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Ditemukan 6219 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"WSN merupakan jaringan sensor berskala besar dengan sumber daya yang terbatas. WSN digunakan pada aplikasi yang bersifat spesifik seperti untuk militer, survei, industri sampai pada pemakaian umum. Masalah yang dihadapi WSN adalah keterbatasan sumber daya dan jaringan yang selalu berubah sehingga membutuhkan algoritma yang tepat."
600 TEKNOSAINS 1:11 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vergin Raja Sarobin M
"The demand for a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has increased enormously because of its great ability to supervise the outside world as well as due to its vast range of applications. Since these sensor nodes depend greatly on battery power and being deployed in adverse environments, substituting the battery is a tiresome job. Cluster-based routing techniques are prominent methods to extend the lifetime of wireless sensor networks. In this research, the work on energy efficient clustering approach is considered in two phases. During the cluster head selection phase, cluster heads are chosen which can stabilize the power consumption in sensor networks, by considering both the residual energy and distance of node with respect to sink. Later, during the cluster formation phase, a non-cluster head node will choose a cluster head that lies in close proximity with the center point between the sensor nodes and sink. Also, these non-cluster head nodes should be within the transmission range of the cluster head, as selected by the above method. Initially, the Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) which is an eminent protocol for sensor networks is investigated. Furthermore, the same LEACH protocol is enhanced by proposing an effective cluster head election scheme as well as a new cluster formation scheme as mentioned above. Simulation results reveal that the proposed algorithm outperforms the traditional LEACH protocol in prolonging network lifetime."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aldwin Akbar Hermanudin
"Saat ini terdapat beberapa protokol pada Application Layer yang berjalan di sistem Internet of Things. Protocol seperti MQTT, CoAP, XMPP, dan DDS memiliki arsitektur dan kinerja yang berbeda-beda. Pada jaringan sensor nirkabel yang memiliki daya rendah, bandwidth rendah dan reliabilitas yang terbatas lebih cocok menggunakan CoAP. Namun, CoAP menderita skalabilitas yang buruk jika dibandingkan dengan MQTT. Oleh sebab itu penelitian skripsi ini fokus pada implementasi CoAP Broker yang memungkinkan CoAP menggunakan arsitektur yang serupa dengan MQTT.
Penelitian ini mengimplementasi Access Gateway dan beberapa skenario skalabilitas, meliputi skenario pemantauan sensor dan pengedalian aktuator pada peternakan ayam yang memiliki kandang ayam lebih dari satu. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan keberhasilan mengimplementasi CoAP Broker beserta dengan skenario yang disebutkan dengan hasil evaluasi kinerja menunjukan latency yang belum menunjukan congestion saat menangani 130 permintaan per detik dan error-rate yang baik dengan nilai yang sangat rendah antara 0.01 - 0.04.

Currently there are several Application Layer protocols running in Internet of Things system. Protocols such as MQTT, CoAP, XMPP, and DDS have different architectures and performance. For wireless sensor networks operating in low power, low bandwidth and with limited reliability, is more suitable to use CoAP. However, CoAP suffers from scalability problem which make it inferior to MQTT architecture. Therefore this research focuses on CoAP Broker implementation which enables MQTT like architecture to be implemented in CoAP.
This research aims to implement Access Gateway and several scalability scenarios, involving sensor monitoring scenarios and actuator controls on chicken farms that have more than one chicken coop. The results of this research shows the success of implementing CoAP Broker along with the mentioned scenarios with performance evaluation results show the latency which has not indicate any congestion when handling 130 requests per second and good error rate with very low value between 0.01 0.04.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Aufa Irsyaddin
"Indonesia, sebagai salah satu negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia, memiliki wilayah perbatasan laut dengan berbagai negara. Kawasan perbatasan merupakan salah satu kawasan penting yang perlu dilindungi dan dipantau terus menerus menggunakan sistem monitoring. Sistem monitoring ini dapat digunakan untuk melindungi sumber daya yang berada di laut seperti pertambangan minyak, perikanan, dan kekayaan laut lainnya. Maka dari itu, dikembangkanlah teknologi terbaru yaitu Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel (JSN). Dalam tulisan ini, penulis mengembangkan sistem pendeteksi kapal menggunakan JSN yang dilengkapi dengan Global Positioning System (GPS). JSN bekerja dengan melakukan seluruh proses pendeteksian pada masing-masing node sensor. Pada node pendeteksian digunakan Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) untuk mengubah keluaran akseelrometer kedalam domain frekuensi. Pendeteksian melibatkan frekuensi dan magnitude dari gelombang air danau. Selain itu digunakan pula GPS untuk mendapatkan data berupa latitude dan longitude dari kapal. GPS juga digunakan untuk menetukan jarak antar node sensor. Pada sistem pendeteksian kapal ini didapat nilai estimasi kecepatan, arah datang, dan koordinat kapal saat meninggalkan daerah pengawasan

Indonesia, as one of the largest archipelagic countries in the world, has maritime borders with various countries. The border area is one of the important areas that need to be protected and monitored continuously using a monitoring system. Monitoring system can be used to protect marine resources such as oil mining, fisheries and other marine resources. Therefore, the latest technology, namely Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) was developed. In this paper, the authors develop a ship detection system using a JSN equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS). WSN works by carrying out the entire detection process at each sensor node. At the detection node, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used to convert the output of the accelerometer to the frequency domain. Detection involves the frequency and magnitude of lake waves. In addition, GPS is also used to obtain data in the form of latitude and longitude from ships. GPS is also used to determine the distance between sensor nodes. In this ship detection system, the estimated value of speed, direction of arrival, and coordinates of the ship when leaving the surveillance area is obtained"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Awangga Febian Surya Admaja
"Wireless sensor network (WSN) adalah sekelompok node sensor yang mengambil data dengan parameter pengukuran tertentu dan kemudian mengirim data secara nirkabel ke node pusat atau server untuk pemrosesan data. Salah satu hal yang paling penting dalam WSN adalah umur dari jaringan. Node sensor dalam WSN dirancang agar memiliki bentuk yang kecil sehingga mudah untuk dipindahkan, diganti dan rendah biaya produksi. Untuk mendukung desain tersebut maka energi dari node sensor dalam WSN biasanya tergantung baterai yang terintegrasi. Sehingga umur dari WSN tergantung pada kapasitas baterai dari masing-masing node sensor. Node sensor harus bekerja seefisien mungkin agar penggunaan energi dapat lebih hemat sehingga umur WSN bisa lebih panjang. Semakin lama umur WSN, maka diharapkan semakin tinggi total data atau semakin banyak data yang dikirimkan. Pada proses transmisi data, node sensor mengkonsumsi lebih banyak energi daripada saat melakukan proses data; Oleh karena itu, WSN perlu menggunakan metode routing untuk menghemat energi pada saat proses transmisi. Salah satu dari banyak cara untuk memperpanjang umur WSN adalah dengan menggunakan konsep pengelompokan node atau disebut dengan metode klaster. Salah satu protokol routing yang menggunakan konsep klaster adalah LEACH. Penelitian ini mengusulkan metode routing DivNCGL yang dimodifikasi berdasarkan LEACH dengan cara mendistribusikan cluster heads (CHs) untuk mencegah terpilihnya CH yang berdekatan. Proses distribusi dilakukan dengan cara membagi luas area sebaran node diawal proses set-up menjadi subregion. Proses pembagian subregion menggunakan nilai probabilitas yang didapatkan dengan metode non-cooperative game berdasarkan sisa node aktif, nilai energi total yang tersisa, dan energi yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan transmisi. Parameter evalusi dilihat dari umur jaringan, total disipasi energi dan total data terkirim. Perbandingan simulasi akan melihat dari 3 metode yaitu LEACH, LEACH dengan probabilitas non-cooperative game (NCGL), dan DivNCGL. Dari hasil simulasi, umur WSN menggunakan metode DivNCGL meningkat lebih dari 30% dengan disipasi energi yang stabil dibandingkan dengan protokol LEACH. Peningkatan umur WSN akan meningkatkan jumlah data yang dikirimkan dan data yang diterima dengan menggunakan metode DivNCGL meningkat mencapai 70% dibandingkan dengan LEACH.

A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a group of sensor nodes that take data with specific measurement parameters and then send the data wirelessly to a central node or server for data processing. One of the most critical things in WSN is the age of the network. The sensor nodes in WSN are designed to be compact, so they are easy to move or replace, with low production costs. To support the compact design of sensor nodes, the energy from the sensor nodes in the WSN usually depends on the integrated battery. So the lifespan of the WSN depends on the battery capacity of each sensor node. The sensor node must work as efficiently as possible so that energy use can be more efficient so that the WSN life can be longer. The longer the lifespan of the WSN, it is expected for higher total data sent. In the data transmission process, the sensor node consumes more energy than when processing data; Therefore, WSN needs to use a routing method to save energy during the transmission process. One of the many ways to extend the life of the WSN is to use the concept of grouping nodes or the so-called cluster method. One of the routing protocols that use the cluster concept is LEACH. This study proposes the DivNCGL routing method, a modified method based on LEACH by distributing cluster heads (CHs) to prevent the selection of adjacent CH. The distribution process is carried out by dividing the distribution area of ​​the nodes at the beginning of the setup process into subregions. The subregion division process uses the probability value obtained by the non-cooperative game method based on the remaining active nodes, the total remaining energy, and the energy required for transmission. Parameter evaluation is seen from network lifetime, total energy dissipation, and total data sent. The simulation comparison will look at 3 methods, namely LEACH, LEACH with probability non-cooperative game (NCGL), and DivNCGL. From the simulation results, the lifespan of WSN using the DivNCGL method increased up to 30% with stable energy dissipation compared to the LEACH protocol. The increasing lifespan of the WSN also increases the amount of data transmitted. Using the DivNCGL method, the received data increased up to 70% compared to LEACH."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, EWSN 2012, held in Trento, Italy, in Februar 2012. The 16 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 78 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on communication and security, system issues, reliability, localization and smart cameras, and hardware and sensing."
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Samudra Firdaus
"Pengawasan wilayah teritorial laut perlu dioptimalkan, terutama pada negara kepulauan yang memiliki luas wilayah laut lebih besar dibandingkan luas wilayah daratan. Karena, wilayah tersebut sangat rawan dimasuki oleh kapal pihak asing secara ilegal. Teknologi pengawasan yang umumnya digunakan seperti radar maupun satelit masih memiliki biaya yang mahal, pencitraan mudah terganggu oleh cuaca buruk, serta kesulitan dalam mendeteksi keberadaan kapal akibat efek noise dan cluttering yang disebabkan oleh permukaan laut yang tidak rata. Teknologi baru yang sekarang sedang dikembangkan untuk pendeteksian pihak asing yang masuk dalam wilayah teritorial adalah teknologi jaringan sensor nirkabel JSN.
Skripsi ini telah memformulasikan persamaan JSN dengan 4 node sensor untuk mengestimasi koordinat kapal. Selain itu, telah dibuat pula perangkat lunak berbasis bahasa pemrograman Processing yang mampu menunjukkan hasil pendeteksian kapal. Kemudian telah dirancang sebuah sistem pendeteksi kapal yang mengestimasi arah, kecepatan, serta koordinat kapal berdasarkan persamaan estimasi koordinat kapal JSN dengan 4 node sensor.
Sistem yang dirancang merupakan integrasi perangkat lunak tersebut dan perangkat keras berupa modul XBee sebagai pengirim data, mikrokontroler Arduino, dan akselerometer untuk membaca pergerakan node sensor secara vertikal. Pengujian dilakukan dengan melewatkan sebuah kapal dengan kecepatan tertentu di dalam wilayah pengawasan menggunakan JSN dengan 4 node sensor.
Hasil yang diperoleh, sistem pendeteksian kapal mampu mendeteksi kecepatan, arah, dan koordinat kapal yang direpresentasikan dalam sumbu x dan sumbu y dengan akurasi terbaik yang dapat dilakukan yaitu sebesar 96 untuk pendeteksian kecepatan kapal, 98,85 untuk pendeteksian arah kapal, 98 untuk pendeteksian sumbu x, dan 99,92 untuk pendeteksian sumbu y.

Surveillance of marine territorial areas needs to be optimized, especially in archipelagic countries that have a larger marine area than land area because the area is vulnerable entered by foreign ships illegally. Commonly used surveillance technologies such as radar and satellite still have an excessive cost, imaging is easily disrupted by harsh weather, as well as difficulty in detecting ship presence due to noise and cluttering effects caused by uneven sea levels. Innovative technology that is now being developed for the detection of foreign parties that enter the territory is wireless sensor network technology WSN.
In this research, WSN equation with 4 sensor nodes to estimate the coordinates of the ship has been formulated. In addition, a software based on Processing language that can show the results of ship detection is also made. A ship detecting system that estimates the direction, velocity, and coordinate of the ship based on the WSN ship coordinate estimation equation with 4 sensor nodes has been designed as well.
The designed system is an integration of the software and hardware. The hardware use XBee module as communication device, Arduino as microcontroller, and accelerometer to read vertical sensor node movement. The test is performed by passing a ship at a certain speed within the surveillance area using WSN with 4 sensor nodes.
Results shown that the ship detection system can detect the velocity, direction, and coordinates of the ship represented in the x axis and y axis with the best accuracy of 96 for the detection of ship speed, 98.85 for the detection of ship direction, 98 For the detection of the x axis, and 99.92 for the detection of the y axis.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jukka Suhonen, editor
"Covers the low-power Wireless sensor network (WSN) services ranging from hardware platforms and communication protocols to network deployment, and sensor data collection and actuation. This book explains the implications of resource constraints and expected performance in terms of throughput, reliability and latency. "
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vergin Raja Sarobin M
"The low-cost Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of small battery powered devices called sensors, with limited energy capacity. Once deployed, accessibility to any sensor node for maintenance and battery replacement is not feasible due to the spatial scattering of the nodes. This will lead to an unreliable, limited lifetime and a poor connectivity network. In this paper a novel bio-inspired cluster-based deployment algorithm is proposed for energy optimization of the WSN and ultimately to improve the network lifetime. In the cluster initialization phase, a single cluster is formed with a single cluster head at the center of the sensing terrain. The second phase is for optimum cluster formation surrounding the inner cluster, based on swarming bees and a piping technique. Each cluster member distributes its data to its corresponding cluster head and the cluster head communicates with the base station, which reduces the communication distance of each node. The simulation results show that, when compared with other clustering algorithms, the proposed algorithm can significantly reduce the number of clusters by 38% and improve the network lifetime by a factor of 1/4."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:4 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) terdiri dari sejumlah besar sensor nodes, dan digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi seperti pemantauan gedung, pengendalian lingkungan, pemantauan kehidupan habitat liar, deteksi kebakaran hutan, otomatisasi industri, militer, keamanan, dan kesehatan. Setiap sensor node memerlukan sistem operasi (SO) yang dapat mengontrol hardware, menyediakan abstraksi hardware untuk aplikasi perangkat lunak, dan mengisi kesenjangan antara aplikasi dan hardware. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menyajikan SO untuk WSNs dan percobaan dari portcontikiOS untuk MSP430 mikrokontroler yang sangat populer di platform hardware untuk WSNs. Peneliti memulai dengan menghadirkan isu utama yaitu desain SO untuk WSNs. Lalu, peneliti memeriksa beberapa sistem operasi populer untuk WSNs, termasuk TinyOS, ContikiOS, dan LiteOS. Akhirnya peneliti menyajikan sebuah percobaan dari port ContikiOS untuk MSP430 mikrokontroler.

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of a large number of sensor nodes, and are used for various applications such as building monitoring, environment control, wild-life habitat monitoring, forest fire detection, industry automation, military, security, and health-care. Each sensor node needs an operating system (OS) that can control the hardware, provide hardware abstraction to application software, and fill in the gap between applications and the underlying hardware. In this paper, researchers present OS for WSNs and an experiment of porting contikiOS to MSP430 microcontroller which is very popular in many hardware platforms for WSNs. Researchers begin by presenting the major issues for the design of OS for WSNs. Then, researchers examine some popular operating systems for WSNs including TinyOS, ContikiOS, and LiteOS. Finally, researchers present an experiment of porting ContikiOS to MSP430 microcontroller."
[Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology, Vietnam], 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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