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Leny Veronika
"Salah satu desa di Kawasan Puncak yang mengalami degradasi lingkungan akibat alih fungsi lahan adalah Desa Tugu Utara. Berdasarkan rencana tata ruang wilayah Kabupaten Bogor Tahun 2005-2025, Desa Tugu Utara termasuk dalam kawasan hutan lindung, pertanian, dan pariwisata. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tipologi pengelolaan sumber daya alam, mengevaluasi tata guna lahan, mengetahui tingkat keberlanjutan lingkungan dari perspektif masyarakat, dan menemukan model pengembangan masyarakat berbasis sumber daya alam. Pengumpulan informasi dilakukan melalui kuesioner, diskusi kelompok terarah, wawancara semi terstuktur, dan data sekunder. Terdapat empat tipologi pengelolaan sumber daya alam yakni hutan, pertanian, perternakan, dan pariwisata. Atas lima peruntukkan lahan di Desa Tugu Utara yakni kawasan hutan lindung, hutan konservasi, perkebunan, permukiman, dan pertanian lahan kering, hutan lindung menempati urutan tertinggi yang mengalami alih fungsi lahan ke bentuk-bentuk lain yakni seluas 528,52 ha dengan pengalihan terbesar ke bentuk kebun teh mencapai 395,51 ha. Keberlanjutan lingkungan berada pada kategori cukup berkelanjutan yang dihasilkan dari aspek keberlanjutan lingkungan 65,36 , keberlanjutan sosial 62,25 , dan keberlanjutan ekonomi 68,25 . Agroforestri yang mengombinasikan tanaman pertanian di lahan hutan adalah potensi pengembangan yang paling tepat untuk menjawab kebutuhan ekonomi, ketahanan pangan wilayah, pendukung sektor pariwisata, dan keberlanjutan lingkungan.

Tugu Utara is one of villages in Puncak area which experiences to environmental degradation arising from population growth and land conversion. In spatial planning for 2005 2025 Bogor regency, Tugu Utara village is allocatted as protected forest area, agriculture, and tourism area. This study aim to i identify the typology of natural resource managed by communities, ii to evaluate the land use, iii to identify the level of environmental sustainability from community perspective iv and to find appropriate model for natural reources based community development. The information are collected from primary and secondary data through questionnaires, focus group discussions, semi structured interviews and desk analysis. The study shows four typologies of natural resources management which are forests, agriculture, livestock, and tourism. From five 5 the designation of land in Desa Tugu Utara i.e protected forest, conservation forest, plantation area, residential areas, and agricultural land, protected forest occupies the highest rank that experienced land conversion into other forms that is an area of 528.52 ha and the largest shift into the form of tea garden reached to 395.51 ha. Desa Tugu Utara in the category of sustainable enough. Percentage of environmental, social, and economic sustainability, based on community perception, is successively 65.36 , 62.25 , and 68.25 . Rehabilitation of forests need to be pursued as part of the protection of ecosystems and the cessation of the tendency of land conversion. Development of agroforestry combines agriculture need to be forest pursued as a source of food and economic activities. The use of sustainable forest can support other sectors including tourism.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alda Nur Agustina
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai konflik dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang mengambil studi kasus alih fungsi lahan hutan kawasan lindung menjadi villa di Desa Tugu Utara Kecamatan Cisarua Kabupaten Bogor pada Tahun 2012. Dalam melakukan analisis, peniliti menggunakan teori konflik sumber daya alam yang dikemukakan oleh Abiodun Alao. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan data primer dan sekunder. Temuan penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa konflik terjadi disebabkan oleh empat faktor yaitu karena berkurangnya kuantitas dan kualitas hutan di kawasan lindung, buruknya pengelolaan dan pengendalian sumber daya alam oleh pemerintah, proses ekstraksi sumber daya alam yang membahayakan lingkungan dan adanya perbedaan kepentingan setiap aktor dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya alam.

This thesis discusses the conflict in natural resource management taking the case study over the conversion of protected forest land into villa in Desa Tugu Utara, Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor in 2012. In conducting the analysis, researcher use the theory which is the conflict of natural resources proposed by Abiodun Alao. This thesis uses qualitative methods based on primary and secondary data. The research finding is that conflicts are caused by four factors, diminished quantity and quality of forest in protected area, a poor management and control of natural resources by the government, process extraction of natural resources, and the interest of the actors in utilizing natural resources. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Syarif
"Alih fungsi lahan sawah telah terjadi di Kabupaten Pringsewu sebagai bentuk peningkatan kebutuhan akan lahan bagi perkembangan kemajuan Kabupaten Pringsewu. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi lahan sawah sebagai lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan (LPPB) serta model yang menggambarkan fenomena alih fungsi lahan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan yaitu analisis tumpang susun dan model Clue-s. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa Potensi lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan (LPPB) di Kabupaten Pringsewu 22,02% dari luas Kabupaten Pringsewu, LPPB tersebar di Kecamatan Pardasuka, Ambarawa, Pringsewu, Gadingrejo, Sukoharjo, Banyumas, Adiluwih dan Pagelaran bagian selatan dan LPCPPB hanya terdapat di Pagelaran dibagian utara.
Laju alih fungsi lahan sawah pada periode Tahun 1997-2013 mencapai -1,47%/tahun terjadi disekitar sarana aksebilitas. Model spasial Clue-s perubahan LPPB di Kabupaten Pringsewu menggunakan 17 faktor pendorong dengan skenario bebas dan skenario RTRW menghasilkan tingkat akurasi model mencapai 78,63 % atau validitas tinggi, dimana prediksi luas lahan sawah tahun 2031 pada skenario bebas mencapai 10.412,28 ha sedangkan pada skenario RTRW mencapai 12.425,55 ha. Evaluasi penerapan kebijakan RTRW di Kabupaten Pringsewu pada prediksi skenario bebas tahun 2031 mencapai tingkat minimal yaitu 6861,6 Ha atau 47,79% sedangkan pada skenario RTRW mencapai tingkat moderat yaitu 10958.07 Ha atau 76,463%.

Wetland conversion has occurred in the District Pringsewu as a form of increased demand for land for development progress Pringsewu district. Therefore, this study aims to determine potential wetland as a agricultural sustainable food land (LPPB) and a model that describes the phenomenon of land conversion. The method used is overlay analysis and model of Clue-s. The results of the analysis showed that the potential of sustainable agricultural food land (LPPB) is 22.02% of the area in the District Pringsewu, LPPB spread in subdistrict Pardasuka, Ambarawa, Pringsewu, Gadingrejo, Sukoharjo, Banyumas, Adiluwih and southern Pagelaran and LPCPPB only found in the north Pagelaran.
The rate of conversion of wetland in the period 1997-2013 reached -1.47%/year occur around accessibility. Clue-s spatial model LPPB changes in District Pringsewu using 17 driving factors with free scenarios and scenario RTRW produce accuracy rate reaches 78,63% or higher validity, where extensive wetland predictions 2031 free scenario to reach 10.412,28 ha, while in scenario Spatial reach 12.425,55 ha. Evaluation of the implementation of RTRW policy in the District Pringsewu on 2031 predictions free scenario is that a minimum level of 6.861,6 hectares or 47,79% whereas in the RTRW scenarios that moderate levels of 10958.07 hectares or 76.463%.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufan Madiasworo
"Tiap kota memiliki keunikan karakter, sejarah dan nilai budaya yang tercermin pada hadirnya kawasan yang memiliki kekentalan nilai sosial dan budaya yang dapat disebut sebagai kawasan pusaka. Masalah yang diteliti bertitik tolak dari kondisi kawasan pusaka kita yang semakin menurun kualitasnya baik secara lingkungan, sosial, budaya dan ekonomi. Namun demikian, tidak semua kawasan pusaka kita berada dalam kondisi buruk, kawasan Taman Ayun yang berlokasi di kabupaten Badung, Provinsi Bali adalah sebuah contoh kawasan pusaka dengan kondisi baik. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kawasan Taman Ayun, pengelolaan kawasan pusaka yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan nilai kearifan lingkungan yang dilandaskan konsep Tri Hita Karana dengan awig-awig (hukum adat tertulis) sebagai instrumen pengelolaan kawasan pusaka, lebih efektif menjaga kelestarian kawasan pusaka dibandingkan dengan pengelolaan kawasan pusaka yang menggunakan instrumen kebijakan penataan ruang. Berdasar hasil penelitian, saya menyusun model pengelolaan kawasan pusaka berkelanjutan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kebijakan penataan ruang dan kearifan lingkungan. Muatan model ini sebagai berikut: pada kawasan pusaka dengan karakteristik: 1) kawasan memiliki nilai penting bagi sejarah, ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, agama, dan/atau kebudayaan; 2) memiliki masyarakat adat yang masih memegang teguh adat istiadat, dan norma yang berlaku pada masyarakatnya; 3) memiliki aturan/hukum adat, maka pengelolaan kawasan pusaka dilakukan dengan: 1) berbasis pada kearifan lingkungan dengan instrumen aturan adat tertulis yang telah dilengkapi dengan muatan tata ruang; 2) dalam perspektif kebijakan penataan ruang, pengaturan kawasan pusaka dilakukan melalui penetapan kawasan pusaka dalam rencana tata ruang sebagai kawasan cagar budaya atau kawasan strategis sosial budaya, sedangkan penyusunan Rencana Tata Ruang dilakukan pada tingkat rencana umum, pengaturan pada skala lingkungan tidak dilakukan. Pengaturan ruang kawasan pusaka melalui pembagian zonasi, yaitu: zona inti, zona penyangga dan zona pengembangan; 3) pendekatan pengelolaan kawasan pusaka menggunakan konservasi dinamis; 4) melibatkan peran segenap pemangku dalam pengelolaan kawasan pusaka ini dengan pendekatan berbasis pada kesetaraan, keterlibatan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat.

Every city has its own unique character, historical and cultural value which is reflected by the existence of several areas within the city that has strong historic and social footprints. Those areas are known well as heritage areas. The main issue that will be focus of the study is the deterioration of heritage area from the aspect of economy, social, and environment. In long term, the degradation of this situation could lead heritage area into its destruction. In facts, not all heritage area is in poor condition. Taman Ayun area, which is located in Badung Regency-Bali, has succesfully maintained its physics and social cultural value as a well manage of built environment. This study is using qualitative approach with descriptive analysis. The result of this research shown that environmental wisdom that is affected by Hindu beliefs with its Tri Hita Karana concept, awig-awig from their traditional village more effectively rather than spatial planning policy as a management instrumen for heritage area in Taman Ayun. Based on the result of this research, I arrange a model of sustainable heritage area with spatial planning policy and environmental wisdom approach.The substance of this model consist of: Heritage area with a spesific character as follows: 1) heritage area has significant value such as: history, science, religion, and cultural; 2) a community with a strong environmental wisdom has a powerfull capacity to manage their living space well; 3) written customary law is used as instrument for management of heritage area. Heritage area management conduct with: 1) based on environmental wisdom which written customary law that equipped with spatial planning substance is used as instrument for management of heritage area; 2) in perspective of spatial planning policy, arragement of heritage area through determine heritage area in spatial plan document as a heritage area or socio cultural strategic area, spatial planning policy arrangement for general/macro spatial plan, and for spesific heritage area, who has a spesific character does not need a legal spatial plan. The arrangement of spatial planning for heritage area divided into three zone: main zone, buffer zone and supporting zone and also characteristic area accommodate in spatial plan document; 3) Heritage area management used dynamic conservation approach: 4) the role of all stakeholders is needed to support and develop the heritage area with equity, inclusive and bottom up approach to ensure the sustainability of the heritage area."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bethari Dwina Putri
"Pesatnya kegiatan pembangunan di Kecamatan Cisarua sebagai salah satu kawasan perkotaan yang tengah berkembang menyebabkan berkurangnya wilayah resapan air. Perkembangan ini menyebabkan alih fungsi lahan terutama milik penduduk setempat. Hal ini juga menyebabkan perubahan limpasan permukaan dari waktu ke waktu yang dapat mengakibatkan kerugian baik bagi penduduk setempat maupun wilayah hilir. Dalam upaya penanggulangannya dibutuhkan kontribusi tidak hanya dari pemangku kepentingan tetapi juga dari penduduk setempat, maka penelitian mengenai penerapan infrastruktur hijau di lahan privat penduduk perlu dikaji dalam upaya pengelolaan air limpasan air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesediaan penduduk dalam penerapan infrastruktur hijau di lahan privat, dan faktor apakah yang mempengaruhi kesediannya dengan menggunakan analisis spasial deskriptif dan analisis regresi ordinal. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan membagi Kecamatan Cisarua menjadi 4 (empat) wilayah klasifikasi ketinggian sehingga dapat diketahui variasi yang terbentuk pada keempat klasifikasi yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa penduduk pada wilayah ketinggian 500-700 mdpl, 701-850 mdpl, dan 851-1000 mdpl bersedia dalam penerapan infrastruktur hijau pada lahan privat, sementara penduduk pada wilayah ketinggian >1000 mdpl menyatakan cukup bersedia dalam penerapan infrastruktur hijau. Adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi kesediaan penduduk pada wilayah ketinggian 500-700 mdpl yaitu pendapatan rumah tangga, wilayah ketinggian 701-850 mdpl yaitu pengetahuan penduduk mengenai infrastruktur hijau, dan pendapatan rumah tangga, wilayah ketinggian 851-1000 mdpl yaitu pengetahuan penduduk mengenai infrastruktur hijau, dan persepsi penduduk terhadap limpasan air, serta wilayah ketinggian >1000 mdpl yaitu pengetahuan penduduk mengenai infrastruktur hijau, dan persepsi penduduk terhadap limpasan air. Sehingga dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi wilayah mempengaruhi kesediaan penduduk dalam penerapan infrastruktur hijau yang lebih rendah daripada wilayah dengan ketinggian lebih rendah, serta faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam menentukan kesediaan penduduk adalah pengetahuan penduduk mengenai infrastruktur hijau

Massive development activities in Cisarua Sub-district as one of the developing urban areas has resulted in reduced water recharge areas. This development led to the conversion of land functions, especially those belonging to local residents. It also causes changes in surface runoff over time which can result in losses for both local residents and downstream areas. In the effort to overcome it, contributions are needed not only from stakeholders but also from local residents, so research on the application of green infrastructure on private land of residents needs to be studied in efforts to manage water runoff. This study aims to determine the willingness of the population in the application of green infrastructure on private land, and what factors influence their willingness to use descriptive spatial analysis and ordinal regression analysis. The research method uses quantitative methods by dividing Cisarua District into 4 (four) altitude classification areas so that it can be seen the variations formed in the four different classifications. The results showed that residents at an altitude of 500-700 mdpl, 701-850 masl, and 851-1000 masl were willing to implement green infrastructure on private land, while residents at an altitude of >1000 masl said they were quite willing to implement green infrastructure. The factors that affect the willingness of the population at an altitude of 500-700 masl are household incom, an altitude area of ​​701-850 masl is the knowledge of the population about green infrastructure, and household income, an altitude area of ​​851-1000 masl is the knowledge of the population about green infrastructure, and residents' perceptions of water runoff, as well as areas with an altitude of >1000 mdpl, namely people's knowledge of green infrastructure, and residents' perceptions of water runoff. So from this study it can be concluded that the higher the area affects the willingness of the population to implement green infrastructure, which is lower than the area with lower altitude, and the most influential factor in determining the willingness of the mpopulation is the knowledge of the population about green infrastructure"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tangkudung, Auderey Gamaliel Dotulong
Karakteristik Pulau Besar berbeda dengan Pulau Kecil yang terpisah dari Pulau Besar. Pulau kecil atau pulau-pulau kecil yang terisolasi memiliki banyak kekurangan dan keterbatasan dalam sumber daya alam baik di darat maupun di laut sehingga pengelolaan pembangunannya perlu berbasiskan gugus pulau kecil. Fokus penelitian ini adalah tentang pengelolaan pariwisata berkelanjutan di Gugus Pulau Kecil: Studi kasus di Kepulauan Wangi-wangi, salah satu kawasan terumbu karang Taman Nasional Laut Kabupaten Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengkaji faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan tidak berkelanjutannya kegiatan pariwisata bahari di Kepulauan Wangi-wangi Wakatobi. Studi ini juga ingin menemukan model pengelolaan pariwisata bahari berkelanjutan yang khas Wakatobi. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif. Teknik mengumpulkan data adalah observasi, survei, wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terfokus (FGD) dengan pemangku kepentingan, dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pariwisata di Pulau Wangi-wangi Kabupaten Wakatobi belum dilaksanakan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip pariwisata bahari berkelanjutan. Ada 5 faktor negatif dan 5 faktor positif yang berpengaruh pada kegiatan pariwisata berkelanjutan di Pulau Wangi-wangi. Untuk mengantisipasi kondisi ini peneliti mengusulkan model pengelolaan pariwisata bahari berkelanjutan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik gugus pulau Wangi-wangi Wakatobi. Model tersebut adalah model yang berbasis kemitraan atau pengembangan usaha bersama di bidang pengelolaan kepariwisataan yang melibatkan Pemda, Lembaga Adat, Kelompok Masyarakat Lokal, dan Profesional.;

Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional., Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi – wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi – wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi – wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi – wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir telah terjadi perubahan penggunaan lahan dari lahan sawah menjadi kawasan industri dan permukiman di Kabupaten Karawang. Keberadaan industri juga menarik masyarakat untuk beralih profesi dari sektor pertanian ke sektor industri. Selain konversi lahan pertanian, industri juga menyerap lebih banyak air yang membuat air untuk pertanian berkurang. Hal tersebut terjadi karena pengelolaan air yang kurang efisien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan penggunaan lahan, mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis dampak dari pembangunan kawasan industri pada lingkungan, dampak kawasan industri pada kondisi sosial dan ekonomi, serta menyusun strategi perlindungan lahan sawah berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis spasial, korelasi, MDS, dan analisis stakeholders. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa perubahan lahan pertanian sebagian besar berubah menjadi kawasan industri. Perubahan lingkungan karena industri menyebabkan penurunan luas lahan sawah dan produksi padi, dan jaringan irigasi. Selain itu, keberlanjutan petani pada dimensi sosial dan ekonomi berada pada kategori kurang berkelanjutan. Strategi yang direkomendasikan untuk perlindungan lahan pertanian adalah dengan memprioritaskan sosial dan ekonomi petani.

In recent years, there has been land-use changes from the paddy field to the industrial and housing in Karawang. Industries also attracted people to switch professions from farming to the industrial. Besides land conversion, transfer in water usage also increased for industrial needs. This is caused by poor water management in terms of distribution and control of water usage. The purpose of the study are to  analyze land use changes, to identify and analyze the impact of industrial estate development, to analyze social and economic changes, and to arrange sustainable rice field protection strategies. The study uses the Spatial analysis, Correlation analysis, Multi-Dimensional Scaling and stakeholders analysis. The results found changes in agricultural land mostly turned into industrial estates. Changes in the environment due to industry caused a decrease in paddy fields and rice production also in irrigation channels. In addition, the sustainability of farmers in the social and economic dimensions is in the less sustainable category. The recommended strategy for protecting agricultural land is to prioritize farmers' social and economy."
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Uiniversitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Perencanaan wilayah suatu daerah biasanya mengedepankan faktor ekonomi untuk pertumbuhan wilayahnya dibandingkan dengan faktor keseimbangan lingkungan termasuk keseimbangan ekosistem yang ada. Faktor bentang alam (lanskap) termasuk faktor yang kurang diperhatikan. Pengelolaan estuari tidak terlepas dari lanskap yang ada, sehingga diperlukan suatu lanskap yang berkelanjutan (sustainable landscape). Model lanskap yang berkelanjutan pada wilayah Estuari Cimandiri sangat diperlukan, dimana pada saat ini pada bagian utara Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Cimandiri merupakan wilayah terbangun (pabrik, permukiman, gudang, lahan terbuka). Pada wilayah selatannya masih didominasi lahan pertanian. Tujuan umum dari riset ini yaitu membuat suatu model lanskap berkelanjutan pada wilayah estuari sebagai alternatif kebijakan, sedangkan tujuan khusus dalam riset ini: (1) mengkarakteristikan lanskap dan batas wilayah Estuari Cimandiri, (2) menilai hubungan Estuari Cimandiri dengan kondisi sosial dan ekonomi masyarakatnya, dan (3) merumuskan model lanskap yang berkelanjutan pada wilayah Estuari Cimandiri. Pada riset ini variabel yang dipakai adalah batas estuari (salinitas perairan, fisik wilayah, batas administrasi, dan jarak muara sungai ke tempat tinggal masyarakat), karakteristik (tipologi) lanskap, dan sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Analisis menggunakan konsep analisis citra penginderaan jauh, analisis spasial, analisis dinamika spasial, analisis statistik, dan analisis deskripsi. Riset ini menghasilkan model lanskap berkelanjutan dengan peta zona wilayahnya yang potensial dibangun (terbangun) dan wilayah yang prioritas dikonservasi pada wilayah Estuari Cimandiri.

Regional planning in one area usually prioritize economic factor compared to environmental factor, such as on its ecosystem balance. It can not be separated from the landscape characteristics. Estuarine management can not be separated from the existing landscape, so it require a sustainable landscape. Sustainable landscape model for Cimandiri Estuary is needed by northern part of the Cimandiri watershed where built up area (factories, warehouses, settlement, open space are very dominant), while the southern region is still dominated by agricultural land. The general purpose of the research is to create a model of sustainable landscape in the Cimandiri Estuary as an alternative policy. Special purpose in this research are: (1) to find analyze the characteristics of the landscape and boundary of Cimandiri Estuary, (2) to analyze the relationship between Cimandiri Estuary with social and economic conditions of its people, and (3) to create a formula model of sustainable landscapes in the region of Cimandiri Estuary. The variables used in this research are characteristic boundary (salinity waters, physical area, administration boundary, and distance from estuary to community residences), landscape characteristic (typology), and social and economic communities. The analysis used are the concept of remote sensing, spatial analysis, spatial dynamics, statistical analysis, and description analysis. This research created a model of sustainable landscapes with a map of potential built up area, and the priority area of conservation on the Cimandiri Estuaries."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Muhsin
"Perilaku masyarakat membuang sampah ke badan air masih menjadi masalah di negara berkembang. Studi ini mengangkat masalah kelimpahan sampah di danau urban akibat perilaku membuang sampah sembarangan. Tujuannya adalah untuk membangun model pengelolaan kelimpahan sampah di inlet danau urban yang berkelanjutan. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi lapangan, survey kuesioner berbasis Teori Perilaku Berencana, load-weight analysis dan system dynamics. Beberapa temuannya adalah Saluran Irigasi Cisadane Empang Timur telah berubah fungsi menjadi saluran drainase; potensi timbulan sampah perairan berdasarkan survey kuesioner TPB adalah 1,147 ton/hari; serta sampah yang masuk ke inlet danau memiliki pola yang dipengaruhi oleh debit saluran, perilaku masyarakat, curah hujan dan sampah daratan di wilayah Pasar Kemiri Muka. Validasi AME dari model yang dibangun adalah 0,1079. Faktor pengungkitnya adalah intensi perilaku masyarakat, potensi sampah perairan dari pasar, dan jumlah personil pembersihan trash trap. Kesimpulannya, aspek lingkungan, sosial dan ekonomi harus diperhatikan untuk mewujudkan pengelolaan sampah inlet danau yang berkelanjutan.

Littering is still a big issue in developing country. This study investigates urban litter phenomena and how it pollute freshwater ecosystem, especially urban lake. It aims to build a model of urban litter abundance management on inlet lakes located in urban environments. It used several methods field observation, Planned Behavior Theory questionnaire survey, load weight analysis and system dynamics. Its results are Cisadane Empang Timur Irigation Channel has become drainage channel potential aquatic waste generation based on the TPB survey is 1,147 ton day and inlet lake litter abundance has pattern influenced by channel discharge, littering behavior, rainfall and amount of litter in Kemiri Muka Traditional Market. AME value of the model is 0,1079. The leverage factors are people litter intention, potential amount of litter in Kemiri Muka Traditional Market, and trash trap clining personil. In conclusion, environmental, social and economic aspects must be considered to achived sustainable inlet lake litter management.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ammar Asfari Ruby Poeradiredja
"Wilayah Cianjur Utara terletak di pegunungan yang sumberdayanya melimpah, namunpertumbuhan penduduknya terjadi dengan cepat, sehingga akan terjadi penurunan dayadukung lingkungan karena tuntutan penduduk akan lahan terbangun. Prediksi terhadapdaya dukung lingkungan penting untuk dilakukan. Data kependudukan 2006 ndash; 2016dan citra Landsat 7 ETM 2006, 2011, dan 2016 digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Dayadukung diamati melalui model sistem dinamis hubungan antara pertumbuhanpenduduk dan ketersediaan lahan dalam kurun waktu tahun 2006 - 2100, kemudiandijadikan model dinamika spasial. Hasil prediksi model menunjukkan lahan terbangundari tahun 2026 ndash; 2060 berkembang pada wilayah yang sesuai hingga kurang sesuaiuntuk lahan terbangun.

North Cianjur region lies in the mountains with abundant resources, but the populationgrowth quickly, there will be carrying capacity decline because of population demandsfor built up land. Prediction of environmental carrying capacity is important to do, itwas observed through system and spatial dynamics model of relationship betweenpopulation growth and land availability in 2006 2100 period. Population data 2006 2016 and Landsat 7 ETM 2006, 2011 and 2016 images were used in this study. Modelprediction results shows that the built up land from 2026 ndash 2060 developing in asuitable until less suitable area for constructed land.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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