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Ditemukan 2753 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Palmer, Andrew Clennel, 1938- author
"Subsea Pipeline Engineering was the first of its kind, written by two of the world's most respected authorities in subsea pipeline engineering. In the second edition, these industry veterans have updated their definitive reference book, covering the entire spectrum of subjects in the discipline, from route selection and planning to design, construction, installation, materials and corrosion, inspection, welding, repair, risk assessment, and applicable design codes and standards. Particular attention is also devoted to the important specialized subjects of hydraulics, strength, stability, fracture, upheaval, lateral buckling and decommissioning. The book is distilled from the authors' vast experience in the industry and their popular course on Marine Pipeline Engineering"
Tulsa Okla: PennWell Corporation, 2008
621.8 PAL s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bai, Qiang
"Subsea pipelines are used for a number of purposes in the development of subsea hydrocarbon resources as shown in Figure 1.1. A pipeline system can be a single-pipe pipeline system, pipe-in-pipe or bundled system. Normally, the term of subsea flow-lines is used to describe the subsea pipelines carrying oil and gas products from the wellhead to the riser base; the riser is connected to the processing facilities (e.g. a platform or a FPSO). The subsea pipelines from the processing facilities to shore are called export pipelines, while the subsea pipelines from the platform to subsea equipment used to transfer water or chemical inhibiters are called water injection or chemical flow-lines."
Oxford: Gulf Professional Publishing, 2014
621.8 BAI s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bai, Yong
"In most subsea developments, oil and gas productions are transported from subsea well to platform in multiphase flow without separation process. Corrosion represents increasing challenges for the operation of subsea pipelines. Corrosion can be defined as a deterioration of a metal, due to chemical or electrochemical between the metal and its environment. The tendency of a metal to corrode depends on a given environment and the metal type"
Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2014
621.8 BAI s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vincent-Genod, Jacques
Houston: Gulf, c1984
665.744 VIN f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochamad Albareno
"Potensi bahaya yang terjadi selama fase FEED (Front End Engineering Design) mengakibatkan kegagalan proyek pipa bawah laut yang diderita dari berbagai aspek baik dari kerugian dana, lingkungan dan bencana alam. Perlu ditentukan metode yang tepat dalam menentukan tingkat risiko dan mitigasi pada integritas pipa sehingga meningkatkan keamanan dan mengurangi potensi risiko.
Penerapan analisa risiko metode Risk FMEA yang memperhatikan faktor deteksi dan analisa biaya dengan Monte Carlo, dapat meningkatkan ketepatan mengambil kebijakan risiko, optimalisasi dalam penerapan strategi inspeksi, monitor dan evaluasi risiko.
Hasil analisa risiko didapatkan 13 tindakan rekomendasi penanggulangan potensi bahaya yang berasal dari 56 potensi risiko yang ada. Nilai perbandingan antara biaya pemeliharaan dan penanggulangan risiko dibandingkan dengan dampak risiko adalah 0,0986. Analisa yang dilakukan menyatakan bahwa penerapan rekomendasi risiko tersebut dapat menghilangkan potensi bahaya pada proyek pipa bawah laut.

Potential hazards that occured during phase FEED (Front End Engineering Design) were resulted in the failure of subsea pipeline project and reviewed from various aspects both from financial lost, environmental and natural disasters. The exact method had to be determined the level of risks and mitigate the integrity of pipeline in order to increase security and reduce potential risks.
The approach of the Risk FMEA method which consider the value of detection and analyze pusing Monte Carlo method can improve the accuracy of risk policies, implementation of the strategies, inspection, monitoring and evaluation of risks.
This risk analysis results obtained 13 actions of hazard mitigation which were initally 56 potential risks. The value comparison between the cost of maintenance and control of risk were compared and its value was 0.0986. The implementation of risk analysis? result can be conducted in order to eliminate the potential hazards of subsea pipeline projec.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Aulia
"Potensi sumber daya minyak dan gas Indonesia saat ini masih cukup besar, terutama di area lepas pantai. Salah satu metode transmisi dan distribusi yang efektif dan efisien adalah dengan menggunakan pipa bawah laut. Pada proyek pembangunan pipa bawah laut seringkali ditemui masalah-masalah yang dapat menyebabkan kegagalan sehingga mengakibatkan menurunnya kinerja proyek. Masalah-masalah yang timbul dapat diakibatkan oleh beberapa aspek, termasuk diantaranya aspek teknis dan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu analisa berbasis risiko akan dilakukan pada penelitian ini dan diharapkan dapat menghasilkan strategi pengelolaan risiko yang baik sehingga kinerja waktu dan biaya pada proyek pembangunan pipa bawah laut dapat dioptimalkan.

Oil and gas resources in Indonesia is still quite large, especially in offshore area. Subsea pipeline is one of the transmission and distribution method which effective and efficient. In subsea pipeline construction project often encountered problems that can cause a failure resulting in reduced performance of the project. The problems that arise can be caused by several aspects, including technical and environmental aspects. Therefore, a risk-based analysis will be carried out in this research study and is expected to produce a good risk management strategy so that the performance of the time and cost of the subsea pipeline construction project can be optimized."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yanri Noer Thaher
"Minyak mentah yang memiliki kandungan wax tinggi dapat menyebabkan timbulnya permasalahan selama proses transportasi berlangsung. Jika titik awal pembentukan deposisi dapat diprediksi dengan baik dan laju pengendapan dapat dihitung secara akurat maka strategi penanganannya akan tepat sasaran. Dalam penelitian ini, pembentukan deposisi wax diprediksi dengan menggunakan simulasi OLGA. Uji laboratorium atas sampel dari sumur Bravo dilakukan terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui komposisi fluida, nilai WAT, jumlah fraksi wax dan viskositas. Karakterisasi dan tuning dilakukan dengan bantuan perangkat lunak PVTsim menggunakan hasil pengujian laboratorium. Hasil karakterisasi ini selanjutnya digunakan sebagai input bagi OLGA untuk memprediksi titik awal deposisi serta menghitung laju pengendapannya. Simulasi dilakukan pada laju alir 80000 bpd pada beberapa periode waktu. Kemudian dilakukan juga beberapa variasi laju alir untuk melihat pengaruhnya terhadap titik awal deposisi wax serta tingkat ketebalannya. Untuk kasus lapangan Charlie-Bravo dengan laju alir 80000 bpd, titik awal deposisi wax terbentuk pada jarak 4 km pada temperatur 31,1 oC. Laju pengendapan akan terus meningkat seiring berjalannya waktu dan akan mencapai ketebalan 1 mm pada jarak 6,87 km setelah 82 hari. Rekomendasi untuk melakukan pigging dikeluarkan apabila ketebalan wax pada dinding pipa mencapai 1 mm agar peningkatan laju pengendapan dapat dikurangi.

The presence of wax in crude oil can lead to the formation of wax deposit on the wall of pipelines. If we can predict the starting point for the formation of wax deposition and calculate the rate accurately then the appropriate mitigation can be well developed. In this study, the wax deposition was predicted using OLGA simulation. Laboratory test from Bravo wells to determine the fluid composition, WAT, amount of wax fraction and viscosity shall be done first. This laboratory test result was then characterized and tuned using the PVTsim. The result was used as an input for OLGA to calculate the rate of wax deposition in pipelines. Simulation was conducted at a flow rate of 80000 bpd with the time of 1-60 days. The same thing was also done at several flow rates to see the effect of wax formation and its level of thickness. In the case of Charlie-Bravo field that produce 80000 bpd of liquid, wax began to precipitate at a distance of 4 km and temperature 31.1 oC. The deposition rate will continue to increase over the time and will get a thickness of 1 mm at the distance of 6.87 km after flowing for about 82 days Pigging is recommended if the wax thickness in the pipe achieves 1 mm. This is as a preventive maintenance to reduce an escalation of rate deposition.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Presented in easy-to-use, step-by-step order, Pipeline rules of thumb handbook is a quick reference for day-to-day pipeline operations. For more than 35 years, the Pipeline rules of thumb handbook has served as the "go-to" reference for solving even the most day-to-day vexing pipeline workflow problems. Now in its 8th edition, this handbook continues to set the standard by which all other piping books are judged. Along with over 30% new or updated material regarding codes, construction processes, and equipment, this book continues to offer hundreds of "how-to" methods and handy formulas for pipeline construction, design, and engineering and features a multitude of calculations to assist in problem solving, directly applying the rules and equations for specific design and operating conditions to illustrate correct application, all in one convenient reference.
For the first time in this new edition, we are taking the content and data off the page and adding a new dimension of practical value for you with online interactive features to accompany some of the handiest and most useful material from the book :
- Interactive tables that takes data from the book and turns them into a sortable spreadsheet format that gives you the ability to perform your own basic filtering functions, show/hide columns of just the data that is important to you, and download the table into an Excel spreadsheet for additional use
- A graph digitizer which pulls a graph from the book and gives you the power to plot your own lines on the existing graph, see all the relative x/y coordinates of the graph, and name and color code your lines for clarity
- A converter calculator performing basic conversions from the book such as metric conversions, time, temperature, length, power and more.
Waltham, MA: Gulf Professional, 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Widarto
"Sesuai dengan kebijakan pemerintah untuk mengatasi ketersediaan energi bagi program pembangunan diperluakan suatu pengembangan lapangan gas. Pengembangan lapangan gas dilakukan oleh Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd. yang berada di dalam di blok Kangean, berlokasi di 120 Km sebelah Utara Pulau Bali. Pengembangan ini dilakukan dengan cara pengembangan fasilitas bawah laut dan dihubungkan dengan Unit Produksi Terapung (Floating Production Unit - FPU), dan gas hasil produksi dialirkan ke Jawa Timur melalui jalur pipa gas bawah laut Pertamina Gas, East Java Gas Pipeline (EJGP). Penyambungan terhadap jalur pipa gas bawah laut EJGP dilakukan dengan teknik "Hot Tapping" yaitu suatu teknik penyambungan yang dilakukan dengan tanpa menghentikan aliran gas, sehingga tidak menggangu pasokan energi di Jawa Timur. Teknik ini biasa digunakan dalam membuat suatu percabangan pada sebuah pipa yang telah ada (existing) dengan tanpa menganggu jalannya proses operasi.
Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan mengantisipasi resiko-resiko yang akan timbul saat pekerjaan tersebut berlangsung, dan hasilnya diharapkan dapat memberikan masukan bagi pihak terkait selama proses pekerjaan dan pengoperasian. Analisa resiko semi kuantitatif dengan menggunakan sistem index scoring dan disimulasikan menggunakan software Crystall Ball, dan Shell FRED untuk resiko jika terjadi kebocoran.

In accordance with the government policy to address the availability energy for the development program required gas field development. Gas field development by Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd. located within Kangean block 120 Km North of Bali island. The development was conducted by "Sub Sea Facilities Development" and connected to Floating Production Unit (FPU), and gas production flowed to East Java through East Java Gas Pipeline (EJGP) subsea gas pipeline Pertamina Gas. The connection to subsea gas pipeline EJGP by using "Hot Tapping" is a technique of connecting performed without stopping the flow of gas, so it does not interfere with energy supply in East Java. These technique is commonly used in the making of a branching on an existing pipeline without disturbing of operation.
The study was conducted to identify and anticipate risks that would arise when the work progresses, and the results are expected to provide input to related parties during the occupation and operation. Semi-quantitative risk analysis by using a scoring index system and simulated using software Crystall Ball, and Shell FRED to risk in case of a leak.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Idham Akbar
"Anoda korban merupakan salah satu metode memperlambat laju korosi dengan memberikan arus pada material, seperti pipa penyalur, sehingga memiliki nilai potensial proteksi. Hakikatnya, semakin jauh area material dari anoda korban, semakin berkurang nilai arus proteksi, dan semakin positif nilai potensial (atenuasi). Atenuasi arus dan potensial dapat dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus konservatif dimana dimensi (diameter) anoda dianggap tetap/konstan sejalan dengan bertambahnya waktu. Faktanya, anoda korban bersifat konsumtif dan diganti dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Berkurangnya diameter anoda dapat mempengaruhi nilai hambatan anoda dan nilai potensial. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari tesis ini adalah mengembangkan rumus konservatif dengan menambahkan perubahan diameter anoda terhadap waktu.

Sacrificial anode is a method to slow the corrosion rate down by giving the current to the protected material, such as pipeline, so that reaching the potential protection. Essentially, the longer material area from the sacrificial anode, the less current protection, the higher potential protection (attenuation). Current and potential attenuation can be determined by using conservative formula having constantly anode dimension (diameter) in line with time increment. In fact, sacrificial anode is consumptive and replaced in certain period. Diameter anode reduction affects anode resistance and potential protection. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to develop the conservative formula by adding anode diamter reduction in line with time increment."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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