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Lukas Rumboko Wibowo
"This paper investigates how the potential of the newly enacted village forest policy to improve the welfare of local people and examines how different actors at local level perceive a legal framework suitable for improving the welfare of local people and enhancing local development. We conducted research through in-dept interviews involiving 75 respondents from different actors, such as policy makers, politician, village chief, customary chief and villagers. The research establish that forest policy on village forestry was a good option for local people to improve their welfare; however, litle understanding of the substance of the newly village forest policy of local development actors due to limited public consultation undertaken at district and village level would become a real challenges for executing the policy. The work of the policy is also depend on the extent to which the central goverment is capable of undertanding local context where multiple legal system operates."
Depok: Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadya Virginia
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai bagaimana Peran Nongovernmental Organisation dalam advokasi kebijakan untuk mengatasi masalah deforetasi dengan studi kasus Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia dalam advokasi kebijakan moratorium hutan. Pendekatan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualittaif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia WALHI sebagai nongovernmental organisation dalam advokasi kebijakan moratorium hutan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kegiatan advokasi WALHI menyasar pada isi kebijakan moratorium dan tata laksana dengan sasaran Presiden dan melalui Staf Presiden dan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Demi melancarkan kegiatan yang dilakukan WALHI juga menggalang pendukung dan sekutu. WALHI telah melakukan berbagai kegiatan dalam advokasi kebijakan moratorium seperti membuat Platform kebijakan moratorium, membuat kajian dan launching kajian, melakukan media visit dan media briefing, diskusi informal, kampanye melalui media sosial dan kampanye kreatif. Dimana masing-masing kegiatan memiliki hambatan atau tantangannya masing-masing. Kegiatan Advokasi yang dilakukan oleh WALHI telah berhasil memperpanjang kebijakan moratorium hutan serta membuat pemerintah menambah jumlah luasan PIPIB akan tetapi belum mampu merubah kebijakan moratorium seperti yang diharapkan. Rekomendasi yang diberikan adalah memperluas sasaran advokasi, membuat kajian pemerintah daerah serta melakukan evaluasi pemahaman masyarakat mengenai kebijakan moratorium.

This research describe about the role of Nongovernmental Organisation in Policy Advocay to solve Deforestation problem with case study of Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia in Forest Moratorium Policy Advocacy. This research is a qualitative research and uses qualitative approach with data collection techniques are in depth interview and literature study. The research amin to describe the role of Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia WALHI in forest moratorium policy advocacy as nongovernmental organisation. The result of this reasearch is the policy advocacy that is undertaken by WALHI targettig the content of policy and the structure such as President through Presiden tstaff and Ministry of Environment and Forestry. To support their activites WALHI has formed allies with the other organisations. WALHI has done some advocacy activities such as making platform, research and research launching, media briefing and media visit, informal discussion, mass media campaigne, social media campaigne and creative campaigne. Each activities has its challange and or obstacle. The policy advocacy activities of WALHI has the obstacle at collecting the data. The advocacy that has been done by WALHI has made the government extended the policy on 2013 and 2015and increasing the total amount of forest area on the moratorium indicative map even though it didn rsquo t not make any change at the substance of the policy as they wanted. So the recommendation for WALHI to do are expanding the target of the advocacy to Ministry of Home Affair, make a research about the compliance of local government and evaluate the pubic understanding about this policy."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan model mobilisasi Tilly, di Kabupaten Manggarai lebih banyak menggunakan strategi represif dalam kebijakan pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutannya. Disertasi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa demokratisasi melalui desentralisasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap strategi menyelesaikan konflik pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan, di Kabupaten Manggarai strategi pendekatan represif atas nama konservasi masih dilakukan dan justru yang terjadi, konflik semakin bereskalasi menjadi kekerasan dengan korban lebih besar. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengatasi atau mengurangi kekerasan kolektif dalam pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan, direkomendasikan kepada resim pemerintahan Kabupaten Manggarai untuk memberi ruang terjadinya dialog/negosiasi antar pihak yang berkepentingan dengan pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan melalui penguatan kelembagaan yang berfungsi mengembangkan mekanisme penyelesaian konflik alternatif secara damai. Selain itu, harus ada upaya kebijakan dari pemerintah daerah tingkat kabupaten untuk menegakkan demokratisasi kekerasan, yaitu mengurangi seminimum mungkin menggunakan agen-agen represif negara dalam menyelesaikan potensi kekerasan dalam pemanfaatan sumberdaya hutan di wilayahnya.
Penelitian ini memperkuat penelitian yang telah dilakukan Peluso bahwa monopoli penguasaan sumberdaya hutan dengan membolehkan kekerasan dengan melibatkan agen-agen represif telah memarjinalkan hak akses masyarakat sekitar hutan atas manfaat hutan. Penelitian ini juga memperkaya penggunanaan analisis tindakan kekerasan kolektif dari Tilly terkait topik pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam dari sisi perspektif sosio-politik-lingkungan.

The dissertation research investigates collective force violence in forest resources utilization. It is based on a case study in Manggarai District that has relatively high rate of violence in Indonesia. Borrowing Tilly?s mobilization model, the study finds that Manggarai District employs repressive strategies in utilizing forest resources. Using Tilly?s theory of violence, this dissertation research deploys descriptive qualitative approach to collect data. This research finds that democratization process through decentralization does not bring significant impacts on the strategy to mitigate dispute on forest resources utilization. In Manggarai District, coercive conservation still occurs. In fact, in the context of decentralization, forest related conflicts escalate and transform into bigger violent events that produce more victims. Therefore, to reduce collective resources based violence, it is recommended for the district government to create space for dialogue and negotiation among multi stakeholders through strengthening institutions that are responsible for developing alternative dispute resolution. In addition, local policies on forest management should be developed based consensus. In this manner, it can ?democratize? violence through minimally utilize repressive state agents to resolve potential violence in the region.
The study findings confirm Peluso?s study that shows repressive state?s agents? monopoly over forest management that uses violence measures has marginalized local people?s access to forest resources. Furthermore, this research enriches Tilly?s collective violence framework to analyze forest resources utilization in socio-politics of environment."
Depok: 2011
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Prana Radja
"Penelitian ini memaparkan kajian Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) di daerah tambang, khususnya di PT, Inco.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelaksanaan CSR PT. Inco menempatkan comdev sebagai strategi utamanya. Kebijakan yang terintegrasi dalam semua departemen dan mitra bisnis perusahaan serta penyelesaian dampak negatif dari perusahaan, keberhasilan program comdev akan tercapai. Diperlukan kemitraan yang kuat antara perusahaan, masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah dengan komunikasi dua arah dan model pembangunan masyarakat yang partisipatif. Manfaat dari program CSR terutama dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, dan pertanian.

The thesis was discussed on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in mining area, especially in Inco corporate.
The result showed that the implementation of CSR in Inco Corporate placed comdev as its main strategy. Integrated policy in all department and comdev program would be achieved. Stong partnership between Corporation, community and local government were needed with two ways communication and participatory community development model. CSR program benefit especially at education, health and agriculture.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Irniarti Pratiwi
"Polis adalah akta perjanjian dalam asuransi, polis dalam kegiatan asuransi merupakan salah satu bentuk dari klausula baku, yakni suatu ketentuan yang telah dipersiapkan dan ditetapkan terlebih dahulu secara sepihak oleh pelaku usaha yang dituangkan dalam suatu dokumen perjanjian yang mengikat dan wajib dipenuhi oleh konsumen. Hal ini telah menimbulkan banyak ketidakpuasan terhadap pihak tertanggung, dimana selama ini tertanggung selalu berada di pihak yang lemah. Fakta menunjukkan bahwa tidak sedikit sengketa mengenai asuransi yang telah diajukan, seperti pihak penanggung membatalkan polis ditengah-tengah masa periode yang masih berlangsung. Membahas mengenai masalah pembatalan terhadap polis, di dalam praktek kegiatan asuransi memang biasanya selalu diusahakan jangan sampai pembatalan polis itu dilakukan berdasarkan pasal 1266 KUHPerdata.
Dalam skripsi ini dapat dilihat bagaimana Penulis mencoba meneliti kembali hukum perikatan secara teoritis khususnya yang berkaitan dengan pangkal sengketa mengenai pembatalan polis dalam hukum yang dijadikan dasar serta alasan gugatan, serta Penulis mengharapkan agar nantinya perusahaan asuransi dapat memberikan perlindungan hukum sebagaimana mestinya terhadap pihak tertanggung. Penelitian yuridis normatif dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan, dimana bahan penelitian berasal dari bahan bacaan yang dapat memberikan gambaran umum dan pengetahuan mengenai topik yang dibahas.

In insurance, the insurance policy is a contract which generally considered as unilateral, which means that only the insurer makes legally enforceable clauses in the contract. Consequently, the insured, also known as the policyholder, often forced to be in a weaker position. It seems that some insurers tend to cancel their insurance policy in between the running period unilaterally, leading them to be sued before the court. In any insurance policy annulment, there were found some pattern that the annulment itself tend to be done without basing the conduct to Article 1266 of Indonesian Civil Code.
This thesis shows the application of theory of the law of contracts to any insurance policy annulment case. Furthermore, it is expected that insurance companies are willing to give legal protection for the insurers in case of any annulment of insurance policies more properly. A juridicalnormative research is done through literature study methods, where research materials sourced from reading materials which gave adequate general description and knowledge regarding the current topic.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Salah satu penyebab ketidakberhasilan penerapan suatu kebijakan adalah adanya penelitian yang tidak akurat atau tidak lengkap. Penggunaan penelitian berbasis bukti (evidence-based) merupakan salah satu alternatif yang dapat digunakan dalam proses perumusan suatu kebijakan. Program keluarga Harapan (PKH), merupakan salah satu upaya pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan formulasi kebijakan berbasis bukti dalam bentuk Conditional Cash Transfer. Dalam rangka mengembangkan kebijakan berbasis bukti, Pemerintah Indonesia harus mempertimbangkan pentingnya sisi permintaan dan penawaran. Dari sisi permintaan pemerintah Indonesia dapat mengembangkan Program peningkatan kapasitas bagi para pembuat kebijakan (termasuk politisi dan teknorat) untuk meningkatkan kapasitas mereka dalam menakses dan menggunakan penelitian ilmiah dalam proses pembuatan kebijakan. Sementara dari sisi penawaran, interaksi antara peneliti dan pembuat kebijakan bisa meningkat dengan melibatkan para pembuat kebijakan dalam tahap perancangan penelitian, dengan tetap mempertahankan indepedensi penelitian yang dilaksanakan. Dalam proses formulasi dan implementasi Program Keluarga Harapan menunukan bahwa kebijakan yang diambil bukanlah murni berbasis bukti, namun lebih kepada evidence-informed or evidence-influence policy. Untuk itu diperlukan komitmen dan koordinasi yang efektif dan efisien antara politisi, BAPPENAS serta komunitas penelitian di INdonesia dalam ranka untuk menghasilkan kebijakan berbasis bukti di masa yang akan datang."
PPEM 1:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winda Karmilasari
"Dalam pengelolaan hutan, permasalahan kebakaran menjadi sebuah permasalahan yang saat ini tidak lagi dianggap sebagai isu lingkungan semata, namun juga sebagai isu sosial, ekonomi, budaya, dan politik yang telah menyita perhatian dunia regional hingga internasional. Aktivitas perladangan disebut-sebut menjadi penyebab utama dari terjadinya peristiwa kebakaran yang kian berulang di Indonesia. Maraknya kasus kebakaran hutan yang terjadi mendorong pemerintah, baik dari skala nasional maupun lokal membuat kebijakan-kebijakan yang bertujuan untuk meminimalisir kebakaran tersebut. Namun sayangnya, aktivitas perladangan yang menggunakan api sebagai alat utamanya tidak menunjukkan intensitas penurunan. Beberapa alasan tersebut memunculkan pertanyaan lebih lanjut mengenai bagaimana masyarakat melakukan aktivitas perladangan dan seperti apa mereka menyikapi kebijakan pengendalian kebakaran hutan yang dikeluarkan pemerintah daerah. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga April di Desa Mantangai Hulu, Kecamatan Mantangai, Kabupaten Kuala Kapuas, Kota Palangkaraya, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara, dan studi kepustakaan. Melalui penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa masyarakat Desa Mantangai Hulu yang berprofesi sebagai peladang pada dasarnya telah memiliki strategi adaptasi dan kearifan lokal tersendiri dalam menghadapi kondisi dan perubahan lingkungan di sekitar mereka. Namun sayangnya kehadiran kebijakan yang tidak efektif dan tidak memberikan solusi justru menyebabkan banyaknya fenomena bakar lari terjadi sebagai respond an strategi masyarakat dalam menanggapi kebijakan pengendalian kebakaran hutan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah.

In forest management, fire becomes a problem when the problem is no longer regarded as purely environmental issue, but also as an issue of social, economic, cultural, and political world have seized the attention of regional to international. Agricultural activities touted to be the main cause of the fire is increasingly recurrent events in Indonesia. Rampant cases of fires prompted the government, both national and local scale to make policies that aim to minimize the fire. But unfortunately, the activity of farming that uses fire as its main tool does not show a decrease in intensity. Some of these reasons raises further questions about how people perform activities such as agriculture and what they respond to forest fire control policies issued by local governments. This research was conducted in March and April in the village of Upper Mantangai, District Mantangai, Kuala Kapuas district, Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. This research was conducted by the method of observation, interviews, and literature study. Through this study, it was found that Mantangai villagers who work as cultivators Hulu basically have to have adaptation strategies and local knowledge and conditions of its own in the face of environmental changes around them. Unfortunately, the presence of ineffective policies and does not provide a solution actually causes more fuel to run phenomenon occurs as a response and community strategies in response to forest fire control policies issued by the Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niken Probo Laras
Hutan rakyat kemitraan telah dianggap sebagai strategi baru dalam menghadapi masalah sosial ekonomi yang dihadapi oleh model pengelolaan konvensional bersamaan dengan masalah keberlanjutan pasokan bahan baku kayu industri. Melalui kebijakan, pemerintah telah berupaya mendukung pembangunannya. Beberapa fakta menunjukan potensi kayu hutan rakyat bernilai di bawah tegakan normal mengindikasikan belum tercapainya keberlanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1 menganalisis kebijakan kemitraan hutan rakyat dari aspek kerjasama sarana prasarana produksi, pendampingan, modal usaha, dan pasar kayu beserta implementasinya, 2 menganalisis pengelolaan tegakan hutan rakyat kemitraan berdasarkan kriteria silvikultur, pendapatan petani dan pengendalian tebang butuh, dan 3 merumuskan kebijakan hutan rakyat kemitraan yang berkelanjutan. Content analysis digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi seluruh produk kebijakan terkait, evaluasi implementasi dianalisis menggunakan metode evaluasi formal. Analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk menganalisis pengelolaan tegakan di lokasi penelitian dan Analitical Hierarchy Process AHP sebagai metode dalam merumuskan konsep kebijakan kemitraan hutan rakyat yang berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kebijakan saat ini lebih fokus terhadap bantuan sarana dan prasarana produksi sebagai aspek kerjasama. Tingkat implementasi kebijakan tergolong rendah dengan nilai capaian sebesar 16,28 sementara 43,75 hutan rakyat kemitraan di lokasi penelitian tidak berkelanjutan dilihat dari potensi tegakannya. Analisis pengelolaan tegakan menunjukan silvikultur memiliki peran dominan dengan nilai skala kriteria paling tinggi. Penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa pendampingan petani menjadi kunci utama dalam mengembangkan kebijakan kemitraan hutan rakyat yang mendukung keberlanjutan.

As a new strategy to solve socio economic problems faced by conventional private forest management along with sustainability issue of industrial wood supply, government has issued policies to support the development of private forest partnership between forest farmers group and timber based industry. Some facts showed private forest partnership has low standing stock that indicates the private forest sustainability has not been reached yet. This research is aimed to 1 analyze private forest partnership policy and its implementation between forest farmer group and timber based industry in terms of cooperation aspects production facilities and infrastructure, fostering, financial support and timber market 2 analyze wood standing stock management based on criteria of silviculture, cutting needs behavior and farmers income and 3 formulate the sustainable private forest partnership policy. Content analysis was utilized to identify all policies related to private forestry partnerships, while the policy implementation was analyzed by the formal evaluation method. Descriptive method was implemented to analyze the standing stock management and Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP as a method to formulate the concept of sustainable private forest partnership policy. The results showed that private forest partnership policy now is more focused on production facilities and infrastructure aspect. The level of policy implementation in research location is at low grade, it was only reached 16,28 , while 43,75 of private forest partnerships in the research area are not sustainable due to the low of its standing stock. Analysis of wood standing stock management indicated that silviculture play dominant role with its highest value on scale of standing stock management criteria. This research also proved that fostering the farmers is a key factor to develop sustainable private forest partnership policy."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susilo Sudarman
Kebakaran lahan dan hutan merupakan ancaman terhadap lingkungan hidup.
Kebakaran lahan dan hutan dipengaruhi oleh pola penggunaan lahan untuk
budidaya. Karakteristik wilayah rawan kebakaran di Kabupaten Pelalawan adalah
wilayah yang memiliki kawasan hutan dengan fungsi hutan produksi konversi dan
hutan produksi terbatas; memiliki tutupan lahan dengan jenis hutan lahan kering
sekunder, semak belukar, semak belukar rawa dan tanah terbuka; serta memiliki
jenis tanah dan sistem lahan berupa endapan aluvial dan tanah mineral perbukitan
rendah, serta jenis tanah gambut dengan kedalaman rendah sampai sedang.
Kemunculan hotspot sebagai indikator kebakaran lahan dan hutan memiliki
hubungan dengan pola curah hujan rendah yang terjadi dua kali selama setahun di
Pelalawan, yaitu antara Januari─Februari dan yang paling ekstrim pada
Juli─Agustus. Langkah mitigasi kebakaran yang dilakukan pemerintah belum
diikuti dengan alternatif solusi budidaya tanam tanpa api. Perubahan budidaya
jenis tanaman semusim ke tanaman keras adalah bentuk adaptasi yang dilakukan
masyarakat. Laju pertumbuhan penduduk berpengaruh nyata terhadap peluang
terjadinya kebakaran lahan dan hutan. Tekanan terhadap penguasaan ruang
sebagai dampak dari pembangunan mempengaruhi kearifan lokal penggunaan api
dalam pengelolaan lahan. Terbatasnya akses terhadap modal perekonomian
menjadi salah satu faktor penghambat trasformasi sosial ekonomi dan budaya dari
pertanian subsisten menjadi agraris, sehingga penggunaan api masih menjadi
bagian dari budaya pengelolaan lahan.

Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture., Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.]"
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