"Spatial Balance Model of Critical Land Alteration Due to Population Pressure Influence in the Years 1983 and 1993 (Case Study in the Regency of Kuningan, Province of West Java)Main life sector in rural area is agriculture. Land is the main natural resource or main production factor for agriculture. The activity of agriculture sector is the activity which consumes wide area or "Space Consumptive" area, although the production of the agriculture is relatively small.
The increasing of population growth is followed by the increasing of population needs whether it is quantitative or qualitative. The increasing of population need also push the increasing need of the land.
Physical characters and wide of area is relatively static, while the population needs to the extending of agriculture area is relatively high. People are forced to use the uncultivated land including to cultivate the sloping land or clear away the forest whether for a season cultivation or to chop down woods for means of livelihood, firewood and daily consumption. The consequences of these activities create the physical damage of the land including erosion, landslide, damaged forest, vegetation, and the damage of water structure. The erosion will cause the negative effect to original, and to the river water or damp in a mound of mud.
To measure the population pressure and the land needs which caused the environmental damage, Otto Soemarwoto (1984:86) creates a formulation of "Population Pressure" with basic calculation is the width of minimal land which support a reasonably comfortable life ( a ) multiplied the number of small farmers and their land width under the minimal land width to support a reasonably comfortable (x ), then divided with the total width of small farmer's land.
The objective of this research is to know the application theory of population pressure and analyze the model of the space balance changes in critical land, the context of actual study to the regional fact to environmental study. This research analyzes, particularly, (1) Correlation between population pressure by using space balance change of critical land for two periods in 1983 and 1993 ; (2) The correlation between the condition of space critical land in 1983 and the space condition of Regional Cultivated Land (WTU) ; (3) The correlation between space condition of critical land in 1983 and space condition of critical land in 1993 with sloping area condition.
The hypothesis of this research is that there is effect to the arouse of critical land where the spreading of the critical land reached the elevated place (upper end) and sloping land. The operational language as follows : (I) 'The high and the low of critical land is related to the rapidly and slowly population pressure ; (2) It is assumed that the location of critical land widely moved to the upper place of Regional Cultivated Land (WTU) or Regional Cultivated Land for II limited level ; (3) It is assumed that the location of critical land widely move to the sloping land ; (4) It is assumed that the cause of critical land included into Classification A. Based on the evaluation classification , it is included into Scheme I.
This research analyzes the regional facts by using space analysis. Research literatures gained from Agriculture Census Year 1983 and 1993 ; Citra Landsat in 1983 and 1993, scale 1 : 250,000 ; Map of Main Regional Cultivated Land, scale 1 : 250,000 and Map of Main Sloping Classification, scale 1 : 250,000.
List of Reference : 30 (1951 - 1996)."