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Relin D.E
"Tari Gandrung merupakan kekayaan budaya lokal banyuwangi dan dijadikan maskot daerah Banyuwangi. Tari gandrung banyak dipentaskan diberbagai acara publik termasuk di dalam tradisi petik laut. Pementasan Tari Gandrung dalam tradisi petik laut memiliki makna tersendiri karena tradisi ini diyakini sebagai bentuk persembahan kepada Dewa Laut agar nelayan dianugrahkan ikan yang berlimpah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk Tari Gandrung dan makna filosofi Tari gandrung yang terkandung dalam tradisi Petik laut di pantai Muncar Banyuwangi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif, dengan analisis deskriftip kualitatif Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi (data-data sekunder) Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Setiap peragaan Gandrung Banyuwangi selalu berpola jejer paju dan seblang-seblang. Dalam pementasannya memasuki tiga babak yakni pertama jejer, gending terdiri dari lagu Padha Nonton yang terdiri dari delapan bait 32 baris setiap baitnya terbagi menjadi empat baris baru kemudian dilanjutkan dengan gending Padha Nonton pada bait-bait berikutnya dengan gerak tari yang sesuai warna lagu yang dibawakan. Kemudian babak kedua disebut Paju gending yang dibawakan bebas sesuai permintaan yang akan ikut menari (maju gandrung) dan ketiga Seblang-seblang yang selalu diawali dengan gending atau lagu yang berjudul Sebiang Lukito dan gending-gending lainnya. Pementasan tari gandrung dalam tradisi petik laut secara filosofis bila diamati dan lagu Padha nonton dengan svaimva berbentuk bebas dan pola yang berkembang ini merupakan gambaran filosofis hidup tentang manusia Filosofis yang diekspresikan dalam bentuk tari dan nyanyi sebagai simbol pesan tentang hidup dan kehidupan Terutama dalam adegan seblang-seblang memvisualisasikan perpaduan bentuk gerak dan nvanvian vang indah untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan tentang hidup dan kehidupan segala suka dukanva sebagai manusia. Demikian juga ucapan rasa syukur kepada Tuhan atas kehidupan ini. Kemudian akhir dari manusia itu sendiri diaktualisasikan tentang keberadaan manusia secara hitam dan putih. Perjuangan dan nereulatan akhirnya dengan hentakan atau kelembutan dalam menjawab semua pertanyaan yang muncul, suatu pertanyaan yang tak pernah habis-habisnya, seperti memasuki dunia pengalaman sekaligus dunia kenyataan dalam satu rangkaian.
Denpasar: Pusat Penerbitan LPPM Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, 2017
300 MUDRA 32:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Putu Sudarma
"Tari Babuang adalah bentuk tari wali yang sangat disakralkan oleh masyarakat Desa Pakraman Pengotan- Bangli. Tarian ini hanya dapat dipentaskan oleh sekaa teruna dari Desa Pengotan Bangli-pada ritual Bhatara Dalem Pingit. Prosesi pementasannya adalah Pider sekar, ngastawa di Pelinggih Sanggar Tawang, sesolahan tari Babuang, dan perang papah Biu.
Tari Babuang pada ritual Bhatara Dalem Pingit memiliki beberapa fungsi, yaitu fungsi keagamaan, fungsi estetika, dan fungsi inklusi sosial. Fungsi agama, tari Babuang adalah bentuk persembahan untuk para leluhur yang tinggal di Gunung Airawang (Gunung Abang), dan manifestasi dari Tuhan yang tinggal di pura Tuluk Biu. Fungsi estetikanya terkait dengan nilai kesucian (sivam), kebenaran (satyam) dan keseimbangan atau harmoni (sundaram). Sebaliknya, fungsi inklusi sosial, tarian ini digunakan sebagai sarana membina solidaritas di antara masyarakatnya.
Denpasar: Pusat Penerbitan LPPM Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, 2017
300 MUDRA 32:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Hindus in Bali carry out various yadnya almost every day. One of the yadnya is cremation ceremony. The ceremony was held as a tribute to the deceased family. The tribute is conducted based on the belief that the souls of those who have passed away never die, but are still alive in the other unreal world. In addition, it is believed that if his ancestors are in happiness, they will also try to help and make their offspring who are still alive happy. Cremation ceremony especially in Munggu Pakraman Village Tabanan can not be separated from various equipment of ceremony. One among the unique equipments, namely the performance of Barong Kadengkleng. This Barong is always performed in this Pakraman village when there is a cremation ceremony at intermediate levels and above. The form of Barong Kadengkleng dance in the cremation ritual is accompanied by Daeng from the family at the late. The show was held the day before the cremation ceremony started from the fron entrance of the house of the late and then proceed to the border road of Munggu Pakraman Village and ended up in front of the bale adat where the body is laid. Judging from its function, the dance of Barong Kadengkleng has two functions, namely the religious function and escorting functions. In a religious function, ie every performance of Barong Kadengkleng uses offerings and performed only with regard to cremation ritual, while in its escorting function namely helping deter and escort the return of elements of pancamahabhuta and the soul to its origin."
MUDRA 31:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Bajonese is a malay culture based community which lives in group and spread on many costal and rural areas in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. They are known as sea people or Sea ethnic in West Malaysia and Bajaunese in East Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and Philippine. Despite the naming difference; depending on where they live geographically, they have a common culture particularly concerning knowledge inheritance process, values, and skill to preserve the community through perpetuating oral tradition iko-iko, nauya, and pantun. Some studies found that the bajonese is originally from Melaka strait and then scattered in various Malay archipelago (Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunai Darussalam and Philippine) as a result of the arrival of the Portuguese imperialism in the year of the seizing of Malacca 151 1. As one the core communities
in Melaka Kingdom, the Bajonese fought against the Portuguese Imperialism. Even after the kingdom were surrounded, they canied on fighting around the coastal areas. Settlement patterns that are semi nomadic as traditional fishermen, resulting in a development of original learning system. One of the teaching media used is iko-iko (heroism story). It is an endangered tradition as only elderly who are over 50 years old who can tell the stories. Iko-iko­ literature tradition plays an important role to convey messages of moral and spirit of fighting which is narrated orally for generations. The story is about heroism which is sung during voyage and as lullaby. The characteristic of iko iko is its systematic lyrics which reflects Malay literature. Therefore along with the spreading of bajonese in South East Asia, the Malay culture is also spread and become the unifier between Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The young generation is lack of interest in inheriting iko-iko with its various versions and stories. Thus, in order to preserve it, it is necessary to documented and transliterated it in the form of books and scientific articles"
MUDRA 31:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This artwork is revealing about the existence of Legong Tombol in Banyuatis village, Buleleng which has stagnated regeneration. Through this work, the steps taken to resolve the impasse is by reconstructing the shape of the dance, then rechoreographing the missing parts and subsequently teaching the dance form to the local young generation dancers. Related to the issues raised on the existence Legong Tombol in Banyuatis village, then this work present about : (1) Creation Method of dance that starts from the reconstruction effort of the dances that is almost extinct, (2). Reconstructing and re-packing the form of Legong Tombol dance and then returning to the community, (3). Resenting the training methods of Legong dabce which is contained in the creativity of the figure of the artist (late.) I Wayan Rindi which has been successfully re-lifted up."
MUDRA 31:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The Puppeter Mask Klaten is a form of ancient folk arts which the existence cannot be separated £rom the history of the kingdoms in Central Java. Klaten is becoming a place for creative community who are able to create many artistic expressions and one of them called as Dalang Mask. Agrarian culture, communality, family and togethemess are becoming the value of life which represented through Dalang Mask Klaten. However, because of the era change, Dalang Mask Klaten is isolating by modem culture. Also the passed away of the Puppeter, the absence of regeneration process are often occured in the family becomes the reason why this art is difficult to be preserved. This study uses a performance studies approach based on analysis system of performance studies to observe the layen of this arts including the story background, movement, actors, fashion, accompaniment, mask property and contextualization which apply to fmd out the purpose and the idea behind it.. The results showed Puppeter Mask Klaten is not just an object of artistic expression, but also a livehood and communal bonding power. This idea is essential to define Puppeter Mask Klaten in the context of artistic expression as an ideology, something that can be represent the pride of their owners. Art becomes a means of education for the community, both as history review, reflection and also as the provision of visionary towards its future."
MUDRA 31:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian tentang nilai-nilai seni pertunjukan teater rakyat sandiwara Cirebon, Jawa Barat, sebagai penge¬tahuan lokal pembentuk karakter bangsa, bertujuan untuk mengkonservasi, merevitalisasi, dan mengkon- struksi nilai-nilai pengetahuan lokal dan karakter bangsa dalam seni pertunjukan teater rakyat Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah paradigma kualitatif, melalui metode arsip-kreatif terhadap pertunjukan teater rakyat sandiwara Cirebon. Metode arsip kreatif mengutamakan dokumen pertunjukan sandiwara, yang disetiap adegan dipilih gambar dan dialognya. Melalui metodetersebut, peneli¬tian ini berhasil mendapatkan nilai-nilai pengetahuan lokal dan karakter bangsa sebagai identitas budaya melalui pertunjukan sandiwara. Nilai-nilai tersebut terdapat pada lakon/cerita dalam pertunjukan teater rakyat Jawa Barat, seperti nilai moral, etika, jujur, tanggung jawab, dan cinta damai."
Denpasar: Pusat Penerbitan LPPM Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, 2017
300 MUDRA 32:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Dewa Ayu Sri Suasmini
"Kebaya merupakan busana yang dikenakan kaum perempuan dalam setiap kegiatan upacara di Bali. Kebaya mulai mengalami perubahan dalam hal desain maupun bahan yang digunakan akibat dari perkembangan zaman, teknologi, informasi dan industri pariwisata, mengakibatkan masyarakat Bali tidak lepas dari pengaruh kebudayaan luar, yang membawa perubahan dalam berbagai kehidupan masyarakat Bali. Kanin kapitalis memanfaatkan momen ini dengan menciptakan atau membuat desain kebaya diluar dari ciri khas kebaya Bali. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari munculnya desain kebaya modifikasi yang banyak di tawarkan di pasaran dan menjadi tren. Desain kebaya modifikasi banyak dijual di pasaran, sehingga menyebabkan kaum perempuan ingin tampil trendi dengan busana yang di tawarkan tersebut. Kaum perempuan kontemporer dengan bangga mengenakan kebaya yang trendi di pasaran, pada kegiatan persembahyangan ke pura. Hal ini mengakibatkan seolah-olah kaum perempuan sudah mulai melupakan etika berbusana untuk ke pura. Hal ini tentunya dapat membuat generasi mendatang tidak akan mengetahui dan melupakan ciri khas dari kebaya Bali. Permasalahan dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kebaya dijadikan sebagai representasi oleh kaum perempuan di Kota Denpasar.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami perkembangan kebaya ke pura, dapat mengubah cara berbusana dan gaya hidun nerempuan kontemporer. Paradigma representasi dengan pendekatan fenomenologis dan metode kualitatif digunakan pada penelitian ini. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif dan mterpretatif mempergunakan analisis representasi dan konsumerisme."
Denpasar: Pusat Penerbitan LPPM Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, 2017
300 MUDRA 32:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Brayut is a phenomenal myth figure in Balinese culture. He is adored and also pleaded for a child by those who want a child in their families. On the other hand, he is disrespected as a family that is lack of attention on the prosperity of their family because he has to grow many children in his family. At the present, his existences is decorating the gardens lots as an absurd family which described briefly in a literary work known as Brayut geguritan. Implicitly, behind the absurdity of this family described in the beginning of the geguritan, can be found that the concept of Tantrayana strongly influence the social diversity system of the Baliiese Hindus in Bali. Tantrayana is a religious sect of Hindus in India which then localized in Bali. It might be influenced with Balinese local genius which obtain similar concepts that enable the Tantric teachings to be acculturated."
MUDRA 31:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Balinese pop music has undergone industrialization since the decade of 1990's when the technological progress, economical system, and new musical culture massively drove to the born of recording studios, musicians, and and the products. In the hands of capital owners, Balinese pop music capitalism occurs. Behind the discourse of the preservation of Balinese culture through Balinese pop music, ideology and interests work for the purpose of capitalization. The result of the study shows that during the two and a half decades, the industrialization of Balinese pop music goes in the form of production, distribution, and consumption in the province of Bali due to the linked cultural power, the power of capital, and media power. Industrialization is influenced by a number of ideologies, capitalism, popisme, local political culture, and multiculturalism, in which capitalism became the dominant ideology. Bali pop music industrialization causes a certain impact. The economical impact related to exchange rates; social impact (use value) related to the value / benefits; cultural impact associated with the value of identity / authenticity; and political impacts associated with the value of developmentalism 1 developmentalism."
MUDRA 31:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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