ABSTRAKGloriosa superba, known as glory lily or climbing lily, is one of the oldest ingredient of species from ancient
time. It is native from India, to be exact in southern India. This plant has known as one of source of
colchicine. Every part of this plant contains colchicine especially its seeds and tubers. The tubers are
extremely toxic due to the presence of highly colchicine. Even though colchicine is toxic, it is used by
ayurveda as traditional folk medicine in several places to cure various ailments, such as arthritis, fever,
ulcers, piles, inflammations, abdominal and general pains, intestinal worms, thirst, bruises, infertility,
skin problems, etc. This article is focused on the characteristics of Gloriosa superba, distribution, habitat,
plant propagation, source of colchicine, and potential medicinal use."
Bogor: Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas, 2019