ABSTRAKPenelitian dalam tesis ini ingin menguji peran dari psychological sense of
community terhadap intensi loyalitas serta menguji peran dari satisfaction with
core attribute terhadap overall satisfaction. Komunitas yang dijadikan objek
penelitian adalah Hijabers Community (HC). Penelitian menggunakan metode
Structural Equations Modelling (SEM). Berdasarkan data dari 100 responden
dapat diketahui bahwa dalam psychological sense of community dan satisfaction
with core attribute berpengaruh positif terhadap emotional experience melalui
collective hedonic service (event) yang dapat berdampak pada peningkatan overall
satisfaction dan loyalty intention. Namun psychological sense of community dan
satisfaction with core attribute tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap overall
satisfaction dan loyalty intention apabila tidak diciptakan stimulus dari emotional
experience. Dengan demikian, memuaskan pelanggan tidak selalu menjadi kunci
penciptaan nilai atau pendorong utama dari kesetiaan tetapi interaksi pelanggan
secara efektif lebih meningkatkan "co-creation experience" (Prahalad,2004).
ABSTRACTThe research in this thesis is to examine the role of psychological sense of
community to the intention to examine the role of loyalty and satisfaction with
core attribute to overall satisfaction. Research using Structural Equations
Modeling (SEM). Based on data from 100 respondents to note that in the
psychological sense of community and satisfaction with core attribute has a
positive effect on emotional experience through collective hedonic service (event)
that may have an impact on improving the overall satisfaction and loyalty
intention. But the psychological sense of community and satisfaction with core
attribute has no positive effect on overall satisfaction and loyalty intention, if its
not created with stimulus of emotional experience. Thus, satisfying the customer is
not always the key to value creation or main driver of loyalty but more effective
customer interactions to improve "co-creation experience" (Prahalad, 2004)"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012