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Ditemukan 190039 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nuning Trihadmini
"There are several factors influencing the financial system stability, namely the internal and the external factors. The occurrence of stock price volatility internationally, the contagion effects and the spillover effects are some external factors that have effect on the financial system stability. This research aims to know the dynamic relationship of regional and global stocks market in international financial system, and then do the analysis of the occurrence of contagion effects and spillover effects on stock price, and see their influence on domestic economics, monetary policy and financial system stability, by GARCH-VAR model.The results of this research indicate that there are some domination of the mature financial market to regional and domestic market. Moreover, the nearby regional stock price index also have a big contribution to the movement of other regional stock price market. The impact of stock price volatility to the IDR exchange rates volatility is relatively small, but not to the price level which is significantly large. Data analysis shows that there is contagion effects in stock market, but the spillover effect from stock price volatility to exchange rates volatility does not occur."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Studi ini meneliti dampak Covid-19 terhadap nilai tukar (Indonesia Rupiah terhadap Dollar AS) dan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data harian kasus Covid-19, nilai tukar dan periode CSPI dari 2 Maret hingga 30 April 2020. Hasil analisis menunjukkan: (1) peningkatan 1% pada kasus Covid-19 menyebabkan depresiasi sebesar Rupiah terhadap Dollar AS sebesar 0,02%, (2) peningkatan 1% dalam kasus Covid-19, menyebabkan koreksi ke CSPI sebesar 0,03%, (3) peningkatan 1% dari CSPI mengarah ke apresiasi Rupiah terhadap Dollar AS sebesar 0,311% . Dengan demikian, Covid-19 berdampak pada depresiasi Rupiah terhadap Dollar AS, dan berdampak menurun pada CSPI, sehingga diperlukan intervensi kebijakan untuk mengendalikan penyebaran wabah Covid-19, mengendalikan kepanikan agar tidak berdampak pada Rupiah dan pasar saham melalui berbagai kebijakan stimulus."
Jakarta: Badan Perencanaan PembangunaN Nasional (BAPPENAS), 2020
330 JPP 4:2 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizka Tania
Jumlah kepemilikan asing di pasar modal Indonesia cukup dominan. Laporan OJK mencatat pergerakan nilai tukar USD/IDR, kinerja indeks harga saham gabungan IHSG dan indeks yield Obligasi Indonesia cenderung mengikuti pergerakan arus modal asing. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Vector Autoregression untuk mengolah data time series periode 2011-2017 dan melihat hubungan antara arus modal asing, nilai tukar USD/IDR, return IHSG, yield obligasi pemerintah 10 tahun. Dari hasil uji estimasi var yang mencakup granger causality, impulse respon function, variance decomposition ditemukan bahwa variabel nilai tukar USD/IDR yang memegang peran penting dalam mempengaruhi pergerakan variabel penelitian lainnya. Temuan lainnya adalah perbedaan sifat investor asing dalam menghadapi pergerakan return IHSG dan yield obligasi pada pasarnya masing-masing. Dimana investor asing cenderung melepaskan portfolio Indonesia netsell ketika ada kenaikan yield, namun cenderung membeli portfolio Indonesia netbuy ketika return IHSG naik.

The amount of foreign ownership in Indonesian capital market is quite dominant. The OJK report notes the USD IDR exchange rate movement, the performance of the composite stock price index IHSG and the Indonesian bond yield index tend to follow the movement of foreign capital flows. This research uses Vector Autoregression method to process time series data from 2011 2017 period and see the relationship between foreign capital flows, USD IDR exchange rate, IHSG return, 10 year government bond yield. From the result of var estimation test which includes granger causality, impulse response function, variance decomposition, it is found that USD IDR exchange rate variable that plays an important role in influencing the movement of other research variables. Foreign flow, however, didn rsquo t give a significant impact. Other findings are similarity in the nature of foreign investors in the face of JCI return movement and bond yields on their respective markets. Where foreign investors tend to release the Indonesian portfolio netsell when there is a decrease in bonds yield increase or stock return increase price, but tend to buy Indonesian portfolio netbuy when it rises."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfado Agustio
"Kejadian krisis ekonomi 2008 yang melanda negara-negara global termasuk Indonesia, mendorong Bank Indonesia dan pemerintah perlu mempersiapkan tindakan antisipatif dalam menjaga stabilitas pasar keuangan dan perekonomian. Atas dasar tersebut, penelitian ini berupaya mengukur respon instrumen di pasar keuangan dan perekonomian akibat gejolak ekonomi global.
Variabel nilai tukar rupiah dan indeks saham merupakan variabel yang mewakili pasar keuangan, sementara variabel indeks produksi mewakili perekonomian. Untuk variabel global, penulis memilih fed fund rate, volatility index dan harga minyak global. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Vector Error Correction Model Exogenous Variable (VECM-X).
Semua variabel global diposisikan sebagai variabel eksogen, sementara nilai tukar rupiah, indeks saham dan indeks produksi merupakan variabel endogen. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa, respon pasar keuangan dan perekonomian cukup tinggi akibat adanya gejolak dari ekonomi global. Ini menjadi landasan bagi pemerintah untuk menyusun kebijakan guna menjaga stabilitas pasar keuangan dan perekonomian Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Awaluddin
"This study concerns about how much economic factors have impact on real exchange rate equilibrium and how much exchange rate misalignment occurs. The objective is to find the level of real exchange rate equilibrium before and during the crisis. Real exchange rate equilibrium is founded from Behavioral Equilibrium Excange Rate approach. From regression estimation we will find real exchange rate equilibrium, which will compared with actual real exchange rate. The result is real exchange rate misalignment or deviation of real exchange rate from its equilibrium level."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinta Dewi Perwitasari
"As the result of global financial liberalization there is a tendency for increasing number of portfolio INVESTMENT which in turn dominates the domestic financial market. This study aims to elaborate the effect of shortterm portfolio investment flows to the exchange rate. Using the method of Vector Auto Regressive (VAR), this study employs quarterly data from 1997 to 2007.
The result shows that both real and nominal exchange rates are affected by the short-term portfolio investment flows dominantly. In particular the short-term portfolio investment inflows strengthen the local currency. Secondly, in other direction short-term portfolio investment flows also affected by both real and nominal exchange rate. Thirdly, the impact of shortterm portfolio investment flows to change of nominal exchange rate is temporarily due to adjustment toward equilibrium, but not for real exchange rate."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfani Fithria
"The Focus of this study is crowdi.ng out effect and public choice mechanism i.n determination of education expenditures of local government. Education spending has risen significantly over three last decades. Indonesia 2001's decentralization is rapidly moving the country from one of the most centralized system in the world to one of the most decenualized. The country has embarked on a program of fiscal, administrative and political decenu-alization at the same time. It has been asserted that larger education expenditures have caused local governments to spend less on other types of government services. Using panel of districts-level data for the period of 2001-2005, this study provides a test of the hypothesis that education spending has crowded out other types of spending and ties to find out which party in Indonesia that have preference in education. The results indicate that,for the period studied, there is evidence that i.ncreased local government education expenditures resulted in lower levels of speding on other categories of local government provided good and services. Only four parties that pro education are Golkar,Partai Keadi1an,Partai Persatuan Pembangunan(PPP) and Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB). Other results showed that districts located in Java spend higher education expenditures than out of Java and districts with natural resource revenue shares have higher education expenditures as well."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rochman Budiasih Effendi
The stable fluctuation of Rp against the US$ during the free floating exchange rate regime in 2002-2007 raises the existence of fear of floating exchange rate phenomenon in Indonesia. The GARCH method is use to verify this phenomenon. Moreover, Time Varying Parameter and Error Correction Mechanism method shows the economic reason behind the Monetary Authoritys response in stabilizing rupiah. Depreciation and increasing volatility of Rupiah raises ination and bank Non-Performing Loans, while appreciation and increasing volatility of Rupiah, reduce the net export. Furthermore, Vector Autoregressive confirms the Monetary Authority respond to exchange rate shock through the interest rate policy for four months and through the foreign reserves policy for two months."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lana Soelistianingsih
Using co-integration, the results show that the movement of Indonesian foreign exchange market and capital market has moved to long?run equilibrium with other currencies and indices from partner countries, while the short-run equilibrium between markets have been proved by using VECM. The Indonesian case supports portfolio balance approach introduced by Frankel. The increasing of IHSG attracts capital inflows and makes the demand for domesfic currency higher, and IDR becomes appreciation. Indonesian market has strong linkages with Asian regional markets especially with Hong Kong market, while having no relationship with US market."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puji Hartoyo
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji pengaruh masing masing resiko terhadap return saham serta melihat model keseimbangan yang mempunyai standard error yang lebih kecil. Jenis penelitian ini adalah verifikatif yaitu dengan melakukan hipotesis melalui pengolahan data dan pengujian secara statistik. DAta peenelitian diperoleh dari data sekunder diambil dar Bursa Efek Indonesia. dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh hasil bahwa variabel risiko pasar dan premi kurs berpengaruh secara signifikan dan sesuai dengan hipotesis, sedangkan variabel SMB, HML dan premi inflasi bukan determinan return saham. Hasil pengujian lain dengan menggunakan Mean Average Deviation membuktikan bahwa model keseimbangan CAPM mempunyai tingkat standard error ynagng lebih kecil daripada aAPT, namun dengan uji beda rata-rata menunjukkan perbedaan yang tidak signifikan. penelitian ini memberikan masukan kepada investor bahwa faktor yang perlu diperhatikan sebelum melakukan investasi saham adalah memperhatiakn faktor resiko pasar dan premi kurs. sedangkan bagi perusahaan agar tetap nejaga stabilitas pendapatan untuk dapat menjaga kepercayaan investor, karena faktoe pSMB dan HML kurang diperhatikan dalam pengambilan investasi."
Direktorat Jenderal Pembendaharaan Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia, 2016
336 ITR 1:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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