ABSTRAKKualitas dan akurasi data imunisasi adalah masalah yang sering ditemukan di puskesmas dan dinas kesehatan, meskipun cakupan imunisasi tinggi tetapi dengan tidak adanya penilaian kualitas data imunisasi yang dilaporkan secara rutin tersebut maka persentase cakupan yang tinggi belum tentu kualitas datanya juga tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas data rutin imunisasi berdasarkan metode Data Quality Self Assessment (DQS) di Kota Padang Panjang tahun 2013. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan metode DQS dari WHO. Penelitian dilakukan di dinas kesehatan
dan semua puskesmas yang ada di Kota Padang Panjang yaitu Puskesmas Gunung, Kebun Sikolos, Koto Katik dan Bukit Surungan. Data diperoleh dari dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi dan telaah dokumen. kualitas data program imunisasi menunjukan komponen penggunaan data yang kualitasnya masih rendah, data kurang dimanfaatkan untuk saran-saran perbaikan pencatatan dan pelaporan imunisasi. Akurasi data kelurahan ke puskesmas ditemukan
cakupan yang dilaporkan lebih banyak daripada yang berhasil diverifikasi (overreporting) untuk pelaporan hasil imunisasi DPT-HB3 dan Campak. Untuk pelaporan masih terjadi ketidak lengkapan tanggal pelaporan. Sistem pemantauan tidak dilakukan optimal untuk mengevaluasi kinerja program imunisasi, perlu kebijakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas program imunisasi agar sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan data imunisasi lebih baik.
ABSTRACTThe quality and accuray of immunization data is a problem that is often found in health centers and the Department of Health, despite high immunization coverage but in the absence of immunization data quality assessment is routinely reported that the percentage of coverage is not necessarily high data quality is also high. This study aims to describe the data quality routine immunization based methods Data Quality Self Assessment (DQS) in the city of Padang Panjang in 2013. Research is a qualitative research method that uses DQS from WHO. The study was conducted at the Department of Health and all health centers in the city of Padang Panjang is Gunung health center, Kebun Sikolos, Koto Katik and Bukit
Surungan. Data obtained from the conducted interviews, observation and document reviews. Immunization data quality component data usage shows that the quality is still low, the data underutilized for suggestions for improvement of recording and reporting of immunization. The accuracy of the data found the village to the health center coverage more than succesfuly verified (overreporting) for reporting the results of DPT-HB3 and Measles. For lack of reporting still occurs accessory reporting date. Monitoring system do not optimal for evaluating databases must addres satisfying immunization program, for the system of recording and reporting of immunization data better.;The quality and accuray of immunization data is a problem that is often found in
health centers and the Department of Health, despite high immunization coverage
but in the absence of immunization data quality assessment is routinely reported
that the percentage of coverage is not necessarily high data quality is also high.
This study aims to describe the data quality routine immunization based methods
Data Quality Self Assessment (DQS) in the city of Padang Panjang in 2013.
Research is a qualitative research method that uses DQS from WHO. The study
was conducted at the Department of Health and all health centers in the city of
Padang Panjang is Gunung health center, Kebun Sikolos, Koto Katik and Bukit
Surungan. Data obtained from the conducted interviews, observation and
document reviews. Immunization data quality component data usage shows that
the quality is still low, the data underutilized for suggestions for improvement of
recording and reporting of immunization. The accuracy of the data found the
village to the health center coverage more than succesfuly verified (overreporting)
for reporting the results of DPT-HB3 and Measles. For lack of reporting still
occurs accessory reporting date. Monitoring system do not optimal for evaluating
databases must addres satisfying immunization program, for the system of
recording and reporting of immunization data better., The quality and accuray of immunization data is a problem that is often found in
health centers and the Department of Health, despite high immunization coverage
but in the absence of immunization data quality assessment is routinely reported
that the percentage of coverage is not necessarily high data quality is also high.
This study aims to describe the data quality routine immunization based methods
Data Quality Self Assessment (DQS) in the city of Padang Panjang in 2013.
Research is a qualitative research method that uses DQS from WHO. The study
was conducted at the Department of Health and all health centers in the city of
Padang Panjang is Gunung health center, Kebun Sikolos, Koto Katik and Bukit
Surungan. Data obtained from the conducted interviews, observation and
document reviews. Immunization data quality component data usage shows that
the quality is still low, the data underutilized for suggestions for improvement of
recording and reporting of immunization. The accuracy of the data found the
village to the health center coverage more than succesfuly verified (overreporting)
for reporting the results of DPT-HB3 and Measles. For lack of reporting still
occurs accessory reporting date. Monitoring system do not optimal for evaluating
databases must addres satisfying immunization program, for the system of
recording and reporting of immunization data better.]"
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014