"Tesis ini menelisik tentang aktivitas dan peran ideal struktur HubunganMasyarakat yang mendukung organisasi dalam mencapai tujuannya. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana struktur Hubungan Masyarakat di IntitutTeknologi Bandung menerapkan prinsip Excellence Communication pada ativitasdan peran hubungan masyarakatnya. Prinsip Excellence Communication yangdigunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan buah penelitian Excellence Theory yangdilakukan oleh James. E. Grunig dan para koleganya. Excellence Communicationmemiliki tiga aspek yang digambarkan ke dalam tiga lingkaran atau bulatan yaitu,aspek Knowledge Core, aspek Shared Expectation, Aspe Organizational Culture.Ketiga aspek tersebut saling berkaitan dan memiliki pengaruh dalam penerapanExcellence Communication dalam sebuah organisasi.
Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigm postpositivisme, pendekatan kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif. Metodepengumpulan data adalah wawancara mendalam serta pengumpulan dokumenyang relevan terhadap penelitian.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ITB dalampenerapan Excellence Communication masih memiliki kendala pada aspekKnowledge Core dimana Top Communicator tidak memiiiki pengetahuan yangcukup terkait pelaksanaan praktik humas yang ideal sebagaimana disampaiaknpada premis Excellence Theory. Top Communicator pun masih menerapkan perancommunication technician disbanding peran idealnya sebagai communicationmanager. Kendala ini dapat dipahami dikarenakan Top Communicator berlatarbelakang teknik dan di ITB tidak terdapat fakultas atau sekolah yangmemproduksi pengetahuan ke-humasan.Pada kedua aspek lainnya yaitu SharedExpectation dan Organizational Culture, ITB telah menjalankan dan menerpakankedua aspek tersebut secara ideal.Kata Kunci: Excellence Communication, Excellence Theory, Knowledge Core, SharedExpectation, Organizational Culture.
This research investigates activities and roles of public relations ideal structure thatsupports an organization in achieving its goals. This study aims to look at the extentto which the structure of public relations at the Bandung Institute of Technology ITB pertains the principles of Excellence Communication on it 39 s public relation activitiesand roles. Communication Excellence principle used in this study is the fruit ofExcellence Theory Research conducted by James. E. Grunig and colleagues.Communication Excellence has three aspects described in three circles or spheres,namely, Core Knowledge, Shared Expectation, and Organizational Culture. Thesethree aspects are interrelated, and they possess influence in the application ofExcellence Communication within an organization.This is a descriptive qualitativeresearch under postpositivism paradigm.Data collection was gathered by depthinterviews and desk research on relevant documents. This study uses postpositivismeparadigm, qualitative and descriptive approach. Methods of data collection is wawanprofound way and the collection of relevant documents to the research.The results showed that ITB in the implementation of Communication Excellence still findsobstacles at Core Knowledge aspect in which Top Communicator does not havesufficient knowledge related to the implementation of public relations practices basedon the premise of Excellence Theory. Top Communicator still applies communicationtechnician role than ideal role as communications manager. These constraints can beunderstood due to Top Communicator has engineering backgrounds and there is nofaculties or schools in ITB that produce public relations knowledge. In two otheraspects, Shared Expectations and Organizational Culture, ITB has implemented andexposed these two aspects ideally.Key words Excellence Communication, Excellence Theory, Knowledge Core, SharedExpectation, Organizational Culture."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017