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Erwin Rahakbauw
Latar Belakang: Insiden kanker serviks di RSCM masih tinggi, sebagian besar datang pada stadium lanjut, dan angka harapan hidup yang masih rendah. Jika respon radiasi komplit dan eradikasi tumor lokoregional dapat tercapai pada pasien kanker serviks, diperkirakan dapat meningkatkan kesintasan. Oleh karena itu, kami bermaksud mengadakan penelitian terhadap respon terapi radiasi dan karakteristik klinis serta patologi yang berhubungan pada pasien kanker serviks di RSCM.Metode: Penelitian kohort ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan data sekunder terhadap 123 pasien kanker serviks stadium IIA-IIIB yang menjalani radiasi kuratif definitif sesuai protokol standard bulan Januari 2014-Des 2015 di RSUPN CiptoMangunkusumo. Dilakukan pencatatan karakteristik klinis dan patologis sebelum radiasi, Dicatat juga efek samping akut gastrointestinal, traktus genitourinaria, dan hematologis selama menjalani protokol radiasi sampai 3 bulan pasca radiasi. Data respon tiga bulan pasca radiasi lengkap berdasarkan klinis dan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi transrektal/transvaginal dicatat dan diklasifikasikan sesuai Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors RECIST .Hasil: Dari 123 kasus, 84 kasus 68,29 diperoleh respon komplit, 30 kasus 24,39 respon parsial, 6 kasus 4,88 respon stabil, dan 3 kasus 2,44 respon progresif. Berdasarkan efek samping akut gastrointestinal, tidak didapatkan efek samping derajat 0 pada 99 kasus 80,49 , derajat 1 pada 20 kasus 16,26 , derajat 2 pada 4 kasus 3,25 , derajat 3 pada 0 kasus 0 . Berdasarkan efek samping akut genitourinaria, tidak didapatkan efek samping derajat 0 pada 105 kasus 85,37 , derajat 1 pada 17 kasus 13,82 , derajat 2 pada 1 kasus 0,81 , dan derajat 3 pada 0 kasus 0 . Berdasarkan efek samping akut hematologis, tidak didapatkan efek samping derajat 0 pada 108 kasus 87,80 , derajat 1 pada 15 kasus 12,20 , derajat 2 pada 0 kasus 0 , dan derajat 3 pada 0 kasus 0 . Dengan membandingkan kelompok respon komplit dan tidak respon parsial, stabil, progresif didapatkan faktor usia dengan p=0,266 RR 0,87;IK95 0,67-1,12 , klasifikasi tekanan darah dengan p=0,882 RR 0,98; IK95 0,76-1,27 , Indeks Masa Tubuh dengan p= 0,397 RR 1,06;IK95 0,83-1,34 , kadar hemoglobin dengan p= 0,193 RR 0,71;IK95 0,40-1,27 , jumlah leukosit darah dengan p=0,969 RR=1,00; IK95 0,78-1,29 , kadar albumin darah dengan p= 0,198 RR 0,73;IK95 0,44-1,20 , stadium FIGO dengan p=0,526 RR 1,08; IK95 0,85-1,38 , diameter tumor terbesar dengan p=0,034 RR 1,30; IK95 1,03-1,63 , jenis histopatologis dengan p=0,159 RR 1,18;IK95 0,90-1,55 , dan derajat diferensiasi dengan p=0,469. Pada analisa multivariat, didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara diameter tumor p=0,036;RR 2,64; IK95 1,07-6,56 dengan respon radiasi komplit.Kesimpulan: Gambaran respon radiasi kuratif definitif pada kanker serviks stadium IIA-IIIB di RSCM adalah 68,29 respon komplit, 24,39 respon parsial, 4,88 respon stabil, dan 2,44 progresif. Efek samping akut gastrointestinal, genitourinaria, dan hematologis pada umumnya tidak terjadi selama dan sampai 3 bulan pasca radiasi, yaitu 80,49 tidak mengalami efek samping akut gastrointestinal, 85,37 tidak mengalami efek samping akut genitourinaria, dan 87,80 tidak terjadi efek samping akut hematologi. Sebagian besar efek samping akut yang terjadi berderajat rendah yaitu grade 1 dan 2 traktus gastrointestinal, masing-masing 16,26 dan 3,25 , grade 1 dan 2 traktus genitourinaria, yaitu masing-masing 13,82 dan 0,81 , dan grade 1 hematologi, yaitu 12,20 . Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara diameter tumor terbesar dengan respon komplit radiasi. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara usia, Indeks Masa Tubuh, kadar hemoglobin, jumlah leukosit darah, kadar albumin serum, stadium FIGO, jenis histopatologis, dan derajat diferensiasi dengan respon terapi radiasi.
Background The incidence of cervical cancer was still high in RSCM, whom most of them was found in advanced stage. The issue that still become a problem related to radiotherapy on those patients was non satisfying local tumor control, which range 20 50 . If we can reach complete response and eradication of locoregional tumor on cervical cancer patients, it is estimated that the survival rate will increase. Therefore, we conducted a research to find out response of radiotherapy and related clinic pathologic characterictics on cervical cancer patients in our hospital.Methods This cohort study used secondary data on 123 patients of cervical cancer stage IIA IIIB who had undergone radiation therapy based on standard protocol in our hospital, during Januari 2014 to Dec 2015. The clinical factors of those patients, such as age, Body Mass Index, blood pressure, hemoglobin level, blood leucocyte count, serum albumin, largest tumor diameter FIGO staging and pathologic characteristic, i.e histopathology and grading were recorded. During radiation protocol until 3 months post radiation, we also noted any side effects of gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, and hematologic. Evaluation of radiotherapy response was based on Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors RECIST .Results Among 123 cases, 84 cases or 68.29 was complete response, 30 cases or 24.39 was partial response, 6 cases or 4.88 was stabile response, and 3 cases or 2.44 was progressive. Based on gastrointestinal side effect, there was no side effect or grade 0 on 99 cases 80.49 , grade 1 on 20 cases 16.26 , grade 2 on 4 cases 3.25 , grade 3 on 0 case 0 . Based on side effect of genitourinary, there was no side effect or grade 0 on 105 cases 85,37 , grade 1 on 17 cases 13.82 , grade 2 on 1 case 0.81 , grade 3 on 0 case 0 . Based on hematologic side effects, there was no side effect on 108 cases 87.80 , grade 1 on 15 cases 12.20 , grade 2 on 0 case 0 , grade 3 on 0 case 0 . On bivariate analysis, p of each factors were age p 0.266 RR 0.87 0.67 1.12 , Body Mass Index p 0.397 , blood pressure classification p 0.658 RR 0.98 0.76 1.27 , largest tumor diameter p 0.034 RR 1.30 1.03 1.63 , haemoglobin level p 0.193 RR 0.98 0.76 1.27 , blood leucocyte count p 0.969 RR 1.00 0.78 1.29 , FIGO staging II vs III p 0.526 RR 1.08 0.85 1.38 , histopathology result squamous cell carcinoma vs nonsquamous cell carcinoma p 0.159 RR 1.18 0.90 1.55 , and grading p 0.469 . on multivariate analysis, tumor diameter was statistically significant, with p 0.036 RR 2.64 1.07 6.56 .Conclusion Most of definitive curative radiotherapy response on cervical cancer stage IIA IIIB was complete 68.29 . Partial response was 24.49 , stable response was 4.88 , and progressive was 2.44 . The Acute side effect of gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, and hematologic were commonly can be tolerable during and 3 months post radiation therapy. Clinico pathologic characteristic that significantly related to complete response of radiotherapy were largest tumor diameter."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugandi Hartanto
Peningkatan angka morbiditas dan mortalitas akibat penyakit kanker di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan kanker ini semakin besar dan kompleks Salah satunya adalah adanya keterlambatan pasien kanker untuk mendapatkan terapi definitif yang disebabkan oleh faktor faktor yang berasal dari pasien sendiri Penelitian ini merupakan studi analisis deskriptif menggunakan metode campuran kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk mengetahui data insidens keterlambatan terapi karena keterlambatan pasien pada pasien kanker yang dirujuk ke Departemen Radioterapi RSUPN Dr Cipto Mangunkusmo pada bulan Mei Agustus 2015 serta mengevaluasi faktor faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keterlambatan pasien tersebut Terdapat 294 orang pasien yang diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini setelah mendapatkan persetujuan tertulis Sebagian besar pasien 71 4 adalah perempuan dan 141 orang 48 bekerja sebagai ibu rumah tangga Rentang umur terbanyak adalah 36 50 tahun yaitu sebanyak 132 pasien 44 9 dan hampir seluruh pasien 91 8 telah menikah Keterlambatan terapi didapatkan pada 153 orang pasien 52 dan 67 orang di antaranya 43 8 memiliki riwayat pengobatan alternatif yang dilakukan dalam interval waktu setelah timbul keluhan pertama kali dan atau setelah pasien melakukan konsultasi medis pertama kali Analisis statistik menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor usia p 0 047 pendidikan p 0 047 dan riwayat pengobatan alternatif p 0 0001 dengan keterlambatan terapi Adanya rasa takut untuk berobat secara medis atau menjalani tindakan medis menjadi alasan 51 orang pasien untuk memilih pengobatan alternatif Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengawasan dan evaluasi terhadap pengobatan alternatif terutama yang menyangkut kualitas efikasi dan keamanannya ABSTRACT
Increased morbidity and mortality due to cancer in Indonesia showed that this problem has become more complex and significant One of the problems pointed out is regarding a delay in cancer patients to receive definitive therapy caused by factors derived from the patients themselves This study is a descriptive analysis using combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to determine the incidence of treatment delay due to patient delay in cancer patients who were referred to Radiotherapy Department Dr Cipto Mangunkusmo hospital during May August 2015 and to evaluate factors that influence the patient delay There are 294 patients enrolled in this study after obtaining a written consent Most of the patients 71 4 were women and 141 48 work as a housewife The largest age range was 36 50 years with 132 patients 44 9 and almost all patients 91 8 were married Delay in treatment obtained in 153 patients 52 and 67 of them 43 8 had a history of alternative medicine that is performed in a time interval after the patients experienced first complaints and or after patients had their first medical consultation Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between age p 0 047 educational level p 0 047 and history of alternative medicine p 0 0001 with the treatment delay The fear of being treated medically or undergo a medical procedure has become the major reasons found in 51 patients to choose the alternative treatment Therefore it is necessary to conduct monitoring and evaluation of alternative medicine especially concerning the quality efficacy and its safety ;Increased morbidity and mortality due to cancer in Indonesia showed that this problem has become more complex and significant One of the problems pointed out is regarding a delay in cancer patients to receive definitive therapy caused by factors derived from the patients themselves This study is a descriptive analysis using combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to determine the incidence of treatment delay due to patient delay in cancer patients who were referred to Radiotherapy Department Dr Cipto Mangunkusmo hospital during May August 2015 and to evaluate factors that influence the patient delay There are 294 patients enrolled in this study after obtaining a written consent Most of the patients 71 4 were women and 141 48 work as a housewife The largest age range was 36 50 years with 132 patients 44 9 and almost all patients 91 8 were married Delay in treatment obtained in 153 patients 52 and 67 of them 43 8 had a history of alternative medicine that is performed in a time interval after the patients experienced first complaints and or after patients had their first medical consultation Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between age p 0 047 educational level p 0 047 and history of alternative medicine p 0 0001 with the treatment delay The fear of being treated medically or undergo a medical procedure has become the major reasons found in 51 patients to choose the alternative treatment Therefore it is necessary to conduct monitoring and evaluation of alternative medicine especially concerning the quality efficacy and its safety ;Increased morbidity and mortality due to cancer in Indonesia showed that this problem has become more complex and significant One of the problems pointed out is regarding a delay in cancer patients to receive definitive therapy caused by factors derived from the patients themselves This study is a descriptive analysis using combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to determine the incidence of treatment delay due to patient delay in cancer patients who were referred to Radiotherapy Department Dr Cipto Mangunkusmo hospital during May August 2015 and to evaluate factors that influence the patient delay There are 294 patients enrolled in this study after obtaining a written consent Most of the patients 71 4 were women and 141 48 work as a housewife The largest age range was 36 50 years with 132 patients 44 9 and almost all patients 91 8 were married Delay in treatment obtained in 153 patients 52 and 67 of them 43 8 had a history of alternative medicine that is performed in a time interval after the patients experienced first complaints and or after patients had their first medical consultation Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between age p 0 047 educational level p 0 047 and history of alternative medicine p 0 0001 with the treatment delay The fear of being treated medically or undergo a medical procedure has become the major reasons found in 51 patients to choose the alternative treatment Therefore it is necessary to conduct monitoring and evaluation of alternative medicine especially concerning the quality efficacy and its safety "
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kanker serviks merupakan salah satu keganasan pada sistem reproduksi perempuan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkap makna pengalaman hidup perempuan setelah menjalani terapi kanker serviks. Penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode fenomenologi. Delapan orang partisipan yang direkrut secara purposive sampling di poliklinik RSUPN dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta. Data yang diperoleh di analisis menurut Colaizzi.
Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi lima tema yang menggambarkan makna pengalaman perempuan setelah menjalani terapi kanker serviks yaitu berbagai dampak setelah menjalani terapi, adaptasi terhadap perubahan fisik setelah terapi, harapan terhadap kehidupan setelah menjalani terapi, dukungan sosial, persepsi terhadap pelayanan kesehatan yang diperoleh.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan perawat meningkatkan perbaikan pada pelayanan keperawatan bagi perempuan bukan saja selama sakit dan menjalani terapi, tetapi juga setelah menjalani terapi kanker serviks.

Cervical cancer is one of the malignancies in the female reproductive system. The aim of this research is to reveal the meaning of the experiences of women after cervical cancer therapy. This qualitative research was conducted using phenomenological methods. Eight participants were recruited by purposive sampling in the clinic at dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital Jakarta. The collected data were analyzed according to Colaizzi.
This study identified five themes namely the adverse effects after therapy, adaptation to physical changes after therapy, life expectation after therapy, social support, perception health care.
This research's findings suggest that nurses must provide improve nursing services toward women not only on during illness and therapy, but also after therapies.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Mikhael
"Latar belakan: Kanker serviks merupakan kanker terbanyak kedua dan tingkat kematian terbesar ketiga di Indonesia. Sebagian besar pasien datang dengan stadium lanjut (IIB-IIIB), sehingga terapi pilihan untuk pasien adalah radioterapi atau kemoradiasi. Penelitian sebelumnya membuktikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan respon tumor antara pasien yang dilakukan radiasi di pagi hari dibandingkan sore hari. Terlepas dari hal tersebut, kualitas dan kuantitas tidur dihubungkan dengan peningkatan faktor karsinogenik yang dapat menyebabkan imunosupresi. Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa gangguan tidur merupakan faktor prognostik independen dalam memengaruhi overall survival pasien kanker kolorektal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kualitas dan kuantitas tidur terhadap respon klinis pada pasien kanker serviks stadium lokal lanjut yang menjalani radioterapi.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross-sectional pada pasien kanker serviks stadium IIB – IIIB yang telah menjalani radioterapi di IPTOR RSCM. Data pola dan kebiasaan tidur didapatkan dari wawancara yang telah dilakukan kepada pasien kanker serviks dari penelitian terdahulu oleh Ramli dkk., berupa durasi, kualitas, dan jam mulai tidur malam, serta frekuensi, durasi, kualitas, dan jam mulai tidur siang. Data hasil terapi didapatkan dari pencatatan hasil pemeriksaan fisik di rekam medik.
Hasil : Rerata usia dari 43 sampel adalah 50 tahun dengan jenis karsinoma sel skuamosa tidak berkeratin diferensiasi sedang. Pada analisis regresi logistik univariat, didapatkan adanya hubungan antara jam mulai tidur malam dengan respon klinis (p=0.032), dengan pengaruh yang cukup kuat (OR: 3,13, 95%CI; 1,10-8,88). Pada analisis multivariat, variabel jam mulai tidur malam masih memberikan signifikansi 0,032, dengan pengaruh terhadap respon yang cukup kuat (OR: 3,14,95%CI; 1,10-8,94), dimana jam mulai tidur yang lebih malam akan meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadinya respon tidakkomplit pada pasien.
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara kualitas tidur dan respon klinis pada pasien kanker serviks stadium lokal lanjut yang menjalani radioterapi. Terdapat hubungan antara jam mulai tidur dan respon klinis pada pasien kanker serviks stadium lokal lanjut yang menjalani radioterapi. Semakin telat pasien tidur akan meningkatkan kemungkinan respon klinis yang lebih buruk. Setelah disesuaikan dengan faktor-faktor lain, dapat diketahui bahwa jam mulai tidur pasien mempengaruhi secara independen terhadap respon klinis pada pasien kanker serviks stadium lokal lanjut yang menjalani radioterapi

Background: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer and the third largest cause of mortality due to cancer in Indonesia. Definitive chemoradiotherapy is the main modality in treating locally advanced cervical cancer patient. Previous studies have shown that there is a difference in tumour response between patients who received radiation in the morning compared to the afternoon. It is known that the quality and quantity of sleep is associated with an increase in carcinogenic factors, and may cause immunosuppression. Research also shows that sleep disturbance is an independent prognostic factor in influencing overall survival. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between sleep quality and quantity on clinical response in locally advanced cervical cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study in cervical cancer patients treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy in Radiotherapy Department, Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital. Quality and quantity of sleep data was extracted from previous interview done with study subjects by Ramli et al, which include the duration, quality, and night bedtime schedule, and also the frequency, duration, quality, and nap time. Clinical response was assessed by physical examination by the end of radiotherapy treatment.
Results: Mean age of 43 patients were 50 years with non-keratinizing, moderate differentiation squamous cell carcinoma. From univariate logistic regression, there was an association between bedtime schedule and clinical response (p=0.032) with a good strength (OR: 3.13; 95% CI: 1.1-8.88). Multivariate analysis also showed that with a late bedtime schedule, there was a higher chance of incomplete clinical response in patients (p=0.035, OR: 3.14; 95% CI: 1.1-8.94)
Conclusion: There was no relationship between quality of sleep and clinical response for locally advanced cervical cancer who underwent radiotherapy. Meanwhile, bedtime yield a significant association with cervical cancer clinical response. After further adjustment with other factors, bedtime was an independent factor for locally advanced cervical cancer clinical response. 
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudha Sulistiana
"Latar Belakang: Kanker serviks merupakan keganasan yang sering ditemukan diberbagai negara pada wanita setelah kanker payudara. Kanker serviks berhubungan dengan angka kematian yang tinggi. FIGO merekomendasikan penggunaan MRI sebagai alat diagnosis dan prognosis. Tingkat proliferasi tumor berhubungan dengan respon terapi yang dapat diketahui dengan nilai signal intensitas sekuens T2WI. Saat ini belum ada penelitian yang menilai perbedaan nilai SI sekuens T2WI dengan respon terapi radiasi pada kanker serviks tipe karsinoma sel skuamosa.
Tujuan: Memperoleh perbedaan nilai rasio sekuens T2WI pada pasien kanker serviks karsinoma sel skuamosa yang mengalami respon dan tidak respon terapi.
Metode: Sebanyak 39 subjek penelitian dilakukan pemeriksaan MRI pelvis sebelum dan setelah terapi radiasi. Data penelitian diambil menggunakan sekuens T2WI dan data histologi berasal dari EHR RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Dilakukan analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas Saphiro-Wilk dan uji T berpasangan.
Hasil: Pada kelompok umur, status pernikahan, status obstetri dan klasifikasi FIGO, didapatkan hasil tidak signifikan (p = 0,19, p = 0,348, p = 0,153, dan p = 0,995; p > 0,05). Begitupun pada kelompok respon dan tidak respon dengan RECIST 1.1, didapat hasil signifkan dengan p = 0,000; p < 0,05) sedangkan pada kelompok perbedaan nilai rasio sekuens T2WI, didapatkan hasil yang tidak signifikan (p = 0,436, p > 0,05).
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan nilai rasio sekuens T2WI pada kelompok respon dan tidak respon terapi berdasarkan kriteria RECIST 1.1 pada kanker serviks tipe karsinoma sel skuamosa.

Background: Cervical cancer is a malignancy that is often found in various countries in women after breast cancer. Cervical cancer is associated with a high mortality rate. FIGO recommends the use of MRI as a diagnostic and prognostic tool. The rate of tumor proliferation is related to the therapeutic response which can be determined by the value of the T2WI sequence intensity signal. Currently, there are no studies that assess the differences in SI values of T2WI sequences and the response to radiation therapy in squamous cell carcinoma type cervical cancer.
Objective: Obtain differences in the value of the T2WI sequence ratio in patients with cervical cancer squamous cell carcinoma who experienced and did not respond to therapy.
Methods: A total of 39 study subjects were subjected to pelvic MRI examinations before and after radiation therapy. The research data were taken using T2WI sequences and histological data came from EHR RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Data were analyzed using the Saphiro-Wilk normality test and paired T test.
Results: In the age group, marital status, obstetric status and FIGO classification, the results were not significant (p = 0.19, p = 0.348, p = 0.153, and p = 0.995; p> 0.05). Likewise in the response dan unresponse group with RECIST 1.1, the results were significant with p = 0.000; p <0.05), while the difference in the value of the T2WI sequence ratio, the results were not significant (p = 0.436, p> 0.05).
Conclusion: There is no difference in the value of the T2WI sequence ratio in the response group and no response to therapy based on RECIST 1.1 criteria in squamous cell carcinoma type cervical cancer.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Dahlia Susanti
"The focus of the study is spiritual experience of women with cervical cancer. A phenomenological qualitative study was used to examine a comprehensive understanding on this particular behaviour and how they interpret those experiences. The research revealed a fact that women with cervical cancer had spiritual experiences as they felt uncertainties and suffers in their whole life but still motivated, the belief in God brings their hopes and made their life brighter. The result of this research has an implication into nursing service so that the holistic nursing process implementation to cervical cancer clients could improved."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nastiti Rahajeng
"Tujuan: Mengetahui kesintasan hidup, respon pengobatan dan faktor yang mungkin mempengaruhi dalam penanganan karsinoma nasofaring stadium lokal lanjut.
Metode: Dilakukan penelitian retrospektif deskriptif analitik terhadap 391 pasien karsinoma nasofaring stadium lokal lanjut yang berobat di Departemen Radioterapi RSCM periode Januari 2007-Desember 2011, dilihat karakteristik pasien maupun tumor. Analisis kesintasan dihitung dengan kurva Kaplan Meier dan respon radiasi dianalisa menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman pada pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi.
Hasil: Didapatkan 70.6% pasien adalah laki laki, median usia 45 (9-86) tahun. Sebagian besar stadium IVB (32,7%) dengan tipe histopatologis WHO III paling dominan (82,4%) Kesintasan hidup 3 dan 5 tahun untuk masing-masing stadium IIB, III, IVA, IVB berturut-turut adalah 64,9%, 57,6%, 47,4%, 48,0% dan 64,9%, 43,2%, 34,3%, 26,6%. Sedangkan respon komplit untuk masing-masing stadium IIB, III, IVA, IVB berturut-turut 83,3%, 73,3%, 52,6%, 45,8%. Terdapat korelasi bermakna antara respon radiasi dengan stadium (r=0,242;p=0,038) dan antara respon radiasi dan kesintasan hidup (r=-0,251;p=0,031).

Purpose: To show the overall survival rate, radiation response and factors influenced on locally advanced nasopahryngeal cancer.
Method: Retrospective analytic descriptive study of 391 newly diagnosed locally advanced nasopharyngeal cancer patients from January 2007 till December 2011, to show their characteristics. Overall survival rate were analyzed by Kaplan Meier Survival curve and the radiation response correlation with other factors were analyzed by Spearman correlation test.
Result: Most of the subjects are male (70.6%), with median age 45 (9-86) years old. Mainly on stage IVB (32,79%) with the most hystopalogic was type III WHO (82,4%). All of the subjects were analyzed for 3 and 5 years overall survival, resulted for stage IIB, III, IVA, IVB were 64,9%, 57,6%, 47,4%, 48,0% dan 64,9%, 43,2%, 34,3%, 26,6% respectively. Complete respons for stage IIB, III, IVA, IVB were 83,3%, 73,3%, 52,6%, 45,8%, respectively. There were significant correlation between radiation response and cancer stadium (r=0,242;p=0,038) and between radiation response with overall survival rate (r=-0,251;p=0,031).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Ayu Wulandari
"Pendahuluan: Di Indonesia, kanker rektum menempati urutan kedua kanker gastrointestinal dengan jumlah kasus baru 14.122 (4,65 %) dari semua kasus kanker, dengan jumlah kematian sebanyak 6.827 jiwa. Hal ini menunjukkan perlunya suatu terapi terstandar dalam tatalaksana kanker rektum. KPKN pada tahun 2016 telah mengeluarkan Pedoman Nasional Pelayanan Kedokteran Kanker kolorektal sebagai panduan dalam terapi, yang diterapkan di RSCM sebagai Pedoman Praktis Klinis (PPK) Kanker kolorektal. Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai kepatuhan terapi dalam tatalaksana Kanker rektum dan hubungannya dengan kesintasan pasien.
Metode: Studi kohort retrospektif ini menilai pasien kanker rektum yang menjalani radioterapi di RSCM periode Januari 2017-Juni 2018, dengan kriteria inklusi pasien non metastasis, menjalani terapi radiasi neoajuvan di RSCM, dan menggunakan BPJS. Kepatuhan terapi dinilai dengan menggunakan PPK kolorektal 2016 sebagai acuan dengan variabel kepatuhan sequence/urutan terapi, kepatuhan interval waktu terapi, dan kepatuhan kesesuaian terapi dari masing masing modalitas
Hasil: Terdapat 30 pasien yang masuk kriteria inklusi, dengan usia rerata 48 ± 12 tahun. Mayoritas pasien terdiagnosa stadium IIIC. Kesintasan hidup keseluruhan pasien dalam 2 tahun adalah 43,3 %. Proporsi kesintasan 2 tahun pada kelompok yang mendapatkan kepatuhan terapi adalah 50% sedangkan Kelompok yang tidak mendapat kepatuhan terapi adalah 42,3 % (p=1), Kepatuhan keseluruhan adalah 13,3%, terdapat tren kesintasan yang terlihat lebih baik untuk kelompok yang patuh dibandingkan kelompok yang tidak patuh, meskipun secara statistik tidak bermakna (p=0.317).

Aims: Rectal cancer cases are the second highest gastrointestinal cancer with a total of 14,122 and new cases (4.65%) of all cancer cases, with 6,827 fatalities in Indonesia. A standardized treatment in the management of rectal cancer in Indonesia is needed. In 2016, The National cancer control committee (KPKN) issued the National Guidelines for Colorectal Cancer Medicine Services as a guide in therapy, which was implemented in A National health center (RSCM) as a Clinical Practical Guide (PPK) for Colorectal Cancer. This study objected to assess adherence in the management of rectal cancer and its relationship with patient survival.
Method: This retrospective cohort study assessed the rectum cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy in the RSCM period January 2017-June 2018, with the criteria of non-metastatic patient inclusion, undergoing Neoadjuvant radiation therapy in RSCM, and using government insurance. Adherence to guidelines is assessed using PPK Colorectal 2016 as a reference to compliance therapeutic sequence, compliance interval therapy time, and compliance with therapeutic conformity of each modality.
Results: There are 30 patients include this study, with an average age of 48 ± 12 years. The majority of patients diagnosed with stage IIIC. The overall survival of the patient in 2 years is 43.3%. The proportion of 2 years in the group receiving therapeutic adherence is 50% while the group who did not get therapeutic adherence was 42.3% (P = 1), overall compliance was 13.3%, there is a trend of survival that looks better for the adherence group than the disobedient group, although statistically not significant (P = 0.317).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tuberkulosis (TB) adalah suatu penyakit infeksi menular yang disebabkan oleh bakteri M. tuberculosis yang dapat menyerang berbagai organ, terutama paruparu. Lamanya pengobatan tuberkulosis yang berlangsung minimal 6 bulan serta efek samping yang ditimbulkan menyebabkan tidak patuhnya pasien menjalani pengobatan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan obat antituberkulosis dan melihat hasil pengobatan dengan menggunakan obat antituberkulosis di Instalasi Rawat Jalan RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta periode Januari 2014 ? Oktober 2015. Metode penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif analitik retrospektif dan mengevaluasi catatan rekam medis dari 223 pasien tuberkulosis paru dengan kasus baru.
Analisis dilakukan pada 223 pasien dimana jumlah penderita perempuan lebih tinggi dari pada laki-laki yaitu sebesar 53% dan paling banyak diderita oleh pasien dengan umur produktif yaitu pasien dengan rentang umur 46-55 tahun dan pasien dengan rentang umur 26-35 tahun. Sesuai dengan Pedoman Nasional Pengobatan Tuberkulosis, jenis OAT (Obat Antituberkulosis) yang paling banyak digunakan adalah OAT-KDT sebanyak 99,1% dan hanya 0,9% yang menggunakan OAT-Lepasan karena pasien memiliki riwayat hepatotoksis. 49,8% pasien yang menjalani pengobatan selama ≥ 6 bulan dan 43% pasien mendapatkan pengobatan secara rasional. 95% pasien menjalani pengobatan ≥ 6 bulan mendapatkan pengobatan lengkap, dan 95% pasien menjalani pengobatan < 6 bulan merupakan pasien putus berobat.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious infectious disease caused by M. tuberculosis that can affect various organs, especially the lungs. The duration of treatment for tuberculosis at least 6 months. Side effects caused disobedience by patients undergoing treatment. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of antituberculosis medicines and see the results of treatment using anti-tuberculosis medicines in RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo the period January 2014 - October 2015. This research method is a descriptive analytic retrospective and evaluate the medical record of 223 patients with new cases of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Analysis was conducted on 223 patients in which the number of female patients is higher than in men that is equal to 53% and most suffered by patients with productive age in which patients with a lifespan of 46-55 years and patients with a lifespan of 26-35 years. In accordance with the National Guidelines for Treatment of Tuberculosis, the most widely used the OAT-KDT as much as 99.1% and only 0.9% using OAT-Removable because the patient had a history of hepatotoxic. 49.8% of patients undergoing treatmen't 6 months and 43% of patients receiving treatment in a rational way. 95% of patients undergoing treatment ≥ 6 months get a complete treatment, and 95% patients undergoing treatment < 6 months patients defaulting treatment.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endang Nuryadi
"Studi retrospektif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan respon terapi radiasi antara teknik konvensional 2D dengan pengecilan lapangan radiasi teknik 2D, 3DCRT atau brakiterapi pada pasien kanker nasofaring stadium dini (stadium I – IIa). Dari 20 sampel didapatkan respon komplit pada 17 pasien (85%) dan respon parsial pada 3 pasien (15%) (p=0.219). Efek samping akut yaitu dermatitis radiasi grade 3-4 adalah 5% (p=0.435), mukositis grade 3-4 adalah 15% (p=0.510) dan xerostomia grade 3-4 adalah 0% (p=0.517). Secara statistik tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna tetapi secara klinis mempunyai kesan ada kecenderungan bahwa dengan pengecilan lapangan radiasi teknik brakiterapi dan 3DCRT lebih baik dalam hal efek samping akut mukositis dibanding teknik 2D.

This retrospective study aimed to compare the response of radiation therapy between 2D conventional technique with the booster of 2D, 3DCRT or brachytherapy techniques in patients with early-stage nasopharyngeal cancer (stage I - IIa). From 20 sample, obtained complete response in 17 patients (85%) and partial response in 3 patients (15%) (p = 0.219). Side effects of acute radiation dermatitis grade 3-4 is 5% (p=0.435) , mucositis grade 3-4 is 15% (p=0.510) and xerostomia grade 3-4 is 0% (p=0.517). The result showed no satistically significant but clinically there is a tendency that with the booster of brachytherapy and 3DCRT techniques, are better compared with 2D technique in terms of acute mucositis side effects."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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