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"This article aims to examine the challenges of designing individual?s income tax systems in general and particularly to observe taxpayers? behaviour in developing countries. This study used case study approach to gain in depth understanding type of taxpayers? attitude towards personal income tax systems. Based on the analyses, tax behaviour, which comprises the perception of fairness and motivation to comply, attracts urgent challenges in designing effective tax on personal income in every country and mainly underdeveloped countries. Every human being in each country has their social pattern towards tax policy. When the individual perception of fairness is significant, it will harmonise the ?client and service approach? between taxpayers and governments. This condition would influence tax morale of individuals to comply with the policy and achieve high compliance rate. Therefore, it has argued that personal view of fairness and their motivation to comply with tax systems are becoming vital challenges in designing the tax policy on individual income.
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi tantangan-tantangan yang dihadapi dalam merancang sistem perpajakan untuk wajib pajak orang pribadi dan secara khusus menganalisa perilaku wajib pajak di negara-negara berkembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi literatur untuk mendapatkan secara mendalam jenis perilaku wajib pajak penghasilan orang pribadi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis terkait perilaku pajak, yang terdiri dari persepsi keadilan dan motivasi untuk mematuhi memberikan tantangan tersendiri dalam merancang pajak yang berlaku atas penghasilan pribadi di setiap negara dan terutama negara-negara berkembang. Setiap individu memiliki pola yang berbeda ketika berinteraksi terhadap kebijakan pajak. Ketika persepsi individu terhadap keadilan adalah signifikan, hal itu akan menyelaraskan pendekatan ?client and service? antara pembayar pajak dan pemerintah. Kondisi ini akan memengaruhi semangat individu untuk mematuhi kebijakan dan mencapai tingkat kepatuhan yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, asumsi bahwa pandangan individu terhadap keadilan dan motivasi untuk mematuhi sistem pajak menjadi tantangan penting dalam merancang kebijakan terhadap wajib pajak orang pribadi."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penguatan daya saing UMKM di Indonesia dinilai penting seiring dengan era keterbukaan persaingan global dengan berlakunya masyarakat ekonomi ASEAN tahun 2015. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa model dan strategi penguatan daya saing internasional UMKM dengan potensi ekonomi local berdasarkan pendekatan LEDI - 9F. Penelitian in menggunakan penedekatan analisis isi dan analytic networking process (ANP). Penelitian ini meneumkan bahwa model penguatan daya saing internasional UMKM dapat dilakukan melalui model kemitraan antara berbagai stakeholders baik ditingkat kabupaten, provisnsi maupun tingkat pusat. Strategi yang dapat digunakan agar UMKM yang memilki potensi ekonomi local mempunyai daya saing internasional adalah optimalisasi penerapan teknologi pertanian, strategi manajerial dan bisnis, strategi integritasi vertical dan horizontal, strategi peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas produk, strategi pendidikan dan pelatiahan tenaga kerja, optimalisasi peran pemerintah dan intansi terkait, pelatihan kewirausahaan bagi UMKM dan calon pengusaha, strategi kemitraan dan pengembangan profesionalitas, dan strategi peningkatan kapasitas."
Jakarta: Faculty of Economics and Business State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, 2018
330 JETIK 17: 1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Susila
Taxpayers and Young Generation: Tax Morale of Indonesian College Students
This paper is aimed to investigate the level of tax morale on Indonesia college students regarding fulfillment of tax obligations as an indication of their characteristics as future taxpayers and the factors behind their tax morale. This research exercised a survey method with respondents from the University of Indonesia chosen with a random sampling technique. The results indicated that the level of tax morale on Indonesia college students is relatively good. As for the variables that influenced the tax morale are gender, religious observance, and the perception of the importance of the government.
Paper ini bertujuan untuk untuk menyelidiki sejauh mana tax morale mahasiswa di Indonesia untuk memenuhi kewajiban perpajakannya apabila nanti mahasiswa memenuhi syarat sebagai Wajib Pajak dan juga untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mendasari kemauan mahasiswa tersebut. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei dengan mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia sebagai responden melalui teknik pemilihan sampling secara acak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tax morale mahasiswa di Indonesia adalah cukup baik. Adapun variabel yang ditemukan dapat memengaruhi tax morale adalah jenis kelamin, ketaatan beragama, dan persepsi tentang pentingnya sebuah pemerintahan."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
D. S. Priyarsono
Indonesia has implemented a new policy of regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization for almost ten years. One of the objectives of this fiscal decentralization is to give the full autonomy to local governments in spending and managing their revenues. The local governments have the authority to explore and collect their own-source revenue ('Pendapatan Asli Daerah', or PAD), i.e. through the improvement of their tax effort. The objectives of this study are: (i) to describe the fiscal performance of districts and municipalities in Indonesia, both in the revenue as well as the expenditure sides, (ii) to analyze the effects of intergovernmental transfers (?dana perimbangan', or balancing fund from the central to regional governments) on regional tax efforts, and (iii) to identify the regional economic growth elasticity of intergovernmental transfers and own-source revenue. This study employs a panel data set of 336 districts and municipalities covering the whole area of Indonesia over the time period of 2001-2008. The results show a relatively low contribution of PAD to regional revenues, indicating high fiscal dependency of regional governments on the central government. Intergovernmental transfers positively effect tax efforts. The result of the elasticity analysis also indicates a positive role of the transfers as stimuli to economic growth."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
D. S. Priyarsono
Indonesia has implemented a new policy of regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization for almost ten years. One of the objectives of this fiscal decentralization is to give the full autonomy to local governments in spending and managing their revenues. The local governments have the authority to explore and collect their own-source revenue ('Pendapatan Asli Daerah', or PAD), i.e. through the improvement of their tax effort. The objectives of this study are: (i) to describe the fiscal performance of districts and municipalities in Indonesia, both in the revenue as well as the expenditure sides, (ii) to analyze the effects of intergovernmental transfers (?dana perimbangan', or balancing fund from the central to regional governments) on regional tax efforts, and (iii) to identify the regional economic growth elasticity of intergovernmental transfers and own-source revenue. This study employs a panel data set of 336 districts and municipalities covering the whole area of Indonesia over the time period of 2001-2008. The results show a relatively low contribution of PAD to regional revenues, indicating high fiscal dependency of regional governments on the central government. Intergovernmental transfers positively effect tax efforts. The result of the elasticity analysis also indicates a positive role of the transfers as stimuli to economic growth."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998
338.9 ASS
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Halm, George N.
New York: Feffer and Simons, 1968
330.1 Hal e
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Pauli, Gunter
Surrey: Epsilon Press, 1996
338.9 PAU b (1)
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahathir bin Mohamad, 1925-
Subang Jaya : Pelanduk Publications, 1998
338.959 5 MAH c
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Bangkok: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, [date of publication not identified]
338.9 UNI c
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library