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"Using the non-parametric method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the parametric method of Stochastic Frontier Approach (SPA), this study investigates the efficiency of the Islamic Banking recent operations in Indonesia over the period 2005 to 2007. In specifying input-output variables of Islamic banks, the intermediation approach is selected as it is in line with the principle of Islamic financial system. The attributions of technical efficiency (utilization of capacity) and scale efficiency (optimality of scale achieved) are identified. The principal findings for the period under study indicated that technical and scale efficiency scores are improving but 100 percent optimal during research period. According to SFA approach, closer to 100 percent means a bank acts efficiently. Overall, the result shows that Islamic banks suffer slight inefficiencies during the period 2005-2007, and tend to be increasing. The study has several important policy implications to offer, one of which is that it could be taken as a guideline for the Indonesian government to chart a policy on banking deregulation and mergers. Moreover, the study provides some information and identifies the source of inefficiency, vyhich could, in turn, be used to assist banks? managements to overcome the problems of inefficiency."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Mustafa Edwin
"There are two purposes that want to be assessed in this paper. The first purpose is to indicate whether the moral hazard problems are occurred in the Indonesian Sharia Bank (The moral hazard in this paper is the Indirect Moral Hazard which is the negligence of bank in the financing process influencing the moral hazard problems of the debtor in the other side. The second purpose is to assess whether the financing policies in the Sharia Banking are influenced by profit sharing system. The data for assessing this paper are acquired from the monthly financial reports published by Sharia Banks such as BSM and BM] from January 2001 to December 2004. The research based on the Error Correction Model in the long term shows that the increasing of allocation ratio of Murabahah to Musyarakah and Mudharabah results the increasing of non performing financing ratio. It indicates that the moral hazard problems are occurred in BM]. The moral hazard indication demonstrates that bank is both less careful in financing and less incentive in monitoring process. It also demonstrates the weakness of the Sharia bank ?s operational system in countering the debtor's moral hazard. The Granger Causality Test proves that profit sharing ratio (nisbah) between bank and debtor influences return ratio, however it does not ?influence financing allocation). On the other hand, financing allocation ratio influences nisbah ratio, furthermore in BSM case, return ratio influences nisbah ratio. This description shows that nisbah ratio is not only an instrument for calculating revenue/return distribution but also an instrument for Sharia bank in synchronizing profit sharing level with the interest rate in conventional bank."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gaffari Ramadhan
"This study estimates the banking efficiency in the Province of West Sumatera for the years of 2007-2008. Using 19 samples of commercial banks, the estimation applies the Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA) model in order to analyze the cost efficiency of commercial banks. This study finds that the bank's cost function is significantly affected by price of labors, price of funds, and loans. The results of the banking efficiency estimation show that in annually almost banks have more than 80 percent of the efficiency level. In the average estimation, it also shows the same result. By dividing banks into groups, the estimation shows that the government bank is more efficient than the national private bank."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Telisa Aulia Falianty
"Pembentukan suatu currency union adalah tahap terakhir dari langkah kebijakan menuju integrasi regional. Currency union biasa didefinisikan sebagai suatu area di mana mata uang tunggal beredar. Perdebatan mengenai adopsi dari common currency oleh negara-negara anggota ASEAN mulai bermunculan terutama sejak terjadinya krisis Asia 1997 dan setelah Euro menjadi kenyataan pada awal tahun 1999 dan tetap bertahan dengan baik sampai sekarang. Keinginan untuk membentuk currency union di Asia Timur dan ASEAN juga dipicu oleh semakin meningkatnya integrasi dalam perdagangan melalui ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA).
Hal-hal tersebut melatarbelakangi penulis untuk mengadakan penelitian mengenai kemungkinan pembentukan currency union di ASEAN. Penelitian mengenai currency union pada umumnya dibagi menjadi tiga bagian besar, yaitu : kemungkinan pembentukan dilihat dari beberapa prasyarat pembentukan currency union (properti dari Optimum Currency Area), penghitungan Indeks Optimum Currency Area (OCA Index), dan endogeneitas dari indikator OCA. Paper ini akan memfokuskan pada studi empiris mengenai OCA index dan endogeneitas dari prasyarat pembentukan currency union.
lndikator-indikator OCA dapat menjadi endogen terhadap variabel-variabel lain. Hal ini disebut sebagai endogeneitas dari indikator-indikator prasyarat pembentukan currency union. Asymmetric shocks sebagai salah satu indikator OCA endogen terhadap variabel perdagangan. Menurut Frankel dan Rose (1998), semakin tinggi level bilateral trade maka semakin besar korelasi siklus bisnis antar negara dan semakin kecil ketidaksimetrisan antar negara dalam menghadapi guncangan (shocks). Menurut Fidrmuc (2001), konvergensi siklus bisnis terjadi melalui jalur intra industry trade. Dengan menggunakan Structural VAR dan Kalman Filter akan diteliti mengenai endogeneitas dari asymmetric shocks di ASEAN terhadap variabel perdagangan. Kalman Filter akan digunakan untuk menghitung time varying correlation coefficient antara negara-negara anggota ASEAN. Filter ini menggambarkan bagaimana time path dari parameter model. "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Amalia
"Positive correlation between concentration and profitability is not always a result of collusion. Market concentration can be a proxyfor efficiency and product differentiation that have done by company. The company that can be mentioned efficient and have done product differentiation can improve market share, and industry that consist of the company has tendency to be concentrated.
This research tries to prove whether market share and concentration in Islamic and conventional banking industry as proxy to efficient. If it is proven, so there is no relationship between market share and concentration with profitability. it is appropriate with efficient structure hypothesis.
Using pool data for Islamic and conventional banking industiy at period January 2002 until November 2005. Model that had been used in this research is adjusted Smirlock model with fixed effect method From this research, is hoped that Islamic banking industry can support efficient structure hypothesis, moreover conventional banking industry can support differentiation hypothesis."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diyah Nugraheni
Salah satu aspek penting dari kebijakan desentralisasi skal adalah pelimpahan wewenang dan tanggungjawab pengelolaan dana publik ke pemerintah daerah, khususnya kota/kabupaten. Sesudah lebih dari sepu-luh tahun diimplementasikan, ketersediaan informasi dan data memungkinkan untuk melakukan evaluasisejauh mana dampaknya pada pembangunan ekonomi regional. Studi ini ingin mengetahui apakah kinerjapengelolaan keuangan daerah cukup efektif dalam penyediaan infrastruktur dasar dan apakah penyediaaninfrastruktur dasar secara efektif mengurangi angka kemiskinan. Dengan menggunakan metode data panel,studi ini mengonrmasi hubungan positif antara kinerja pengelolaan keuangan daerah dengan penyediaaninfrastruktur dasar (khususnya jalan dan listrik, namun tidak berlaku untuk air bersih). Adapun hubunganantara penyediaan infrastruktur dasar dengan angka kemiskinan, sesuai harapan, ternyata negatif. Temuanini memperkuat keyakinan perlunya mendorong lebih kuat lagi pembangunan infrastruktur dasar untukmengurangi angka kemiskinan."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Beta Yulianita Gitaharie
"The economic crises attacking Asian regions in the mid of 1997 have brought depressing impacts to Indonesia?s economy. Indonesia experiences a declining share of investment? it is even the lowest amongst neighboring countries. Indonesia also ranks the first position in the issue of inefficiency which further discourages investors to invest in Indonesia. The study focuses on the issue of efficiency in the manufacturing industry whose share in the economy tends to increase during I988-2OO5 in a higher percentage than in the agriculture and services sectors. The objectives of the study are two-folds, first is to measure the score of efficiency in the manufacturing industry in order to identify which in industries are classified as efficient, moderately efficient, or less efficient. Secondly is to identify whether there is an association between input factor or output degree of protection and the score of in efficiency of a 5-digit-JSIC industry. The method employs in the study is the stochastic production frontier where efficiency is an explicit function of specifically determining factors. The study finds that wood preservative industry has the highest efficiency score, while garment and textile industry has the lowest. The study also discovers there are more industries with less and moderately efficient classification. Sources of inefficiency are from the high output tariffs, which have potential contributions to high price and less competitive products in the market. The study recommends that manufacturing industries with low scores of efficiency should improve their productivities through lower cost of production. The government has to make effort to reduce tariff for finished goods. Taxes on luxurious goods and duty charges for export oriented industries should be eliminated as an alternative to increase efficiency in the manufacturing industry. Comparative advantages, particularly for linkage industries, should be improved."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tsurayya Nurrahma
Having data sample in 1987, 1995, and 2008, this research aims to analyze the impact of trade liberalization on technical efficiency of Indonesian manufacturing firms since deregulation in the 1980s. In addition, the research also analyzes the impact of other efficiency determinants coming from firm characteristics and market structure. Technical inefficiency score is estimated by using stochastic production frontier model, whereas the impact of efficiency determinants is analyzed by using Ordinary Least Squared model (OLS). For each year observed, liberalization has different impacts on technical efficiency. However, as liberalization continues, it has facilitated firms to produce towards their full technical efficient production-level.
Dengan mengambil sampel tahun 1987, 1995, dan 2008, studi ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis dampak liberalisasi perdagangan terhadap efisiensi teknis perusahaan dalam industri manufaktur Indonesia sejak deregulasi pada tahun 1980-an. Selain itu, dianalisis pula pengaruh faktor determinan efisiensi lainnya yang berasal dari karakteristik internal perusahaan dan struktur industri. Nilai inefisiensi teknis diestimasi dengan model stochastic production frontier, sedangkan analisis pengaruh faktor determinan efisiensi teknis menggunakan model Ordinary Least Squared (OLS). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa liberalisasi perdagangan memiliki dampak berbeda terhadap efisiensi teknis pada setiap tahun yang diamati. Namun, liberalisasi akhirnya dapat memfasilitasi perusahaan dalam meningkatkan performanya, melalui peningkatan nilai efisiensi teknis."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlangga Agustino Landiyanto
"Konsentrasi dan aktivitas ekonomi secara spasial, terutama pada industri manufaktur, telah menjadi fenomena menarik untuk dianalisis. Pada industri manufaktur, konsentrasi spasial ditentukan oleh biaya upah, biaya transportasi dan akses pasar serta eksternalitas dan konsentrasi spasial yang berkaitan dengan penghematan lokalisasi dan penghematan urbanisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dimana dan pada subsektor apa industri manufaktur Kota Surabaya terkonsentrasi serta untuk mengetahui mengapa dan bagaimana industri manufaktur Kota Surabaya terkonsentrasi sehingga dapat dianalisis mengenai kebijakan dalam mengembangkan industri manufaktur Kota Surabaya. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data tenaga kerja industri manufaktur dua digit per kecamatan di Surabaya tahun 1994 dan 2002. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan LQ, Ellison Glaeser indeks dan Maurel Sedillot indeks. Berdasarkan analisis, diketahui bahwa industri manufaktur di Kota Surabaya terkonsentrasi di Kecamatan Rungkut, Tandes dan Sawahan sedangkan subsektor unggulan Kota Surabaya adalah industri makanan, minuman dan tembakau serta industri logam, mesin dan peralatan."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Danang Triwibowo
Most cities in developing countries face inefficiency problem of waste collection service run by government. The purpose of this study is to estimate the efficiency of waste collection service and the capital cost requirement in 2019 to cover 100% waste collection service in Cilegon City. The efficiency is calculated by comparing the current costs with the optimization costs by the model of vehicle routing problem. The result shows that the obtained inefficiency reaches 37,48% which largely comes from the labor component. To cover all of resident in Cilegon City, the city needs to increase their budget allocation as much as IDR 33,884 billion in 2019.
Sebagian besar kota di negara berkembang menghadapi permasalahan inefisiensi pengangkutan sampah yang dikelola pemerintah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengestimasi inefisiensi pengangkutan sampah di Kota Cilegon. Inefisiensi dihitung dengan membandingkan biaya saat ini dengan biaya hasil optimasi rute dengan model vehicle routing problem. Penelitian ini juga mengestimasi kebutuhan biaya modal jika rasio pengangkutan sampah mencapai 100% pada tahun 2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inefisiensi sebesar 37,48%, yaitu porsi komponen tenaga kerja sebesar 94,48 dari total inefisiensi. Terkait kebutuhan modal, diperlukan kenaikan anggaran Rp33,884 miliar untuk meningkatkan rasio pengangkutan sampah menjadi 100% pada tahun 2019."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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