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"Fifteen Dairy cattle of Holstein Crossbred heifer were used for estimating rumen microbial protein synthesis. The cattle fed by a single diet of King Grass (KG), Corn Stover (CS) or rice straw (RS) ad libitum as basal diet that was supplemented by a high protein concentrate. Microbial protein synthesis were estimated from derivatives concentration. Data obtained: microbial protein synthesis (MPS) were analyzed using analyses of variance, in split plot and completely randomized design. The means differences were analyzed by DMRT. The result of this research showed that purin derivatives concentration of cattle fed on KG, CS, and RS were 75.07; 67.72 and 61.88 mmol/day, respectively. The production of microbial protein synthesis value were respectively 55.79, 49.43 and 44.35 gN/day and it was significantly different among diet (P<0.01). The Duncan test showed that KG's diet was the highest followed by CS's diet and RS's was the lowest. "
580 AGR 19 (1-4) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Gumboro Disease or Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) is a chicken disease targeting the Bursa of Fabricius, an important organ in the young chicken's developing immune system. Very virulent strains of IBDV caused in mortality of up to 40%. At the other hand, local farmers used Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) to improve general performance and meat/carcass quality of broiler chicken. According to the Gumboro Disease, a study was conducted to evaluate the effects of the Red Ginger supplementation in the ration on blood and Bursa of Fabricius profile of broiler chicken. Two hundred five days old broiler chick were randomly divided into five different groups, i.e.: R-0 (ration without red ginger supplementation); R-0,5 (ration with supplementation of 0.5% RG); R-1,0 (ration with supplementation of 1.0% RG); R-1,5 (ration with supplementation of 1.5% RG); and R-2,0 (ration with supplementation of 2.0% RG). The ration was iso-caloric and iso-pro-tein, containing CP 21-23%, ME 3150 kcal ME/kg, Ca 1 %, and P 0.5%. There was five replications for each treatment (eight heads per group). After five weeks old, the blood were collected and the broiler were slaughtered to collect the Bursa of Fabricius for histopathologic preparate analyses. A One Way Classification of Variance Analyses (CRD) was used to analyze the data. Only the significant differences between all treatments were analyzed by the Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that the red ginger supplementation of 1.5-2.0% increased the amount of erytrocyte (P<. 05) but decrease amount of leukocyte (P<.01). Furthermore, red ginger supplementation injured the Bursa of Fabricus. "
580 AGR 19 (1-4) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This research was conducted to study the effect of the mixtures of sago waste and chicken excreta fermented utilization in rations on broiler performance, carcass physical quality as well as the meat chemical quality. The mixture of sago waste and chicken excreta was fermented in 48 hours using effective microorganism-4. The research was biological experiment using the respective fermented materials in broiler rations with level of 0% (R0), 4% (Rl), 8% (R2) and 12% (R3). Each dietary treatment had five replications of five broiler chickens each. Variables was observed were broiler performance (feed consumption, body weight gain and feed conversion), carcass physical quality (live weight, carcass percentage, abdominal fat percentage) and chemical quality of meat (water contents, fat and protein). Data were analysed using Analysis of Variance of one way Completely Randomized Design, and differences between means were tested using Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results indicated that the use of fermented mixtures up to 8% in broiler rations had increased body weight, live weight and carcass percentage, and fat flesh content and it was better than birds receiving control ration. The use of 12% fermented materials in the ration had no significant effect on feed consumption, abdominal fat percentage, as well as water contents and protein of the flesh."
580 AGR 19 (1-4) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The objective of this research was to study the effect of substitution protein and energy concentrates on production and reproduction performances of Friesian Holstein (FH) Crossbred in early lactation and its financial aspect. This research was carried out for 100 days in early lactation. Twelve monoparous FH Crossbred were divided into three groups of feed treatment, control groups (RK) was given all concentrates control (KK) contain CP 10.3%, TDN 51% treatment groups 1 (RP1) was given concentrates control that was substituted 25% with supplement concentrates A (KSA) which source of energy (TDN 76%, CP 17.0%) and treatment groups 2 (RP2) was given concentrates control that was substituted 25% with supplement concentrates B (KSB) which was the source of protein (CP 20.4%, TDN 73%). The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance One Way Completely Randomized Design, if there is differences then it was analized using analisis Duncant Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Parsial financial was used to meansure the change of cost and income. The result showed that there were significantly different (P<0.05) between groups on the intake of crude protein, RP2 (1.35 kg) than RP1 (1.18 kg) and RK (1.11 kg). Milk yield, milk fat content, milk protein content and post partum mating (PPM) and TDN intake insignificantly between treatments (P>0.05), but average daily milk yield tend (P>0.05) the highest in RP2 (10.4 liter) than RP1 (9.9 liter) and RK (8.9 liter), milk fat content the highest in RP2 (3.46%) than RK (3.39%) and RP1 (2.84%), milk protein content the highest in RK (2.70%) than RP (2.58%) and RP2 (2.38%). PPM, conception rate (CR), service per conception (S/C) and days open (DO) the best in RP1 (PPM = 75 days CR = 5%, S/C = 1, DO = 70 days), than RK (PPM = 82 days, CR = 25%, S/C = 1, DO = 48 days), and RP2 (PPM = 103 days, CR = 0%, S/C = 3, DO = 165 days). Average body weight lost (RK = 5 kg, RP1 = 5 kg, RP2 = 16 kg). The highest net profit in RP1 than RP2 and RK. It was concluded that the effect of substitution of supplement energy and protein concentrates tended to increase production performance and net profit however this could not increase reproduction performance, milk quality and mobilization of body energy storage."
580 AGR 19 (1-4) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: The Haworth Press, 2008
639.8 ALT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arina Findo Sari
"Serai wangi Cymbopogon nardus L. merupakan tanaman penghasil minyak atsiri di Indonesia. Proses penyulingan akan menghasilkan residu yang berpotensi dijadikan sebagai pengganti hijauan untuk pakan ternak. Proses kecernaan pakan pada rumen kerbau atau cairan rumen perlu diteliti lebih lanjut. Sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai degradasi pakan serai wangi segar dan residu serai wangi secara in sacco, serta perbedaan karakteristik fermentasi pakan dengan cairan rumen kerbau secara in sacco dan in vitro. Uji metode in sacco dengan sampel residu dan serai wangi segar, dilakukan di dalam fistula kerbau pada jam ke-0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24 dan 48 jam, sedangkan in vitro dilakukan di dalam syringe dengan 5 perlakuan, yaitu A 0,4 g residu serai wangi, B 0,4 g residu serai wangi 0,01 g konsentrat, C 0,4 g residu serai wangi 0,02 g konsentrat, D 0,01 g konsentrat dan E 0,02 g konsentrat.
Hasil penelitian in sacco menunjukkan bahwa residu dan serai wangi segar memiliki perbedaan bahan kering 95,56 dan 94,52, bahan organik 89,57 dan 88,1, serat kasar 35,03 dan 36,00, lemak kasar 2,79 dan 1,96, protein kasar 5,82 dan 7,15, neutral detergent fiber NDF 73,67 dan 70,17, tanin 1,18 dan 1,21mg/g, sedangkan DBK, DBO dan DNDF mengalami kenaikan tingkat degradasi sampai dengan pengamatan 48 jam. Hasil uji in vitro menunjukkan, bahwa produksi metana tertinggi adalah perlakuan D, sebesar 98,2, kemudian E 92,06, C 17,71, A 15,33 and B 13,54. Berdasarkan kedua penelitian tersebut, diketahui bahwa kemungkinan residu serai wangi dapat digunakan untuk pakan ternak ruminansia dan metana dapat direduksi oleh residu serai wangi.

Citronella Cymbopogon nardus L. is an essential oil producing plant in Indonesia. The refining process will produce a residue that has a potential forage for animal feed. However, the process of digestibility on buffalo rumen or fluid rumen should be studied further. Therefore, research should be done to study citronella degradation and fresh citronella residue using in sacco, As well as the differences concentration of methane affected by the different forage concentration given by in vitro. Residue sample and citronella analysis was done using in sacco method, inside buffalo fistula on 0,2,4,6,12,24, and 48 hours observations. Whereas in vitro method was carried out in syringe with 5 treatments, ie a 0.4 g the residue of citronella, B 0.4 g the residue of citronella 0.01 g of concentrate, C 0.4 g the residue of citronella 0.02 g of concentrate, D 0,01 g of concentrate and E 0.02 g concentrate.
The study using in sacco method showed that residues and fresh citronella has dried material difference 95.56 and 94.52, organic material 89.57 and 88.1, crude fiber 35.03 and 36.00, crude fat 2.79 and 1.96, crude protein 5.82 and 7.15, neutral detergent fiber NDF 73.67 and 70.17, tannins 1.18 And 1.21mg g, while DBK, DBO and DNDF had increased rate of degradation on 48 hour observation. The results of in vitro study showed that the highest methane production is treatment D, it was 98.2, followed by E 92.06, C 17.71, A 15.33, B 13.54. Based on these two studies, we can see that residue citronella can be potentially used as animal feed and methane can be reduced by residues of citronella.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endah Septi Fauzi
"Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengamati preferensi posisi makan serta pemetaan pohon pakan kukang jawa Nycticebus javanicus E. Geoffroy, 1812 di habitat aslinya, yaitu Talun Desa Cipaganti, Garut. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret- April 2017 menggunakan metode focal animal instantaneous sampling dan ad libitum dengan perolehan data lengkap dari 10 individu. Waktu total pengamatan perilaku yaitu berjumlah 5.429 poin dan selama 27.145 menit atau sekitar 452 jam. Diperoleh pula luas transek sabuk pada analisis vegetasi yaitu 80.000 m2. Selain itu diperoleh 351 titik pada pengamatan pemetaan pohon pakan.
Preferensi posisi makan tertinggi hingga terendah berturut- turut yaitu terminal, canopytop,under canopy, canopy, dan canopy branch dengan nilai rerata frekuensi penggunaan sebesar 133.5, 34, 33, 33, dan 28.5. Diketahui pula jenis pohon pakan yang paling sering digunakan oleh kukang jawa yaitu pohon kaliandra Calliandra callothrysus dan preferensi tersebut dipengaruhi oleh struktur pohon, jenis pakan, kandungan nutrisi pakan, dan musim. Hasil pemetaan pohon pakan menunjukkan nilai dominansi tertinggi terdapat pada pohon kaliandra Calliandra callothrysus dengan nilai sebesar 1.45 yang persebarannya mengelompok clumped.

Study about feeding tree preferences of javan slow loris has been conducted at Talun Cipaganti Village, Garut. This study aims to observe about feeding position preferences which javan slow loris likes most. This study was conducted on March April 2017 during 17.00 to 23.00 also between 23.00 to 05.00 using focal animal instantaneous sampling and ad libitum method use 10 individu javan slow loris. Total of observation time is 5.429 point during 27.145 minutes or around 452 hours. Also, wide of the transect is 80.000 m2.
Result shows that the highest and lowest feeding position which loris like is at terminal TE, canopytop CT, under canopy UC, canopy C, dan canopy bottom CB with average value is 133.5, 34, 33, 33, dan 28.5. Besides, we can see that feeding tree which has the highest frequency is red calliandra Calliandra callothrysus. Factors that influence preferences is tree structure, feeding item, feeding nutrition, and season.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fikrialdi Aditya
Entacmaea quadricolor merupakan anemon yang dapat berasosiasi dengan banyak jenis ikan giru. Hal tersebut membuat komoditi E. quadricolor sebagai hewan hias akuarium laut meningkat, namun informasi mengenai aspek biologinya tidak banyak tersedia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perilaku makan, laju pencernaan, dan efisiensi penyerapan pakan untuk dapat menunjang pemeliharaan E. quadricolor. Perilaku makan anemon diamati dengan cara dilaparkan selama dua hari terlebih dahulu sebelum diberikan pakan. Anemon dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok yang diberi pakan udang dan kelompok yang diberi pakan ikan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan perilaku seperti memendekkan tentakel dan melipat keping mulut ketika fase feeding response dan belum terlihatnya fase pre-feeding response. Laju pencernaan didapatkan E. quadricolor waktu mengeluarkan sisa pencernaan awal selama 22--25 jam dan waktu mengeluarkan sisa pencernaan hingga selesai selama 46--48 jam setelah pemberian pakan. Efisiensi penyerapan pakan udang dan ikan pada E. quadricolor sebesar 40,60 dan 39,87 . Analisis dengan uji t didapatkan tidak ada perbedaan nyata efisiensi penyerapan pakan antara kelompok yang diberikan pakan udang dan yang diberikan pakan ikan.

Entacmaea quadricolor is an anemone that can be associated with many jenis of clownfish. This facts increases the commodity of E. quadricolor as a marine aquarium ornamental fish, however information about biological aspects of E. quadricolor is not widely available. The purpose of this study was to determine the feeding behaviour, digestion rate, and feeding absorption efficiency to support the maintenance of E. quadricolor. Feeding behavior has been observed by feeding the anemones prior to not feeding it for 2 days. Anemones were diveded into two groups, a groups fed with shrimp and a groups fed with grouper. The result shows feeding behaviour such as shortening of the tentacles and folding of the oral disc during the feeding response phase and the absence of pre feeding response phase. Digestion rate obtained by E. quadricolor has produced egesta indegestible residue as early as 22 25 hours prior to feeding and ended in the course of 46 48 prior to feeding. Feeding absorption efficiency fed by shrimps and groupers of E. quadricolor was 40,60 and 39,87 respectively. Analysis with t test showed no significant difference in feeding absorption efficiency between E. quadricolor fed with shrimps and fed with groupers. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Utami Dadiarto
Industri pakan temak di Indonesia yang sebagian besar adalah industri pakan temak unggas yang merupakan komponen paling penting dalam agribisnis ayam ras, sangat tergantung pada bahan baku impor khususnya jagung, kedele dan tepung ikan. Industri ini mempunyai posisi yang strategis dalam industri petemakan khususnya perunggasan karena 70% dari biaya produksi perunggasan berasal dari biaya pakan. Apalagi hasil dari industri petemakan seperti ayam dan telur serta daging sapi termasuk
dalam sembilan bahan pokok. Oleh karenanya industri pakan temak memiliki peranan penting dalam penyediaan sumber protein yang dibutuhkan masyarakat.
Selama tahun 1998 industri pakan temak nasional mengalami penurunan kinerja yang cukup tajam. Hampir seluruh produsen pakan temak mengalami penurunan kinerja sekitar 50%, bahkan beberapa diantaranya sempat terpaksa menghentikan usahanya. Industri pakan temak dalam beberapa tahun terakhir terlihat mulai bangkit dari keterpurukannya di tahun 1998 akibat terjadinya krisis ekonomi. Bangkitnya industri pakan temak ini tidak terlepas dari mulai membaiknya permintaan, terutama oleh usaha temak ayam ras baik petelur maupun pedaging dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini.
Pada industri ini, kualitas merupakan aspek yang sangat penting dalam bersaing dengan produk kompetitor dan secara umum dalam strategi manajemen. Selain aspek yang penting juga merupakan suatu masalah yang sangat sensitif dalam menghadapi persaingan, dan satu-satunya faktor yang langsung menentukan perusahaan. Kualitas juga merupakan faktor yang sangat penting guna bersaing dan dapat menjadi halangan bagi pesaing yang selalu ingin meningkatkan kualitas produknya. Selain itu, kualitas merupakan cerminan dari tingkat kemampuan suatu produksi dalam memformulasikan bahan baku pakan dan terlihat bagaimana produknya dapat bersaing di pasaran.
Strategi bisnis yang digunakan sangat tergantung bentuk pasar, jenis produk, produk pemula atau bukan, tingkat atau level konsumen yang akan dituju dan tujuan dari perusahaan itu sendiri. Setiap strategi mempunyai metodenya masing-masing, ada berbagai macam strategi bisnis yaitu low cost production dan concentration yang dapat berpengaruh untuk menghadapi persaingan.
Proses analisis strategi bisnis dimulai dengan menganalisis tujuan dan misi perusahaan, serta profil perusahaan, menentukan bentuk pasar kemudian menganalisis strategi bisnis perusahaan dan struktur usaha yang akan dikembangkan dalam bentuk bisnis terintergrasi. Analisis lingkungan usaha mencakup tiga faktor lingkungan yaitu lingkungan ekstemal, lingkungan internal dan lingkungan industri. Lingkungan ekstemal terdiri dari faktor ekonomi, teknologi, politik, sosial dan ekologi. Lingkungan internal terdiri dari ancaman pendatang baru, produk substitusi, kekuatan tawar-menawar dan intensitas persaingan industri sejenis.
Pembahasan mencakup kegiatan utama yaitu produksi, sistem pemasaran, struktur usaha PT. ABC pada saat ini dan aktivitas pendukung dalam penentuan harga yang diterapkan. PT. ABC akan mengembangkan struktur usahanya ke arah bisnis integrasi sampai dengan tahap pembuatan Rumah Pemotongan Ayam dan Cold Storage. Kedua usaha itu merupakan tahap yang baru dapat dilakukan oleh PT. ABC untuk menciptakan integrasi vertikal dari hulu ke hilir yang dapat mendukung industri pakan ternaknya. Hasil perbandingan pada Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) PT. ABC menduduki urutan kedua setelah pesaing utamanya. Keunggulan utama pada CPM tersebut adalah kualitas produk dan referensi pelanggan.
Untuk menghadapi era globalisasi nanti, pihak manajemen PT. ABC harus dapat mengantisipasinya dengan cara meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan program pelatihan untuk meningkatkan performa sumber daya manusianya sendiri. Penyebaran agen distribusi barn harus segera dilaksanakan dalam waktu dekat untuk mengantisipasi ekspansi bisnis, misalkan ke luar Pulau Jawa atau daerah-daerah yang berpotensi untuk membangun petemakan. Meningkatkan jumlah populasi kemitraan dengan menambah jumlah petemak mitra, hal ini dilakukan untuk dapat menyalurkan pakan temak dan DOC. Hasil dari kemitraan ini yaitu ayam broiler, dapat digunakan untuk kepentingan perusahaan ataupun dijual ke pasaran.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aminuddin Parakkasi
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1999
636.084 AMI i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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