Ditemukan 121551 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jacob Ajawaila
"The Ambonese is a community that underwent changes from time to time as a result of the influence of religion, government's policies and global culture. The changes have further implications. A considerable 'in group' solidarity of village as totality (supported by villagers and their special rights, excluding the newcomers) became segregated because of religion. Religion has taken over the traditional rites. The village as an entity of traditional laws based upon genealogy has undergone changes into a public village. The village has become multi profiled with its activities based on needs, e.g. the ceremonial needs for the benefits of traditions. Traditional institutions that strengthened social relations between villages have weakened as a result of the government's policies, and so is the traditional institutions that fulfill the needs of the traditional community."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2000
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Bachtiar Alam
"This paper discusses the relevance of culture theories for understanding globalization and cultural change taking place in Indonesia. The issue of globalization and cultural change has recently figured prominently in various discourses in Indonesia, especially in relation to the question of how Indonesia's cultural identities should be maintained in the face of such a global process. This paper argues that the contemporary culture theory can help us understand such concepts as national culture and identity not as a static, essentialist entity, but rather as a dynamic social construction that is continuously reproduced and innovated by individual subjects. Such an argument is put forth in this paper by introducing aspects of culture theory that have not received much attention in Indonesia, i.e. practice, process, context and discourse concerning cultural construction."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Parsudi Suparlan, 1938-2007
"In this article, the author describes the history of changes among the Kamoro in Mimika. Some of the changes-due to changes in their physical, social, and cultural environment-were unexpected and surprising, so that they were not ready to cope with. Consequently, there were two prominent implications in their life: the increase of consumerism behavior, and the occurrence of more frequent conflicts among themselves. In the final part, the author examines the Kamoro relationship with outsiders, of how they categorize the latter, and with whom they used to generate conflicts. Recently, conflicts mainly occur on the problems of land dispute with outsiders, and in the competition to get the 'one million-dollars' funds from PT Freeport."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Mattulada, H. Andi
"Pada hemat kami, sirik pada orang Bugis-Makassar, kalau itu masih benar potensial untuk dapat menemukan reorientasi dan transformasi ke dalam interpretasi yang dapat menekapi etos kebudayaan nasional Pancasila, yang segenap unsur-unsurnya merupakan darah-daging pribadi sirik, maka sirik itu niscaya dapat menjadi daya dorong yang kuat bagi pembinaan kebudayaan Indonesia."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Pattiselano, J.Th.F.
"In a traditionally Central Moluccan communities spread over the islands of Ambon, Haruka, Saparua, Nusalaut and in particular, Ceram, any conflict between two individuals of different denomination, or between two villages of different creeds, is usually settled in very short time. Conflicts do not spur intervillage riots as the Central Moluccan islanders have a strong commitment to their Pela and Gandong alliances and principles. However, the significance alliance systems had been undermined by the influx of migrants who have settled in the residential areas. The migrants have been totally excluded from the traditional pela system. With the decline influence of the traditional mechanism of authority, the outbreak of communal violence between the sa'lam (Moslem) and thesarane (Christian) inhabitants became unavoidable. The traditional laws have been ineffective as a problems-solving mechanism. The author maintains that it is high time to seriously consider the need to revive and maintain the alliance systems, and to adjust then to the present and future circumstances."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 1999
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Syarif Alqadrie
"The ethnic conflict in Ambon and Sambas are the result of the same casual factors. The ambivalent and unfair treatment by the armed forces and the police, and the absence of law enforcement, were factors that led to the emergence of these conflicts. Numerous crimes and violent actions (by gangster and preman) Took place. The local people - the Dayak and Malay community of Sambas, and the Ambon communities (both, Moslem and Christian, and also the Bugis, Buton, and Makassar) - took harsh measures without regard for the law. They did so since they could no longer trust the law, the armed forces and the police... [...] in the last part of this article, the author proposes three steps for the solution to the conflicts in both places: the shorts medium, and long term solutions."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 1999
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Zulkifli
"This paper reviews various social issues in the trajectory of the author?s life to connect the concept of the view of life and theoretic issues on culture. Through methodological reflections, the author presents various issues which are being constantly discussed in the public mass media about religion, cultural icons as well as daily practices which become entry points to see cultural diversity as well as changes that can be found in the trajectory of life. The author argues that the individual is active in formulating the culture even though it cannot be denied that it can only be articulated through culture as a network of meanings as agreed by the aggregate of individuals or groups."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Parsudi Suparlan, 1938-2007
"On the basis of Bruner's concept of a 'dominant culture', the author analyzes the cases of Bandung, Sambas and Ambon. By comparing the three cases, the author reveals the differences of adaptation strategies among the Javanese in Bandung, the Madurese in Sambas, and the BBM (Buton, Bugis, Makassar) in Ambon. The Javanese from the lower classes in Bandung follow the Sundanese culture as the dominant one, and try to adopt Sundanese ways of behavior. Harmonious relationship between the migrants and the Sundanese as the host population is thus maintained. On the other hand, the Madurese in Sambas and the BBM in Ambon forced their rules and principles so as to dominate those from the natives. As a result, conflicts between the natives and the migrants could not be avoided. The author argues that the dominant culture in a specific setting, with its rules and norms, should be followed by the migrants and outsiders. However, the challenges to the dominant culture can be diverse in different societies and settings. The cases in Sambas and Ambon reveal that there is a problem in the challenge toward the dominant culture in those societies."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Parsudi Suparlan, 1938-2007
"On the basis of Bruner's concept of a dominant culture, the author analyzes the case of Bandung, Sambas, and Ambon. By comparing the three cases, the author reveals the differences in adaptation strategies among the Javanese in Bandung, the Maduranese in Sambas, and the BBM (Buton, Bugis, Makassar) in Ambon...[...] The author argues that the dominant culture in a specific setting, with its rules and norms, should be followed by the migrants and outsiders. However, the challenges to the dominant culture can be diverse in different societies and setting. The cases in Sambas and Ambon reveal that there is a problem in the challenge toward the dominant culture in those societies."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Mattulada, H. Andi
"In this article, the author describes the ethnography of the To-Kaili, the largest ethnics group in Central Sulawesi. To-Kaili had an important historical role in the period of Dutch colonization. At least four kingdoms tried to rebel against Dutch rule namely Moutong, Banawa, Sigi, and Kulawi. The author goes on to discuss the "modal personality" of Kaili people which covers social and religious life, ethos, language, art and literature. In the last section, he tries to predict how those people will face changes in the near future."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library