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Triana Rachmaningsih
This study aims at analyzing the dynamics of food security and the factors that influence food security in Eastern Indonesia. The methodology used is panel data tobit model of 190 districts/municipalities in the Eastern Indonesia from 2008 to 2010. Based on the classication of the food security degree, the majority of households in Eastern Indonesia are categorized as the vulnerable. Food security is affected by percentage of poor people, GRDP per capita, female illiteracy rate and average years of schooling. Based on the elasticity, education has the highest contribution in improving food security in the Eastern Indonesia.
Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dinamika ketahanan pangan, serta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi ketahanan pangan di Kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI). Ketahanan pangan dibagi tiga pilar, yaitu ketersediaan, aksesibilitas, dan pemanfaatan pangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah model tobit dengan data panel dari 190 kabupaten/kota di KTI Tahun 2008-2010. Berdasarkan klasikasi derajat ketahanan pangan, sebagian besar rumah tangga di KTI termasuk kategori rentan terhadap kerawanan pangan. Ketahanan pangan dipengaruhi oleh persentase penduduk miskin, PDRB per kapita, angka buta huruf perempuan, dan rata-rata lama sekolah. Berdasarkan nilai elastisitas, pendidikan memiliki pengaruh terbesar terhadap ketahanan pangan di KTI."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
D. S. Priyarsono
Indonesia has implemented a new policy of regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization for almost ten years. One of the objectives of this fiscal decentralization is to give the full autonomy to local governments in spending and managing their revenues. The local governments have the authority to explore and collect their own-source revenue ('Pendapatan Asli Daerah', or PAD), i.e. through the improvement of their tax effort. The objectives of this study are: (i) to describe the fiscal performance of districts and municipalities in Indonesia, both in the revenue as well as the expenditure sides, (ii) to analyze the effects of intergovernmental transfers (?dana perimbangan', or balancing fund from the central to regional governments) on regional tax efforts, and (iii) to identify the regional economic growth elasticity of intergovernmental transfers and own-source revenue. This study employs a panel data set of 336 districts and municipalities covering the whole area of Indonesia over the time period of 2001-2008. The results show a relatively low contribution of PAD to regional revenues, indicating high fiscal dependency of regional governments on the central government. Intergovernmental transfers positively effect tax efforts. The result of the elasticity analysis also indicates a positive role of the transfers as stimuli to economic growth."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
D. S. Priyarsono
Indonesia has implemented a new policy of regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization for almost ten years. One of the objectives of this fiscal decentralization is to give the full autonomy to local governments in spending and managing their revenues. The local governments have the authority to explore and collect their own-source revenue ('Pendapatan Asli Daerah', or PAD), i.e. through the improvement of their tax effort. The objectives of this study are: (i) to describe the fiscal performance of districts and municipalities in Indonesia, both in the revenue as well as the expenditure sides, (ii) to analyze the effects of intergovernmental transfers (?dana perimbangan', or balancing fund from the central to regional governments) on regional tax efforts, and (iii) to identify the regional economic growth elasticity of intergovernmental transfers and own-source revenue. This study employs a panel data set of 336 districts and municipalities covering the whole area of Indonesia over the time period of 2001-2008. The results show a relatively low contribution of PAD to regional revenues, indicating high fiscal dependency of regional governments on the central government. Intergovernmental transfers positively effect tax efforts. The result of the elasticity analysis also indicates a positive role of the transfers as stimuli to economic growth."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Beta Septi Iryani
This study investigated the severity of exploitation of working children and factors determining exploitation of working children. This study used data resulted from National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) 2011 and utilized logistic regression as the analytical tool. Based on the severity of exploitation, there are three provinces which are always of high value severity of exploitation, namely DKI Jakarta, Banten, and West Java. Education level of household is an influential factor of exploitation measured by working hours and access to education. The lower level of education of head of household, the greater chance the child to be exploited. As for the exploitation measured by wage, girls have a chance 2.357 times greater than that of boys to be for exploited measured by wages.
Studi ini bertujuan menganalisis tingkat keparahan eksploitasi terhadap anak yang bekerja dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi terjadinya eksploitasi. Data Sakernas 2011 dan regresi logistik digunakan sebagai alat analisis. Berdasarkan tingkat keparahan eksploitasi, terdapat tiga provinsi yang selalu tinggi nilai keparahan eksploitasinya, yaitu DKI Jakarta, Banten, dan Jawa Barat. Pendidikan kepala rumah tangga (KRT) merupakan salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap eksploitasi dari segi jam kerja dan akses pendidikan. Semakin rendah pendidikan KRT, semakin besar peluang anak untuk tereksploitasi. Sedangkan untuk eksploitasi dari segi upah, anak perempuan memiliki peluang 2,357 kali untuk tereksploitasi dari segi upah dibandingkan anak laki-laki."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diyah Nugraheni
Salah satu aspek penting dari kebijakan desentralisasi skal adalah pelimpahan wewenang dan tanggungjawab pengelolaan dana publik ke pemerintah daerah, khususnya kota/kabupaten. Sesudah lebih dari sepu-luh tahun diimplementasikan, ketersediaan informasi dan data memungkinkan untuk melakukan evaluasisejauh mana dampaknya pada pembangunan ekonomi regional. Studi ini ingin mengetahui apakah kinerjapengelolaan keuangan daerah cukup efektif dalam penyediaan infrastruktur dasar dan apakah penyediaaninfrastruktur dasar secara efektif mengurangi angka kemiskinan. Dengan menggunakan metode data panel,studi ini mengonrmasi hubungan positif antara kinerja pengelolaan keuangan daerah dengan penyediaaninfrastruktur dasar (khususnya jalan dan listrik, namun tidak berlaku untuk air bersih). Adapun hubunganantara penyediaan infrastruktur dasar dengan angka kemiskinan, sesuai harapan, ternyata negatif. Temuanini memperkuat keyakinan perlunya mendorong lebih kuat lagi pembangunan infrastruktur dasar untukmengurangi angka kemiskinan."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Sundari
"This study aims to analyze the food security determinant of households by household characteristics in Indonesia using descriptive and multinomial logit analyses, and determine the characteristics of households that need intervention of Raskin in Indonesia. Descriptive and multinomial logit analyses found that households more food secure if the education of household head is higher, number of household members is smaller, the household head work in non-agriculture, income per capita is larger, and the area where household live in urban areas. Generally, Raskin relatively on target. Raskin should be prioritized on women-headed households with low education, and work in agriculture/non-agriculture.

Studi ini menganalisis determinan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga menurut karakteristik rumah tangga di Indonesia dengan analisis deskriptif dan multinomial logit, serta menentukan karakteristik rumah tangga yang perlu intervensi Raskin di Indonesia tahun 2011. Hasil analisis deskriptif dan multinomial logit menemukan bahwa semakin tinggi pendidikan kepala rumah tangga akan meningkat pula ketahanan pangannya jika jumlah anggota rumah tangga kecil, pekerjaan kepala rumah tangga di non-pertanian, pendapatan per kapita besar, dan daerah tempat tinggal di perkotaan. Secara umum, Raskin relatif tepat sasaran. Raskin sebaiknya diprioritaskan pada rumah tangga yang dikepalai perempuan, berpendidikan dasar, dan bekerja di pertanian maupun non-pertanian."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pristiawan Wibisono
This study aims to identify the typology of districts/municipalities in East Java Province, and analyze the growth spillover effects among districts/municipalities. This study was conducted using analysis tools such as Klaassen Typology, identification of growth pole based on the definition proposed by Richardson, the calculation of growth spillover effects and detection of spatial autocorrelation with local indexes Moran and Local Indicators of spatial Association (LISA). The results from this study is that advanced and fast-growing districts/municipalities from 2001 until 2013 concentrated in the central region of East Java Province. Consistency as advanced and fast-growing region is an indicator of growth poles, shown by Surabaya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tipologi kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Timur dan menganalisis efek limpahan pertumbuhan antar-kabupaten/kota. Alat analisis yang dipergunakan adalah Tipologi Klaassen, identifikasi kutub pertumbuhan berdasarkan definisi yang dikemukakan oleh Richardson, perhitungan efek limpahan pertumbuhan, serta deteksi autokorelasi spasial dengan indeks lokal Moran dan Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kabupaten/kota yang tergolong maju dan cepat tumbuh pada tahun 2001 hingga 2013 terpusat di kawasan tengah Provinsi Jawa Timur. Konsistensi sebagai daerah cepat tumbuh dan maju/kaya yang merupakan indikator kutub pertumbuhan, ditunjukkan oleh Kota Surabaya."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Mulatip
"Peran kota sebagai pusat aktivitas utama ekonomi dewasa ini, menjadi daya tarik mengapa pertumbuhan kota perlu diperhatikan. Kota memiliki populasi yang besar, dan cenderung meningkat pesat dari waktu ke waktu. Makalah ini mengkaji faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan kota, serta mengkaji pola pertumbuhan kota di Indonesia.
Pertumbuhan kota diukur menggunakan pertumbuhan populasi dan angkatan kerja. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan kepadatan penduduk dan spesialisasi ekonomi secara negatif signifikan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan kota. Sedangkan primacy, manufaktur dan tingkat pendidikan secara positif signfikan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan kota.
Selain itu, pendapatan dan pengeluaran pemerintah tidak signifikan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan kota. Demikian pula, variabel geografis dan ukuran kota, yang juga tidak signifikan berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan kota."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erny Murniasih
"Over the last decade of Indonesia's fiscal decentralization era, the amount of intergovernmental fiscal transfers has increased substantially. The increase of intergovernmental fiscal transfers is expected to reduce the burden of local economy without sacrificing the quality of public service. This study aims to investigate whether the block grant transfer affect the spending behavior of local government. Using Pool Least Square method and taking East Kalimantan Province as case study, this study found the existance of flypaper effect. This finding emphasize the view of any increase in block grant of transfer will only induce higher spending. Therefore, in order to achieve the independency of local government as the objective of decentralization, some efforts should be taken to minimize the impact of flypaper effect."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Kurniawati
"This research is aimed to identify -disparity of per capita income in of the Kasaba border area (Kalimantan-Sarawak-Sabah) in West Kalimantan and East Kalimantan over the period 2001-2007. It was done by observing the coefficient variation that shows whether the sigma convergence happened or not. The other aims are to examine the determinant of beta convergence using OLS regressions with panel data. The results show that sigma convergence was not happened in West Kalimantan and East Kalimantan over the period 2001-2007. This indicated that the disparity of per capita income was happened. Beta convergence analysis indicated that absolute convergence was happened with convergence rate is 4.46 percent per year and the half-life convergence is 15.45 years. Development expenditure variable, work force participation rate and educational attainment were gave positive influence. On the other hand population growth variable was gave negative influence to the conditional convergence with convergence rate is 4.39 percent per year and the half-life convergence is 15.71 years.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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