"Physical symptoms had led to the suggestion that a disease called Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) occured to the office
of “X” Company in the city of Jakarta. This research that used a random sampling technique examined the physical air
quality of the “X” Company, such as indoor temperature and humidity aspects, the SBS cases of 90 workers. Research
results on the Company “X” office workers showed that, (1) 47.8% workers had cases of SBS; and, (2) a value of 0.714
was acquired from the result of bivariate analysis using Chi square statistics program with p value of 0.325 and RP of
95 percent. This signifies that there were no relations between indoor temperature and humidity with the SBS cases of
the Company “X” workers in Jakarta City. Possibilities of other factors were found to trigger the SBS symptoms such
as chemical and microbiological factors (from work tools and facilities), and psychosocial factor (from the workers
Kualitas Fisik Udara dengan Kejadian Sick Building Syndrome pada Karyawan Kantor Perusahaan “X” di Kota
Jakarta. Adanya gejala-gejala sakit fisik, sehingga ada dugaan terjadi sakit yang disebut Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)
pada para karyawan kantor Perusahaan “X” di Kota Jakarta. Penelitian ini membahas kualitas fisik udara pada kantor
Perusahaan “X”, yaitu aspek suhu udara dan kelembaban udara ruangan dengan kejadian SBS pada 90 karyawan kantor,
dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Hasil studi terhadap karyawan kantor Perusahaan “X” menunjukkan,
(1) sebanyak 47,8% karyawan mengalami kejadian SBS, (2) berdasarkan hasil analisis bivariat menggunakan program
statistik chi square, nilai p value 0,325, dan RP 95 persen, didapat 0,714. Artinya, tidak adanya hubungan antara suhu
udara dan kelembaban udara ruangan dengan kejadian SBS pada karyawan kantor Perusahaan “X” di Kota Jakarta.
Terdapat beberapa kemungkinan faktor lain yang memicu terjadinya gejala-gejala SBS tersebut, seperti faktor kimia dan
mikrobiologi (dari berbagai peralatan dan fasilitas kerja), dan faktor psikososial (dari pekerja sendiri)."
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Faculty of Public Health ; Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Center for Occupational Safety and Health Studies (PS-K3), 2014