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Ditemukan 180562 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Audhi Ahmad Balya
Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat apakah rumah tangga di indonesia mengalami kemiskinan energi, juga unrtuk menentukan apakah aksesibilitas terhadap sejumah energi modern LPG dan Listrik dapat meningkatkan beban biaya energi yang harus ditanggung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross-section OLS dengan data SUSENAS 2011 dan 2014. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tidak ada satupun provinsi di indonesia yang mengalami kemiskinan energi. Juga kami menemukan bahwa walaupun beban biaya enegi akan naik seiring kenaikan aksesibilitas enegi modern, namun biaya keseluruhannya tetap rendah. Penelitian selanjutnya dengan menggunakan data yang memiliki jarak waktu lebih panjang diperlukan untuk menguatkan hubungan secara lebih baik

Main Objective of this study is to check whether Indonesian household suffering energy poverty or not, as well as determining how Accessibility to certain modern energy access LPG and Electricity could increase energy cost burden that Indonesian household must bear. This research is conducted by utilizing Cross Section OLS by using data from SUSENAS 2011 and SUSENAS 2014. We find there is no single province in Indonesia suffer from energy cost burden. We also find that despite energy cost burden will increase due to better accessibility of Modern Energy, the total cost still low. However, further research using longer period are required to confirm the relationship better."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moh. Syahril Iryanto
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengestimasi dampak perubahan harga energi pada konsumsi energi rumah tangga,  kelompok masyarakat berdasarkan karakteristik rumah tangga akibat adanya perubahan harga energy, dan menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi konsumsi energi rumah tangga. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, serta menggunakan metode analisis ekonometrika data panel untuk mengestimasi sistem permintaan. Penelitian menggunakan teknik analisis regresi panel data. Hasil studi dengan menggunakan metode random effect model dapat dilihat dampak perubahan harga energi terhadap konsumsi energi rumah tangga, dimana konsumsi energi rumah tangga untuk bbm dan listrik sangat dipengaruhi oleh harga energi itu sendiri dan pendapatan rumah tangga. Untuk elastisitas kedua jenis energi yang di estimasi (bbm dan listrik) mempunyai nilai elastisitas pendapatan (pengeluaran)  yang kurang dari satu (<1) yang berimplikasi bahwa kedua barang energi tersebut merupakan barang normal atau barang pokok.

In this study we estimate the impact of changes in energy prices on household energy consumption, community groups based on household characteristics due to changes in energy prices, and analyze the factors that influence household energy consumption. This study uses a quantitative approach and panel data econometric analysis methods to estimate the demand system. The study used panel data regression analysis techniques. The results can be seen the impact of changes in energy prices on household energy consumption, household energy consumption for fuel and electricity is strongly influenced by the energy price itself and household income. For the elasticity of the two estimated types of energy (fuel and electricity) they have an income (expenditure) elasticity value of less than one (<1) which implies that the two energy goods are normal goods or basic goods."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ifan Aminurakhman
"ABSTRAK Peningkatan suhu secara global merupakan salah satu indikasi perubahan iklim termasuk Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak kenaikan suhu terhadap permintaan listrik rumah tangga di Indonesia. Selain faktor harga, pendapatan (PDRB), permintaan listrik sektor lain (PDRB manufaktur), serta jumlah penduduk dan tingkat elektrifikasi, faktor suhu juga berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap permintaan listrik rumahtangga. Perbedaan karakter di masing-masing wilayah juga memiliki dampak yang berbeda terhadap permintaan listrik rumahtangga. Peningkatan suhu secara global merupakan salah satu indikasi perubahan iklim termasuk Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak kenaikan suhu terhadap permintaan listrik rumah tangga di Indonesia. Selain faktor harga, pendapatan (PDRB), permintaan listrik sektor lain (PDRB manufaktur), serta jumlah penduduk dan tingkat elektrifikasi, faktor suhu juga berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap permintaan listrik rumahtangga. Perbedaan karakter di masing-masing wilayah juga memiliki dampak yang berbeda terhadap permintaan listrik rumahtangga.

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Rizki Amalia
"Meskipun hubungan antara akses energi bersih dan ketahanan pangan telah mendapat banyak perhatian secara global, studi empiris tentang hubungan antara energi dan ketahanan pangan masih langka. Menggunakan data rumah tangga di Indonesia dari 2018-2020, penelitian ini menganalisis dampak akses energi bersih terhadap ketahanan pangan rumah tangga miskin di Indonesia. Kajian ini menggunakan metode instrumental variabel (IV) untuk mengatasi permasalahan endogenitas akses energi bersih dengan menginstrumentasikan akses energi bersih dengan variabel jarak terhadap bangunan sejarah (jalan raya pos dan pelabuhan lama tahun 1934). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rumah tangga miskin dengan akses energi bersih memiliki ketahanan pangan 14,46% lebih tinggi dibandingkan rumah tangga miskin tanpa akses energi bersih. Dibandingkan dengan rumah tangga miskin di pedesaan, akses energi bersih bagi rumah tangga miskin di perkotaan memiliki dampak yang lebih besar terhadap tingkat ketahanan pangan rumah tangga. Temuan ini menyiratkan bahwa pemerintah harus terus memperluas ketersediaan akses energi bersih bagi masyarakat miskin untuk mendorong dan memperluas penggunaan energi bersih bagi masyarakat miskin dan meningkatkan ketahanan pangan keluarga berpenghasilan rendah.

Although the relationship between access to clean energy and food security has received much attention globally, empirical studies on the relationship between energy and food security are still scarce. Using household data in Indonesia from 2018-2020, this study assesses the impact of access to clean energy on poor household food security. The study uses an instrumental variable method to overcome the endogeneity problem of access to clean energy by instrumenting access to clean energy with historical distance variables (old postal highway and old port in 1934). The results show that poor households with clean energy access have food security 14.46% higher than the poor household without clean energy access. Compared with rural households, access to clean energy for poor households in urban areas has a more significant impact on the household food security level. This finding implies that the government must continue to expand the availability of access into cleaning energy for the poor to promote and expand the use of clean energy for the poor and increase the food security of low-income families.

Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisinis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salma Salsabil Lubay
"Pasar perumahan memainkan peran utama terhadap perekonomian suatu negara karena berkorelasi erat dengan belanja konsumen. Perumahan merupakan sektor penting bagi perekonomian namun karena strukturnya juga merupakan sumber kerentanan dan krisis. Selama bertahun-tahun Indonesia menunjukkan peningkatan harga perumahan yang signifikan seiring dengan peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang terus berlanjut di negara tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeteksi gelembung harga perumahan di 10 kota besar di Indonesia dan mengetahui pada periode berapa gelembung tersebut ada dengan menggunakan metode PSY (2015) GSADF dan SADF serta mengetahui apakah ada efek limpahan antara kota-kota tersebut. yang memiliki kehadiran gelembung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di antara 10 kota tersebut hanya 8 kota yang mengalami bubble dan dengan menggunakan model regresi data panel penulis menemukan bahwa variabel makroekonomi PDRB, Inflasi, dan suku bunga signifikan secara statistik terhadap harga rumah. Apalagi spillover effect lebih banyak disebabkan oleh Jabodebek-Banten, yang menunjukkan bahwa harga rumah di kota tersebut dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi pergerakan kota lainnya. Kesimpulannya, dengan sebagian besar kota menampilkan gelembung perumahan, dampaknya terhadap keterjangkauan menyiratkan bahwa sulit bagi warga negara Indonesia untuk membeli perumahan yang layak karena harganya juga merambah ke daerah lain.

The housing market plays a major role towards a nation’s economy since it is closely correlated to consumer spending. Housing is an essential sector for the economy however due to its structure it is also a source of vulnerabilities and crises. Over the years Indonesia showed a significant increase in housing prices as the increase in economic growth continues for the country. The purpose of this research is to detect housing price bubbles in 10 major cities of Indonesia and find out at which period these bubbles exist by using PSY (2015) method of GSADF and SADF as well as knowing if there is a spillover effect between this cities that has the presence of bubbles. The result showed that amongst the 10 cities only 8 had the presence of a bubble and by using panel data regression model the author found that the macroeconomic variable of GRDP, Inflation, and interest rate is statistically significant to housing prices. Moreover the spillover effect was mostly caused by Jabodebek-Banten, indicating that the housing price of that city can be used to forecast the movement of the others. To conclude, with majority of the cities displaying housing bubbles the impact it has to affordability implies that it is difficult for Indonesian citizens to afford adequate housing as the prices also spillover to other areas."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengukur pengaruh determinan dari sosio-ekonomi dan demografi terhadap konsumsi energi rumah tangga di Indonesia. Di dalam penelitian ini membagi konsumsi energi menjadi dua bagian yaitu konsumsi listrik dan konsumsi Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG rumah tangga. metode analisis yang digunakan Ordinary Least Squares OLS, data sampel berjumlah 555.446 rumah tangga untuk analisis konsumsi listrik dan 403.244 rumah tangga untuk konsumsi LPG yang tersebar di 34 provinsi, data tersebut diambil dari data Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional SUSENAS tahun 2016 dan 2017.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa mayoritas determinan faktor sosio-ekonomi dan demografi berasosiasi positif terhadap konsumsi energi sektor rumah tangga. Pendapatan rumah tangga adalah faktor yang paling menentukan konsumsi energi listrik tangga di samping faktor nonekonomi lainnya seperti lokasi tempat tinggal jumlah ruangan rumah dan jumlah anggota rumah tangga.

This study attempts to find the influence of the determinants of socio-economic and demographic on household energy consumption in Indonesia. This study divides energy consumption into two section, that is electricity consumption and Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG consumption. The analytical method used is Ordinary Least Squares OLS, the sample data is 555,446 households for electricity consumption analysis and 403,244 households for LPG consumption, spread in 34 provinces in Indonesia, the data conducted by National Social Economic Survey SUSENAS BPS years 2016 and 2017.
The results of this study shows that socio-economic and demographic determinants have a positive relationship with household energy consumption. Household income is the most determining factor energy consumption by household besides other non-economic factors other non-economic factors such as location of residence, number of rooms and number of household members."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahdania Rosyada
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pola konsumsi dan perilaku efisiensi energi rumah tangga di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah Susenas 2012 dan Survei Perilaku Peduli Lingkungan Hidup (SPPLH) 2013. Berdasarkan hasil analisis inferensial diketahui, pola konsumsi energi rumah tangga selain dipengaruhi oleh faktor ekonomi, juga dipengaruhi faktor demografi seperti ART berusia produktif dan komposisi jenis kelamin ART. Adapun untuk model perilaku efisiensi energi, hasil penelitian menunjukkan rumah tangga yang rentan berperilaku kurang efisien adalah rumah tangga yang didominasi ART laki-laki, berusia produktif, berpendidikan tinggi dan berpendapatan tinggi.

The aim of this research is to study the factors that influence consumption patterns and behavior of household energy efficiency in Indonesia. This research uses data Susenas 2012 and SPPLH 2013. Based on the results of inferential analysis is known, household energy consumption patterns are influenced by demographic factors other than the economic, such as productive age and sex composition of household members. As For the energy efficiency behavior?s model, the results showed that vulnerable households are less efficient behavior is dominated by household with more man as household members, productive age, highly educated and high income."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardhi Zulhakim
"Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh variabel-variabel sosial ekonomi terhadap pengeluaran dan proporsi pengeluaran energi, listrik dan bensin rumah tangga di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data survei sosial ekonomi nasional Susenas tahun 2014. Hasil analisa deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pengeluaran energi rumah tangga Indonesia yaitu sebesar 9,17 persen dari total pengeluarannya dan pengeluaran energi rumah tangga masih didominasi oleh pengeluaran untuk listrik 29,61 dan bensin 47,79 . Hasil analisis regresi dengan metode ordinary least square OLS menemukan bahwa variabel sosial ekonomi mempengaruhi signifikan terhadap pengeluaran energi rumah tangga adalah kepemilikan mobil, motor dan AC. Pemerintah dapat mendorong rumah tangga untuk mengurangi pengeluaran energi dengan memperbaiki infrastruktur transportasi umum agar rumah tangga dapat meminimalisasi penggunaan kendaraan pribadi. Selain itu Pemerintah juga dapat mendorong industri elektronik untuk memproduksi barang elektronik hemat energi terutama AC.

This research analyzes the influence of socio economic variables on expenditure and proportion of expenditure spending on energy, electricity and gasoline household in Indonesia by using the national socio economic survey data Susenas in 2014. The results of the descriptive analysis shows that the average household energy expenditures Indonesia, amounting to 9.17 percent of the total energy expenditure and household expenditure is still dominated by spending on electricity 29.61 and gasoline 47.79 . Regression analysis by the method of ordinary least squares OLS found that socio economic variables affect significantly on household energy expenditure is the ownership of cars, motorcycles and air conditioner. The Governments can encourage households to reduce energy expenditures by improving public transport infrastructure so that households can minimize the use of private vehicles. In addition Governments can also encourage the electronics industry to manufacture energy efficient electronic goods, especially air conditioner."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Neysa Dianesdhika Jasrul
"Implementasi program perumahan sederhana yang terjangkau adalah upaya yang lazim oleh pemerintah Indonesia untuk menghasilkan perumahan yang terjangkau, yang dapat dibeli oleh keluarga yang berpenghasilan 30% hingga 80% dari pendapatan median komunitas menurut program perumahan federal Amerika Serikat ((Chatfield, Melissa, & Warnock) , 2000) dikutip dalam (Salama & Alshuwaikhat, 2006)). Namun, aspek keberlanjutan perumahan sering diabaikan. Keterjangkauan dalam perumahan umumnya dipertimbangkan melalui biaya konstruksi saja, yang sama tidak tepat secara mendalam. Keterjangkauan perumahan harus dipertimbangkan melalui desain, lokasi, kondisi, lingkungan, akses transportasi, dll. Pendekatan keterjangkauan perumahan ini secara tidak langsung berkaitan dengan keberlanjutan perumahan, di mana sebuah konsep yang menguntungkan keseluruhan biaya perumahan dalam kinerja jangka panjangnya. Sehubungan dengan pernyataan ini, konstruksi perumahan harus direkayasa agar terjangkau tanpa mengabaikan aspek keberlanjutan. Rekayasa yang tepat untuk metode konstruksi perumahan dapat diimplementasikan untuk mencapai keterjangkauan perumahan tanpa mengabaikan aspek keberlanjutan.

Simple affordable housing program implementations are prevalent attempts by Indonesian government to produce affordable housing, which can be purchased by families earning 30% to 80% of the community median income according to The United States federal housing programs ( (Chatfield, Melissa, & Warnock, 2000) cited in (Salama & Alshuwaikhat, 2006)). However, the sustainability aspect of housing is often overlooked. Affordability in housing is generally considered through the construction cost which is utterly not the case. Affordability of housing is should be considered through the design, location, condition, neighborhood, transportation access, etc. These housing affordability approaches are indirectly related to housing sustainability, in which a concept that benefits the overall housing cost within its long-term performance. With respect to this statement, housing construction should be engineered to be affordable without ignoring the aspect of sustainability. The proper engineering for the construction method of the housing can be implemented in order to achieve housing affordability without ignoring sustainability aspect. "
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardiana Primastuti
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh determinasi aksesibilitas terhadap pengeluaran perkapita dan menganalisis determinan aksesibilitas keuangan rumah tangga. Adanya pengaruh dua arah antara aksesibilitas dan pengeluaran perkapita rumah tangga, menyebabkan penelitian harus diestimasi dengan pendekatan simultan. Dari hasil estimasi dapat diketahui bahwa keinginan rumah tangga untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran perkapitanya mendorong mereka untuk mengakses kredit baik itu secara umum, perbankan maupun program bantuan pemerintah, disisi yang lain adanya keterlibatan rumah tangga dalam mengakses kredit mendorong peningkatan pengeluaran perkapita.
Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa antara pengeluaran perkapita dan aksesibilitas rumah tangga di pasar kredit memberikan pengaruh secara simultan. Determinan yang mempengaruhi keputusan rumah tangga berpartisipasi di pasar kredit, menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan masih menjadi kendala bagi rumah tangga untuk bisa berpartisipasi. Kendala ini juga yang menyebabkan rumah tangga pertanian enggan untuk mengakses kredit sekalipun itu adalah program bantuan dari pemerintah.

The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita.
These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita.
These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita.
These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita.
These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita.
These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita.
These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program., The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita.
These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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