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Teguh Yudo Wicaksono
"Lucas - Rapping model is considered as successful model to explain the labor force in America. We are apply this model on Indonesian case to analyze the fluctuation of labor force and to know wether the shift on labor supply and unemployment is a function of current real wage or not. We also intend to analyze behaviour of household to respond the real wage change.
From demand side, we can trace out how deep the education role on labor force quality. The conclusion may be helpfull on determining appropriate policy on education sector.
We use data from BPS including Indikator Ekonomi dan Keuangan, Statistik Ketenagakerjaan (Sakernas), Keadaan Pekerja/Karyawan di Indonesia, Survei Sosial dan Ekonomi Nasional (SUSENAS) or Survei Penduduk Nasional (Supas). The rest of data is collected from international sources such as Summers Hestona PennWorld Table, data Barro and Lee and data Bank Dunia."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Yudo Wicaksono
"Economic scholars in indonesia tends to focus more on market rather than household behavior. This could be caused by their assumption that household behavior often irrational from convensional economic perspective. This paper argue that irrationality behavior is not proven empirically. It is shown that the behavior is economic deterministic; like preference on their child?s gender, time allocation and bargaining process in household. The result shows that females are more preferred than males and this can be explained by economic logic. Nevertheless, position and bargaining power of fem&es still weak in hcusehold. It has proven empirically by some estimation methods with some restrictions. The final objective is the integration of economic science with other social sciences in household behavior analysis in Indonesia"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Indah Nikensari
"Economic growth give some hope on labor absorbtion in economic sectors. It can be seen from trends after crisis that unemployement is rising overtime. This study tends to look on structural impact of growth in industrial and trade sector to labor absorption in Indonesia. The result is labor absorption projection in economic sectors within 2003-2007"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Waluyo
"The main purpose of this study is to find the effect of budget deficit with foreign loans as source of funding on inflation and economic growth. This study focuses on transmission mechanism of budget deficit funding effects on inflation and economic growth. We use a specific simultaneous macroeconomic model which includes 17 behavioral equations and 18 identity equations with 6 blocks in this study, Two Stage Least Square (TSLS) method is employed to estimate the behavioral equations in the model. This study use Indonesia secondary economic data from 1970 to 2003. Econometric tests are performed to produce BLUE estimator. This study also use stochastic simulation with 10000 replications to simulate policy.The results show that using foreign loan to fund budget deficit increases both economic growth and inflation. This result is also supported by the simulation results which show that increase in the proceeds of new foreign loan increases reserves which in turn increase primary money/money supply/monetary base. Interaction of monetary base with money multiplier then increases price level. increase in capital in flow from increase in foreign loan increases government spending which also increases government spending increases in the government spending then add to government capital stock so that economic growth also increases."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitanggang, Ignatia Rohana
"Penelitian ini akan melihat bagaimana pola struktur ekonomi dan pola penyerapan tenaga kerja sektoral di 30 propinsi pada kurun waktu I980-2000 di Indonesia. Fokus penelitian ini diarahkan pada analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penyerapan tenaga kerja di wilayah tersebut dan pada analisis kebijakan perencanaan tenaga kerja di Indonesia.
Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, digunakan pendekatan demometrik guna membangun model makro demoekonomi regional yang dimodifikasi dari model penyerapan tenaga kerja yang digunakan oleh J.Ledent. Secara prinsip, model demometrik ini menggabungkan model ekonometri dan model demografi. Dalam hal ini, variabel seperti jumlah penyerapan tenaga kerja regional dihubungkan dengan variabel populasi (dengan memperhatikan unsur tingkat kelahiran dan kematian), netmigration, output, dan upah melalui suatu model ekonometri di 30 propinsi pada 9 sektor.
Ditemukan hasil bahwa struktur ekonomi Indonesia secara nasional mengalami perubahan dari sektor pertanian ke sektor-sektor lainnya. Akan tetapi, berdasarkan propinsi, propinsi-propinsi Bengkulu, Gorontalo, Jambi, Kalbar, Kalsel, Kalteng, Lampung, Maluku, Malut, NTB, NTT, Sulsel, Sulteng, Sultra, Sulut, Sumbar, dan Sumut masih bertumpu pada sektor pertanian; dan propinsi-propinsi Babel, Bali, Banten, DIY, DKI Jaya, Jabar, Jateng, Jatim, Kaltim, NAD, Papua, Riau, dan Sumsel sudah bertumpu pada sektor manufaktur, sektor perdagangan-hotel-restoran, sektor jasa, dan sektor bangunan. Sektor pertanian paling banyak menyerap tenaga kerja walaupun dengan upah yang lebih rendah dan upah di sektor-sektor lainnya. Namun di propinsi-propinsi Bali, Banten, DIY, DKI Jaya, Jabar, Jateng, Jatim, dan Kaltim, ke-9 sektor sudah saling mendekat. Adanya peningkaran dan penurunan dalam jumlah penyerapan tenaga kerja ini disebabkan oleh perubahan populasi, net migration, output, dan juga upah. Bahkan terjadi pergeseran penyerapan tenaga kerja antar sektor dan antar propinsi."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
N. Haidy Ahmad Pasay
"Angka pengangguran tenaga kerja terdidik terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Dari 8,59 juta penganggur ditahun 2010, 4,8 juta di antaranya adalah penganggur terdidik. Sementara itu, lama mencari kerja mencapai11 bulan. Metode Heckman Dua Tahap digunakan untuk menduga upah minimum yang diinginkan danMetode OLS untuk menduga lama mencari kerja serta berdasarkan karakteristik sosial, demogra, danregional. Lama mencari kerja bagi yang berpendidikan tinggi lebih lama daripada yang berpendidikanrendah. Upah minimum yang diinginkan dengan karakteristik sosial, demogra, dan regional angkatan kerjaberpendidikan tinggi lebih besar daripada yang lainnya."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aisyah Fitri Yuniasih
Indonesia has been still experiencing regional economic disparity problems, including in labour productivity. This study employs dynamic panel approach to analyze convergence and to identify determinants of regional labour productivity during the period of 1987-2011. The System Generalized Method of Moments (Sys-GMM) estimation results show that regional convergence process occurs with speed of convergence of 0.06518 per year. Physical capital stock, human capital stock, total trade, and real wage give positive impacts. Therefore, government should prioritize in overcoming labour productivity disparity in Eastern Indonesia in which are more unequal than in Western Indonesia where interventions should be greater for provinces with lower labour productivity.
Indonesia masih mengalami masalah terkait dengan disparitas perekonomian regional, termasuk dalam hal produktivitas tenaga kerja. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan panel dinamis untuk menganalisis konvergensi dan mengidentikasi determinan produktivitas tenaga kerja regional selama periode 1987-2011. Model estimasi System Generalized Method of Moments (Sys-GMM) menunjukkan bahwa proses konvergensi regional terjadi dengan kecepatan konvergensi 0,06518 per tahun. Stok modal fisik, stok modal manusia, total perdagangan, dan upah riil ditemukan memberikan pengaruh positif. Pemerintah harus lebih memprioritaskan untuk mengatasi masalah disparitas produktivitas tenaga kerja di Kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI) yang lebih timpang dibandingkan Kawasan Barat Indonesia (KBI) di mana intervensi harus lebih fokus terhadap provinsi-provinsi dengan tingkat produktivitas tenaga kerja yang lebih rendah."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wildan Syafitri
"Labor productivity could be direct measurement of human capital quality as it shows the amount of output that the labor can produce. McConnel and Brue (1995) define labor productivity as ratio between produced output and working hour at certain level of wage.
Our research try to analyze the labor productivity on manufacture sector and its explanatory variables by applying cross section data of medium scale industries on 1996 in Indonesia. The estimation result shows the positive significance of education level, the more educated labor will yield higher productivity. We also try to internalize gender issue and we find the more female worker employed, the less productivity of labor force, and consequently will lowering the wage level.
Those findings conform not only Human Capital theory by Nelson-Phelps (1966), Lucas (1998) and Aghion and Howitt (1998), but also conform the theory of wage discrimination based on gender as previously stated by Byron and Takahashi (1989) and Hansen and Wahlberg (1997)."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugiharso Safuan
"Makalah ini mengevaluasi perbedaan antara rata-rata pendidikan minimal yang dibutuhkan oleh suatu jenis pekerjaan dan pendidikan pekerja yang bekerja di jenis pekerjaan tersebut. Overeducation terjadi apabila pendidikan pekerja di jenis pekerjaan tertentu lebih tinggi dari yang dibutuhkan oleh jenis pekerjaan tersebut. Dengan menggunakan sample pekerja W1, sektor formal dari data Sakernas 1996, 1999, dan 2002, hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa persentase pekerja cenderung meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Hasil estimasi juga menunjukkan dampak pendidikan meningkatkan penghasilan dan pekerja overeducated berpengaruh signifikan pada penghasilan pekerja meskipun telah dikontrol oleh usia, jenis kelamin, jam kerja serta karakteristik individu lainnya."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuning Trihadmini
"There are several factors influencing the financial system stability, namely the internal and the external factors. The occurrence of stock price volatility internationally, the contagion effects and the spillover effects are some external factors that have effect on the financial system stability. This research aims to know the dynamic relationship of regional and global stocks market in international financial system, and then do the analysis of the occurrence of contagion effects and spillover effects on stock price, and see their influence on domestic economics, monetary policy and financial system stability, by GARCH-VAR model.The results of this research indicate that there are some domination of the mature financial market to regional and domestic market. Moreover, the nearby regional stock price index also have a big contribution to the movement of other regional stock price market. The impact of stock price volatility to the IDR exchange rates volatility is relatively small, but not to the price level which is significantly large. Data analysis shows that there is contagion effects in stock market, but the spillover effect from stock price volatility to exchange rates volatility does not occur."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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