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Rofiq Nur Rizal
Improving the quality of human resources through education is believed as one of the solutions to reduce poverty. World attention to education in global ?Education For All program? and the ?Millennium Development Goals?, suggests that basic education become central program in reducing poverty. If there was a linear relationship between education and income, improved education at basic level would not increase revenues substantially. This study aim is analyzing the role of labor education level toward poverty. Using panel data, this study found that basic education level of labor has a significant role to increase poverty, whereas higher education levels of labor significantly reduce poverty in Indonesia.
Meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia melalui pendidikan diyakini sebagai salah satu solusi untuk mengurangi kemiskinan. Kepedulian dunia internasional terhadap pendidikan dalam gerakan global ?Pendidikan Untuk Semua? dan ?Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium?, menegaskan bahwa pendidikan dasar menjadi pusat untuk mengurangi kemiskinan. Ketika terdapat hubungan linier antara pendidikan dan pendapatan, maka meningkatkan pendidikan hanya pada tingkat pendidikan dasar tidak akan meningkatkan pendapatan secara substansial. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran jenjang pendidikan tenaga kerja terhadap kemiskinan. Menggunakan data panel, studi ini menunjukkan bahwa secara signifikan jenjang pendidikan dasar tenaga kerja berperan meningkatkan kemiskinan, sedangkan tenaga kerja dengan jenjang pendidikan lebih tinggi signifikan mengurangi kemiskinan di Indonesia."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinta Doriza
"Tujuan desentralisasi fiskal di Indonesia adalah untuk mengurangi kesenjangan pembangunan. Terkait dengan pembangunan pendidikan, salah satu masalah krusial adalah kesenjangan akses. Menggunakan data dari 440 database kabupaten kota selama 2005-2009, studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak desentralisasi fiskal dalam mengurangi disparitas akses pendidikan dasar. Dengan menggunakan fixed-effect model, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) Pendidikan, DAK Non-Pendidikan, dan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) memiliki dampak yang signikan dalam mengurangi disparitas akses pendidikan bersama dengan karakteristik kekayaan dan regional. Berbagai upaya tetap perlu dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan pemerataan akses pendidikan termasuk penguatan peran pemerintah provinsi dalam alokasi dan distribusi sumber daya pelayanan pendidikan dasar.

The objective of fiscal decentralization objective in Indonesia is to reduce development disparities. Regarding education development, one crucial issue is access disparity. Using 440 sub provincial database during 2005-2009, this study is aim to analyze the impact of fiscal decentralization in reducing disparity of primary education access. Using fixed-effect model, the result showed that Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) for Education, DAK Non Education, and Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) have significant impact in reducing education access disparity along with the wealth and regional characteristics. Nonetheless efforts need to be done to optimize the equalization of education access including strengthening the provincial government role in resources allocation and distribution of basic education services."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wildan Syafitri
"Labor productivity could be direct measurement of human capital quality as it shows the amount of output that the labor can produce. McConnel and Brue (1995) define labor productivity as ratio between produced output and working hour at certain level of wage.
Our research try to analyze the labor productivity on manufacture sector and its explanatory variables by applying cross section data of medium scale industries on 1996 in Indonesia. The estimation result shows the positive significance of education level, the more educated labor will yield higher productivity. We also try to internalize gender issue and we find the more female worker employed, the less productivity of labor force, and consequently will lowering the wage level.
Those findings conform not only Human Capital theory by Nelson-Phelps (1966), Lucas (1998) and Aghion and Howitt (1998), but also conform the theory of wage discrimination based on gender as previously stated by Byron and Takahashi (1989) and Hansen and Wahlberg (1997)."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suahasil Nazara
"This study tries to measure the optimum size of regional government (municipality/city) which will support the accomplishment of decentralization policy ?s objectives. The result of this study will conclude how the reformation pattern toward regional government in Indonesia should be done. The result of regressing translog and quadratic functions using cost per capita minimalization approach shows the existence of economy of scale from the size of municipality/city?s population. Using maximization approach, ¡t is also shown that Municipality/city government expenditure ¡s not efficient yet and has not supported the efforts to accomplish the desired development performance. With various regulations, the significant variable used in the measurement of optimum size is the number of population.
The result of using minimization and maximization approaches show that the optimum size for municipality/city is not single (differ), between municipality and city, among each kind of per capita expenditure, and across tìme. Generally, the optimum and minimum size of population for municipality/city such that per capita expenditure can be minimized and such that Regional GDP per capita increases are approximately two million people. The reality of municipality/city?s size which in general is relatively small compared to the optimum and minimum measurement shows the inefficiency of municipality/city government expenditure, and its ineffectiveness to support the effort to enhance the welfare of society. Hence, territoty extension policy performed this far, is actually worsen the accomplishment of its main objective on conducting regional government and development."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitanggang, Ignatia Rohana
"Penelitian ini akan melihat bagaimana pola struktur ekonomi dan pola penyerapan tenaga kerja sektoral di 30 propinsi pada kurun waktu I980-2000 di Indonesia. Fokus penelitian ini diarahkan pada analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penyerapan tenaga kerja di wilayah tersebut dan pada analisis kebijakan perencanaan tenaga kerja di Indonesia.
Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, digunakan pendekatan demometrik guna membangun model makro demoekonomi regional yang dimodifikasi dari model penyerapan tenaga kerja yang digunakan oleh J.Ledent. Secara prinsip, model demometrik ini menggabungkan model ekonometri dan model demografi. Dalam hal ini, variabel seperti jumlah penyerapan tenaga kerja regional dihubungkan dengan variabel populasi (dengan memperhatikan unsur tingkat kelahiran dan kematian), netmigration, output, dan upah melalui suatu model ekonometri di 30 propinsi pada 9 sektor.
Ditemukan hasil bahwa struktur ekonomi Indonesia secara nasional mengalami perubahan dari sektor pertanian ke sektor-sektor lainnya. Akan tetapi, berdasarkan propinsi, propinsi-propinsi Bengkulu, Gorontalo, Jambi, Kalbar, Kalsel, Kalteng, Lampung, Maluku, Malut, NTB, NTT, Sulsel, Sulteng, Sultra, Sulut, Sumbar, dan Sumut masih bertumpu pada sektor pertanian; dan propinsi-propinsi Babel, Bali, Banten, DIY, DKI Jaya, Jabar, Jateng, Jatim, Kaltim, NAD, Papua, Riau, dan Sumsel sudah bertumpu pada sektor manufaktur, sektor perdagangan-hotel-restoran, sektor jasa, dan sektor bangunan. Sektor pertanian paling banyak menyerap tenaga kerja walaupun dengan upah yang lebih rendah dan upah di sektor-sektor lainnya. Namun di propinsi-propinsi Bali, Banten, DIY, DKI Jaya, Jabar, Jateng, Jatim, dan Kaltim, ke-9 sektor sudah saling mendekat. Adanya peningkaran dan penurunan dalam jumlah penyerapan tenaga kerja ini disebabkan oleh perubahan populasi, net migration, output, dan juga upah. Bahkan terjadi pergeseran penyerapan tenaga kerja antar sektor dan antar propinsi."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hedwigis Esti Riwayati
"Labor absorption hardly depends on the economic capacity and in the absence of market imperfection, the labor will be allocated efficiently among sectors. However, the assumption is hardly found in reality, and this give us a space to identify the explanatory variable of labor absorption. This research analyze the sectoral labor absorption based on J. Ladent model that internalize the demographic variable together with economic variable.
We apply this model to analyze the sectoral labor absorption in Cental Java using annual basis data from 1978-1999, and simulate the sectoral labor absorption under three different scenario; quo, optimist and pessimist scenario. The result shows labor absorption is highly correlated to labor quality, economic capacity and investment. Based on simulation, we-find that any shock on demographic or economic variable yield unequal impact on labor absorption accros sector. We find strong causality between GDP and national unemployment, and labor absorption. We also conform the lack of foreign capital investment as the main source of in-optimal leading sector development. "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aisyah Fitri Yuniasih
Indonesia has been still experiencing regional economic disparity problems, including in labour productivity. This study employs dynamic panel approach to analyze convergence and to identify determinants of regional labour productivity during the period of 1987-2011. The System Generalized Method of Moments (Sys-GMM) estimation results show that regional convergence process occurs with speed of convergence of 0.06518 per year. Physical capital stock, human capital stock, total trade, and real wage give positive impacts. Therefore, government should prioritize in overcoming labour productivity disparity in Eastern Indonesia in which are more unequal than in Western Indonesia where interventions should be greater for provinces with lower labour productivity.
Indonesia masih mengalami masalah terkait dengan disparitas perekonomian regional, termasuk dalam hal produktivitas tenaga kerja. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan panel dinamis untuk menganalisis konvergensi dan mengidentikasi determinan produktivitas tenaga kerja regional selama periode 1987-2011. Model estimasi System Generalized Method of Moments (Sys-GMM) menunjukkan bahwa proses konvergensi regional terjadi dengan kecepatan konvergensi 0,06518 per tahun. Stok modal fisik, stok modal manusia, total perdagangan, dan upah riil ditemukan memberikan pengaruh positif. Pemerintah harus lebih memprioritaskan untuk mengatasi masalah disparitas produktivitas tenaga kerja di Kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI) yang lebih timpang dibandingkan Kawasan Barat Indonesia (KBI) di mana intervensi harus lebih fokus terhadap provinsi-provinsi dengan tingkat produktivitas tenaga kerja yang lebih rendah."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Indah Nikensari
"Economic growth give some hope on labor absorbtion in economic sectors. It can be seen from trends after crisis that unemployement is rising overtime. This study tends to look on structural impact of growth in industrial and trade sector to labor absorption in Indonesia. The result is labor absorption projection in economic sectors within 2003-2007"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
N. Haidy Ahmad Pasay
"Angka pengangguran tenaga kerja terdidik terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Dari 8,59 juta penganggur ditahun 2010, 4,8 juta di antaranya adalah penganggur terdidik. Sementara itu, lama mencari kerja mencapai11 bulan. Metode Heckman Dua Tahap digunakan untuk menduga upah minimum yang diinginkan danMetode OLS untuk menduga lama mencari kerja serta berdasarkan karakteristik sosial, demogra, danregional. Lama mencari kerja bagi yang berpendidikan tinggi lebih lama daripada yang berpendidikanrendah. Upah minimum yang diinginkan dengan karakteristik sosial, demogra, dan regional angkatan kerjaberpendidikan tinggi lebih besar daripada yang lainnya."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The main purpose of this research is to investigate the factors influencing the labor supply on the non-agricultural activities and the of income from non-agricultural activities to the structure and distribution of farmer household income.
To reach the goals, three models are developed. The first and second models are labor supply models of husband and wife, respectively. For both models, the dependent variables are labor supplies proxied by work-hours of non-agricultural activities per year. While the independent variables for both models are area of land used, wage level in non-agricultural, age, number of household member with age above and below 5 years, number of working household members, and location of the household. The third model is a model with contribution of non-agricultural income as its dependent variable, while its independent variable is area of land used. The data source for this research is
taken from a primary survey, while the secondary data gathered BPS in Gunung Kidul.
The study shows that husband labor supply on non-agricultural activities is affected by the area of land used, wage level, education level, number of household members, and household location. But, education level and number of working household members are not giving significant influence to husband labor supply on non agricultural sectors. Furthermore, wife labor supply is influenced by the area of land used, wage level, age, education level, number of household members with age below 5 years, and household location. In the contrary, number of household members of age over 5 years and number of working household members aren 't seem to have significant effect on wife labor supply model on non agricultural activities."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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