Ditemukan 171989 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Kamaludin Yusra
"This study is aimed at identifying linguistic features, indexing ethnic identities, and inter-ethnic solidarity in transmigration contexts. Data were collected through interview, documentation and ethnography of various transmigrate communities on Sumbawa island. The data were then analyzed qualitatively with the ethnography of speaking and interaction analysis. The study found that (a) Ethnic identities in the migrant areas can be linguistically identified in four forms: orang aida (to refer to Sumbawa people), orang kalembo ade (for Bima people), dengan batur (for Sasak people) and orang beli (Balinese people). (b) These people were identifiable in the way they articulate particular sounds: orang beli (the Balinese) were identified in terms of dominant use of alveolar retroflexed, orang batur (the Sasak) were identified in the way they marked use of alveolar retroflexed, and orang kalembo ade (the Bima people) were identified through their articulation of closed central vowel as open low front vowel. It was also found that the forms had been used to construct ethnicity and interethnic solidarity between participants. The use of ana and ente in interaction indicated solidarity regardless of differences in age and social status."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem
"In the midst of prolong conflict and the delay of reconciliation, Indonesian government provides a special autonomy to the Aceh people to implement Islamic laws (sharia') in the sociopolitical realms. Yet, for Aceh women the implementation of sharia' creates discriminative regulations such as enforcement to wear jilbab and curfew for them. Many recent political policies are totally disregarding Aceh women as part of the Aceh society. Various local regulations (qanun) that proposed by local government are not gender-sensitive and put forward violence in doing conflict resolution. Local autonomy brings the oppression of women's roles in the society. Historically, Aceh women have significant roles in shaping cultural identity of Aceh society. In the past, the interpretation of sharia' recognized and supported women's leadership in the society. Hence, a new approach to put back women's public roles in order to participate in reconciliation process of the Aceh society is needed."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Advisory Board Disputes Divorce dan Marriage (BP4) established government as part of effortsto reduce the divorce rate. But divorce continues from time to time and quantitatively increasingevery year, with a variety of result / impact there of. Prevention and mitigation of the problem of divorce can not be left to government officials just because the problem is multidimensional; social, cultural and moral. To overcome this problem must involve all the elements and social institutions in the local community."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Indrizal
"The increasing of elderly proportion is now being a new challenge in Indonesian population. It needs further reinterpretation and comprehensive studies which uncover its interrelation with social organization system, tradition continuity and the dynamic of local community, so that the impact, of the growing number of the elderly can be explained. In this article the author explores the problems of elderly without children in Minangkabau society, well known as an ethnic matrilineal system and strong traditions of migration. The author identifies three categories of elderly without children in Minangkabau: childless elderly never got married, childless elderly due to reproductive failure, and the elderly not having children. The author also describes that elderly without children in Minangkabau face problems socially and psychologically, specifically relations between man and woman in matrilineal system, marriage relationship problems and migration."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2005
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Barnes, Robert H.
"For fourteen months in 2000-2001, I conducted a research in the District of Witihama, eastern Adonara. Witihama is a religiously mixed community, made up of Muslims and Catholics. However, both groups also practice blood sacrifice and carry out ceremonies required by adat. Muslims and Catholics are closely related by ties of marriage and descent. In the recent historical past, as well as in the ancient legendary past, the community has a remembered history of bloody warfare and murder, not linked to questions of modern religious allegiances, which provide incentives to take precautions to maintain community harmony and peace. Mindful of sectarian conflict elsewhere in Indonesia, Catholics and Muslims maintain close ties of cooperation and solidarity. On holidays like Christmas, Easter and Idul Fitri, for example, they hold community meetings to express mutual friendship. Members of the District have suffered from conflict elsewhere in Indonesia, for example during the fighting between Suku Batak and the 'Flores people' in 1999 in Batam, in the Moluccas and in the violence inDili, East Timor. Refugees from these other conflicts came and went while I was there. There have been attempts at sectarian provocation in Witihama by people from elsewhere in the past, leading to their expulsion. There was an unexplained incident in which a hand grenade exploded in Witihama killing one child and injuring two others, causing considerable consternation within the community. Rumors of plans to bomb the Catholic Church were taken seriously. Efforts to place East Timorese refugees in the Kabupaten of Flores Timur were strongly resisted on grounds of safety and local peace. Finally the national move toward regional autonomy led to Witihama becoming a separate Kecamatan and resulted in moves to turn Flores and Lembata into a separate Province."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Meutia Farida Swasono
"This article is a result of ethnographic study on health problems among the Dani in Baliem valley, Irian Jaya. The study shows that some behaviors are not always good for Dani's physical and mental health. It is apparent in their daily activities such as livelihood, housing condition, ritual, etc."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Rompas, J.
"The author explains how social change occurred in Minahasa due to education. Traditional education in Minahasa was strongly influenced by traditional belief (malesung) in which the teachers were adat leaders called walian. The impacts of Western education were felt with the arrival of the Spanish and Portuguese in the 16th century. In the middle of the 17th century both of them were expelled by the Dutch. VOC and NZG intensively disseminated Protestantism with the founding of schools for teachers, assistant preachers, and elementary schools. Those schools resulted into the decline of agricultural skills and handicraft of the youth which had been the primary way of earning a livelihood. They tend to look for work outside their villages. After independence, education grew rapidly with the increase of the number of schools. However, the awareness of the importance of education in some rural areas was not accompanied with the increase of social welfare."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Tb. Ronny Rahman Nitibaskara
"It has long been known that there are many traditional healers in West Java, who conduct their practice openly as well as in disguise. Besides many traditional healers who are beneficial for their patients, there are also those who are harmful, because they practice forgery, blackmail and even rape. This article aims to present the cases of power abuse, which complied and analyzed from qualitative research, carried out towards several traditional healers in West Java. The result of the study shows that there are many victims caused by some traditional healers, who own one of the authorities, namely charismatic authority."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Parsudi Suparlan, 1938-2007
"Indonesia is a multicultural society consisting of more than 500 ethnic groups, cultures, and various religious beliefs. They are united as a nation by the national state system of Indonesia. The Indonesian state was built by the founding fathers on the basis of the ideology of 'Unity in Diversity' (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika). During the Soeharto regime, it was turned into a state based on militarism, violence, totalitarianism, and was centered in the hands of the powerful elites. In line with the violence, militarism and totalitarianism, there has been an active use of primordialism (ethnicity and Islamic religion as the political tools). In this article the author presents the essence of Indonesia's multiculturalism and its potentials to unite and break up as a nation, as well as solutions on how to take care and maintain a democratic multiculturalism."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Protection issues of children's rights in Indonesia has not received sufficient attention. Law4 of 1979 concerning child welfare, and No. 23 of 2002 on the protection of children. Children'srights, such as the right to life, the right to protection from the threats to her own safety, the right to equality in education, employment, health, the right to employment, the right to meet the needs of food, clothing and shelter. Quantitatively, the number of street children in the city of Padang in the last ten years has increased. This research provides in-depth information about the various forms of violence experienced by street children in the city of Padang. This study was conducted in five point activity gathering place and street children in the city of Padang.The study found that violence to street children and some factors which it caused the violence.Demoralization among street children is a reaction to a situation that is very limited and therigors of life on the streets. It is difficult to make strict limits on the morality of the group of street children. All forms of violence experienced by children and street, is a phenomenological reality for street children and a variety of social interactions that occur among street children in it loaded with a cargo of reciprocity, and can be seen as a form of social safety networks."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library