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Nenty Septiana
Nama : Nenty SeptianaProgram Studi : Magister Ilmu Keperawatan Anak Fakultas Ilmu KeperawatanJudul : Pengaruh Perawatan Metode Kanguru yang Dilakukan oleh Ayah dan Ibu terhadap Lama Tidur Tenang Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah Gangguan tidur yang dialami oleh BBLR akibat banyaknya stimulus selama perawatan akan menggangu proses perkembangan dan kematangan otak bayi. Selama ini perawatan metode kanguru PMK hanya dilakukan oleh ibu. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui pengaruh PMK yang dilakukan oleh ayah dan ibu terhadap lama tidur tenang bayi berat lahir rendah BBLR . Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan post test-only nonequivalent control group dengan 16 BBLR yang dirawat di tiga rumah sakit di Banda Aceh. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara consecutive sampling. Analisis menggunakan uji Paired t-test. Tidak terdapat perbedaan lama tidur tenang BBLR selama dilakukan perawatan metode kanguru oleh ibu dan ayah dengan nilai p=0,77. PMK bisa dilakukan oleh ibu ataupun ayah sehingga keterikatan antara ibu/ayah dan anak akan meningkat, tidur tenang BBLR akan lebih lama, dan PMK dapat dilanjutkan di rumah dengan adanya dukungan keluarga.

Name Nenty SeptianaStudy Programme Postgraduate Programme Faculty of NursingTitle The Effect of Kangaroo Care Performed by Fathers and Mothers on Length of Quiet Sleep on Low Birth Weight BabiesSleep disturbances experienced by low birth weight baby may disrupt the process of neural development and maturity of the babies rsquo brain due to various stimuli during their care. To date, kangaroo care is only performed by the mothers. The purpose of this study to identify the effect of kangaroo care performed by fathers and mothers on length of quiet sleep of low birth weight LBW babies. The research design was post test only nonequivalent control group using a consecutive sampling technique with 16 respondents of low birth weight babies hospitalized in three hospitals in Banda Aceh. Statistical analysis using Paired t test. There is no significant difference between the duration of quiet sleep of LBW babies given kangaroo care performed by fathers and mothers p value 0,77 . Kangaroo care can be done by either fathers or mothers so that the emotional attachment between babies and their mother or father will be deepened, quiet sleep period of LBW babies will be extended, and can be continued at home with their family support. "
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nova Fajri
"Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) berisiko tinggi mengalami hipotermia. Perawatan Metode Kanguru (PMK) merupakan metode yang aman, murah, dan efektif untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh edukasi PMK pada ibu BBLR di rumah sakit terhadap motivasi dan pelaksanaan PMK di rumah. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimental dengan sampel sebanyak 32 ibu BBLR yang dipilih dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan Chi-square menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan motivasi antara kedua kelompok (nilai p=1,00), tetapi pada pelaksanaan PMK di rumah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kedua kelompok (nilai p=0,001). Pemberian video edukasi, diskusi, dan praktik langsung di rumah sakit direkomendasikan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan bayi berat badan lahir rendah.

Low birthweight (LBW) infants are at higher risk of developing hypothermia. Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) is a safe, low-cost, and effective method to solve the problem. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of KMC education in motivating LBW infant?s mothers in hospital and to monitor the implementation of KMC at home. The study used quasy-experimental design including 32 LBW infant?s mothers, selected based on consecutive technique sampling. Data analysis using Chi square shows that there is no difference in mother?s motivation between the groups (p-value =1,00), but significant different occurs between the groups in practicing KMC at home (p-value=0,001). KMC education through educating video, discussion, and practice at hospital setting can be used as a recommendation to improve LBW infant care.
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Muthoharoh
"Metode kanguru telah terbukti mampu meningkatkan berat badan bayi dengan berat lahir rendah dan mempersingkat lama hari rawat, akan tetapi dua hal tersebut juga dipengaruhi oleh pemberian nutrisi yang optimal khususnya ASI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas perawatan metode kanguru terhadap kenaikan berat badan dan lama rawat bayi dengan berat lahir rendah yang disusui langsung dan tidak disusui langsung. Penelitian ini menggunakan crossover design dengan 32 BBLR di ruang Perinatologi pada tiga rumah sakit di Tangerang. Kriteria inklusi dalam penelitian ini adalah bayi berat badan < 2500 gram, bayi yang menerima nutrisi ASI maupun susu formula, bayi dapat menghisap walaupun masih lemah, tidak dipuasakan, tidak terdapat masalah pernafasan, dan bayi tidak mendapatkan produk penambah berat badan atau Human Milk Fortifier. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan pada berat badan bayi yang diberikan intervensi PMK dengan disusui langsung dan PMK tanpa disusui langsung (p=0,451, α<0,05). Hasil penelitian dari lama hari rawat menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan pada kedua grup (p=0,096). Intervensi ini diharapkan dapat dilanjutkan di ruang rawat Perinatologi dengan durasi lebih dari 60 menit.

The application of the kangaroo method has been shown to be able to weight gain for low birth weight infants and shorten the length of hospitalization, but these two things are also influenced by optimal nutrition, especially breast milk. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the kangaroo method of care for weight gain and length of stay of infants with low birth weight who are breastfed directly and not directly breastfed. This study used a crossover design with 32 LBW in the Neonatology room at three hospitals in Tangerang. The inclusion criteria in this study were body weight <2500 grams, infants who received both breast milk and formula milk, babies could suck even though they were still weak, not fasted, no respiratory problems, and the baby's mother was willing to take part in the study. Sampling technique with random sampling. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the weight of infants who were given the FMD intervention with direct breastfeeding and FMD without direct breastfeeding (p=0.451, <0.05). The results of the study of length of stay showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups (p=0.096). This intervention is expected to be continued in the Neonatology ward with a duration of more than 60 minutes."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Perawatan Metode Kanguru (PMK) terbukti meningkatkan berat badan bayi lahir rendah, namun pelaksanaan PMK masih kurang optimal karena kurangnya kepercayaan diri ibu dan pemahaman ibu mengenai PMK terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi pengaruh dukungan teman senasib terhadap kepercayaan diri ibu, pelaksanaan PMK dan berat badan bayi. Desain penelitian yaitu randomise control trial pre-post test equivalent group dengan 24 responden kelompok intervensi dan 24 responden kelompok kontrol. Intervensi yaitu edukasi PMK (tiga sesi) dan observasi pelaksanaan PMK serta kenaikan berat badan bayi selama tujuh hari.
Hasil penelitian terdapat perbedaan kepercayaan diri ibu, pelaksanaan PMK dan berat badan bayi antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi (p = 0,001; 0,001; 0,030). Terdapat hubungan antara berat lahir bayi dengan kepercayaan diri ibu dan kenaikan berat badan bayi, serta penyakit penyerta dengan kenaikan berat badan bayi. Penelitian ini efektif meningkatkan kepercayaan diri ibu, pelaksanaan PMK dan berat badan bayi. Peneliti merekomendasikan implementasi dukungan teman senasib saat kunjungan rumah.

Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) has been shown to increase low birthweight, but KMC implementation is less optimal because of self-confidence mother was poor and mother`s understanding about KMC is limited. This research aims to determine effect of peer support on mother's self-confidence, KMC implementation and infant weight gain. The research methodology use was randomized a controlled-random experimental approach with pre-post test equivalent group of 24 respondents in the intervenstion group and 24 respondents in the control goup. The intervention was KMC education (three sessions) and observation of KMC implementation and infant weight gain for seven days.
The results was difference of mother's confidence, KMC implementation and infant weight gain between control group and intervention group (p = 0,001; 0,001,0,030). There was relationship between infant birth weight to mother's self-confidence and infant weight gain, as well as comorbidities with infant weight gain. This research was effectively improved mother's self-confidence, KMC implementation and infant weight gain. Researchers recommend the implementation of peer support during home visits.
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Francisca Shanti Kusumaningsih
"Pendidikan kesehatan perawatan metode kanguru (PMK) merupakan usaha membimbing orang tua mencapai peran ibu dalam perawatan dan pengasuhan bayi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh intervensi terhadap keterampilan dan kepercayaan diri ibu memberikan air susu ibu (ASI). Desain penelitian menggunakan quasi-experimental pre test and post test without control group design. Responden adalah 17 ibu yang mempunyai bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR) di ruang perinatologi RSUP Sanglah Denpasar. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument kuesioner kepercayaan diri dan lembar observasi keterampilan memberikan ASI. Analisis hasil menggunakan uji paired t test. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan keterampilan dan kepercayaan diri ibu memberikan ASI sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi (keterampilan: p=0,000, α=0,05; kepercayaan diri: p=0,000, α=0,05). Pendidikan kesehatan PMK sebaiknya dijadikan prosedur tetap perawatan BBLR.

Kangaroo care health education is an attempt to guide parent achieving mother?s role in the baby care. The objective of this research was to determine the influence of kangaroo care health education on mothers skill and confidence to breastfeeding their baby. The study design used a quasi-experimental pre and post-test without control group design. Respondents were 17 mothers with low birth weight (LBW) infant in the Perinatology Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar. In the collection of the data, confidence questionnaires and breastfeeding skills observation sheets were used as instrument tool. The data was analyzed with paired t test. This research found that there were a significant influence on mother?s skill and confidence in breastfeed their baby as the result of kangaroo care health education (skills: p=0.000, α=0.05; confidence: p=0.000, α=0.05). it was recommended that kangaroo care health education is should be implemented in the care of LBW infant."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Nazihah

Perawatan Metode Kanguru (PMK) terhadap Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) di Indonesia belum diterapkan sesuai dengan yang dianjurkan oleh WHO. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya dukungan dari pihak rumah sakit dalam memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk melakukan PMK. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini, dikembangkan aplikasi bernama Hug-a-Baby untuk memberikan edukasi kepada Ibu dengan Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) dalam melakukan Perawatan Metode Kanguru (PMK). Proses pengembangan aplikasi ini menerapkan konsep agile development. Untuk merancang fitur-fitur yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan ibu pasien BBLR, dilakukan analisis kebutuhan pengguna dengan metode User Centered Design. Evaluasi rancangan fitur aplikasi dilakukan dengan usability testing. Revisi dilakukan berdasarkan hasil usability testing. Setelah rancangan desain difinalisasi, pengembangan aplikasi dilakukan berdasarkan kebutuhan pengguna yang sudah diperoleh melalui pendekatan Cross-compiler Application Development dengan React Native Expo framework. Hasil pengembangan aplikasi diuji dengan Alpha Testing sebagai bagian dari User Acceptance Testing dengan menggunakan pendekatan pembuatan studi kasus Requirement Based. Hasil pengujian User Acceptance Testing menyatakan bahwa aplikasi yang telah dikembangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengembangan produk dan siap digunakan oleh pengguna.

Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) for Low Birth Weight Babies (LBW) in Indonesia has not been implemented as recommended by WHO. This is due to the lack of support from the hospital in providing knowledge and skills to carry out PMK. In this Final Project, an application called Hug-a-Baby is developed to educate mothers with Low Birth Weight Babies (LBW) in carrying out Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC). This application development process applies the concept of agile development. To design features that suit the needs of mothers with LBW patients, user needs are analyzed using the User Centered Design method. Evaluation of the application feature design is carried out by usability testing. Revisions were made based on the results of usability testing. After the design has been finalized, the application is developed based on user needs with Cross-compiler Application Development approach using React Native Expo framework. The application is tested by Alpha Testing as part of User Acceptance Testing using a Requirement Based case study approach. The results of the User Acceptance Testing test state that the applications that have been developed are in accordance with the product requirement and ready to use by users.

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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feri Kameliawati
"Saat ini transportasi yang dilakukan bagi bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR) menggunakan inkubator dengan menyiapkan berbagai perlengkapan untuk menunjang keamanan dan kenyamanan bayi selama perjalanan. Beberapa efek dari transportasi menggunakan inkubator diantaranya gangguan istirahat-tidur dan ketidakstabilan suhu bayi selama perjalanan.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh transportasi dengan perawatan metode kanguru pada kelompok intervensi dan transportasi dengan digendong. Pengukuran fungsi fisiologi dan kepercayaan diri ibu dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah transportasi baik kelompok intervensi maupun kelompok kontrol, kepercayaan diri ibu dinilai dengan kuesioner. Rancangan menggunakan eksperimen dengan pendekatan non equivalent control group before after design melibatkan 34 ibu dan BBLR.
Hasil analisis fungsi fisiologi BBLR dan kepercayaan diri ibu terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada kelompok intervensi (p=0,000), serta terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan fungsi fisiologis BBLR dan kepercayaan diri ibu baik kelompok intervensi maupun kelompok kontrol (p=0,000). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini perawat perlu menggalakkan PMK untuk meningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan ibu untuk merawat BBLR.

Currently the transportation of low birth weight babies (LBWB) using incubator by providing a variety of equipments to support the safety and comfort of the baby during the trip. Some effects of transport using the incubator are sleep disorder and instability temperature of the baby during the trip.
This study aimed to compare the effects of transportation between KMC and cuddling. This study employed experimental approach using non equivalent control group before after design involving 34 mothers and low birth weight babies. Low birth weight babies physiologic functions and mothers? confidence caring for the babies were measured before and after transportation.
The results showed that babies physiologic function and mothers? confidence caring for the babies among intervention group increased significantly (p = 0.000). There were also significant differences in babies physiologic function and mothers? confidence caring for the babies between intervention and control group (p = 0.000). Based on the results of this study, nurse need to implement KMC to increase the knowledge and ability of a mother in caring for LBWB (Low Birth Weight Babies).
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Oktaviani
"Bayi berat lahir rendah memiliki kesulitan dalam penambahan berat badan diawal kehidupannya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh nyanyian ibu selama pelaksanaan metode kanguru terhadap kenaikan berat badan pada bayi berat lahir rendah. Desain penelitian adalah quasi experimental dengan nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Tiga puluh bayi pada sampel penelitian dibagi menjadi dua kelompok; kelompok intervensi (n=15) dengan perawatan metode kanguru disertai nyanyian ibu dan kelompok kontrol (n=15) dengan perawatan metode kanguru saja, diambil secara consecutive sampling. Analisis menggunakan uji Repeated Anova dan Mann Whitney. Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan rerata kenaikan berat badan harian dan total antara kedua kelompok. Terdapat perbedaan signifikan rerata berat badan harian dan total pada kelompok intervensi. Nyanyian ibu saat PMK bisa diterapkan sebagai bagian dari asuhan perkembangan bayi yang mendukung pelayanan keluarga.

The low birth weight infant has serious problem for weight gaining in early periode of life. The aim of the present study was to identify the effect of maternal singing during kangaroo mother care for weight gaining in low birth weight infant. The study design was quasi experimental with nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Thirty babies were divided in two groups; the intervention groups (n=15) who received maternal singing during kangaroo mother care and the control group (n=15) with only kangaroo mother care, which were collected with consecutive sampling technique. Statistical analyses used were Repeated Anova and Mann Whitney. No differences in the infants? daily and total weight gaining were found between two groups. There are significant mean differences daily and total weight gaining at intervention group. This finding has implication for developmental care neonates, encourage focus family centered care."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Wayan Gede Artawan Eka Putra
"Peningkatan prevalensi bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR) di Kabupaten Temanggung merupakan masalah yang penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perawatan metode kanguru (PMK) terhadap pencapaian berat normal pada BBLR. Desain penelitian ini adalah hohort retrospektif dengan survival analysis. Populasi adalah BBLR yang lahir periode 1 Januari sampai 31 Desember 2011. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 192, terbagi menjadi kelompok terpajan dan tidak terpajan PMK.
Penelitian ini mendapatkan bahwa median waktu pencapaian berat normal pada BBLR terjadi pada minggu ke-8. BBLR yang mendapat PMK, median waktu tercapai pada minggu ke-6 sedangkan yang tidak setelah minggu ke-8 (nilai p=0,006). Risiko pencapaian berat normal pada BBLR yang mendapat PMK 2,1 kali dari pada yang tidak (95%CI: 1,3-3,5). Untuk itu penerapan PMK sangat penting dilakukan dalam merawat BBLR.

The Increased of LBW (low birth weight) prevalence in Temanggung was an important problem. The study aimed to determine the influence of kangaroo mother care KMC at LBW to achieve the normal weight. The design was a retrospective cohort with survival analysis. The population was LBW that born at January 1 ? December 31, 2011.
This study found that median time of LBW to achieve normal weight at week 8. LBW who received KMC, median time achieved at week 6, while who did not, median time achieved after week 8 (p value = 0.006). The risk of LBW with KMC to achieve the normal weight 2.1 times than LBW without KMC. (95%CI: 1.3 to 3.5). In addition the KMC is very important conducted to care LBW.
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Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Dwi Astuti
Pengambilan darah vena merupakan prosedur yang menimbulkan nyeri pada bayi
berat lahir rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi perbandingan antara
Perawatan Metode Kanguru dan pemberian empeng terhadap respon nyeri selama
pengambilan darah vena. Desain penelitian adalah eksperimen acak terkontrol
pada 21 bayi berat lahir rendah dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Penilaian
respon nyeri menggunakan instrumen Premature Infant Pain Profile. Analisis uji t
independen menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna rerata respon nyeri
pada kelompok Perawatan Metode Kanguru (rerata = 8,94) dan pemberian
empeng (rerata = 5,08) dengan p value = 0,005. Pemberian empeng dapat
dijadikan sebagai intervensi keperawatan dalam asuhan atraumatik saat prosedur
invasif minor.

Venous blood collection is the procedures which cause pain on low birth weight
infants. This study aimed to identify the comparison between Kangaroo Mother
Care and pacifier for pain response during venous blood collection. The research
design was randomized controlled trial on 21 low birth weight infants with
consecutive sampling. Pain response was assessed by Premature Infant Pain
Profile instrument. Independent t-test analysis showed that there were significant
differences in mean pain response between Kangaroo Mother Care group (mean
= 8.94) and pacifier group (mean = 5.08) with p value = 0.005. Pacifier can be
used as a nursing intervention in atraumatic care with minor painful procedures, Venous blood collection is the procedures which cause pain on low birth weight
infants. This study aimed to identify the comparison between Kangaroo Mother
Care and pacifier for pain response during venous blood collection. The research
design was randomized controlled trial on 21 low birth weight infants with
consecutive sampling. Pain response was assessed by Premature Infant Pain
Profile instrument. Independent t-test analysis showed that there were significant
differences in mean pain response between Kangaroo Mother Care group (mean
= 8.94) and pacifier group (mean = 5.08) with p value = 0.005. Pacifier can be
used as a nursing intervention in atraumatic care with minor painful procedures]"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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