Ditemukan 121291 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Parsudi Suparlan, 1938-2007
"Indonesia is a multicultural society consisting of more than 500 ethnic groups, cultures, and various religious beliefs. They are united as a nation by the national state system of Indonesia. The Indonesian state was built by the founding fathers on the basis of the ideology of 'Unity in Diversity' (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika). During the Soeharto regime, it was turned into a state based on militarism, violence, totalitarianism, and was centered in the hands of the powerful elites. In line with the violence, militarism and totalitarianism, there has been an active use of primordialism (ethnicity and Islamic religion as the political tools). In this article the author presents the essence of Indonesia's multiculturalism and its potentials to unite and break up as a nation, as well as solutions on how to take care and maintain a democratic multiculturalism."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Parsudi Suparlan, 1938-2007
"This article will discuss legal and social discrimination against Chinese ethnic group in Indonesia and will show that the ethnic Chinese has been categorized as The Other since Chinese people are believed to have come from foreign country (China) and maintain their identity as different from other Indonesian ethnic groups. The discussion is focused on the essence of Indonesia as a multicultural society based on ethnicities as social force to develop social interactions within social, economy and political structures at the personal, social and state levels."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Zeffry Alkatiri
"This article observes collective action of Toa Pe Kong celebration in the public space during Post-New Order era in Slawi, Central Java. This celebration involves local people from different religions and cultures. Why this celebration can be done after New Order? What aspect functions as collective bond among Slawi plural society? Using historical and cultural sources, this study analyses function and meaning of the ritual in relation to the collective aspect of Toa Pe Kong celebration."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Alatas, Syed Farid
"This paper provides an outline for the study of the role of the social sciences in the study of the workings of civil society in the context of Indonesian and Malaysian Islam. It begins with a discussion on the concepts of civil society and masyarakat madani, term often mistranslated and misunderstood as civil society. It is through a comparison of the two that the relevance of civil society in terms of its theory and practice to Islam is established. Next, I turn to a discussion of the types of use of the social sciences by the various components of civil society. This is followed by a discussion on the need for an account of the impact of the social sciences on public discourse, policy-makers, legislators and NGOs. To the extent that the social sciences do impact in the above arenas, how we may understand the relevance of Islam in this respect is addressed. I conclude by way of an exposition of the relationship between the concepts of civil society and masyarakat madani in the context of the need for a moral public."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"The decision of Supreme Court of Justice as the formal legal system should have been strongly applied to solve legal matters such as the problem of inheritance. Among the social life of Karo, a sub-ethnic group of the Batak of North Sumatera, the national legal system which should be applied to all citizens in Indonesia, has not yet been able to be fully accepted due to the discrepancies of the nature of legal system with the nature of cultural system of the people and their customary law."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Tasrifin Tahara
"Buton manuscripts indicated that Buton Kingdom appeared in 14th Century. In the periods of the 17 th, 18th, and 19th centuries, Buton Kingdom initiated to be the free kingdom. In the begining of 20th , dutch colonial goverment incorporated that the Buton kingdom and placed it under their rule. The principles were laid down based on the social cultural in eceonomic development. Relation to be governed especially are in the field of education, health, and economy. In 1960, Buton kingdom was dissolved following the death of Sultan Laode Muhammad Falihi as the last sultan. During the kingdom era, Buton social system consisted of three groups namelly kaomu, walaka, and papara. The system was established as power of ideology in Buton social political system in the era of goverment the fourth Sultan Dayanu Ikhsanuddin in 1578-1615. The Katobengke people as the subject and object of this paper belong to papara group. In the era of Buton Kingdom, the society was dominated by kaomu and walaka groups. This condition existed until the new order era, where in this period the dominant groups still have cultural and stereotype views toward this people as ini the era Buton kingdom. This paper focuses on the phenomena of power in the dynamic Buton?s social structure. In the Buton social structure, kaomu and walaka groups claimed them selves as the groups who have higher civilization in comparation with the Katobengke people, until today."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Fedyani Saifuddin
"Family and household are two concepts that have been blended into a single notion in most of the texts on kinship and social organization in the past, because, in many instances, they have interchangeably functions in many developed societies in which nuclear family type is the main reference. But, this situation is much different if we approach our developing societies-with special emphasis, urban-in terms of vastly and hardly social and economic changes. This article proposes to distinguish family and household concepts for analytical purposes. Household in its flexible form provides more promising space for dynamic anthropological research, especially in our society than the classical family concept. Selecting household as a common focus for anthropological research and analysis has both practical and theoretical justifications."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Semiarto Aji Purwanto
"The management of natural resources is authorized with local regulations when dealing with forest community and legal law including some parties from outside of particular forest area. The two contrasts between the local and national regulations have frequently taken place as result of conflict of interest. Therefore some questions arise: how is the development of such conservation areas meet with the local regulation or adat? Is the activity to make use of the resources by the community remains possible? To response to the question the writer would like to argue that assessment of how a national park management interact with local regulations and hak ulayat or communal rights, one should aware of the contexts of their interaction as well as the following aspects: historical, adat law, economical, institutional and the dynamic of local politics. These have to be emphasized since the national park policy in Indonesia can be seen as the manifestation of state territorialization which results in the marginalization of adat community. All parties' interests in natural resources are consider as national citizen and legally authorized to manage or exploit the resources inside the country's territory. Cases from the four national parks observed concluded that even when they live in around the parkas indigenous, they are not automatically awarded their traditional rights or access to make use of the parks."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Ibnu Hamad
"The author argues that the Arab mind entered Indonesian society since the onset of Islam spreading in the 7th century. The development of the Arab mind has its own dynamic and inseparable from Islamic thought. The touch with Hindu-Budha cultural values created Kejawen among the Javanese; the contact with Dutch colonialism resulted acceptance of school system which brings secularism to Indonesian society. In the 80's, the Arab mind was suppressed by politically supported western mind through various ways. Globalization brings another challenge to the Arab mind that, interestingly, strengthens of Islamic identity among younger generation."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Barnes, Robert H.
"For fourteen months in 2000-2001, I conducted a research in the District of Witihama, eastern Adonara. Witihama is a religiously mixed community, made up of Muslims and Catholics. However, both groups also practice blood sacrifice and carry out ceremonies required by adat. Muslims and Catholics are closely related by ties of marriage and descent. In the recent historical past, as well as in the ancient legendary past, the community has a remembered history of bloody warfare and murder, not linked to questions of modern religious allegiances, which provide incentives to take precautions to maintain community harmony and peace. Mindful of sectarian conflict elsewhere in Indonesia, Catholics and Muslims maintain close ties of cooperation and solidarity. On holidays like Christmas, Easter and Idul Fitri, for example, they hold community meetings to express mutual friendship. Members of the District have suffered from conflict elsewhere in Indonesia, for example during the fighting between Suku Batak and the 'Flores people' in 1999 in Batam, in the Moluccas and in the violence inDili, East Timor. Refugees from these other conflicts came and went while I was there. There have been attempts at sectarian provocation in Witihama by people from elsewhere in the past, leading to their expulsion. There was an unexplained incident in which a hand grenade exploded in Witihama killing one child and injuring two others, causing considerable consternation within the community. Rumors of plans to bomb the Catholic Church were taken seriously. Efforts to place East Timorese refugees in the Kabupaten of Flores Timur were strongly resisted on grounds of safety and local peace. Finally the national move toward regional autonomy led to Witihama becoming a separate Kecamatan and resulted in moves to turn Flores and Lembata into a separate Province."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library