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"Pulmonary tuberculosis is a chronic lung disease which has a physical as well as psychosocial impact on the patients.
Until recently, existing government programs still focus on the treatment and contamination prevention of the disease.
The current existing program is not directed towards solving the patients’ psychosocial problems, although the impact
thereof is very influential towards the discipline in undergoing treatment and the prognosis of Tuberculosis (TB) as a
disease in patients. This research aims to analyze factors that are most influential in fulfilling the psychosocial needs of
TB patients in the city of Cirebon. This research uses a corelational descriptive method. 171 pulmonary TB patients
involved in this research were chosen through consecutive sampling from 10 public health centers in the City and
Region of Cirebon. The psychosocial needs of pulmonary TB patients are measured by instruments developed by the
researchers. Prior to using the instrument, a validity and reliability test has been conducted. The result indicates that
there are three dominant factors that are closely related to the patients’ satisfaction in meeting their psychosocial needs.
These factors are the psychological condition during the last week, duration of treatment and supporting services,
whereas demographic factors are not related to their satisfaction in meeting their psychosocial needs. The result of this
research can be considered by the government to provide supporting services at Public Health Centers in order to fulfill
the psychosocial needs of pulmonary TBC patients and avoid drop out cases.
Analisis Kebutuhan Psikososial Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru. Tuberkulosis paru adalah penyakit paru-paru kronis
yang berdampak secara fisik dan psikososial bagi penderitanya. Hingga saat ini program-program pemerintah yang ada
masih berfokus pada pengobatan dan pencegahan penularan penyakit. Program yang ada belum mengarah pada
pemecahan masalah psikososial penderita, padahal dampak masalah psikososial sangat besar pengaruhnya terhadap
kepatuhan berobat dan prognosis penyakit penderita Tuberculosis (TB). Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor
yang paling mempengaruhi pemenuhan kebutuhan psikososial penderita TB di kota Cirebon. Penelitian ini
menggunakan metode deskriptif korelasional. Sejumlah 171 orang penderita TB paru yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini
dipilih dengan cara consecutive sampling dari sepuluh puskesmas di Kota dan Kabupaten Cirebon. Kebutuhan
psikososial penderita TB paru diukur dengan alat ukur yang dikembangkan sendiri oleh peneliti. Sebelum digunakan,
instrumen tersebut sudah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga faktor
dominan yang paling berhubungan dengan tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan psikososial mereka.
Faktor tersebut adalah kondisi psikologis dalam seminggu terakhir, lama pengobatan, dan layanan pendukung.
Sementara itu, faktor demografi tidak berhubungan dengan kepuasan mereka terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan
psikososial. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan pertimbangan bagi pemerintah untuk mengadakan layanan pendukung
di puskesmas sehingga kebutuhan psikososial penderita TB paru bisa terpenuhi dan kasus drop out bisa dicegah."
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Universitas Padjajaran. Faculty of Nursing, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Analisis Kebutuhan Psikososial Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru. Tuberkulosis paru adalah penyakit paru-paru kronis yang berdampak secara fisik dan psikososial bagi penderitanya. Hingga saat ini program-program pemerintah yang ada masih berfokus pada pengobatan dan pencegahan penularan penyakit. Program yang ada belum mengarah pada pemecahan masalah psikososial penderita, padahal dampak masalah psikososial sangat besar pengaruhnya terhadap kepatuhan berobat dan prognosis penyakit penderita Tuberculosis (TB). Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor yang paling mempengaruhi pemenuhan kebutuhan psikososial penderita TB di kota Cirebon. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif korelasional. Sejumlah 171 orang penderita TB paru yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini dipilih dengan cara consecutive sampling dari sepuluh puskesmas di Kota dan Kabupaten Cirebon. Kebutuhan psikososial penderita TB paru diukur dengan alat ukur yang dikembangkan sendiri oleh peneliti. Sebelum digunakan, instrumen tersebut sudah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga faktor dominan yang paling berhubungan dengan tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan psikososial mereka. Faktor tersebut adalah kondisi psikologis dalam seminggu terakhir, lama pengobatan, dan layanan pendukung. Sementara itu, faktor demografi tidak berhubungan dengan kepuasan mereka terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan psikososial. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan pertimbangan bagi pemerintah untuk mengadakan layanan pendukung di puskesmas sehingga kebutuhan psikososial penderita TB paru bisa terpenuhi dan kasus drop out bisa dicegah.

Pulmonary tuberculosis is a chronic lung disease which has a physical as well as psychosocial impact on the patients. Until recently, existing government programs still focus on the treatment and contamination prevention of the disease. The current existing program is not directed towards solving the patients? psychosocial problems, although the impact thereof is very influential towards the discipline in undergoing treatment and the prognosis of Tuberculosis (TB) as a disease in patients. This research aims to analyze factors that are most influential in fulfilling the psychosocial needs of TB patients in the city of Cirebon. This research uses a corelational descriptive method. 171 pulmonary TB patients involved in this research were chosen through consecutive sampling from 10 public health centers in the City and Region of Cirebon. The psychosocial needs of pulmonary TB patients are measured by instruments developed by the researchers. Prior to using the instrument, a validity and reliability test has been conducted. The result indicates that there are three dominant factors that are closely related to the patients? satisfaction in meeting their psychosocial needs. These factors are the psychological condition during the last week, duration of treatment and supporting services, whereas demographic factors are not related to their satisfaction in meeting their psychosocial needs. The result of this research can be considered by the government to provide supporting services at Public Health Centers in order to fulfill the psychosocial needs of pulmonary TBC patients and avoid drop out cases."
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Universitas Padjajaran, Faculty of Nursing, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tirza Z. Tamin
Background: obesity and osteoarthritis have strong inter-relationship with multi-factorial mechanism that
caused pain and leads to decreased quality of life. Exercise has been identified as prevention and management
against obesity and joint pain. This systematic review aims to assess the effect between exercises compared to diet
group for chronic pain management, physical and mental function in obese patients with chronic musculoskeletal
problem. Methods: we performed a systematic search of Randomized Control Trial studies from Cochrane CentralRegister of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL); MEDLINE; EBSCO; SCIENCEDIRECT (Elsevier); SCOPUS, grey
literature, trial registry, ongoing study for published studies, and from the ClinicalTrial.gov, thesis of rehabilitation
medicine in RSCM, and proceeding books for unpublished studies that was last updated on November 2016. Risk
of bias was assessed using Cochrane risk-of-bias tool and data were analyzed using Review Manager 2014.
Results: one study showed no difference in pain reduction (assessed using VAS) between two groups. Two studies
showed improvement in physical function measured using 6MWT in exercise group at 6 and 18 months with mean
difference 28.12 [11.20, 45.04] and 26.21 [9.01, 43.41]. There was no significant effects observed for Mental and
Physical Function based on SF-36 after 6 months (1 study) and 18 months (2 studies) observation, with mean
difference 1.10 [-0.79, 2.99] and 0.08 [-1.53, 1.70] respectively for Mental Function score and -0.30 [-2.54, 1.94]
and -0.36 [-2.30, 1.57] respectively for Physical Function score. Conclusion: exercise can improve physical
function objectively, but could not reduce pain in obese patients with chronic musculoskeletal problem subjectively.
Keywords: exercises intervention, chronic pain management, functional score, quality of life, systematic review."
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Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2018
610 UI-IJIM 50:4 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imelda Appulembang
Surgery is one of medical procedures that can be a stressor causing anxiety in patient. In Mamuju district hospital, informed consent is considered as medical procedure.This study was aimed to determine the influence of informed consent provision towards the level of anxiety in pre-operative patients at Mamuju District Public Hospital. The population in this study was pre-operative patients. Accidental sampling approach was applied to obtain a total of 32 samples. This quantitative study used quasi experimental design with a non-equivalent time sample design which was analysed using the Wilcoxon statistical test. The results showed that there was the effect of provision of informed consent on the level of anxiety in pre-operative patients at Mamuju District Public Hospital. Informed consent can reduce anxiety in pre-operative patient at Mamuju District Public Hospital."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
613 KESMAS 12:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Geneva: World Health Organization, 1980
613 WOR s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deny Ardi Lourina
The accreditation of health centers is an endeavor by the Ministry of Health to improve the quality and performance of health centers regulated by Permenkes No. 4/2015. Of the 38 health centers in Brebes, only 10 has been accredited. We wish to discover how prepared are the health centers to be accredited based on the resources available and pre-accreditation survey. Data was obtained through in-depth interviews and documentary research. Results indicated that there was sufficient funds, facilities and equipment for the accreditation. However, the assessment scores for human resources sufficiency and documentary completeness was low.
Akreditasi Puskesmas merupakan upaya peningkatan mutu dan kinerja pelayanan puskesmas yang diatur oleh Permenkes Nomor 46 Tahun 2015. Dari 38 puskesmas di Kabupaten Brebes, hanya 10 puskesmas yang sudah terakreditasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa siapkah Puskesmas di Kabupaten Brebes untuk menghadapi akreditasi berdasarkan variabel sumber daya dan tahapan kesiapan survei pra-akreditasi. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan dana, sarana dan prasarana dinilai cukup siap untuk mendukung penilaian akreditasi puskesmas, namun hasil skoring assessment pada keterpemenuhan kompetensi SDM dan kelengkapan dokumen masih rendah."
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Depok: Department of Health Administration and Policy, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
610 IHPA 3:2 2018
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rukhsana Ahmed
"There are many challenges women face to be able to give birth in health facilities in many parts of
Indonesia. This study explores the roles and observations of close-to-community maternal health providers and other
community members on potential barriers faced by women to deliver in health facilities in two districts within The
Archipelago. Methods: Employing an explorative qualitative approach, 110 semi-structured interviews and 7 focus
group discussions were conducted in 8 villages in Southwest Sumba, in the East Nusa Tenggara province, and in 8 villages
in Cianjur, in the West Java province. The participants included village midwives, Posyandu volunteer (village health
volunteers), traditional birth attendants (TBAs), mothers, men, village heads and district health officials. Results: The
main findings were mostly similar in the two study areas. However, there were some key differences. Preference for
TBA care, traditional beliefs, a lack of responsiveness of health providers to local traditions, distance, cost of travel and
indirect costs of accompanying family members were all barriers to patients attending health facilities for the birth of
their child. TBAs were the preferred health providers in most cases due to their close proximity at the time of childbirth
and their adherence to traditional practices during pregnancy and delivery. Conclusions: Improving collaborations
between midwives and TBAs, and responsiveness to traditional practices within health facilities and effective health
promotion campaigns about the benefits of giving birth in health facilities may increase the use of health facilities in
both study areas."
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Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
West Pasaman District and Agam District are filariasis endemic areas in West Sumatra with prevalence of 12.40 per 100,000 cases and 11.27 per 100,000 cases respectively. This study aimed to determine risk factors associated with the prevalence of filariasis and mapping the vulnerability of the area in West Sumatra. A case control study design was conducted in the West Pasaman District and Agam District. The study used a sample of 74 cases and 74 controls taken by simple random sampling for the case and purposive random sampling for control. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate, multivariate and spatial. The results in Agam District showed that variables associated relation with filariasis (p value < 0.05) were the level of knowledge, plantations, the paddy, the ceiling of the house. The most dominant risk factor was knowledge. Type of vector that was found was Culex. While in West Pasaman District, the variable associated with filariasis (p value < 0.05) was the use of mosquito nets, the habit of dressing, marshes, and ceiling. The most dominant risk factor was the ceiling of the house."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
613 KESMAS 12:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
West Pasaman District and Agam District are filariasis endemic areas in West Sumatra with prevalence of 12.40 per 100,000 cases and 11.27 per 100,000 cases respectively. This study aimed to determine risk factors associated with the prevalence of filariasis and mapping the vulnerability of the area in West Sumatra. A case control study design was conducted in the West Pasaman District and Agam District. The study used a sample of 74 cases and 74 controls taken by simple random sampling for the case and purposive random sampling for control. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate, multivariate and spatial. The results in Agam District showed that variables associated relation with filariasis (p value < 0.05) were the level of knowledge, plantations, the paddy, the ceiling of the house. The most dominant risk factor was knowledge. Type of vector that was found was Culex. While in West Pasaman District, the variable associated with filariasis (p value < 0.05) was the use of mosquito nets, the habit of dressing, marshes, and ceiling. The most dominant risk factor was the ceiling of the house."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
613 KESMAS 12:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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