"[Kendaraan listrik memanfaatkan baterai sebagai sumber daya utama penggeraknya. Penting untuk mengetahui kondisi parameter ? parameter baterai seperti tegangan dan arus agar diketahui kemampuan baterai sebagai sumber daya kendaraan listrik. Metode simulasi matematis dapat dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai parameter ? parameter baterai. Simulasi menggunakan beberapa set baterai yang dioperasikan secara serentak dan bergiliran. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa jumlah baterai yang dibutuhkan bergantung dari massa kendaraan, kecepatan, perubahan kecepatan dan perkiraan waktu operasional kendaraan. Baterai yang dioperasikan secara serentak menyisakan kapasitas sebesar 24,48% dan baterai yang dioperasikan secara bergiliran menyisakan kapastias sebesar 11,71% untuk menempuh jarak 157,5 Km.
;Electric vehicles use battery as a main resource to be a prime mover. Knowing the condition of battery parameters such as current and voltage in order to discover battery power as a main resource of electric vehicle. Mathematical simulation methode might be used to discover parameters that can actuate electric vehicle. The simulation use some sets of battery which are operated simultaneously and rotationally. The result of simulation stated that number of needed battery rely on vehicle mass, velocity, velocity shift, and estimated operational time of vehicle. Battery that is operated silmutaneously have remaining capacity 24.48 % and battery that is operated rotationally have remaining capacity 11.71% for a distance 157.5 Km.
;Electric vehicles use battery as a main resource to be a prime mover. Knowing the condition of battery parameters such as current and voltage in order to discover battery power as a main resource of electric vehicle. Mathematical simulation methode might be used to discover parameters that can actuate electric vehicle. The simulation use some sets of battery which are operated simultaneously and rotationally. The result of simulation stated that number of needed battery rely on vehicle mass, velocity, velocity shift, and estimated operational time of vehicle. Battery that is operated silmutaneously have remaining capacity 24.48 % and battery that is operated rotationally have remaining capacity 11.71% for a distance 157.5 Km.
, Electric vehicles use battery as a main resource to be a prime mover. Knowing the condition of battery parameters such as current and voltage in order to discover battery power as a main resource of electric vehicle. Mathematical simulation methode might be used to discover parameters that can actuate electric vehicle. The simulation use some sets of battery which are operated simultaneously and rotationally. The result of simulation stated that number of needed battery rely on vehicle mass, velocity, velocity shift, and estimated operational time of vehicle. Battery that is operated silmutaneously have remaining capacity 24.48 % and battery that is operated rotationally have remaining capacity 11.71% for a distance 157.5 Km.