cilacap area and the surrounding waters. Research carried out in the PPSC (Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap) and research sites in Cilacap and surrounding waters from April 2013 to June 2014. Methods used is a survey method with hairtail fishing gear caught by sirang nets (gillnet monofilament) and payang nets (denish seine). Analysis of population dynamics used FiSAT II program and assessment of the potential sustainable surplus production models were analyzed with Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) in determining. While optimization is done with the use of Linear Programming analysis of aspects related to the use of hairtail. Range in total length and long mode 13-77 cm and 51 cm. Hairtail is negative allometric, with a value of Lc < Lm which shows hairtail caught with fishing gear used in Cilacap and surrounding waters not spawn / immature. Growth parameter values L∞ = 80.85 cm, K 0.70 = per year, to = -0.1748, Z = 2.18 per year, M = 1.07 per year, F = 1, 11 per year, and E = 0.51. Value indicates the level of utilization has been fully exploited. Estimation of MSY and f-Opt for 626.318 tons / year and 1,173 units with standard fishing gear is gill net sirang. Scenario optimization produces the type of fishing gear is recommended that 1,173 units of gillnet sirang with a net profit Rp 40.9 billion per year."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muschan Ashari
"Perairan Kabupaten Bengkalis dan sekitarnya, merupakan salah satu perairan yangintensif dengan kegiatan pemanfaatan sumberdaya udang jerbungnya. Data produksiudang jerbung 540,38 ton tahun 2014 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan spesiesudang lainnya 317,7 ton . Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di perairan KabupatenBengkalis pada Januari 2014 sampai dengan November 2014. Data dikumpulkanmelalui metode survei dan wawancara. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis statusstok udang jerbung berdasarkan aspek biologi, potensi lestari, dan tingkatpemanfaatannya, serta menentukan opsi pengelolaanya. Analisis data menggunakan2 model kajian yaitu: 1 model analitik terdiri dari analisis panjang berat,pertumbuhan, dan mortalitas sumberdaya udang di perairan Bengkalis menggunakanprogram FISAT II; 2 model holistik terdiri dari analisis CPUE dan upayapenangkapan untuk mengetahui potensi lestari dan tingkat pemanfaatan sumberdayaudang jerbung saat ini. Pola pertumbuhan udang jerbung bersifat alometrik negatifartinya pertumbuhan panjang lebih cepat daripada pertumbuhan beratnya, sementarafaktor kondisi udang jerbung betina lebih luas daripada udang jerbung jantan; Ratarataukuran pertama kali tertangkap Lc lebih besar daripada rata-rata ukuranpertama kali matang gonad Lm yang menunjukkan tingkat pemanfaatan saat inimasih mendukung kelestarian sumberdaya udang; Laju pertumbuhan udang jerbungbetina lebih cepat daripada laju pertumbuhan udang jerbung jantan, dan puncakrekruitmen tertinggi terjadi pada periode bulan Maret-Mei dan September-Oktober.Potensi lestari MSY perikanan udang jerbung di Kabupaten Bengkalis sebanyak386,34 ton/tahun dengan upaya penangkapan optimum sebesar 567 unit trammel net.Tingkat Pemanfaaatan udang jerbung sudah melebihi upaya optimal yang seharusnyadiperbolehkan untuk ditangkap over exploited . Opsi pengelolaan udang jerbung diKabupaten Bengkalis yang dapat dilakukan yakni pembatasan upaya penangkapan,pengaturan ukuran mata jaring yang selektif, relokasi daerah penangkapan,penutupan daerah dan musim penangkapan.

Bengkalis Regency waters were one of intensified area with banana shrimp resourceutilization activities. The data showed that banana shrimp production was highly 540.38 ton than other shrimp species 317.7 ton in 2014. This research conductedin Bengkalis District begin from January until November 2014. Data collectedthrough a survey and interview methods. The research aimed to analyze status stockof banana shrimp based of biologist aspects, sustainable yield, utilization rate, anddetermining management option. Analysis of the research used two models that is 1 Analytical modeling consist of length weight analysis, growth, and mortality ofbanana shrimp in Bengkalis using FISAT II program 2 Holitic modeling consist ofCPUE analysis, fishing effort and the potential analysis for sustainable managementof banana shrimp resources. Allometric growth patterns banana shrimp was negativeif meant that the length growth faster than the growth of the weight, while the femalesbanana shrimp condition factor larger than males banana shrimp The average size ofthe first captured Lc were larger than the average size of the first ripe gonads Lm that indicates the current utilization rate still supports resource conservation ofbanana shrimp The growth rate of the female shrimp faster than the rate of growthof shrimp male, and the peak of the highest recruitment occurred in the period fromMarch to May and September to October. Sustainable potential MSY shrimpfishery in Bengkalis as much as 386.34 tons year with the optimum fishing effortamounted to 567 units of trammel net. The level of utilization of the banana shrimpalready exceeded the optimal effort that should be allowed to be captured. Shrimpmanagement options in Bengkalis to be done are the restriction fishing effort, ruleson mesh size selective, relocation of fishing ground, fishing ground closure and catchseason.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Etik Sukesti
"Fenomena penurunan sumberdaya Rajungan di perairan Cirebon dan sekitarnya terjadi disebabkan peningkatan laju eksploitasi tanpa mempertimbangkan dinamika atau perubahan stok ikan dan aspek optimasi pemanfaatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika populasi rajungan, tingkat pemanfaatan, dan optimasi pemanfaatannya di perairan Cirebon dan sekitarnya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Cirebon dan lokasi penelitian di perairan Cirebon dan sekitarnya dari bulan April ndash; Juni 2016. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan pengukuran rajungan yang tertangkap oleh alat tangkap bubu dan jaring insang. Analisis dinamika populasi digunakan program FiSAT II dan pengkajian potensi lestari dianalisis dengan model surplus produksi dalam menentukan Maximum Sustainable Yield MSY. Sementara optimasi pemanfaatan dilakukan dengan analisis Linier Programing terhadap aspek-aspek yang terkait dengan pemanfaatan rajungan.Kisaran lebar karapas rajungan berkisar antara 77,5 ndash; 157,5 mm. Pola pertumbuhan bersifat allometrik negatif, dengan nilai Lc > Lm yang menunjukkan sebagian besar rajungan yang tertangkap dengan alat tangkap yang digunakan di perairan selatan Cirebon sudah memijah/dewasa. Nilai parameter pertumbuhan adalah L infin; 170 mm, K = 1,15 per bulan untuk rajungan jantan sedangkan rajungan betina L infin;177,25 mm, K = 1,1 per bulan, Z = 1,92 per tahun, M = 1,23 per tahun, F = 0,69 per tahun, dan E = 0,36 rajungan jantan dan Z = 2,94 per tahun, M =1,18 per tahun, F= 1,76 per tahun dan E = 0,60 pertahun rajungan betina. Nilai menunjukkan tingkat pemanfaatan sudah fully exploited. Pendugaan MSY dan F-Opt sebesar 3.124 ton/tahun dan 433 unit dengan alat tangkap standar bubu. Skenario optimasi menghasilkan jenis alat tangkap yang direkomendasikan yaitu 433 unit alat tangkap bubu dengan keuntungan Rp. 6,9 milyar per tahun.

The phenomenon of Blue swimming crab decrease due to because of exploitation occurs in Cirebon water. It will change the dynamics stocks of fish and utilization optimization aspects. This study aimed to examine the dynamics of blue swimming crab populations utilization rates and utilization optimization in Cirebon area and the surrounding waters. Research was carried out in Cirebon and surrounding waters from April to June 2016. Methods used was a survey method by measuring Blue Swimming Crab caught using fishing gears gillnet and collapsible traps . Analysis of population dynamics used FiSAT II program and assessment of the potential sustainable surplus production models were analyzed using Maximum Sustainable Yield MSY . Optimization was done using Linear Programming analysis of aspects related to the use of fishing gears and blue swimming crab caught. Range carapace wide for all crabs was 77,5 mm to 157,5 mm. Condition Growth Blue Swimming Crab is negative allometric with parameter values for male were L infin 170 mm, K 1,15 per month and for female L infin 177,25 mm, K 1.1 per month, , with a value of Lc Lm, the indicate that Blue Swimming Crab caught with fishing gear used in Cirebon and surrounding waters was an spawn mature. Mortality value for male were Z 1,92 per year, M 1,23 per year, F 0,69 per year, and E 0,36 and for female Z 2,94 per year, M 1,18 per year, F 1,76 per year and E 0.60 per year. The level of utilization has been fully exploited. Estimation of MSY and f Opt was 3.124 tons year while 433 units with standard fishing gear is collapsible traps. Scenario optimization produces type of fishing gear that are recommended was 433 units of collapsible traps with a net profit Rp 6,9 billion per year."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jihan Mirani Kenraningrum
"Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis terhadap logam berat Kadmium (Cd) dan Seng (Zn) pada sampel sedimen dan udang peci (Penaeus merguiensis) yang diperoleh dari Tambak Blanakan, Subang, Jawa Barat. Sampel sedimen dan udang peci diambil dari 3 lokasi tambak yang berbeda yaitu tambak yang terletak berdekatan dan berjauhan dengan lingkungan masyarakat. dan dilakukan analisis dengan alat AAS dan ICP. Kandungan logam berat Cd pada sedimen dan udang peci memiliki hasil not detected >atau tidak terdeteksi. Sementara itu, untuk  kandungan logam berat Zn pada sedimen memiliki rata-rata 24,27 ppm dengan kandungan Zn tertinggi terdapat pada Stasiun 1 yaitu 26,39 ppm. Pada sampel udang, kandungan Zn memiliki rata-rata sebesar 14,1 ppm dan memiliki kandungan Zn tertinggi pada sampel udang peci di Stasiun 1. Hasil analisis kandungan logam berat Cd dan Zn pada sampel udang peci masih berada di bawah baku mutu yang ditetapkan oleh BPOM yaitu 0,10 ppm untuk Cd dan 140,48 ppm untuk Zn. Berdasarkan US EPA Guidance Values Contaminated Sediment Standard 2004, kandungan Cd dan Zn pada sedimen juga masih berada di bawah baku mutu yaitu 0,65 ppm untuk Cd dan 140,48 untuk Zn. Rata-rata nilai BCF yang diperoleh untuk udang peci pada ketiga tambak adalah 0,5 dan hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa udang peci yang dibudidayakan pada ketiga tambak termasuk pada ketegori < 1 atau dekonsentrator.

In this study, an analysis of the heavy metals Cadmium (Cd) and Zinc (Zn) was carried out in sediment and white shrimp samples (Penaeus merguiensis) obtained from the Blanakan Pond, Subang, West Java. Sediment and white shrimp samples were taken from 3 different pond locations. The selected ponds have locations that are close to and far from the community environment. Heavy metal analysis was performed using AAS and ICP. From the analysis, the heavy metal content of Cd in the sediment and white shrimp was not detected. Meanwhile, the heavy metal content of Zn in the sediment has an average of 24.27 ppm with the highest Zn content found at Station 1, which is 26.39 ppm. In the white shrimp samples, the Zn content had an average of 14.1 ppm and had the highest Zn content in the white shrimp samples at Station 1. The results of the analysis of the heavy metal content of Cd and Zn in the white shrimp samples were still below the quality standard by BPOM (0,10 ppm for Cd and 140,48 ppm for Zn). Based on US EPA Guidance Values Contaminated Sediment Standard 2004, the content of Cd and Zn in the sediment is also still below the quality standard (0.65 ppm for Cd and 140.48 ppm for Zn). The average BCF value obtained for white shrimp in the three ponds is 0.5 and these results indicate that the shrimp cultured in the three ponds are included in the <1 category or deconcentrator."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Setianingrum
Ikan kurisi merupakan salah satu ikan ekonomis penting di perairan
Tangerang dan sekitarnya. Intensitas pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan kurisi akhirakhir
ini semakin meningkat, seiring dengan meningkatnya permintaan akan
komoditas ini terutama untuk bahan surimi. Penelitian bertujuan mengkaji aspek
biologi ikan kurisi (N. peronii), potensi dan tingkat pemanfaatan, serta optimasi
pemanfaatannya di perairan Tangerang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode
survey dengan sampel ikan kurisi pada alat tangkap cantrang dan apollo. Analisis
parameter populasi digunakan program FiSAT II dan pengkajian potensi lestari
Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) dianalisis dengan model surplus produksi.
Optimasi pemanfaatan dilakukan dengan analisis Linier Programing. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan ikan kurisi bersifat allometrik negatif. Panjang dan
berat ikan kurisi berkorelasi erat. Ukuran panjang pertama kali tertangkap (Lc) 16,34
cm. Parameter pertumbuhan menunjukkan ikan kurisi diperkirakan mampu mencapai
panjang 28,03 cm dengan laju pertumbuhan lambat sebesar 0,49 cm per tahun. Laju
mortalitas lebih besar disebabkan oleh kematian alami. Tingkat eksploitasi masih
berada di bawah nilai optimum dan perlu kehati-hatian dalam pengelolaannya.
Pendugaan MSY dan F-Opt sebesar 494 ton/tahun dan 743 unit alat tangkap standar
cantrang. Dari analisis optimasi menghasilkan jenis alat tangkap yang
direkomendasikan yaitu 743 unit alat tangkap cantrang.

Threadfin bream is one of the important and high economical fish that can be found
in Tangerang?s waters and its surounding. The use of threadfin bream increases
nowadays, alligned with the increasing demand of these commodities, especially for
Surimi. The research is aimed to exercise the biological aspects of threadfin bream
(N. peronii); the potential and the number of utilization of it, as well as the
optimization of water utilization in Tangerang.The research method used by the
writer was a survey method using threadfin bream caught by fishing gear named
Cantrang and Apollo as the samples.The writer used FiSAT II program to do the
analysis of population parameters, and used a surplus production model to assess the
Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Linear Programming Analysis was used to
analize the use of optimization. The research?s result showed that the growing pattern
of threadfin bream was negative allometric. There was a close correlation between
the length and weight of the growing fish with their length when first being caught
(Lc) 16.34 cm. Threadfin bream?s growth parameters showed that threadfin bream
were expected to grow until 28.03 cm long, with a slow growth rate is 0.49 cm per
year. Mortality rate was caused by natural fish death. The level of exploitation below
the maximum value, so it needs to be managed prudentially. The estimation of MSY
and F - Opt are 494 tons/ year, and 743 units of standard Cangkrang fishing gear.
From the analysis of optimization, it produced the types of recommended fishing
gears, 743 units of Cantrang fishing gear.;Threadfin bream is one of the important and high economical fish that can be found
in Tangerang’s waters and its surounding. The use of threadfin bream increases
nowadays, alligned with the increasing demand of these commodities, especially for
Surimi. The research is aimed to exercise the biological aspects of threadfin bream
(N. peronii); the potential and the number of utilization of it, as well as the
optimization of water utilization in Tangerang.The research method used by the
writer was a survey method using threadfin bream caught by fishing gear named
Cantrang and Apollo as the samples.The writer used FiSAT II program to do the
analysis of population parameters, and used a surplus production model to assess the
Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Linear Programming Analysis was used to
analize the use of optimization. The research’s result showed that the growing pattern
of threadfin bream was negative allometric. There was a close correlation between
the length and weight of the growing fish with their length when first being caught
(Lc) 16.34 cm. Threadfin bream’s growth parameters showed that threadfin bream
were expected to grow until 28.03 cm long, with a slow growth rate is 0.49 cm per
year. Mortality rate was caused by natural fish death. The level of exploitation below
the maximum value, so it needs to be managed prudentially. The estimation of MSY
and F - Opt are 494 tons/ year, and 743 units of standard Cangkrang fishing gear.
From the analysis of optimization, it produced the types of recommended fishing
gears, 743 units of Cantrang fishing gear., Threadfin bream is one of the important and high economical fish that can be found
in Tangerang’s waters and its surounding. The use of threadfin bream increases
nowadays, alligned with the increasing demand of these commodities, especially for
Surimi. The research is aimed to exercise the biological aspects of threadfin bream
(N. peronii); the potential and the number of utilization of it, as well as the
optimization of water utilization in Tangerang.The research method used by the
writer was a survey method using threadfin bream caught by fishing gear named
Cantrang and Apollo as the samples.The writer used FiSAT II program to do the
analysis of population parameters, and used a surplus production model to assess the
Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Linear Programming Analysis was used to
analize the use of optimization. The research’s result showed that the growing pattern
of threadfin bream was negative allometric. There was a close correlation between
the length and weight of the growing fish with their length when first being caught
(Lc) 16.34 cm. Threadfin bream’s growth parameters showed that threadfin bream
were expected to grow until 28.03 cm long, with a slow growth rate is 0.49 cm per
year. Mortality rate was caused by natural fish death. The level of exploitation below
the maximum value, so it needs to be managed prudentially. The estimation of MSY
and F - Opt are 494 tons/ year, and 743 units of standard Cangkrang fishing gear.
From the analysis of optimization, it produced the types of recommended fishing
gears, 743 units of Cantrang fishing gear.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
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