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Haryo Santoso
"Forest destruction in Indonesia has become a very serious problem and global concern. Eco-labels aim to combat illegal logging, illegal trading, and forest conversion. Eco-labeling in the furniture industry is slower in Indonesia than in competing countries such as China and Vietnam, where China has reached more than 1000 Chain of Custody (CoC) certification industrial units and Vietnam 238 units, while Indonesia has achieved only 78 units. But eco-labeling is perceived as a pressure on the international trade of the furniture industry. This study examines how the furniture industry in Central Java and Yogyakarta understands eco-labeling and what efforts the industry is making. Eco-labeling has a positive impact on the industrial environment and sustainable forestry, and it increases credibility/corporate image, market share, and profit. But not all buyers demand eco-labeling, so some companies deal with eco-labeling either by applying for certification or by looking for buyers that do not require the eco-label. Buyers who do not require the eco-label result in companies having less motivation to seek CoC certification. Other views about eco-labeling in the industry are also counterproductive, producing further obstacles to eco-label certification. Eco-labeling is often understood as unfair competition from developed countries, implemented as a barrier to entry into trade, and as inconsistent with The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/The World Trade Organization (WTO). Eco-labeling is often considered a new form of colonialism rather than an instrument of environmental management."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haryo Santoso
"Forest destruction in Indonesia has become a very serious problem and global concern. Eco-labels aim to combat illegal logging, illegal trading, and forest conversion. Eco-labeling in the furniture industry is slower in Indonesia than in competing countries such as China and Vietnam, where China has reached more than 1000 Chain of Custody (CoC) certification industrial units and Vietnam 238 units, while Indonesia has achieved only 78 units. But eco-labeling is perceived as a pressure on the international trade of the furniture industry. This study examines how the furniture industry in Central Java and Yogyakarta understands eco-labeling and what efforts the industry is making. Eco-labeling has a positive impact on the industrial environment and sustainable forestry, and it increases credibility/corporate image, market share, and profit. But not all buyers demand eco-labeling, so some companies deal with eco-labeling either by applying for certification or by looking for buyers that do not require the eco-label. Buyers who do not require the eco-label result in companies having less motivation to seek CoC certification. Other views about eco-labeling in the industry are also counterproductive, producing further obstacles to eco-label certification. Eco-labeling is often understood as unfair competition from developed countries, implemented as a barrier to entry into trade, and as inconsistent with The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/The World Trade Organization (WTO). Eco-labeling is often considered a new form of colonialism rather than an instrument of environmental management."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:5 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Puspanantasari Putri
"East Java Province in
Indonesia is the centre of the eastern Indonesia region and it has a fairly
high economic significance, which has contributed 14.85% to the national Gross
Domestic Product (GDP). The role of Large and Medium Scale Manufacturing
Industry (LMSMI) clusters in this province is very important and strategic as
one of the main drivers for economic progress and it becomes a part of the
efforts to improve the society's life. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate
the performance of LMSMI clusters continuously. The purpose of this study is to
investigate the productivity changes of LMSMI clusters in East Java Province,
Indonesia, so that they will be able to survive, grow and compete in facing
global competition. The method used in this study is the method of DEA-based
Malmquist Productivity Index. The result of this study indicates that 50% of
the LMSMI clusters in East Java Province are in the category of improved
productivity, while the remaining clusters are in the category of declining
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : Infomedia, 2012
R 621.382 DIG
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Mengajarkan bahasa pemrograman, khususnya bahasa pemrograman Java, kepada mahasiswa membutuhkan teknik dan metode pengajaran yang tepat sehingga mahasiswa dapat memahami materi yang diberikan. Pemahaman materi yang diharapkan tidak hanya pemahaman secara teori saja, tetapi juga keahlian secara praktik. Salah satu metode pengajaran yang coba diterapkan yaitu metode pembelajaran orang dewasa. Metode ini dianggap tepat karena mahasiswa sebagai subyek pengajaran dianggap sebagai orang dewasa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat di/ihat bahwa dengan menerapkan metode pembelajaran orang dewasa ini, mahasiswa dapat meraih hasil belajar yang lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan metode konvensional. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik terhadap materi bahasa pemrograman Java yang diberikan."
005 JEI 2:2 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Kumbo Lasmono
Penelitian ini ingin melihat implementasi Manajemen Berbasis
Sekolah/Madrasah (MBS/M) di dua madrasah swasta di Lampung dan
mendeskripsikan proses partisipasi masyarakat dalam kegiatan madrasah. Dengan
menggunakan metode studi kasus, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa implementasi
MBS/M di dua madrasah swasta ini berbeda berdasar latar belakang, iklim,
otonomisasi, tenaga pengajar, dan gaya kepemimpinan. Partisipasi masyarakat
masih terbatas hanya pada keikutsertaan masyarakat dalam implementasi atau
penerapan berbagai program pendidikan yang diselenggarakan oleh madrasah.
Meski demikian, ada peluang untuk peningkatan partisipasi ketika muncul kapital
sosial yang mempunyai fungsi bonding dan bridging diketengahkan sebagai
strategi implementasi kebijakan MBS/M di madrasah. Oleh karena itu, madrasah
masih memerlukan pembinaan yang berkesinambungan terkait aspek pelibatan
masyarakat sehingga dapat meningkatkan mutu madrasah yang berkelanjutan.

This study wants to examine the implementation of School/Madrasah
Based Management? (MBS/M) in two private islamic school (madrasah) in
Lampung and the process of public participation in these two madrasah. Using the
method of case study, this study found that the implementation of MBS/M in two
private madrasah is different based on their background, climate, autonomy,
teachers, and leadership style. Community participation in these two madrasah is
limited to the implementation or application of a variety of educational programs
organized by the madrasah. However, there are opportunities for increased public
participation when the social capital appears at the process of participation. It has
the function of bonding and bridging among community. Therefore, a madrasah
still require continuous guidance related to the involvement of the community in
order to improve the quality of madrasah sustainable.;This study wants to examine the implementation of ?School/Madrasah
Based Management? (MBS/M) in two private islamic school (madrasah) in
Lampung and the process of public participation in these two madrasah. Using the
method of case study, this study found that the implementation of MBS/M in two
private madrasah is different based on their background, climate, autonomy,
teachers, and leadership style. Community participation in these two madrasah is
limited to the implementation or application of a variety of educational programs
organized by the madrasah. However, there are opportunities for increased public
participation when the social capital appears at the process of participation. It has
the function of bonding and bridging among community. Therefore, a madrasah
still require continuous guidance related to the involvement of the community in
order to improve the quality of madrasah sustainable.;This study wants to examine the implementation of ?School/Madrasah
Based Management? (MBS/M) in two private islamic school (madrasah) in
Lampung and the process of public participation in these two madrasah. Using the
method of case study, this study found that the implementation of MBS/M in two
private madrasah is different based on their background, climate, autonomy,
teachers, and leadership style. Community participation in these two madrasah is
limited to the implementation or application of a variety of educational programs
organized by the madrasah. However, there are opportunities for increased public
participation when the social capital appears at the process of participation. It has
the function of bonding and bridging among community. Therefore, a madrasah
still require continuous guidance related to the involvement of the community in
order to improve the quality of madrasah sustainable., This study wants to examine the implementation of ‘School/Madrasah
Based Management’ (MBS/M) in two private islamic school (madrasah) in
Lampung and the process of public participation in these two madrasah. Using the
method of case study, this study found that the implementation of MBS/M in two
private madrasah is different based on their background, climate, autonomy,
teachers, and leadership style. Community participation in these two madrasah is
limited to the implementation or application of a variety of educational programs
organized by the madrasah. However, there are opportunities for increased public
participation when the social capital appears at the process of participation. It has
the function of bonding and bridging among community. Therefore, a madrasah
still require continuous guidance related to the involvement of the community in
order to improve the quality of madrasah sustainable.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boston: Harvard Business School, 1999
620 HAR (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Naldi
"Untuk meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga diperlukan keterlibatan seluruh elemen masyarakat termasuk dari kalangan remaja sebagai aset pembangunan berkelanjutan. Desa Paulan adalah salah satu desa di Kabupaten Karanganyar yang telah mengelola sampahnya secara mandiri. Namun, masih ditemukan prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan sampah berkelanjutan yang belum terpenuhi, salah satunya adalah kurangnya partisipasi remaja. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah perlunya optimalisasi partisipasi remaja untuk mewujudkan pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga yang berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengoptimalkan partisipasi remaja untuk mewujudkan pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga yang berkelanjutan di Desa Paulan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode riset kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam yang didukung dengan hasil kuesioner pada tahapan pra-wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor kebiasaan/pengalaman, rasa tanggung jawab, pengetahuan dan pendidikan, agama, norma, dan budaya adalah enam faktor dominan yang dapat memengaruhi partisipasi remaja; hadirnya fasilitas pengolahan sampah di dekat sumber tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan pada perubahan tingkat partisipasi remaja; dan pemerintah desa memiliki peran utama untuk memberdayakan remaja dan karang taruna dalam pengembangan sistem pengelolaan sampah yang berkelanjutan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pemerintah desa perlu menjalankan fungsinya sebagai pembina dan menyusun program pemberdayaan remaja yang dibuat secara berkelanjutan untuk mengoptimalisasi partisipasi remaja Desa Paulan dalam pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga.
.....Youths need to be involved in community participation to achieve sustainability in household waste management. Paulan Village is one of the villages in Karanganyar Regency that has managed its waste independently. However, it is still found that the principles of sustainable waste management have not been fulfilled, one of them is the lack of youth participation. The research problem is the need to optimize youth participation to realize sustainable household waste management. The research purpose is to optimize youth participation to realize sustainable household waste management in Paulan Village. The research method is qualitative method with in-depth interviews supported by questionnaire’s results at the pre-interview stage. The results of this study indicate that the factors of habit/experience, sense of responsibility, knowledge and education, religion, norms, and culture are the six dominant factors that affect Paulan’s youth participation; the presence of waste processing facilities does not significantly inlfuence youth participation; and the village government has a major role to empower youth and local youth organization (karang taruna) to achieve sustainable waste management system. The conclusion of this study is that the village government needs to develop youth empowerment program to optimize the participation of Paulan Village youth in household waste management."
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Uiniversitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fathimah Alin Amna
"Untuk meningkatkan daya saing perusahaan manufaktur domestik di era perdagangan bebas ini dibutuhkannya siklus produksi yang lebih optimal. Oleh karena itu skripsi ini bertujuan mengamati dan menganalisis sistem informasi akuntansi pada salah satu perusahaan manufaktur pipa yaitu PT Bakrie Pipe Industries (PT BPI), khususnya pada siklus konversi produk. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan menganalisis pengendalian internal perusahaan menggunakan kerangka Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).
Penelitian ini melakukan perbandingan antara prinsip pengendalian dan pengendalian internal yang diterapkan oleh PT BPI. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sistem informasi akuntansi dan pengendalian pada siklus konversi produk PT BPI sudah cukup memadai. Usulan yang dapat penulis berikan adalah perlunya perbaikan penjagaan fisik atas dokumen maupun aset dan peningkatan kinerja bagian Internal Control and Risk Management.

To increase the competitive advantage of domestic manufacturer in free trade era, domestic manufacturer need to optimized their product conversion cycle. This study tries to understand the nature of product conversion cycle in pipe manufacturer, PT Bakrie Pipe Industries (PT BPI). This study aim to observe and then analyze accounting information system in PT Bakrie Pipe Industries? (PT BPI?s) product conversion cycle. This study is also meant to analyze internal control in the company with The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Integrated Framework.
This study also compares Internal Control Principles with the current condition in PT BPI. This study found that accounting information system and control of PT BPI?s product conversion cycle is fairly good. It is suggested that PT BPI to enhance physical guard over their asset and data, as well as optimize their Internal Control and Risk Management Departement.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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