"Induksi poliploidi pada bibit Phalaenopsis amabilis telah dilakukan menggunakan kolkisin secara in vivo. Induksi poliploidi dilakukan dengan meneteskan kolkisin pada pucuk bibit P. amabilis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi kolkisin yang efektif untuk induksi poliploidi bibit P. amabilis dan menghasilkan bibit P. amabilis poliploid. Percobaan disusun dalam rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak dengan satu faktor, yaitu konsentrasi kolkisin. Pucuk bibit P. amabilis ditetesi 0,01 ml kolkisin (0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, dan 5000 mg L-1 ). Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan konsentrasi kolkisin dari 1000 sampai 5000 mg L -1 tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap persentase hidup dan pertumbuhan bibit pada 24 minggu setelah perlakuan (24 MSP). Bibit P. amabilis poliploid dapat dihasilkan pada penetesan kolkisin 1000, 3000, 4000, dan 5000 mg L -1 dengan konsentrasi kolkisin paling efektif adalah 5000 mg L -1 . Bibit poliploid memiliki ukuran stomata lebih besar dari bibit diploid sebaliknya kerapatan stomatanya lebih rendah.
ABSTRACTPolyploid induction on the seedlings of Phalaenopsis amabilis has been done using colchicine under in vivo condition. Polyploid were induced by dripping colchicine to the shoot tip of P. amabilis seedlings. The objective of this study was to obtain an effective concentration of colchicine to induce polyploidy in P. amabilis seedlings and to produce polyploid seedlings. Experiment was arranged in randomize completely block design with one factor, the colchicine concentration. Seedlings of P. amabilis were dripped with 0,01 ml of colchicine solutions (0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 mg L-1 ). Results of the experiment showed that increasing colchicine concentration from 1000 to 5000 mg L-1 did not give significant effect to the survival and the growth of the seedlings which were observed at 24 weeks after treatment (WAT). Polyploid seedlings of P. amabilis could be produced by dripping colchicine at the concentration of 1000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 mg L -1 but the most effective concentration was 5000 mg L-1. Polyploid seedlings of P. amabilis have larger size with the lower density of stomata compared with their diploid counterparts."