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Mohamad Ilman Hasya
"Seperti yang diketahui pemerintah Indonesia saat ini sedang menjalankan program 35000 watt, dimana dalam hal ini untuk memenuhi banyak permintaaan akan ketersediaan listrik yang ada di seluruh Indonesia. Karena sampai dengan saat ini berrdasarkan data yang ada jumlah perrmintaan akan listrik yang dibutuhkan masih melebihi jumlah pembangkit yang ada di seluruh Indonesia. Oleh karena itu pemerintah menjalankan program 35000 watt dengan harapan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan listrik yang diminta.
Dalam hal ini diperlukannya peran manajemen risiko dalam mengontrol pembangunan proyek EPC pembangkit tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini akan melihat risiko yang berpengaruh dalam pembangunan EPC pembangkit tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, kuisioner, serta validasi pakar yang kemudian data dari kuisioner akan diolah dengan perangkat lunak SPSS. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian sebanyak 54 variabel risiko yang terjadi pada proses EPC.
Dalam penelitian ini didapatkan 9 variabel dominan yang berpengaruh pada pembangunan proyek EPC pembangkit yaitu 3 variabel dari tahap rekayasa, 2 variabel dari tahap pengadaan, dan 4 variabel pada tahap konstruksi serta mitigasi dalam mengatasi setiap risiko tersebut. Risiko yang didapat ternyata yang terbanyak masih berada pada tahap rekayasa dan konstruksi sehingga dibutuhkan pengontrolan yang lebih terhadap tahap tersebut untuk mencegah keterlambatan.

As of now Indonesia government are focusing on building on electricity program 35.000 MW, to provide and enlight across the country. Because as per current data Indonesia still have low supply to support all society with existing power plant. That is why this ongoing program which run by the goernment can fulfill needs of required electricity. In this case risk management have role to control EPC project of all power plant which currently being build.
In this research, it will elaborate the risk impact to the EPC power plant construction. Research method use are descriptive, qusionaire, and expert validation which align with questionaire that being processed used SPSS software. Variabel used in this research are 54 risk variabel that happen during EPC process.
Result by doing this action acquaire 9 dominant variabel impact to EPC project power plant which consist 3 on engineering process, 2 variabel in procurement level, and 4 in cosntruction level, include also mitigation action to comprehend those risk. Result showed that risk mostly occurs during engineering and contruction process which explain that needs more control on those process to avoid any delay.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kaniadevi Permatasari
"Ketergantungan pada minyak bumi sebagai sumber pembangkit listik dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya krisis pasokan listrik. Upaya peralihan sumber energi pada sumber energi lain, salah satunya panas bumi, perlu dilakukan. Sumber daya panas bumi Indonesia cukup melimpah, namun belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Pemanfaatan ini dapat dilakukan oleh pengembang panas bumi namun seluruh penjualan listrik harus melalui Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) dengan berpedoman pada harga patokan tertinggi listrik panas bumi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi (Total Project) berdasarkan harga jual listrik, IRR proyek, NPV proyek, Payback Period proyek, dan Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) proyek sehingga pemanfaatannya dapat dilakukan. Analisis dilanjutkan dengan analisis sensitivitas proyek.

Electricity supply crisis caused by oil dependency could interfere the Indonesian economic growth. Efforts to shift the energy sources in to another sources, including geothermal, needs to be done. Indonesian geothermal resources is abundant, but has not been used optimally. Geothermal utilizatiin can be done by independent power producer (IPP) but all electricity sales must be though PLN based on the highest criterion price for geothermal power.
This research aims to determine the feasibility of geothermal power plant project (Total Project) based on the electricity price, project Internal Rate of Return (IRR), net present value (NPV), Payback Period, and Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), so that utilization can be done. Analysis was followed by sensitivity analysis.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rr. Nurthia
"Manajemen risiko merupakan salah satu faktor terpenting dalam manajemen proyek untuk memastikan proyek dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Dengan adanya pengelolaan risiko yang tepat, risiko-risiko yang mungkin terjadi dapat diantisipasi sedini mungkin. Pada akhirnya, kemampuan perusahaan untuk mengalokasikan dana kontingensi risiko menjadi faktor keberhasilan dalam mengestimasi biaya dan keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh perusahaan. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan proses identifikasi dan analisis risiko untuk memperoleh risiko yang termasuk kategori tinggi yang mungkin muncul selama pelaksanaan proyek PLTU X, serta menentukan strategi penanganan risiko. Setelah itu, dilakukan simulasi dengan menggunakan simulasi Monte Carlo untuk menentukan besarnya dana kontingensi optimal dengan tingkat kepercayaan mulai dari 80% sampai 100%. Secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan perhitungan alokasi dana kontingensi yang optimal, maka perusahaan dapat mengalokasikan dana dengan tepat dan pada akhirnya akan menguntungkan bagi pihak perusahaan.

Risk management is one of the most important factors in project management to ensure that the project will accomplished well. By managing the risk well, it can anticipate risks that may appear from the beginning of the project. At the end, the company ability to allocate cost contingency for the risks become the success factor in cost estimation and profit that can be achieved by the company itself. The research contains of risk identification process and risk analysis to identify the risk that included as a high risk category that may occur along the project CFSPP X taken place, and determine risk response planning for each high risk category. After that, Monte Carlo simulation will be conducted to determine the optimal cost contingency with the level of confidence started from 80% until 100%. Overall, it can be concluded that by calculating the optimal cost contingency, company can allocate the fund correctly and will achieve the profit eventually."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagus Wibatsu Wahyuntoro
"Sumur marjinal terjadi akibat penurunan produksi uap pada sumur produksi seiring waktu operasi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) dan diabaikan karena tidak lagi memenuhi spesifikasi pembangkit. Penelitian ini bertujuan membangun model untuk kelayakan pembangkitan pada sumur marjinal serta batasan setiap parameternya agar prinsip ?to produce electricity at the lowest possible cost? tetap terpenuhi. Analisis yang digunakan pada pemodelan adalah metode probabilistik dengan simulasi Monte Carlo. Ada dua skenario pemanfaatan yang digunakan yaitu untuk pemakaian sendiri pembangkit utama dan untuk mitigasi risiko pengeboran berkala. Penelitian ini berhasil membuktikan bahwa pemanfatan sumur marjinal layak dilakukan dan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas perusahaan PLTP.

The abandoned marginal steam production well occurs due to steam depletion in geothermal production wells over the time. This research, with an objective to build a management model for wellhead power plant feasibility, uses probabilistic method with Monte Carlo simulation. There are two scenarios considered: supply the existing power plant auxiliaries and as risk mitigation of periodic drilling. This research has successfully proof the utilization of marginal steam production well and will lead to geothermal power plant company productivity in order to produce electricity at the lowest possible cost."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Putu Wulan Romianingsih
"Saat ini, ada dua instrumen untuk menilai dampak lingkungan dan sosial dari proyek pembangkit listrik di Indonesia, yaitu Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Hidup (Amdal) dan Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan aspek lingkungan dan sosial dari Amdal dan ESIA untuk mengembangkan pedoman dan strategi pengintegrasian dua studi ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis dokumen, wawancara semi terstruktur dan observasi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan perbedaan utama ESIA dan Amdal terletak pada fase penapisan, pelingkupan, analisis dampak, dan tindak lanjut. ESIA mencakup aspek fisik-kimia, biologi, (lingkungan) dan sosio-ekonomi (sosial) yang lebih luas dibandingkan Amdal. Mengintegrasikan dua kajian lingkungan ini dapat mengurangi jejak karbon dari studi lingkungan, memperkuat perlindungan lingkungan, efisiensi biaya hingga 12%, meningkatkan kapasitas penyusun dan pelaksana Amdal dan ESIA, peningkatan keberterimaan oleh pengambil keputusan, yaitu pemerintah dan lembaga finansial. 

Currently, there are two instruments for assessing the environmental and social impacts of power development projects in Indonesia, which are Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan or Amdal and  Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). This research aims to compare the environmental and social aspects of Amdal and ESIA to further develop guidance and strategy for the integration of these practices. This research employed document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and field observation. This research found that the main differences between Amdal and ESIA are in the screening, scoping, impact analysis, and follow-up phases. The ESIA covers a wider range of physicochemical, biological, and socio-economic (social) aspects than Amdal does. Integrating the two practices could reduce the carbon footprint, strengthen environmental protection, save costs up to 12%, increase the stakeholder capacity, and improve the acceptance of decision-makers (the government and financial institutions)."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raity Arief Hidajat
"Kebutuhan energi listrik di Indonesia terus meningkat pesat seiring dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi, perkembangan teknologi, dan juga bertambahnya jumlah penduduk di Indonesia. Salah satu sumber energi listrik yang potensial berasal dari energi panas bumi, dimana Indonesia memiliki potensi yang sangat besar di 331 lokasi dengan potensi sebesar 28.579 MW. Namun potensi panas bumi sebagian besar berada di kawasan konservasi seperti di kawasan Taman Nasional. Pengembangan dan operasional Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) menurut Word Wildlife Fund (WWF), menyebabkan pembukaan lahan yang merusak struktur vegetasi dan mempengaruhi habitat satwa liar. Data dari Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak menunjukan adanya penuruan jumlah populasi macan tutul jawa dari 50 ekor pada tahun 2013 menjadi 40 ekor pada tahun 2018. Pengembangan PLTP banyak mendapat tantangan dari masyarakat sekitar mengenai kesempatan kerja dan berusaha yang belum mendapatkan perhatian. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan kajian mengenai keberlanjutan PLTP dari aspek lingkungan, ekonomi dan sosial, dan menilai indeks keberlanjutannya. Lokasi penelitian adalah di PLTP Gunung Salak yang berada di dalam Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak (TNGHS) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan metode penelitian mixed method. Variabel penelitian ditetapkan melalui wawancara kepada para nara sumber ahli yang diolah dengan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Ada 7 variabel penelitian yang dijabarkan dari hasil pengolahan data dan analisa, yaitu: Kondisi tutupan lahan dalam kondisi yang baik dan tidak ada penurunan tutupan lahan sejak tahun 2003-2018, konservasi hutan dengan metode indeks Shannon Wiener berada dalam keanekaragaman sedang, konservasi satwa dengan metode camera trap menunjukan macan tutul jawa masih ada dan hidup di sekitar area PLTP dengan jumlah sekitar 10 ekor dengan indeks kelimpahan relatih 1,55% dan digolongkan dalam kategori rendah, pendapatan pekerja lokal melebihi dari survei Kebutuhan Hidup Layak (KHL) sehingga layak memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, serapan tenaga kerja lokal telah mencapai 72% dari kapasitas tenaga kerja di PLTP dan berada dalam komposisi tenaga kerja lokal dan non lokal di beberapa daerah yang berkisar antara 60-75%, penyerapan produk masyarakat lokal oleh PLTP masih kurang, hal ini tidak sesuai dengan harapan masyarakat karena persyaratan higienitas dan keamanan pangan. Secara keseluruhan indeks keberlanjutan PLTP Gunung Salak mencapai 55% yang berarti berada pada kondisi cukup berkelanjutan.

Electrical energy needs in Indonesia continues to increase rapidly along with economic growth, technological improvement, and also the increasing of population. One of the potential sources of electrical energy comes from geothermal, where Indonesia has a huge potential in 331 locations throughout Indonesia with a potential of 28,579 MW. However, most of the geothermal source location is in conservation areas such as in National Park areas. Development and operation of Geothermal Power Plants according to the Word Wildlife Fund (WWF), causing land clearing that resulting in damage of vegetation structures and affects wildlife habitats. Data from the Mount Halimun Salak National Park shows a decline in the population of Java leopard from 50 in 2013 to 40 in 2018. The development of Geothermal Power Plants has received many challenges from the surrounding community regarding employment and business opportunities that have yet to receive attention. And it is necessary to research the sustainability of geothermal power plants from environmental, economic and social aspects, and assessing the sustainability index. The research location is Gunung Salak Geothermal Power Plant which is located inside the Mount Halimun Salak National Park (TNGHS) with a quantitative approach and mixed method research. Research variable is determined through interviews to expert resource persons which are processed by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). There are 7 research variables which is described from the results of data processing and analysis, namely: Land cover conditions are in good condition and there has been no decrease in land cover since 2003-2018, forest conservation using the Shannon Wiener index method are in moderate diversity, animal conservation using the camera trap method shows that Javan leopards still exist and live around the area of ​​the Power Plant with around 10 heads and classified in the low category with a relative abundance index of 1.55%, the income of local workers exceeds the survey of the Need for Decent Living (KHL) so that it is feasible to meet the needs of life, the absorption of local labor has achieved 72% of the workforce capacity at the Power Plant and are in the composition of the local and non-local workforce in several regions ranging from 60-75%, the absorption of local community products by the Power Plant is still lacking, this not according to community's expectations because of the hygiene and food safety requirements. Overall the sustainability index of the Gunung Salak Geothermal Power Plant reaches 55% which means it is in a fairly sustainable condition."
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Akibat Pembuangan Limbah Cair
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) Ulumbu ke Sungai (Pada Lapangan
Panas Bumi Ulumbu, Kabupaten Manggarai, Nusa Tenggara Timur)
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) merupakan salah satu sumber
energi yang ramah lingkungan karena menghasilkan volume limbah yang rendah,
salah satunya adalah limbah cair. Limbah cair panas bumi mengandung unsur
kimia, salah satunya adalah Arsen. Limbah cair PLTP akan menimbulkan dampak
apabila dibuang secara langsung ke sungai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengidentifikasi besarnya konsentrasi Arsen pada limbah PLTP dan air sungai di
lokasi penelitian dan dampaknya terhadap konsentrasi Arsen di sungai serta dampak
terhadap kesehatan lingkungan. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil konsentrasi
Arsen pada limbah PLTP sebesar 0,0365 mg/l. Kandungan Arsen dalam limbah
yang dibuang masih berada di bawah baku mutu, yaitu sebesar 0,5 mg/l.
Pembuangan limbah cair PLTP ini juga tidak meningkatkan konsentrasi Arsen di
sungai. Konsentrasi Arsen pada air yang dikonsumsi masyarakat adalah 0,008 mg/l.
Perhitungan risiko kesehatan masyarakat yang mengkonsumsi air sungai
menunjukkan tidak menimbulkan risiko kesehatan RQ < 1 (RQ = 0,6522).

Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522)., Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ikin Sodikin
"Sebuah proyek dikatakan sukses apabila dapat memenuhi kriteria mendasar yaitu menyelesaikan dengan tepat waktu, biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam anggaran, dan sesuai dengan persyaratan kualitas yang ditetapkan. Sayangnya, proyek-proyek EPC Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) batubara di Indonesia banyak yang mengalami keterlambatan, sehingga penyelidikan mengenai masalah ini dibutuhkan agar program pembangunan pembangkit listrik mendatang menjadi lebih baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor utama yang menyebabkan terjadinya keterlambatan pada proyek EPC Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) batubara di Indonesia, serta memberikan rekomendasi respon risiko untuk tindakan perbaikan atas terjadinya keterlambatan pada proyek yang sedang berjalan dan pencegahan pada proyek mendatang. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan survey kepada para pakar dan project manager dan tim yang terlibat secara langsung dalam proyek, serta validasi ke proyek yang sedang berjalan.

A project is said to succeed if it can meet the basic criteria that is completed in a timely, cost incurred in the budget, and in accordance with the specified quality requirements. Unfortunately, many EPC power plant projects in Indonesia are delayed, so the investigation on the matter needed for future power plant construction program would be better. The purpose of this study was to identify the major factors causing delays in power plant EPC projects in Indonesia, also make risk respon recommendations for correction of ongoing projects ang prevention of any delays in future projects. The method used is to do a survey to the experts, project managers and teams directly involved in the project, as well as validation to ongoing projects."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Abdi
"Proyek EPC (Engineering-Procurement-Construction) pembangkit listrik memiliki kompleksitas yang tinggi untuk mencapai keberhasilan proyek (biaya, mutu, waktu). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor efektivitas tim yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung secara signifikan mempengaruhi keberhasilan proyek EPC pembangkit listrik. Faktor efektivitas tim diidentifikasi menggunakan SLR (systematic literature review) berdasarkan jurnal manajemen proyek. Setelah itu dilakukan metode Delphi untuk menganalisis relevansi dan dampak dari faktor-faktor tersebut pada keberhasilan proyek. Kami menemukan 28 faktor dan urutan pengaruhnya. Selanjutnya kami menilai proyek EPC pembangkit listrik di Sulawesi Indonesia berdasarkan tingkat penerapan, kepentingan, dan frekuensi masalah dengan melakukan kuesioner dan diskusi kelompok. Analisis Fishbone Diagram digunakan untuk menyelidiki akar permasalahan dan mencari perbaikan atau solusi. Empat faktor dianggap perlu perbaikan lebih lanjut: rasa hormat (respect); metode pengadaan/kontrak yang efektif (efficacy of procurement method and contract); komunikasi (communication); dan pengambilan keputusan (decision making). Hal penting dari studi adalah berfokus pada proyek EPC pembangkit listrik di Indonesia dan ini memberikan pengetahuan bagi manajer proyek dan anggota untuk menciptakan tim yang efektif untuk keberhasilan proyek. Akhirnya, penelitian ini memberikan indikator referensi untuk membentuk tim proyek yang efektif.

EPC (Engineering-Procurement-Construction) power plant projects have a high complexity to achieve project success (i.e., cost, quality, and time). This study aims to identify factors of team effectiveness that significantly affect the successful outcomes of the EPC power plant project either directly or indirectly. SLR (systematic literature review) based on project management journals is applied to identify the factors of team effectiveness. Delphi method is utilized to analyze their relevance and impacts on the project’s success. We reveal twenty-eight factors and their impacts. Subsequently, we assess an EPC power plant project according to their implementation, importance, and frequency of problems by conducting a survey and a focus group discussion. Fishbone diagrams are employed to investigate the root causes and to seek improvements or solutions. Four factors are discovered and deemed to improve: respect, efficacy of procurement method and contracts, communication, and decision-making. The important point of the study is that it focuses on the EPC power plant project in Indonesia and this provides knowledge for project managers and members to create an effective team for project success. Finally, the study provides reference indicators for forming an effective project team."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yodi Saputro
"Energi panas bumi memiliki peran penting dalam transisi penyediaan energi yang rendah karbon serta aman terhadap lingkungan. Energi panas bumi adalah sumber energi terbarukan yang dapat menjadi solusi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasokan energi dalam negeri. Tetapi beberapa Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi PLTP juga memiliki berbagai tantangan kehandalan berupa risiko kegagalan pada peralatannya, yang secara khusus disebabkan oleh kandungan fluida pada reservoir panas bumi. Berbagai metode untuk menghilangkan atau mengurangi risiko kegagalan mulai dipertimbangkan sebagai upaya membangun suatu program inspeksi. Inspeksi Berbasis Risiko memberikan hubungan antara mekanisme kerusakan dengan program inspeksi yang digunakan untuk menurunkan risiko.
Penelitian ini, memanfaatkan program Inspeksi Berbasis Risiko sebagai teknik yang mudah digunakan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat probabilitas dan konsekuensu kegagalan sebagai upaya untuk membangun program inspeksi. Untuk menjaga tingkat akurasi dalam analisa penelitian, standar API 581 digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam penelitian kali ini agar dihasilakn kesesuaian antara level risiko dan program inspeksi yang di kembangkan untuk meningkatkan kehandalan.

Geothermal energy has an important role in the transition toward a low carbon energy and environmentally safe. Geothermal energy is a renewable energy source that can be a solution to meet domestic energy supply. But, some Geothermal Power Plant GPPs also have various reliability challenges of failure of the equipment, which is specifically caused by the fluid content. Various methods for eliminating or reducing the risk of failure are consideration as an effort to build an inspection program. Risk Based Inspection provides a link between the damage mechanism and the inspection program used to reduce the risk.
In this study, by utilizing the Risk Based Inspection program as an easy technique to use for evaluating probability levels and consequence of failure as an effort to build the inspection program. To maintain accuracy in this research analysis, standard of API 581 are used as guidance in this research to produced suitability between risk levels and inspection programs developed to improve reliability.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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