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Hima Liliani
Darah merupakan sumber daya yang tidak tergantikan. Menurut Hall (2013), di
University Hospitals of Leicester UK, dari 507 unit darah yang di-crossmatch
hanya 283 unit darah yang ditransfusikan. Terdapat 25% darah terbuang pada
Rumah Sakit Publik Guyana (Kurup, 2016). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif. Berdasarkan analisis diperoleh hasil, yaitu
35.79% unit darah yang tidak ditransfusikan, capaian CT Ratio 2.12 (dari 3536
unit darah yang dicrossmatch, hanya 1670 unit darah yang ditransfusikan),
Penyebab darah terbuang adalah kadaluarsa 98.4%, selang habis, kantong bocor,
darah rusak dll. Penggunaan MSBOS dapat menurunkan angka ketidakterpakaian
darah pada pasien operasi elektif sebesar 35.64%.

Blood is an irreplaceable resource. According to Hall (2013), at University
Hospitals of Leicester UK, from 507 units of crossmatched blood, only 283 units
were used. There is 25% discharge blood at Guyana Public Hospital (Kurup,
2016). This research is a descriptive case study with qualitative method. Based on
the analysis, 35.79% of the blood units were not transfused, the CT ratio was 2.12
(from 3536 unit of crossmatched blood, only 1670 unit were transfused). The
cause of blood wastage is expired 98.4%, blood tube runs out, blood bag leak,
blood damaged and unidentified causes. The use of MSBOS may decrease the rate
of blood units wastage in elective surgery patients by 35.64%."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sheila Kadir
Latar belakang. Pemberian transfusi darah merupakan salah satu tindakan medis untuk penyelamatan nyawa (live saving) dan penyembuhan penyakit, tetapi disisi lain tindakan ini juga memiliki risiko atau komplikasi. Salah satu komplikasiyang dikenal adalah Transfusion-Associated Graft-vs-Host Disease (TAGVHD). TAGVHD ini akan menyebabkan berproliferasinya limfosit T yangkemudian akan diikuti oleh proses engraft (tertanam) didalam tubuh resipien yang umumnya berada dalam kondisi imunokompeten. Kondisi ini umumnya dialami oleh pasien-pasien dengan gangguan sistem imunologi seperti pada pasien kanker atau penyakit-penyakit autoimun. Saat ini, satu ? satunya metode yang dapat diterima untuk mencegah komplikasi itu dengan cara melakukan iradiasi darah. Bervariasinya rekomendasi tentang dosis iradiasi dan waktu penyinaran untukmenurunkan jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ sebagai penyebab terjadinya TAGVHD, menjadi latar belakang dilakukannya penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini akan dijadikan rekomendasi untuk prosedur iradiasi terhadap komponen sel darah merah pekatyang akan diberikan pada pasien-pasien imunokompeten di RS Kanker Dharmais Jakarta.
Metodologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain penelitian eksperimental dengan pemeriksaan time series yang dilakukan terhadap 54 kantong komponen sel darah merah pekat yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti. Dilakukan pengujian terhadap jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ dalam tiga dosis dengan tiga serial waktu berbeda.
Hasil. Terjadi penurunan jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ pada komponen sel darah merah pekat yang dilakukan iradiasi pada dosis iradiasi dan waktu penyinaran yang berbeda.
Simpulan. Penurunan jumlah CD 3+ bermakna atau signifikan pada dosis 2500 pada waktu 5 jam setelah penyinaran.

Background Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.; ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.; ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation., ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Eko Astarini
"Latar belakang: Transfusi komponen Packed Red Cell (PRC) dengan metode pengurangan sel darah putih (PRC leukodepleted) mulai banyak digunakan untuk terapi pasien karena mampu mengurangi kejadian pasca transfusi yang tidak diinginkan. Jumlah perokok aktif di Indonesia yang cukup tinggi sehingga berpotensi besar menjadi pendonor darah karena belum ada regulasi yang mengaturnya. PRC leukodepleted pada perokok aktif beresiko besar mengalami kerusakan membran sel darah merah dan hemolisis akibat stres oksidatif yang terjadi karena akumulasi radikal bebas pada perokok aktif.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh stres oksidatif terhadap ketahanan membran PRC leukodepleted donor perokok aktif selama penyimpanan.
Metode: PRC leukodepleted diproduksi dari pendonor yang dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok pendonor non perokok (NP), pendonor perokok ringan (PR) dan pendonor perokok sedang (PS). Sampel penelitian dibagi menjadi 6 aliquot untuk diperiksa kadar malondialdehid (MDA), aktivitas enzim superoksida dismutase (SOD), uji fragilitas osmotik (osmotic fragility test, OFT) dan hemolisis pada hari ke 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 dan 35.
Hasil: Berdasarkan uji Kruskal Wallis ketiga kelompok menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara H0, H7, H14, H21, H28 dan H35 pada parameter MDA, SOD, OFT dan hemolisis yaitu dengan p<0,05. Dalam larutan NaCl 0,54 % pada uji OFT, terjadi hemolisis kelompok NP sebesar 17,53+12,16% pada H35; kelompok PR sebesar 34,10+7,92% pada H28; dan kelompok PS sebesar 30,92+5,98% pada H0.
Kesimpulan: Penyimpanan PRC leukodepleted selama 35 hari meningkatkan stres oksidatif. Stres oksidatif paling tinggi terjadi pada kelompok perokok sedang. Terdapat korelasi antara stres oksidatif dengan ketahanan membran sel darah merah.

Background: Packed Red Cell (PRC) transfusion without the leukocyte (leukodepleted PRC) method has begun to be widely used for patient therapy because it can reduce unexpected post-transfusion effects. The number of active smokers in Indonesia is quite high so they have a great opportunity to become blood donors, since there is no regulation yet. Leukodepleted PRC in active smokers are at great risk for red blood cell membran damage and hemolysis due to oxidative stress that occurs caused by accumulation of free radicals in active smokers. Objective: This study aim to determine the effect of oxidative stress on red blood cells membrane resistance of leukodepleted PRC in active smokers donors during storage. Methods: Leukodepleted PRC was produced from donors who were grouped into non-smoker donors (NP), light smoker donors (PR) and moderate smoking donors (PS). The research sample was divided into 6 aliquots to be examined for the malondialdehyde (MDA) level, activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme, osmotic fragility test (OFT) and hemolysis on 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days of storage. Results: The three groups showed significant differences between D0, D7, D14, D21, D28 and D35 on the parameters of MDA, SOD, OFT and hemolysis (p<0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test). In 0.54% NaCl solution of OFT test, NP group hemolysis was 17.53+12.16% on D35; PR group was 34.10+7.92% on D28; and the PS group was 30.92+5.98% on D0. Conclusion: Storage for 35 days increased the oxidative stress of leukodepleted PRC. The highest oxidative stress occurred in the moderate smoker (PS) group. Oxidative stress has correlation with red blood cell membrane resistance."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teuku Ilhami Surya Akbar
Latar belakang. Komponen darah washed erythrocyte (WE) mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan leukodepleted PRC (LD-PRC) yaitu untuk mencegah atau mengurangi reaksi transfusi. Namun banyak kekhawatiran para klinisi tentang cara pembuatan komponen darah WE dan bahan yang terkandung pada filter leukosit untuk menangkap leukosit. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan bukti secara ilmiah akan keamanan dalam pemakaian komponen darah PRC yang telah dimodifikasi ini dan juga memberikan pemahaman tentang pemakaian yang benar untuk komponen darah ini. Metoda. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang pada 52 sampel darah. Pemeriksaan darah dilakukan pada 26 sampel WE sebelum dan sesudah menjadi komponen darah WE dan 26 sampel LD-PRC sebelum dan sesudah menjadi komponen darah LD-PRC. Pemeriksaan hematologi diperiksa secara otomatis menggunakan Sysmex Xn-2000, total protein diperkirakan menggunakan ADVIA 1650/1800, sedangkan hemolisis darah diamati menggunakan uji Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT). Hasil. Menunjukan kadar hemoglobin pada kelompok WE berkurang 15,4%, volume hematokrit menurun 8,55%, kadar protein menurun 98,4 %, dan jumlah leukosit menurun 87,31% dibandingkan dengan kelompok PRC sebelum dicuci. Selain itu, kadar hemoglobin dari komponen darah leukodepleted menurun 29,1%, volume hematokrit meningkat 21%, kadar protein menurun 79,1% dan jumlah leukosit menurun 99,9% dibandingkan dengan kelompok WB sebelum dijadikan komponen leukodepleted PRC. Persentase hemolisis pada komponen darah WE dan LD-PRC adalah < 0,8% Perbedaan bermakna komponen darah WE dan LD-PRC dapat diamati pada parameter penilaian protein sisa dan leukosit sisa (p<0,05). Simpulan. Dalam pembuatan komponen darah WE protein plasma berkurang sebanyak 98,4%, sedangkan dalam pembuatan leukodepleted PRC, jumlah leukosit berkurang sebanyak 99,97%. Terjadinya hemolisis dapat diabaikan karena pada kedua komponen darah, hemolisis terjadi < 0,8%. Jika diperlukan komponen darah dengan kandungan protein plasma yang sedikit dapat digunakan komponen darah WE, sementara itu jika diperlukan komponen darah dengan jumlah leukositnya sedikit dapat digunakan/dipilih komponen darah leukodepleted.

Background. Washed erythrocyte (WE) and leukodepleted erythrocyte (LD-PRC) are normally used in clinical transfusion to prevent transfusion reaction. However, clinicians are wondering on the safety of those two blood components. The open system with saline for erythrocyte washing and the use of filter for blood leukodepletion still leave quiries on the possibility of hemolysis and their effectiveness for clinical transfusion. This study aims to provide scientific reasoning and the appropriate use of WE and leukodepleted blood respectively. Methods. A cross sectional approach was employed in this study on two groups of blood component consisting of 52 blood samples each , i.e. WE and LD-PRC respectively. Blood examinations were carried out on 26 WE samples prior to and after washing and on 26 LD-PRC samples prior to and after leukodepletion. Blood indices were examined automatically using Sysmex Xn-2000, total protein was estimated using ADVIA 1650/1800, while blood hemolysis was observed employing Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT). Results. It was shown that hemoglobin concentration of WE group decreased by 15.4%, hematocrit volume decreased by 8.55%, protein concentration decreased by 98.4%, and leukocyte count decreased by 87.3% compared to those the original Packed Red Cells. In addition, it was shown that the hemoglobin concentration of the leucodepleted blood component decreased by 29.1%, hematocrit volume increased by 21%, protein concentrations decreased 79.1% and the leukocyte count decreased by 99.9%. All the sampel of the WE blood products and all the LD-PRC blood sampel has hemolysis level <0,8% However, a significant difference in protein concentration and leukocyte count was observed betwen WE and LD-PRC (p<0.05). Conclusion. The process of erythrocytes? washing decreased the plasma protein concentration by 98.4%, whilst the process of leucodepletion decreased the leucocyte count by 99.97%. Hemolysis during the preparation of both blood components could be negligible. It is concluded that WE blood component is preferable for transfusion when low plasma protein is required. On the other hand, leukodepleted PRC is preferable when blood component with low in leucocyte count is required.;Background. Washed erythrocyte (WE) and leukodepleted erythrocyte (LD-PRC) are normally used in clinical transfusion to prevent transfusion reaction. However, clinicians are wondering on the safety of those two blood components. The open system with saline for erythrocyte washing and the use of filter for blood leukodepletion still leave quiries on the possibility of hemolysis and their effectiveness for clinical transfusion. This study aims to provide scientific reasoning and the appropriate use of WE and leukodepleted blood respectively. Methods. A cross sectional approach was employed in this study on two groups of blood component consisting of 52 blood samples each , i.e. WE and LD-PRC respectively. Blood examinations were carried out on 26 WE samples prior to and after washing and on 26 LD-PRC samples prior to and after leukodepletion. Blood indices were examined automatically using Sysmex Xn-2000, total protein was estimated using ADVIA 1650/1800, while blood hemolysis was observed employing Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT). Results. It was shown that hemoglobin concentration of WE group decreased by 15.4%, hematocrit volume decreased by 8.55%, protein concentration decreased by 98.4%, and leukocyte count decreased by 87.3% compared to those the original Packed Red Cells. In addition, it was shown that the hemoglobin concentration of the leucodepleted blood component decreased by 29.1%, hematocrit volume increased by 21%, protein concentrations decreased 79.1% and the leukocyte count decreased by 99.9%. All the sampel of the WE blood products and all the LD-PRC blood sampel has hemolysis level <0,8% However, a significant difference in protein concentration and leukocyte count was observed betwen WE and LD-PRC (p<0.05). Conclusion. The process of erythrocytes’ washing decreased the plasma protein concentration by 98.4%, whilst the process of leucodepletion decreased the leucocyte count by 99.97%. Hemolysis during the preparation of both blood components could be negligible. It is concluded that WE blood component is preferable for transfusion when low plasma protein is required. On the other hand, leukodepleted PRC is preferable when blood component with low in leucocyte count is required., Background. Washed erythrocyte (WE) and leukodepleted erythrocyte (LD-PRC) are normally used in clinical transfusion to prevent transfusion reaction. However, clinicians are wondering on the safety of those two blood components. The open system with saline for erythrocyte washing and the use of filter for blood leukodepletion still leave quiries on the possibility of hemolysis and their effectiveness for clinical transfusion. This study aims to provide scientific reasoning and the appropriate use of WE and leukodepleted blood respectively. Methods. A cross sectional approach was employed in this study on two groups of blood component consisting of 52 blood samples each , i.e. WE and LD-PRC respectively. Blood examinations were carried out on 26 WE samples prior to and after washing and on 26 LD-PRC samples prior to and after leukodepletion. Blood indices were examined automatically using Sysmex Xn-2000, total protein was estimated using ADVIA 1650/1800, while blood hemolysis was observed employing Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT). Results. It was shown that hemoglobin concentration of WE group decreased by 15.4%, hematocrit volume decreased by 8.55%, protein concentration decreased by 98.4%, and leukocyte count decreased by 87.3% compared to those the original Packed Red Cells. In addition, it was shown that the hemoglobin concentration of the leucodepleted blood component decreased by 29.1%, hematocrit volume increased by 21%, protein concentrations decreased 79.1% and the leukocyte count decreased by 99.9%. All the sampel of the WE blood products and all the LD-PRC blood sampel has hemolysis level <0,8% However, a significant difference in protein concentration and leukocyte count was observed betwen WE and LD-PRC (p<0.05). Conclusion. The process of erythrocytes’ washing decreased the plasma protein concentration by 98.4%, whilst the process of leucodepletion decreased the leucocyte count by 99.97%. Hemolysis during the preparation of both blood components could be negligible. It is concluded that WE blood component is preferable for transfusion when low plasma protein is required. On the other hand, leukodepleted PRC is preferable when blood component with low in leucocyte count is required.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Asmaningrum Larasati
"Dua puluh persen dari operasi tumor tulang membutuhkan tranfusi darah Packed Red Cell (PRC) intraoperatif, dengan volume tranfusi rata-rata 1200 ml.1,2. Kelebihan permintaan darah menimbulkan kerugian biaya. Selama januari-juli 2017, RSCM mengalami kerugian Rp 5,381,100,000 akibat terbuangnya 7972 kantung darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat model prediksi kebutuhan tranfusi PRC peribedah pada operasi tumor tulang berdasarkan faktor-faktor letak, ukuran, karakteristik keganasan tumor, nilai Hb prabedah dan nilai ASA prabedah. Penelitian ini memiliki desain kohort retrospektif dan dilakukan pada pasien dewasa yang menjalani pembedahan tumor pada tahun 2015-2017. Analisis dilakukan pada 82 data yang didapat dari rekam medis. Uji bivariat menunjukkan letak tumor, ukuran tumor, karakteristik keganasan tumor, nilai Hb prabedah dan nilai ASA prabedah memiliki hubungan bermakna terhadap kebutuhan tranfusi PRC perioperatif. Analisis multivariat regresi linier menunjukan hanya letak tumor dan nilai Hb prabedah yang merupakan prediktor bermakna. Model alternatif hasil regresi logistik dan analisis tambahan dibuat untuk menentukan probabilitas tranfusi PRC perioperatif.

Twenty percent of bone tumor surgery requires intraoperative blood tranfusion, mostly Packed Red Cell (PRC). Approximately 1200ml or 4-6 unit of PRC transfusion is given in a bone tumor surgery.1,2Less accurate estimation of the need of transfusion caused excessively wasted blood requests and led to high expense loss. In January-July 2017 there were 7972 wasted bags of blood product, resulting in a loss of Rp. 5,381,100,000 in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. This study aimed to develop a prediction model for the need of perioperative red blood cell transfusion in bone tumor surgery. This is a retrospective cohort study of adults patients underwent bone tumor surgery between 2015 to 2017. Data was retrieved from the medical records and 82 subjects were included. The bivariate analysis showed that tumor location, size, malignancy, preoperative hemoglobin level and ASA physical status were significantly correlated with perioperative needs of red blood cell transfusion. However, the linear regression showed that only tumor location and preoperative hemoglobin level were considered as significant predictors. Therefore we obtained an alternative model from logistic regression to determine the probability of the need for perioperative PRC transfusion and add additional factors in the analysis."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luyyina Mujahidah Atsaury
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang permintaan produk Packed Red Cell (PRC) di Unit Transfusi Darah Palang Merah Indonesia di DKI Jakarta yang diperkirakan akan membuat rencana produksi guna menurunkan tingkat keluarnya darah yang terjadi akibat jumlahnya. produksi yang melebihi jumlah penggunaan. Penelitian ini berbentuk studi kasus dengan tipe kuantitatif. Dalam peramalan, data time-series penggunaan PRC bulanan digunakan selama lima tahun terakhir yaitu 2014 hingga 2018 yang dihitung dengan menggunakan metode Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) dan Holt-Winter Exponential Smoothing. Hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode ARIMA memberikan hasil peramalan yang lebih baik sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam membuat perencanaan produksi produk RRT. Dari hasil perencanaan produksi tersebut disarankan agar PMI DKI Jakarta mengalihkan sebagian dari rencana kunjungannya dalam rangka pengambilan darah ke PMI lain di sekitar Jakarta dan juga dapat menyalurkan jumlah produksi darah berlebih ke Bank Darah Rumah Sakit ( BDRS) atau PMI lain yang masih kekurangan suplai darah.

This thesis discusses the demand for Packed Red Cell (PRC) products at the Indonesian Red Cross Blood Transfusion Unit in DKI Jakarta, which is expected to make a production plan to reduce the rate of blood loss that occurs due to the amount. production that exceeds the amount of use. This research is in the form of a case study with a quantitative type. In forecasting, time-series data on the use of monthly PRC are used for the last five years, namely 2014 to 2018, which is calculated using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Holt-Winter Exponential Smoothing methods. The results of calculations using the ARIMA method provide better forecasting results so that they can be used as a reference in planning the production of Chinese products. From the results of the production planning, it is suggested that PMI DKI Jakarta divert part of its planned visit in the context of taking blood to other PMIs around Jakarta and also be able to distribute the amount of excess blood production to Hospital Blood Banks (BDRS) or other PMIs that still lack blood supply."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Syafitri Evi Gantini
"Pendahuluan: Transfusi darah pada hakekatnya adalah suatu proses pemindahan darah dari seorang donor ke resipien. Untuk memastikan bahwa transfusi darah tidak akan menimbulkan reaksi pada resipien maka sebelum pemberian transfusi darah dari donor kepada resipien, perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan golongan darah ABO dan Rhesus serta uji silang serasi antara darah donor dan darah resipien. Walaupun golongan darah donor dan pasien sama, ternyata dapat terjadi ketidakcocokan(inkompatibilitas) pada uji silang serasi.Sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis penyebab ketidakcocokan pada uji silang serasi antara darah donor dan pasien.
Cara kerja : Hasil pemeriksaan terhadap 1.108 sampel darah pasien yang dirujuk ke laboratorium rujukan unit transfusi darah daerah (UTDD) PMI DKI dari bulan Januari-Desember 2003 dikumpulkan, kemudian dikaji penyebab terjadinya inkompatibilitas pada uji silang serasi.
Hasil dan diskusi: Dari 1.108 kasus yang dirujuk, 677 (61.10%) kasus menunjukkan adanya inkompatibilitas pada uji silang serasi. Sisanya 431 (38.90 %) menunjukan adanya kompatibilitas (kecocokan) pada uji silang serasi. Dari 677 kasus inkompatibel, 629 (92.90%) kasus disebabkan karena pemeriksaan antiglobulin langsung (DAT-Direct Antiglobulin Test) yang positif. Sisanya yaitu 48 (7.10%) kasus disebabkan karena adanya antibodi pada darah pasien yang secara klinik berpengaruh terhadap transfusi darah dari donor ke pasien. Kasus inkompatibel yang menunjukan hasil positif pada uji antiglobulin langsung (DAT=Direct Antiglobulin Test )sebanyak 629 kasus (92.90%), dengan perincian hasil positip DAT terhadap IgG pada ditemukan sebanyak 493 kasus (78.38%), hasil positip DAT terhadap komplemen C3d sebanyak 46 kasus (7.31%), dan hasil positip DAT terhadap kombinasi IgG dan C3d sebanyak 90 kasus (14.31%)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soenardi Moeslichan
"Rasa syukur kita ini akan bertambah nikmat manakala kita menyadari eksistensi diri di alam jagat raya ini. Manusia adalah salah satu dari sejumlah makhluk bumi, dan seorang manusia adalah seorang warga penduduk bumi yang diperkirakan akan mencapai 6,2 milyard pada tahun 2000 nanti. Mereka saling berinteraksi dan saling merindukan kedamaian (walaupun masih terjadi peperangan antar manusia disana-sini yang masih sulit untuk didamaikan).
Menyadari betapa kecil kehadiran manusia di bumi ini, manusia akan lebih merasakan betapa kecilnya lagi manakala dianugerahi kemampuan berfikir, bahwa bumipun hanya merupakan sebagian kecil eksistensinya dalam tata surya alam ini. Allahu Akbar.
Dengan manusia sebagai titik tumpu setelah teropong megamakro digunakan untuk mengagumi kebesaran jagad raya dalam makrokosmos berbalik teropong itu diarahkan ke dalam dunia mikro terhadap komposisi tubuh manusia. Kita akan dapat temukan berbagai fenomena menakjubkan yang dapat dilihat dan dipelajari. Salah satu diantaranya adalah darah.
Benda cair yang berwarna merah ini tersusun dari berbagai materi biologis yang juga saling berinteraksi. Interaksi yang serasi diperankan oleh masing-masing unsur untuk mempertahankan homeostasis tubuh agar terpelihara tubuh yang sehat. Mereka diproduksi .di dalam sumsum tulang. Sumsum tulang ini seakan-akan suatu pabrik yang memproduksi berbagai jenis sel darah, setiap hari tiada hentinya. Diperhitungkan sekitar 200 bilion sel darah merah, 10 bilion sel darah putih dan 400 bilion butir trombosit diproduksi setiap hari. Betapa besar kapasitas pabrik dalam tubuh kita ini. Keindahan semakin dirasakan karena terbukti masing-masing materi bioiogis ini saling berinteraksi yang sangat unik di dalam dunianya. Apabila karena sesuatu hal interaksi dan produksi tersebut terganggu maka terjadilah penyakit yang mengancam kehidupan individu tersebut.
Darah masih merupakan materi biologis yang belum dapat di sintesis di luar tubuh, atas dasar itu apabila pada suatu saat terjadi kekurangan darah atau komponennya, biasanya seseorang memerlukan bantuan darah dari orang lain yang disebut transfusi darah. Tetapi dalam transfusi darah yang bertujuan menyelamatkan jiwa sesama manusia tersebut, dapat mengundang pula berbagai risiko yang merugikan kesehatan tubuh, bahkan dapat berakibat kematian. Atas dasar itu praktek transfusi darah yang benar haruslah dilandasi oleh suatu disiplin ilmu yang disebut Ilmu Transfusi Darah (Transfusion Medicine).
Berbagai keindahan dan pesona darah yang mendasari ilmu ini mengundang kekaguman, dan kadang-kadang enak dinikmati, karena itu saya ingin berbagi rasa dengan para hadirin dengan menyajikan sekelumit tentang transfusi darah yang berkaitan dengan profesi saya sebagai dokter anak, kemudian ikut memikirkan kemungkinan permasalahannya dalam suatu sajian yang berjudul Kajian Pediatrik Terhadap Transfusi Darah.
Para hadirin yang berbahagia,
Seperti dikemukakan sebelumnya darah adalah materi biologis, berbentuk cair berwarna merah. Didalamnya terkandung bagian yang bersifat korpuskuler dan sebagian lainnya bersifat tarutan. Bagian korpuskuler ini disebut sebagai butiran darah yang terdiri dari sel darah merah (erythrocyte), sel darah putih (leukocyte) dan butir trombosit (platelet), Ketiga jenis butiran darah ini terutama dibuat di dalam sumsum tulang dari sejenis sel yang disebut sel stem. Sel stem ini seolah-olah suatu benih yang mampu terus-menerus bertahan dengan memperbanyak diri serta berdeferensiasi. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena di dalam sumsum tulang terdapat strama yang memberkan lingkungan mikro (micraenvironment) seakan-akan suatu lahan tanah yang subur bagi pertumbuhan sel stem.
Katau diperhatikan lebih seksama, sel darah merah itu berbentuk diskus bikonkaf yang fleksibel, diameternya 8 um, dan didalamnya berisi cairan hemoglobin. Hemoglobin inilah yang memberi warna merah darah kita. Bentuk sel darah merah yang fleksibel memungkinkan sel darah merah melalui saluran sirkulasi mikro yang berdiameter lebih kecil."
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1995
PGB 0121
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nining Ratna Ningrum
Deteksi antibodi bertujuan untuk mendeteksi adanya antibodi ireguler terhadap sel darah merah di dalam plasma pasien. Sampai saat ini, kegiatan pelayanan transfusi darah di Indonesia masih bergantung pada uji silang serasi yang masih kemungkinan adanya antibodi ireguler yang tidak terdeteksi. Antibodi tersebut dapat menyebabkan terjadinya reaksi transfusi tipe lambat yang ditandai dengan penurunan hemoglobin dan peningkatan kadar bilirubin. Upaya keamanan pada pasien transfusi perlu ditingkatkan dengan diterapkan uji saring antibodi secara rutin pada pemeriksaan pra-transfusi. Tujuh ratus sampel pasien yang meminta darah ke laboratorium pelayanan pasien di UTD PMI DKI Jakarta dilakukan uji saring antibodi dan uji silang serasi secara otomatis dengan alat Ortho AutoVue Innova dengan Column Agglutination Technology. Untuk membuktikan kompatibel palsu dipilih 10 plasma pasien yang mengandung antibodi untuk dilakukan uji silang serasi mayor dengan 70 sampel darah donor. Hasil kompatibel dilakukan konfirmasi dengan antigen typing pada donor. Semua sampel pasien yang tidak memiliki antibodi 100 kompatibel pada uji silang serasi mayor. Dari 70 sampel dengan hasil kompatibel pada uji silang serasi mayor ditemukan 14 20 hasil negatif palsu. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan uji saring antibodi lebih mampu mendeteksi antibodi pada plasma pasien dan aman digunakan dalam pemeriksaan pra-transfusi.

Detection of antibody aims to detection of irregular antibody on the blood cell in patient plasma. Until now, blood transfusion in Indonesia in terms still depending on the crossmatch is still risking on undetected irregular antibody. The irregular antibody may cause a delayed hemolytic transfusion with hemoglobin reduction and bilirubin increase as the symptoms. Patient with blood transfusion 39 s safety needs to be improved by routine antibody screening on pre transfusiontest. 700 samples of patients who requested blood to the patient care laboratory in UTD PMI DKI Jakarta were antibody screening and major crossmatch automatically with Ortho tool AutoVue Innova with Column Agglutination Technology. To prove false compatible, 10 patient 39 s plasma containing antibodies have been selected to be tested by major of crossmatch with 70 blood donor samples. Compatible Results were confirmed with antigen typing. All samples of patients who did not have antibodies 100 compatible on crossmatch test. from 70 samples which compatible on major crossmatch test was found 14 20 of false negative results. This study suggests the antibody screening which capable of detecting antibodies in the patient 39 s plasma and safely used in the pre transfusion test. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Rahma Yanti
"Darah sangatlah penting demi menunjang keberlangsungan hidup manusia. Di Indonesia masih terdapat kekurangan stok persediaan darah dari jumlah ideal sebanyak 972.522 kantong darah atau sebesar 18,8% belum terpenuhi. Ditambah dengan adanya kondisi pandemik Covid-19 seperti saat ini semakin membuat stok darah di sejumlah daerah berada di ambang batas kekhawatiran. Salah satu faktor permasalahan tersebut dikarenakan rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam menjadi sukarelawan donor darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat masyarakat menjadi sukarelawan donor darah dengan cara mensosoialisasikan kampanye gerakan “Suka & Rela Donor Darah” yang peneliti kembangkan menggunakan bantuan media sosial instagram Unit Transfusi Darah Pusat Palang Merah Indonesia @utdpusatpmi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dan dilakukan survei online untuk mengukur minat masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konten yang diunggah di instagram @utdpusatpmi berdasarkan indikator tingkat kognitif rata-rata skor yakni 4,31, diikuti indikator tingkat afektif 3,67, dan indikator tingkat keperilakuan 3,43. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat menciptakan respon kognitif positif, yakni responden mengetahui atas informasi kesehatan dan terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai donor darah. Namun demikian kampanye ini belum mencapai indikator afektif dan keperilakuan sehingga belum terjadinya perubahan perilaku pada masyarakat.

Blood is very important to support human life. In Indonesia, there is still a shortage of blood supplies, from the ideal number of 972,522 blood bags or 18.8% that has not been fulfilled. Coupled with the current Covid-19 pandemic conditions, the blood stock in a number of areas is on the threshold of concern. One of the factors of this problem is the low level of public awareness in volunteering for blood donations. This study aims to increase public interest in volunteering for blood donations by socializing the campaign for the “Like & Willing Blood Donation” movement which the researchers developed using social media assistance from the Indonesian Red Cross Central Blood Transfusion Unit @utdpusatpmi. This type of research is quantitative research and online surveys are conducted to measure people's interest. The results showed that the content uploaded on Instagram @utdpusatpmi was based on the average cognitive level indicator score of 4.31, followed by the affective level indicator at 3.67, and the behavioral level indicator at 3.43. From the results of this study, it can create a positive cognitive response, in which the respondents are aware of health information and there is an increase in knowledge about blood donors. However, this campaign has not reached the indicators of affective and behavioral, so there has not been a change in behavior in society."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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