Ditemukan 22667 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Andaya, Leonard Y.
"Tulisan ini berupaya untuk mendokumentasikan perubahan-perubahan dalam hubungan sosial di antara suku bangsa Melayu di Semenanjung Malaysia dengan komuniti-komuniti Orang Asli. Dalam merekonstruksi kisah hubungan sosial itu, tulisan ini diawali dengan kajian tentang gerakan-gerakan pada masa prasejarah dan protosejarah dari nenek moyang Orang Asli dan Melayu. Orang Asli berasal dari wilayah tengah dan selatan Thailand. Orang Melayu berasal dari Taiwan dan berpindah menuju Semenanjung Malaysia melalui Philippina. Dikisahkan pula berlangsungnya 'gelombang' pertama, kedua, dan ketiga dari orang Melayu hingga akhirnya mereka memiliki dampak yang permanen di wilayah Semenanjung. Tulisan ini menyajikan peralihan hubungan di antara komuniti Orang Asli dan imigran Melayu dari Sumatera sejalan dengan perubahan nilai yang dimiliki orang Melayu terhadap Orang Asli dalam hal perdagangan internasional. Semula, Orang Asli sangat dibutuhkan dalam memungkinkan orang Melayu membangun pelabuhan yang berhasil di Melaka. Selama hasil-hasil hutan seperti damar, kayu cendana, dan rotan tetap diperlukan secara internasional, Orang Asli dihargai dan diterima oleh orang Melayu. Tetapi, dengan adanya perubahan dalam permintaan dari hasil-hasil hutan ke timah dan lada sejak abad keenambelas, dan beralih ke timah, karet, dan minyak kelapa sawit pada akhir abad kesembilanbelas dan abad keduapuluh, posisi Orang Asli menjadi semakin terpinggirkan. Perubahan itu juga tertuang dalam tradisi-tradisi lisan dan tertulis Orang Asli dan Melayu. Pada masa kini, Orang Asli mulai mengupayakan diperolehnya kembali penghargaan dan kerjasama yang sebelumnya telah menjadi karakteristik dalam hubungan sosialnya dengan orang Melayu. Walaupun prospek keberhasilan itu tidak cerah, kemajuan telah diperoleh dalam mempertahankan ide-ide tentang wilayah hunian dan keaslian mereka di Semenanjung Malaysia."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2002
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Khidir Marsanto
"This article discusses the cultural history sketch of Orang Suku Laut (the Sea Tribe) and its implications for social relations patterns with the Malays in Riau Islands, Indonesia. Problems arise now in nomadic ethnic tribe when they interacting with the Malays. Many Malays people perceive Orang Suku Laut as a backward or primitive people. This point of view emerged from a long history of Orang Suku Laut in Riau Islands, and at present, the discourse is supported by the government which resettled them from the sea to the land as part of the modernization of disadvantaged areas in the New Order era. This government label to them was later influenced the Malays perception. Moreover, negative assumption also appears along with the cultural identity differences between both of the tribes, of which the Malays condense with Islamic tradition, while Orang Suku Laut doesn?t. At this situation, thus the identity of Orang Suku Laut is staked within socio-cultural dispute or contestation (the attraction process) among themselves in practicing their everyday lives."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2010
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Mattulada, H. Andi
"Orang Kaili mengidentifikasi diri sebagai To-Kaili karena adanya persamaan dalam bahasa dan adat istiadat leluhur yang satu dipandang menjadi sumber asal mereka, bahasa Kaili dalam arti lingua-franca dalam kalangan semua To-Kaili, digunakan secara umum. Di samping itu terdapat banyak dialek bahasa Kaili yang juga menjadi identifikasi (seringkali tajam) dari subkultur atau subetnik To-Kaili yang berdiam pada wilayah-wilayah yang seringkali masih sangat terisolasi."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Mattulada, H. Andi
"Modal personality (perasaan kepribadian) To-Kaili sangat kuat terbentuk oleh ajaran Islam, yang memberikan warna kepada sektor-sektor kehidupan lainnya, yang berkembang dalam masyarakat, sampai pada zaman mutakhir. Perasaan kepribadian yang demikian itu dirasakan merusak kedalam lembaga-lembaga kemasyarakatan; ekspresi kesenian dan kebudayaan pada umumnya. Wawasan kebangsaan yang bertemu ke nusantara pun mendapatkan kekuatan dari perasaan kepribadian yang demikian itu adanya."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Indrizal
"In this article, the author argues for the inappropriateness of the government's policy and approach in its efforts to 'develop' the indigenous people who have been categorized as 'masyarakat terasing'. Through his analysis on the program of Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Terasing (PKMT), the author assumes that the program has failed. He examines the failure by looking closely at the livelihood of Orang Laut in Indragiri Hilir, the fishermen, who used to live collectively along the seashore and spend most of their time in boats. They refused to stay in the resettlement village which was provided by the government who did not base its program on the social-cultural-economic reality."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2000
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tulisan ini menyajikan sebuah perspektif bersifat komparatif mengenai kajian kawasan perbatasan di dunia, khususnya di Afrika dan Amerika bagian barat-laut. Dalam konteks, perbandingan yang lebih luas itulah, kajian tentang kawasan perbatasan di Kalimantan ini diulas. Tulisan ini mengetengahkan definisi mengenai perbatasan; fungsinya secara sosial, ekonomis, dan politik; serta dampaknya bagi masyarakat-masyarakat yang mengalami pemisahan oleh batas negara. Tulisan ini juga mengupas konteks pengkajian masalah perbatasan dan cara 'perbatasan' diklasifikasi dengan fokus pada aspek interaksi internasional, konflik, akomodasi, dan keterpisahan perbatasan dengan komuniti-komuniti penghuninya."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Tasrifin Tahara
"This article is the research on Bajonese life in Wakatobi regency of the Southeast Sulawesi Province as a community with a maritime history and culture as part of their life. In the interactional process with other communities in its surroundings in Wakatobi, The Bajonese are often stereotyped as pirates, stupid, and with physical characteristics that are different from other communities. In fact, for so long they have been neglected from the process of development implemented by either the central government or the regency government. As a marginal ethnic group, the Bajonese develop their own awareness to do morenients to negotiate at local political elements (bupati election=pilkada) and formed the ?kekar Bajo? organization, and appointing Ir Abdul Manan, MSc as president of this organization, and identifying all Bajonese as members without regard to state borders."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2013
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Parsudi Suparlan, 1938-2007
"In this article, the author describes the history of changes among the Kamoro in Mimika. Some of the changes-due to changes in their physical, social, and cultural environment-were unexpected and surprising, so that they were not ready to cope with. Consequently, there were two prominent implications in their life: the increase of consumerism behavior, and the occurrence of more frequent conflicts among themselves. In the final part, the author examines the Kamoro relationship with outsiders, of how they categorize the latter, and with whom they used to generate conflicts. Recently, conflicts mainly occur on the problems of land dispute with outsiders, and in the competition to get the 'one million-dollars' funds from PT Freeport."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Jacob Ajawaila
"The Ambonese is a community that underwent changes from time to time as a result of the influence of religion, government's policies and global culture. The changes have further implications. A considerable 'in group' solidarity of village as totality (supported by villagers and their special rights, excluding the newcomers) became segregated because of religion. Religion has taken over the traditional rites. The village as an entity of traditional laws based upon genealogy has undergone changes into a public village. The village has become multi profiled with its activities based on needs, e.g. the ceremonial needs for the benefits of traditions. Traditional institutions that strengthened social relations between villages have weakened as a result of the government's policies, and so is the traditional institutions that fulfill the needs of the traditional community."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2000
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Richter, Max M.
"Previous studies on Indonesian music focused on cultural heritage and traditional preservation or western-style modern music such as pop and rock music. Both were perceived as separate genre, even modern music often downplayed traditional one. The author argues analysis of hybrid genre like keroncong and dangdut would provide more complicated picture than such dichotomy. He explained long history of cultural exchanges in various parts of Indonesia which showed these two genres influenced each other. As a case study the author presents urban music as main character of urban social lives in Indonesia. This article depicts street music and campursari in Yogyakarta and linking it to popular cultures in some cities. Popular culture refers to informal recreation in different social settings. Eventually, this article reveals new ways to understand relation between music style and social identity in urban Indonesia."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library