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Siahaan, Gerald P.; Nainggolan, Hotden L.; Aritonang, Johndikson; Hutapea, Mangihut
Universitas HKBP Nonmensen, 2017
VISI 25:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yi Ling Chan
Clitoria ternatea L., or commonly known as butterfly pea, from the family of Fabaceae, is a perennial medicinal plant. Its flower which is deep blue or white in colour is commonly used as a natural food colorant. the plant originates from tropical Asia and known to possess essential bioactive compounds where the extracts from its roots, leaves and seeds are used in the phytochemical, pharmacological and clinical investigations for therapeutic drug development. The root extracts have been reported to exhibit analgesic, anti-pyretic, anxiolytic, anti-depressant, anti-convulsant, anti-stress, anti-diarrheal, anti- asthmatic and most importantly, in the treatment of central nervous system disorders. The root extracts have shown memory enhancing properties in neonatal rats. The aim of the study was to induce roots from the seedling explants of Clitoria ternatea L. for the establishment of a root suspension culture system that could function as efficient alternative to the ex- vitro plants from the soil for harvesting of medicinal secondary metabolites. the sterilized seeds of Clitoria ternatea L. were germinated on half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, and the cotyledon and hypocotyl from the 7 - 8 days old seedlings were placed in the media supplemented with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) at different concentrations. It was evident that NAA was the potential growth hormone for root induction in Clitoria ternatea L. the cotyledon explants cultured on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/L NAA produced the highest percentage of root induction (70%) while 1 mg/L NAA produced the highest average number of roots from cotyledon explants. the study provided an efficient protocol for the induction of roots and callus from Clitoria ternatea L."
Trengganu: UMT, 2017
500 JSSM 12:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farid Kuswantoro
Leaf borer moth of Artona flavipuncta was a perennial pest of Bali Botanic Garden Zingiberaceae collection. This paper aims to discuss A. flavipuncta attack status as well as its life cycle and control attempts, both that already and potentially used in Bali Botanic Garden. This paper concluded that A. flavipuncta attack 54,5% of all Zingiberaceae species collected in Bali Botanic Garden. Its larval activity causes severe leaves damage but never caused plant mortality. Decis 2.5 EC insecticide was used to control this pest, but natural enemy control using assassin bug could be considered as alternative control method in the future."
Bogor: Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya - LIPI, 2017
580 WKR 15:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reno Agassi
Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan struktur komunitas dan melengkapi data mengenai famili Asteraceae di Kampus Universitas Indonesia UI. Penelitian dilakukan selama bulan September dan Oktober 2017. Lokasi pengambilan sampel dibagi menjadi tujuh kompartemen dengan membuat petak berukuran 1x1 meter sebanyak seratus plot menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh berupa kehadiran dan diameter tutupan tiap spesies Asteraceae. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan empat belas spesies Asteraceae. Spesies yang ditemukan di kompartemen 1 hingga 7 masing-masing terdiri dari 10 spesies, 9 spesies, 10 spesies, 11 spesies, 8 spesies, 7 spesies, dan 8 spesies. Berdasarkan nilai INP, Mikania micrantha mendominasi hanya pada kompartemen 2 dengan nilai INP sebesar 39,56. Synedrella nodiflora mendominasi pada kompartemen 1, 4, dan 5 dengan nilai masing-masing sebesar 50,28, 34,89, dan 59,08. Sedangkan, Tridax procumbens mendominasi pada kompartemen 3, 6, dan 7 dengan nilai masing-masing sebesar 64,02, 66,47, dan 59,29. Secara keseluruhan, ketujuh kompartemen memiliki indeks keanekaragaman yang rendah hingga sedang H 1,41-2,03, tingkat kemerataan yang tinggi E 0,67-0,84, dan tingkat dominansi yang rendah D 0,14-0,27.

Research on the community structure of Asteraceae family in Universitas Indonesia UI campus has been done. The study was conducted during September to October 2017. A hundred plots sampling with a size of 1 x 1 meter was made purposively on seven compartments that became the sampling location. The data obtained are the presence and coverage area of each species. The total species of Asteraceae found were fourteen. Each compartment has a different number of species. Species found in compartment 1-7 were ten, nine, ten, eleven, eight, seven, and eight species respectively. Based on IVI values, Mikania micrantha dominates only in compartment 2 with an IVI value of 39.56. Synedrella nodiflora dominates in compartments 1, 4, and 5 with IVI values of 50.28, 34.89, and 59.08, respectively. Meanwhile, Tridax procumbens dominates in compartments 3, 6, and 7 with IVI values of 64.02, 66.47, and 59.29 respectively. Overall, the seven compartments had a low to moderate level of diversity H 39 1.41 2.03, high level of evenness E 0.67 0.84, and low level of dominance D 0.14 0.27."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Polunin, Nicholas
Jogjakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 1990
581.9 POL it
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ucu Yanu Arbi
Phylogenetic taxonomy or cladistics is a classification system based on evolutionary history of an organism with other organisms, so that the process of evolution can be reconstructed. The main principle of the classification system is that only the unique characters of the adjacent group owned by descendants of an ancestor that was used in classifying organisms and secondly the reconstruction is based on group monophyly. So, the purpose of the use of this method is to classify organism and reconstruct the phylogenetic relationship based on the character encoding. Similarities and differences in the characters shown by a certain code lead to a tracing ancestors of each species. Several methods to reconstruct the phylogeny tree using qualitative data base are Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood. Study phylogeny based on morphological characters has a fundamental weakness which ultimately requires molecular characters to cover up these weaknesses."
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI, 2016
575 OSEANA 41:3 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
San Diego : Academic Press , 1990
581.524 PER
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Skripsi ini mengkaji tentang pengalaman menjadi penari dance cover dan pembentukan communitas di agensi PAOW DC. Melalui wawancara dengan lima anggota PAOW DC dan mengamati perilaku serta aktivitas mereka di komuniti dance cover saya melihat adanya proses belajar, refleksi dan pembagian pengalaman, dalam perilaku kolektif di agensi PAOW DC. Proses belajar terjadi karena anggota PAOW DC menghadapi situasi berbeda dengan kesehariannya yakni proses sosial yang terjadi di komuniti dance cover. Dalam proses tersebut mereka mendapatkan pengalaman individual yang nantinya akan direfleksikan di dalam agensinya. Refleksi dari pengalaman tersebut akan dialami oleh anggota PAOW DC yang lain sehinggga bersifat intersubjektif. Mereka berinteraksi dan membagikan pengalaman kemudian dapat membentuk communitas di agensinya. Hasilnya adalah mereka bisa bertahan pada kerasnya persaingan di komuniti dance cover karena empati, saling terbuka, menghargai, serta ikatan yang kuat antar anggotanya.

This study focus on the experience of being a dance cover performers and forming a communitas at PAOW DC agency. We comprehend the process of learning, reflection and sharing experiences in collective behavior at the PAOW DC agency through interviews with five of their members and observing their behavior and activities in the dance cover community. The learning process occurs as PAOW DC members encounter a different situations from their daily lives, specifically the social processes that ensue in the dance cover community. They gain individual experiences in the process, which will later be reflected in their agency. Reflections from these experiences will be witnessed by other PAOW DC members so that it is tend to be intersubjective. They are interacting and share experiences in forming a communitas within the agency. The outcome is they are able to withstand the intense competition in the dance cover community for their empathy, mutual openness, respect, and strong bonds amongst members."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuralda Rivanella Martha
"Tesis ini menunjukkan bahwa di dalam masyarakat perkotaan yang bersifat impersonal, anonimiti dan superfisial, komuniti masih dapat terbentuk. Penelitian dilakukan di cluster Riverpark II yang tergolong permukiman menengah-atas, di kawasan real estate Bintaro Jaya, Tangerang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi untuk menunjukkan proses pcmbentukan komuniti, keteraturan hidup bersama dan sosialibilitas; menunjukkan hambatanhambatan dalam kehidupan komuniti serta penanganannya; dan menunjukkan pengaruh desain terhadap komuniti.
Dalam tesis ini saya tunjukkan bahwa dalam suatu permukiman yang ditata olch pengembang, komuniti yang terbentuk terbatas pada komuniti spasial. Desain tata ruang dapat mempengaruhi sosialibilitas tetapi komuniti tidak ditentukan oleh sosialibilitas. Batas-batas sosial merupakan hambatan di dalam komuniti karena berarti lebih mementingkan privasi dari kebersamaan. Faktor kepemimpinan juga memainkan peranan penting dalam keberlangsungan kehidupan komuniti sebagai inisiator, penggerak kegiatan kebersamaan, dan panutan.
Komuniti di Riverpark II tidak didasarkan old adanya ikatan emosional yang kuat walau memiliki sosialibilitas yang cukup kental, melainkan pada mekanisme organisasi paguyuban yang dijalankan secara rasional untuk mengatur hal-hal menyangkut kepentingan bersama. Tesis ini juga menunjukkan bahwa proses pembentukan komuniti Riverpak II masih terus berlangsung dan akan selalu berada di antara kutub community dan society seperti dikemukakan oleh Tonnics dan Durkheim. Saat ini kecenderungan komuniti Riverpark II sedang bcrgeser ke arah society. Pergeseran ini juga menjelaskan bahwa kehidupan kebersamaan akan cenderung mencari keseimbangan antara kebutuhan internal warga dan pengaturan eksternal, atau keseimbangan antara kehidupan privat dan publik warga.

This thesis shows that in urban society that characterized by impersonality, anonymity, and superficial relationships, the creation of community could still occurs. This research was done in Riverpark II cluster, which belongs to middle to upper social economic class, in real estate Bintaro Jaya, Tangerang. With qualitative method research and ethnographic approach, this research has purposes to show the creation of community, social order in communal life and socialibility; to show obstacles stand in the way and being overcome, to show design influence on community.
This thesis shows the creation of community in Riverpark II as a new-planned settlement built by developer is limited to spatial community. The space-design in the settlement could generate or deter socialibility, community is not defined by socialibility but precedes it. Leadership also plays crucial role in community vialibility connected with the apathy held by some residents of Riverpark II Community in Riverpark II is not based on strong social-emotional ties although socialibility is quite good but based on organizational mechanism called `Paguyuban' which is driven rationally to achieve common interests.
This thesis also shows that the creation of community in Riverpark II is still processing and will always stand between two polars, community and society-stated by Tonnics and Durkheim. Nowadays, the tendency of Riverpark 11 is shifting to society. This shifting explains that collective living tends to seek equilibrium between internal needs versus external enforcements, or between private and public living of residents.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Maraknya perkembangan Komunitas Vespa Ekstrim menjadi fenomena sosial saat ini. Penampilan Anggotanya sering diidentikkan dengan preman jalanan. Vespa Ekstrim yang mereka buat, dengan beragam bentuk yang aneh dan aksesoris benda bekas dianggap tidak memenuhi standard kelayakan kendaraan transportasi. Banyak masyarakat yang merasa terganggu dengan kehadiran mereka. Komunitas Vespa Ekstrim sendiri menyanggah respon negatif masyarakat dan menganggap apa yang mereka lakukan adalah bentuk ekspresi, kreativitas dan seni. Skripsi ini membahas lebih lanjut tentang alasan-alasan terbentuknya Komunitas Vespa Ekstrim dan alasan-alasan dibalik pembuatan Vespa Ekstrim. Dengan mengambil studi kasus Komunitas Vespa ?Apa Aja Boleh?, beragam alasan terlihat di balik terbentuknya Komunitas Vespa Ekstrim. Komunitas ini menjadi sarana pembentukan ruang aktualisasi diri anggotanya untuk mengekspresikan diri dengan landasan nilai-nilai yang ada dalam komunitas. Komunitas ini terbentuk karena dorongan kreativitas anggotanya untuk mengembangkan potensi-potensi yang ada. Pada akhirnya Vespa Ekstrim yang mereka buat menjadi benda seni dan totem komunitas.

The rise of Vespa Communities has become today?s social phenomenon. The appearance of its members often identified as street thugs. The Extreme Vespa Motorscooter, with various queer configurations that have been produced from scrap accessories by them, do not meet the safety standard of transportation vehicle and many people disturbed by their presence. Meanwhile, Extreme Vespa Communities argue the people?s negative response to them and they consider what they do as a form of expression, creativity, and art. Futhermore, the thesis will discuss many reasons of the formation Extreme Vespa Communities and the production of Extreme Vespa Motorscooter. By taking the case study of Vespa Community ?Apa Aja Boleh?, it will get the reasons behind the formation of extreme vespa community. This community becomes a formation medium of self actualization space for its members to express themselves with the foundation values which exist in the community. This community was formed because of the encouragement of its member creativity to develop their potency. Finally, Extreme Vespa Motorscooter that have been produced by them, become the object of art and the totem of community."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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