"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Membahas kondisi Pusat Rekod Komersial (2) Mengkaji penanganan rekod inaktif yang berfokus pada Sarana Fisik (Lokasi, Fasilitas dan Keamanan), Layanan (Penerimaan, Pengolahan dan Penyimpanan), Kontrak & Biaya serta Staf Pusat Rekod Komersial.
Jumlah sampel adalah lima perusahaan yang berlokasi di wilayah Jakarta, Bogor dan Bekasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif di mana data dikumpulkan melalui metode observasi partisipasi dengan aturan researcher participant dan wawancara mendalam baik lisan maupun terekam. Dalam melakukan penelitian, peneliti melengkapi diri dengan Pedoman Wawancara dan Daftar Periksa (checklist) Kriteria Evaluasi Pusat Rekod Komersial.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; sebagian besar sampel merupakan perusahaan modal asing dan hanya tiga sampel yang bisnis utamanya Pusat Rekod Komersial. Sebanyak 60% sampel jenis badan induknya adalah perusahaan relokasi. Satu dari lima sampel telah memiliki sertifikat ISO untuk manajemen organisasi dan juga hanya satu sample yang telah memiliki sertifikat manajemen Records Storage dari PRISM International (Professional Records & Information Services Management International).
Fasilitas gedung penyimpanan beragam antara onsite dan offsite serta penerapan keduanya. Tetapi hanya satu dari lima sampel yang telah memiliki lahan sendiri. Secara umum sarana fisik yang meliputi lokasi, fasilitas dan keamanan telah mengikuti standar yang seharusnya dimiliki.
Seluruh sampel menerapkan layanan penyimpanan secara lengkap (full reference storage). Secara umum kegiatan layanan yang meliputi penerimaan, pengolahan, penyimpanan dan permintaan (temu-kembali & layan-antar) telah memiliki prosedur yang jelas. Namun tingkat penguasaan staf terhadap manajemen rekod sulit diukur, karena latar-belakang pendidikan kearsipan di seluruh sampel adalah 0%, selain itu seluruh sampel memperkerjakan staf kontrak lebih banyak daripada staf tetap. Seluruh sampel juga tidak transparan terhadap biaya standar, karena beragamnya komponen biaya yang harus dipertimbangkan.
Berdasarkan seluruh hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa belum ada Pusat Rekod Komersial yang paling ideal saat ini di wilyah Jakarta dan sekitarnya, masing-masing perusahaan mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan. Calon klien harus dapat mempelajari sendiri beragam standar yang relevan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan melakukan inspeksi secara teliti.
The objectives of this research are (1) to analyze the conditions of Commercial Records Centers, (2) to examine how Commercial Records Centers manage their records, focusing on the Physical Infrastructures (Location, Facilities and Security), the Services (Accessioning, Processing and Storage), the Contract & the Cost, and the Staff.The five records centers ("samples") have been examined are located in Jakarta, Bogor and Bekasi. This research can-led out is a qualitative method, and the data was collected through in-depth interview and participant-observation method with researcher-participant as roles.The results of them show that most of the samples (80%) are foreign investment companies which only 60% have core business as records storage providers. Not all of samples agree on the standardization, only one out of five samples (20%) holds ISO certificate for organization management. And just one sample holds international certification on Records Storage Management from PRISM International (Professional Records & Information Services Management International).The facilities of the storage premises vary from onsite (40%) to offsite (80%), which one sample has both facilities. But only one out of five samples (20%) owns its facility. In general, physical infrastructures (location, facilities, and security) are in conformance with the required professional standard.All samples' services are categorized in of full reference storage. They manage active records (three samples), and semi-active as well as in-active records (all of them). Three out of five samples also manage non-paper records. In general, the samples have a clear procedure in accessing, processing & storing the records. The flexible considerations are applied to one condition to another condition. In terms of cost, there is no a "transparent" attitude towards it. The level of expertise in records management among operating personnel is difficult to examine as none of them has formal education in records management. And all samples have more contractual staff than permanent staff.Based on the findings and its in Jakarta surrounders, it can be said that for the time being there is no ideal Commercial Records Centers exists yet. Since every company has its own pluses and minuses. It is important for the client to understand their needs and to learn a various standards relevant to their needs. Beside, to inspect the center thoroughly."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2002