ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Chlorine dioxide mempunyai efek antibakterial yang kuat, namun dalam
bidang kedokteran gigi chlorine dioxide masih jarang dilaporkan. Tujuan: membandingkan
efektifitas antara skeling yang dikombinasikan pengolesan gel chlorine dioxide dengan
efektifitas skeling saja terhadap penyembuhan klinis gingivitis. Metode: Empat puluh subjek
gingivitis telah menyetujui mengikuti penelitian ini, terdiri dari 20 subjek diterapi skeling
dikombinasi gel chlorine dioxide, dan 20 subjek lainnya mendapat terapi skeling saja. Chlorine
dioxide dioleskan oleh pasien pada marginal gingiva, dua kali sehari setelah menyikat gigi
selama 14 hari. Dianjurkan tidak makan dan minum selama satu jam setelah diolesi chlorine
dioxide. Indeks plak, PBI dan kedalaman poket dievaluasi sebelum dan sesudah terapi pada gigi
16,21,11,21,22,24,26,36,32,31,41,42,44,46. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada
penurunan indeks plak( p<0,05); tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada penurunan PBI
(p>0,05);ada kecenderungan perbedaan bermakna pada kedalaman poket (p=0,053).
Kesimpulan: Terapi skeling yang dikombinasi pengolesan chlorine dioxide pada gingivitis,
lebih baik dibanding dengan skeling saja pada penyembuhan gingivitis.
ABSTRACTBackground: Chlorine dioxide has strong antibacterial effect, but there is still limited study
about the use of chlorine dioxide in dentistry. Aim: To compare the effectiveness of scaling
combine with application of chlorine dioxide gel and scaling only in the healing of gingivitis.
Methods: Forty subjects with gingivitis agreed to follow this study. Twenty subjects got scaling
combine with chlorine dioxide gel application and the remaining subjects got scaling only.
Chlorine dioxide was applied at marginal gingiva by the patients, twice daily after tooth brushing
during 14 days. No food and drink in one hour after application of chlorine dioxide. Plaque
index, Papilla Bleeding Index and pocket depth of gingival before and after treatment was
evaluated at teeth 16,21,11,21,22,24,26,36,32,31,41,42,44,46. Results: There is significant
difference statistically of reduction of plaque index (p<0.05); there is no significant difference
statistically of reduction of PBI (p>0.0.5); and there is tendency of significant difference
statistically of reduction of pocket depth (p=0.053). Conclusion: The treatment of scaling
combine with application of chlorine dioxide gel gives better outcome than scaling only, in
healing of gingivitis."