Ditemukan 195905 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nasution, Mustafa Edwin
"There are two purposes that want to be assessed in this paper. The first purpose is to indicate whether the moral hazard problems are occurred in the Indonesian Sharia Bank (The moral hazard in this paper is the Indirect Moral Hazard which is the negligence of bank in the financing process influencing the moral hazard problems of the debtor in the other side. The second purpose is to assess whether the financing policies in the Sharia Banking are influenced by profit sharing system. The data for assessing this paper are acquired from the monthly financial reports published by Sharia Banks such as BSM and BM] from January 2001 to December 2004. The research based on the Error Correction Model in the long term shows that the increasing of allocation ratio of Murabahah to Musyarakah and Mudharabah results the increasing of non performing financing ratio. It indicates that the moral hazard problems are occurred in BM]. The moral hazard indication demonstrates that bank is both less careful in financing and less incentive in monitoring process. It also demonstrates the weakness of the Sharia bank ?s operational system in countering the debtor's moral hazard. The Granger Causality Test proves that profit sharing ratio (nisbah) between bank and debtor influences return ratio, however it does not ?influence financing allocation). On the other hand, financing allocation ratio influences nisbah ratio, furthermore in BSM case, return ratio influences nisbah ratio. This description shows that nisbah ratio is not only an instrument for calculating revenue/return distribution but also an instrument for Sharia bank in synchronizing profit sharing level with the interest rate in conventional bank."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Mustafa Edwin
There are two purposes that want to be assessed in this study The _first purpose is to indicate whether the moral hazard problems are occurred in the Indonesian Sharia Bank (The moral hazard in this paper is the indirect Moral hazard which is the negligence of bank in the financing process influencing the moral hazard problems of the debtor in the other side. The second purpose is to assess whether the _financing policies in the Sharia Banking are influenced by profit sharing system, The data for assessing this paper are acquired from the monthly financial reports published by Sharia Banks such as BSM? and BMI from January 2001 to December 2004.The research based on the Ever Correction Model in the long term shows that the increasing of allocation ratio of Murabahah to Musyarakah and Mudharabah results the increasing of non performing financing ratio. It indicates that the moral hazard problems are occurred in BML The moral hazard indication demonstrates that bank is both less careful in financing and less incentive in monitoring process. It also demonstrates the weakness of the Sharia bank's operational system in countering the debtor's moral hazard The Granger Causality Test proves that profit sharing ratio (nisbah) between bank and debtor influences return ratio, however it does not influence financing allocation). On the other hand _financing allocation ratio influences nisbah ratio, furthermore in BSM case, return ratio influences nisbah ratio. This description shows that nisbah ratio is not only an instrument for calculating revenue/return distribution but also an instrument for Sharia bank in synchronizing profit sharing level with the interest Vale in conventional bank."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Ranti Wiliasih
"Ada dua tujuan yang ingin dilihat dalam penulisan tesis ini. Pertama, untuk melihat apakah terdapat indikasi moral hazard di bank umum syariah (batasan moral hazard adalah moral hazard tidak langsung, yaitu suatu kondisi dimana bank kurang berhati-hati dalam memberikan pembiayaan sehingga menimbulkan moral hazard di sisi debitur) dan untuk melihat apakah kebijakan pembiayaan di perbankan syariah dipengaruhi oleh sistem profit sharing. Data yang digunakan bersumber dari laporan keuangan publikasi bulanan bank umum syariah yaitu BSM dan BMI, pada periode Januari 2001 s.d Desember 2004. Hasil penelitian dengan metode Error Correction Model (ECM), dalam keseimbangan jangka panjang, peningkatan rasio alokasi pembiayaan murabahah terhadap pembiayaan musyarakah dan mudharabah meningkatkan rasio non performing financing, yang jika dikaitkan dengan hipotesis berarti terdapat indikasi moral hazard di sisi bank BMI. Indikasi moral hazard menunjukkan bank kurang berhati-hati dalam menyalurkan pembiayaan atau bank kurang melakukan monitoring. Hal ini sekaligus menunjukkan kelemahan dalam sistem operasional di bank syariah karena belum dapat meng-counter terjadinya moral hazard di sisi debitur. Dari basil pengujian dengan Uji Kausalitas Granger ditemukan bahwa rasio nisbah bagi basil antara bank dengan debitur menyebabkan rasio return namun tidak menyebabkan alokasi pembiayaan. Sebaliknya rasio alokasi pembiayaan menyebabkan rasio nisbah, bahkan untuk kasus BSM, rasio return juga mempengaruhi rasio nisbah. Gambaran ini menunjukkan bahwa rasio nisbah selain sebagai instrumen dalam perhitungan distribusi pendapatan jugs menjadi alat bagi bank syariah dalam menyesuaikan tingkat imbal hasil bank syariah dengan tingkat bunga di bank konvensional.
There are two purposes that want to be assessed in this thesis. The first purpose is to indicate whether the moral hazard problems are occurred in the Indonesian Sharia Bank (The moral hazard in this thesis is the Indirect Moral Hazard which is the negligence of bank in the financing process influencing the moral hazard problems of the debtor in the other side. The second purpose is to asses whether the financing policies in the Sharia Banking are influenced by profit sharing system. The data for assessing this thesis are acquired from the monthly financial reports published by Sharia Banks such as BSM and BMI from January 2001 to December 2004. The research based on the Error Correction Model in the long term shows that the increasing of allocation ratio of Murabahah to Musyarakah and Mudharabah results the increasing of non performing financing ratio. It indicates that the moral hazard problems are occurred in BMI. The moral hazard indication demonstrates that bank is both less careful in financing and less incentive in monitoring process. It also demonstrates the weakness of the Sharia bank's operational system in countering the debtor's moral hazard. The Granger Causality Test proves that profit sharing ratio (nisbah) between bank and debtor influences return ratio, however it does not influence financing allocation). On the other hand, financing allocation ratio influences nisbah ratio, furthermore in BSM case, return ratio influences nisbah ratio. This description shows that nisbah ratio is not only an instrument for calculating revenue/return distribution but also an instrument for Sharia bank in synchronizing profit sharing level with the interest rate in conventional bank."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Amalina
"Seiring perkembangan global khususnya dalam dunia teknologi, praktik layanan jasa keuangan hari ini mulai bergeser dari pelayanan offline menuju online. Namun, kenyataannya masyarakat Indonesia masih belum terbiasa dalam menggunakan fasilitas layanan keuangan digital, sehingga agenda pengadaan jaringan kantor di tengah masyarakat merupakan praktik layanan jasa keuangan yang masih dapat dikatakan efektif. Untuk itu, penelitian ini akan menganalisis hubungan antara pertumbuhan jumlah jaringan kantor perbankan syariah terhadap jumlah dana pihak ketiga yang berhasil dihimpun dan pembiayaan yang berhasil disalurkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode analisis model regresi linear berganda, dimana variabel independen yang gunakan merupakan variabel-variabel yang telah diuji dalam penelitian terdahulu. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa jumlah jaringan kantor tidak signifikan memberikan pengaruh terhadap jumlah dana pihak ketiga yang berhasil dihimpun serta jumlah pembiayaan yang disalurkan baik oleh Bank Umum Syariah dan Unit Usaha Syariah.
Global developments, especially in the technological sector, todays financial services practice began to shift from offline to online service. However, so that the number of Indonesian costumer is still not accustomed to utilize financial services facilities that based on technology, so that the agenda of office (network/branch) in the nearby area is still considered to be effective. Hence, this research will analyze the relationship between the growing number of Islamic banks offices to the amount of deposit and financing. The study used a quantitative research approach with the method of multiple linear regression models, in which the independent variables used were tested variables in the previous study. The results of this study revealed that the number of office networks does not significantly affect the amount of deposit that were successfully compiled and the amount of financing distributed by Islamic banks and Islamic business units."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"Using the non-parametric method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the parametric method of Stochastic Frontier Approach (SPA), this study investigates the efficiency of the Islamic Banking recent operations in Indonesia over the period 2005 to 2007. In specifying input-output variables of Islamic banks, the intermediation approach is selected as it is in line with the principle of Islamic financial system. The attributions of technical efficiency (utilization of capacity) and scale efficiency (optimality of scale achieved) are identified. The principal findings for the period under study indicated that technical and scale efficiency scores are improving but 100 percent optimal during research period. According to SFA approach, closer to 100 percent means a bank acts efficiently. Overall, the result shows that Islamic banks suffer slight inefficiencies during the period 2005-2007, and tend to be increasing. The study has several important policy implications to offer, one of which is that it could be taken as a guideline for the Indonesian government to chart a policy on banking deregulation and mergers. Moreover, the study provides some information and identifies the source of inefficiency, vyhich could, in turn, be used to assist banks? managements to overcome the problems of inefficiency."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Predi Muliansyah
"Indonesia merupakan negara penduduk terbesar ke-4 di dunia berdasarkan sensus BPS tahun 2010, jumlah penduduk Indonesia sebanyak 238 juta jiwa. Di satu sisi jumlah penduduk yang besar memberikan potensi konsumsi masyarakat dan faktor produksi tenaga kerja menjadi sumber pertumbuhan ekonomi. Akan tetapi, disisi lain permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh negara berkembang seperti Indonesia adalah kurangnya modal pembiayaan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang digunakan untuk mendorong perekonomian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pola hubungan antara simpanan masyarakat dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi periode 1990-2010. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Permanent Income Hypothesis (PIH). Model ini menerangkan hubungan tabungan (pertumbuhan Dana Pihak Ketiga) dengan pendapatan (pertumbuhan ekonomi). Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Vector Autoregressive (VAR). Secara umum hubungan simpanan masyarakat pada prospek pendapatan pada ketiga periode penilitian menunjukkan hubungan yang tidak signifikan, hanya deposito yang mempunyai hubungan yang negatif terhadap pendapatan masyarakat. Hal tersebut diperkuat oleh hasil uji pada periode sebelum dan setelah krisis ekonomi 1998 yang secara umum menunjukkan hasil yang tidak signifikan. Sebaliknya, hubungan antara pendapatan saat ini pada simpanan masyarakat ke depan pada periode 1990:1-2010:4 menunjukkan hasil yang negatif dan signifikan. Sedangkan para periode sebelum dan sesudah krisis ekonomi 1998 menunjukkan hasil yang bervariasi.
Indonesia is the fourth largest population in the world based on the 2010 BPS census, the population of Indonesia as much as 238 million people. On one side of a large population provides the potential consumption and production factor labor becomes the source of economic growth. However, on the other hand the problems faced by developing countries such as Indonesia is the lack of capital financing of economic growth that is used to stimulate the economy. The purpose of this study was to look at the pattern of relationships between society's savings to the economic growth period of 1990- 2010. The approach used in this study is the Permanent Income Hypothesis (PIH). This model explains the relationship of savings (The growth of Third Party Funds) and income (economic growth). Experiments were done using Vector Autoregressive (VAR). In general the relationship public at the prospect of savings income in the third period penilitian showed no significant relationships, only deposits that have a negative relationship to incomes. This is reinforced by the test results in the period before and after the economic crisis of 1998 which generally show no significant results. In contrast, the relationship between current income in the next public deposits during the period 1990:1-2010:4 showed a negative and significant results. While the period before and after the economic crisis of 1998 showed mixed results."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Lumban Tobing, Muhammad Syareza
"The intergovernmental transfer system currently applied in Indonesia is intended to prevent the intervention of political powers. However, there are indications of political determinants behind central government transfers to sub-national governments. In order to prove the existence of these political factors, this research utilizes empirical panel data models of Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU), Dana Dekonsentrasi and Tugas Pembantuan using political variables. Results show that while there are no signicant political variables in the DAU and Dana Dekonsentrasi models, there is a political determinant behind the amount of Dana Tugas Pembantuan, where a higher seat share for the Golkar party representing a province in the national parliament will entitle the province to a relatively higher share of the Dana Tugas Pembantuan.
Sistem transfer antarpemerintah di Indonesia dibuat dengan tujuan mencegah campur tangan politik terhadap sistem transfer pemerintah. Namun begitu, terdapat indikasi keberadaan determinan politik dalam menentukan transfer pemerintah pusat terhadap pemerintah daerah. Untuk membuktikan keberadaan faktor-faktor politik tersebut, digunakan model data panel yang berusaha menunjukkan determinan politik pada Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) serta Dana Dekonsentrasi dan Tugas Pembantuan. Hasil studi menemukan bahwa tidak ada campur tangan politik dalam menentukan transfer DAU dan Dana Dekonsentrasi, namun ditemukan determinan politik pada Dana Tugas Pembantuan, di mana provinsi yang memiliki proporsi kursi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Partai Golkar yang lebih tinggi mendapatkan Dana Tugas Pembantuan yang lebih besar."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Gaffari Ramadhan
"This study estimates the banking efficiency in the Province of West Sumatera for the years of 2007-2008. Using 19 samples of commercial banks, the estimation applies the Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA) model in order to analyze the cost efficiency of commercial banks. This study finds that the bank's cost function is significantly affected by price of labors, price of funds, and loans. The results of the banking efficiency estimation show that in annually almost banks have more than 80 percent of the efficiency level. In the average estimation, it also shows the same result. By dividing banks into groups, the estimation shows that the government bank is more efficient than the national private bank."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Risna Triandhari
"International Risk Sharing (IRS) adalah pembagian risiko secara internasional antar-negara dalam suatukawasan atau dalam kawasan berbeda yang disebabkan oleh adanya gejolak spesik terhadap suatuperekonomian yang menyebabkan pendapatan (konsumsinya) beruktuasi. Tujuan studi ini adalah untukmenganalisis pengaruh dari terjadinya penggabungan mata uang di negara-negara Uni Eropa terhadapperkembangan IRS dan home bias di negara-negara tersebut. Dengan melihat hubungan output danpendapatan suatu negara dengan output dan pendapatan rata-rata kawasan, menggunakan data sebelasnegara awal yang tergabung dalam mata uang tunggal Euro, studi ini menemukan bahwa penggabunganmata uang di wilayah negara-negara Uni Eropa meningkatkan risk sharing dan home bias secara signikan."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Onny Noyorono
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library