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Ditemukan 192243 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"A medical system whether traditional or modern, is a long chain of processes of humanstrategy for adapting to their ecological bio-cultural environment. Naturally humans developtheir biological ability to sustain their kind and develop many adaptation strategies, creatingmedical systems, behavior, and belief sbased on culture as a natural response to the treat ofillness and disease, even though the result of certain behavior does not guarantee the healingof such illness and disease (Dunn in Foster-Anderson, 1986; p.41). under that circumstances,Minangkabau medical systems are seen as a result of a bio-eco-culturally adapting process.Local Etiology of the disease source is closely related to the logic of its healing. Cosmologicalviews influence public knowledge about the concepts of health, illness, disease, and healingmethods. The definition of health and illness is determined by culture, custom, or traditionand it is not always in agreement with the conditions defined by medical science."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Irwasyah
"The Toba Batak, the followers of Parmalim (a local religion), have tried their best to preserve this local religion throughout the long oppression years by the Dutch and Christian missionary. The Parmalim practitioners did this up to recent times, in the midst of current ideas and assumptions about the civil-state religion based on 'monotheistic' belief. In this article, the author discusses the use of the concept 'religious rationalization' to refer to what the Parmalim followers have done in reconstructing their beliefs and religious practices. The author first examines the concept of 'religious rationalization' among anthropologists. He examines further the recent phenomenon of the civil-state religion, the Indonesian government's policies, its implications on the socio-religious-political situation among the Toba Batak, in particular among the Parmalim community, and the various existing interpretations."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Advisory Board Disputes Divorce dan Marriage (BP4) established government as part of effortsto reduce the divorce rate. But divorce continues from time to time and quantitatively increasingevery year, with a variety of result / impact there of. Prevention and mitigation of the problem of divorce can not be left to government officials just because the problem is multidimensional; social, cultural and moral. To overcome this problem must involve all the elements and social institutions in the local community."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Indrizal
"The increasing of elderly proportion is now being a new challenge in Indonesian population. It needs further reinterpretation and comprehensive studies which uncover its interrelation with social organization system, tradition continuity and the dynamic of local community, so that the impact, of the growing number of the elderly can be explained. In this article the author explores the problems of elderly without children in Minangkabau society, well known as an ethnic matrilineal system and strong traditions of migration. The author identifies three categories of elderly without children in Minangkabau: childless elderly never got married, childless elderly due to reproductive failure, and the elderly not having children. The author also describes that elderly without children in Minangkabau face problems socially and psychologically, specifically relations between man and woman in matrilineal system, marriage relationship problems and migration."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irwan Martua Hidayana
"Buku ini merupakan kumpulan hasil-hasil penelitian antropologis di berbagai suku bangsa diIndonesia yang berkenaan dengan masalah kesehatan reproduksi manusia. Dalam konteks nasional dan internasional, isu-isu kesehatan reproduksi sedang menjadi fokus perhatian - sejak Konperensi Kependudukan dan Pembangunan tahun 1994 di Kairo - yang utama khususnya kondisi kesehatan reproduksi perempuan yang secara umum masih memprihatinkan seperti tingginya angka anemia, tingginya tingkat kematian ibu, kerentanan tertular penyakit infeksisaluran reproduksi, resiko tertular penyakit menular seksual dan HIV/AIDS dll. Masalah yang dihadapi perempuan berkenaan dengan kesehatan reproduksinya merupakan masalah-masalah yang perlu didekati dan dipahami secara sosial-budaya sebelum didekati secara medis."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Among the Minangkabau people who practice a matrilineal kinship system, occurs a change in mens's social role, i.e. from a role as an "uncle" (mamak) to a "father" or "husband". This change is caused by various factors, such as religion, education, migration (merantau), and economics. Further, it leads to another change in the Minangkabau's common law, i.e. in the marriage and heredity properties. A problem, however, still exists in the kinship law. The author raises a question whether a change in men's role may influence the Minangkabau's perspective towards the matrilineal kinship system as a basis for their kinship law. "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bachtiar Alam
"This paper discusses the relevance of culture theories for understanding globalization and cultural change taking place in Indonesia. The issue of globalization and cultural change has recently figured prominently in various discourses in Indonesia, especially in relation to the question of how Indonesia's cultural identities should be maintained in the face of such a global process. This paper argues that the contemporary culture theory can help us understand such concepts as national culture and identity not as a static, essentialist entity, but rather as a dynamic social construction that is continuously reproduced and innovated by individual subjects. Such an argument is put forth in this paper by introducing aspects of culture theory that have not received much attention in Indonesia, i.e. practice, process, context and discourse concerning cultural construction."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nengah Bawa Atmadja
"The Balinese believe that Leyak or ghost is an etiology of illness. To become a Leyak or to ngleyak, one must perform black magic or pangleyakan. The method of obtaining the pangleyakan is by studying under a dukun pangleyakan or dukun pangiwa, a special indigenous medical practitioner who masters the pangleyakan. A person can also obtain the pangleyakan from his/her parent. Moreover, he or she can request the pangleyakan to Goddess Durga, the goddess of black magic. When pangleyakan is used by somebody, he/she becomes a Leyak, and will have the ability to take the shape of a certain animal, a ghostly light, a body without a head - the varieties are endless. This can only be performed at night. A Leyak disturbs other people until they are sick or even die. Nevertheless, they believe that they can cope with the Leyak through the use of amulet or by performing the magical religious ritual."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mattulada, H. Andi
"In this article the author examines the problem of ethnicity and the Indonesian nation-state. He asserts that Indonesia's history is marked by the tension between the country's ideological basis - as started in the preamble to its constitution- and the structural foundations stipulated in the chapters of that constitution. Working to achieve unity in diversity through the power granted him by the constitution, Soekarno applied the geopolitics based upon the Blut und Boden Theorie. However, each and every ethnic group that was to be united met the criteria of Blut und Boden and others. The concentration of power upon the president, reinforced by the Javanese conception of power, continued with Soeharto; eventually leading to the reform movement wherein in the many smaller groups in the union have begun to speak out. The author concludes that the centralization of power of the past must be replaced by a system with broad regional autonomy. While remaining true to the principle of the constitution, the distribution of economic power among the regions serve also as a safeguard against future crisis."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Ilmi Idrus
""Antropologi feminis dewasa ini merupakan perkembangan dari antropologi wanita di tahun 1970-an. Jika antropologi wanita subyeknya adalah perempuan, maka antropologi feminis subyeknya bukan saja perempuan, tapi juga laki-laki. Ini karena pokok pembicaraan dalam bidang ilmu ini tidak saja 'untuk perempuan' (for women), tetapi juga berbicara secara ekstensif 'tentang perempuan' (about women). Para antropolog feminis kontemporer menunjukkan, bahwa gender merupakan konsep analitik yang penting (McGee dan Warms 1996:392). Istilah ini popular digunakan pada tahun 1980an, dan banyak ditemukan dalam tulisan-tulisan antropolog sosial dan budaya, yang digunakan untuk merujuk pada hubungan perempuan dan laki-laki, serta bagaimana konstruksi dari kategori ini (Pine 1996:253).""
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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