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Reno Agassi
Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan struktur komunitas dan melengkapi data mengenai famili Asteraceae di Kampus Universitas Indonesia UI. Penelitian dilakukan selama bulan September dan Oktober 2017. Lokasi pengambilan sampel dibagi menjadi tujuh kompartemen dengan membuat petak berukuran 1x1 meter sebanyak seratus plot menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh berupa kehadiran dan diameter tutupan tiap spesies Asteraceae. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan empat belas spesies Asteraceae. Spesies yang ditemukan di kompartemen 1 hingga 7 masing-masing terdiri dari 10 spesies, 9 spesies, 10 spesies, 11 spesies, 8 spesies, 7 spesies, dan 8 spesies. Berdasarkan nilai INP, Mikania micrantha mendominasi hanya pada kompartemen 2 dengan nilai INP sebesar 39,56. Synedrella nodiflora mendominasi pada kompartemen 1, 4, dan 5 dengan nilai masing-masing sebesar 50,28, 34,89, dan 59,08. Sedangkan, Tridax procumbens mendominasi pada kompartemen 3, 6, dan 7 dengan nilai masing-masing sebesar 64,02, 66,47, dan 59,29. Secara keseluruhan, ketujuh kompartemen memiliki indeks keanekaragaman yang rendah hingga sedang H 1,41-2,03, tingkat kemerataan yang tinggi E 0,67-0,84, dan tingkat dominansi yang rendah D 0,14-0,27.

Research on the community structure of Asteraceae family in Universitas Indonesia UI campus has been done. The study was conducted during September to October 2017. A hundred plots sampling with a size of 1 x 1 meter was made purposively on seven compartments that became the sampling location. The data obtained are the presence and coverage area of each species. The total species of Asteraceae found were fourteen. Each compartment has a different number of species. Species found in compartment 1-7 were ten, nine, ten, eleven, eight, seven, and eight species respectively. Based on IVI values, Mikania micrantha dominates only in compartment 2 with an IVI value of 39.56. Synedrella nodiflora dominates in compartments 1, 4, and 5 with IVI values of 50.28, 34.89, and 59.08, respectively. Meanwhile, Tridax procumbens dominates in compartments 3, 6, and 7 with IVI values of 64.02, 66.47, and 59.29 respectively. Overall, the seven compartments had a low to moderate level of diversity H 39 1.41 2.03, high level of evenness E 0.67 0.84, and low level of dominance D 0.14 0.27."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Himmatul Aliyah
Asteraceae merupakan famili tumbuhan terbesar di dunia dan tumbuh tersebar di seluruh bagian bumi, kecuali Antartika. Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia merupakan salah satu habitat ditemukannya Asteraceae. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan terhadap famili tersebut, tetapi penelitian anatomi masih perlu dilakukan terhadap 6 tribe Asteraceae di kampus UI, yaitu Astereae, Cichorieae, Coreopsideae, Inuleae, Senecioneae, dan Tageteae. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan membandingkan karakter anatomi batang atau tangkai bunga pada keenam tribe tersebut. Preparat sayatan anatomi dari 6 spesies Asteraceae disiapkan dengan teknik non parafin menggunakan hand-sliding microtome dan diamati dengan bantuan mikroskop cahaya. Karakter anatomi dianalisis dengan membandingkan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil analisis data kuantitatif untuk tebal kutikula, panjang dan lebar sel epidermis, jumlah lapisan epidermis, tebal epidermis, panjang dan lebar sel kolenkim korteks, jumlah lapisan korteks kolenkim, tebal korteks kolenkim, panjang dan lebar sel parenkim korteks, jumlah lapisan korteks parenkim, tebal korteks parenkim, jumlah berkas pembuluh, panjang dan lebar berkas pembuluh, serta diameter empulur, secara umum tidak menunjukkan adanya karakter pembeda pada tingkat spesies atau tribe. Hasil serupa juga ditemukan dalam beberapa karakter kualitatif seperti bentuk sel epidermis, bentuk sel kolenkim korteks, bentuk sel parenkim korteks, tipe berkas pembuluh, dan bentuk sel parenkim empulur. Namun, beberapa karakter kualitatif, yaitu tipe kutikula, trikom, sel sekretori, rongga pada empulur, dan kristal kalsium oksalat menunjukkan adanya potensi untuk digunakan sebagai karakter pembeda pada tingkat spesies dan/atau tribe.

Asteraceae is the largest plant family in the world and grows scattered throughout the earth, except Antarctica. Universitas Indonesia is one of the habitats of Asteraceae. Several studies have been conducted on the family, but anatomical studies still need to be done on 6 tribes of Asteraceae on UI campus, Astereae, Cichorieae, Coreopsideae, Inuleae, Senecioneae, and Tageteae. The study aimed to describe and compare the anatomical character of stems or flower stalks in the six tribes. The cross section anatomy of 6 Asteraceae species were prepared by the non paraffin technique using hand sliding microtome and observed with the aid of a light microscope. Anatomical characters were analyzed by comparing qualitative and quantitative data. Results of quantitative data analysis for cuticle thickness, the length and width of epidermal cells, the number of epidermal layers, epidermal thickness, the length and width of the cortex collenchyma cells, the number of cortex collenchyma layers, cortex collenchyma thickness, the length and width of the cortex parenchyma cells, the number of cortex parenchyma layers, the number of vascular bundle, the length and width of the vascular bundle, as well as the pith diameter, generally do not show any distinguishing character at the species or tribe level. Similar result are also found in some qualitative character such as epidermal cell shape, cortex collenchyma cell shape, cortex parenchyma cell shape, vascular bundle type, and pith parenchyma cell shape. However, some qualitative characters including the cuticle type, trichomes, secretory cells, pith cavities, and calcium oxalate crystals suggest potential for use as distinguishing characters at the species and or tribe levels."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arum Puspitarini
"Studi struktur komunitas ikan di Situ Salam Kampus Universitas Indonesia (UI) Depok, telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas ikan dengan mengacu pada komposisi, dominasi, kegelapan, dan keanekaragamannya. Sampel ikan diambil di empat titik yaitu Salam inlet, Salam midlet, zikon pond, dan Salam toko. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 10 spesies ikan ditemukan, yaitu Amphilopus citrinellus, Barbodes binotatus, Clarias batrachus, Channa striata, Oreochromis mossambicus, Oreochromis niloticus, Poecilia reticulata, Pterygoplichthys pardalis, Trichopodus pectoralis, dan Trichopodus trichopterus. Komposisi ikan tertinggi dari danau Salam adalah Pterygoplichthys pardalis itu Senyawa sekitar 54%. Outlet Salam memiliki total spesies tertinggi dengan 9 spesies. Zikon tambak adalah lokasi dengan indeks keanekaragaman tertinggi dengan nilai 1,34.

A study of fish community structure at Situ Salam Kampus Universitas Indonesia (UI) Depok, has been conducted to know the structure community of fish with reference to composition, domination, eveness, and its diversity. Fish samples were taken at four spots that is Salam inlet, Salam midlet, zikon pond, and Salam outlet. Result of research showed that 10 species of fish were found, those are Amphilopus citrinellus, Barbodes binotatus, Clarias batrachus, Channa striata, Oreochromis mossambicus, Oreochromis niloticus, Poecilia reticulata, Pterygoplichthys pardalis, Trichopodus pectoralis, and Trichopodus trichopterus. Highest fishes composition of Salam lakes are Pterygoplichthys pardalis that compound about 54%. Salam outlet has highest species total with9 species. Zikon pond were the location with the highest diversity index with value1.34."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
San Diego : Academic Press , 1990
581.524 PER
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farid Kuswantoro
Leaf borer moth of Artona flavipuncta was a perennial pest of Bali Botanic Garden Zingiberaceae collection. This paper aims to discuss A. flavipuncta attack status as well as its life cycle and control attempts, both that already and potentially used in Bali Botanic Garden. This paper concluded that A. flavipuncta attack 54,5% of all Zingiberaceae species collected in Bali Botanic Garden. Its larval activity causes severe leaves damage but never caused plant mortality. Decis 2.5 EC insecticide was used to control this pest, but natural enemy control using assassin bug could be considered as alternative control method in the future."
Bogor: Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya - LIPI, 2017
580 WKR 15:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siahaan, Gerald P.; Nainggolan, Hotden L.; Aritonang, Johndikson; Hutapea, Mangihut
Universitas HKBP Nonmensen, 2017
VISI 25:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Najwa Wafiyah Az Zahra
Pengetahuan tentang struktur komunitas serta pembedaan jenis eksotik invasif merupakan usaha pencegahan terhadap persebaran spesies invasif yang penting dilakukan. Pembedaan jenis spesies dapat dilakukan melalui karakter daun yaitu Specific Leaf Area SLA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur komunitas famili Asteraceae dan mengetahui hubungan Indeks Nilai Penting INP spesies Asteraceae dengan nilai SLA, serta memprediksi preferensi habitat Asteraceae berdasarkan karakteristik naungan, di Kebun Raya Cibodas. Data komunitas Asteraceae didapatkan dengan mengukur luas tutupan daun dan kehadiran tiap jenis, sementara data SLA didapatkan dengan mengukur luas dan berat kering daun. Penelitian dilakukan pada 138 plot berukuran 1x1 meter yang disebar di delapan kompartemen berdasarkan keberadaan tutupan tajuk pohon secara random purposive. Analisis regresi linier dilakukan untuk melihat korelasi nilai SLA dengan INP spesies Asteraceae. Analisis regresi logistik dilakukan untuk melihat preferensi habitat spesies Asteraceae 1 untuk wilayah bertajuk pohon dan 0 untuk wilayah terbuka berdasarkan nilai SLA. Hasil penelitian didapatkan dua puluh spesies Asteraceae, dengan spesies yang memiliki INP terbesar yaitu Emilia sonchifolia 26,85. Secara umum kedelapan kompartemen tidak memiliki spesies Asteraceae yang mendominasi D 0,14--0,40, keanekaragaman rendah hingga sedang H rsquo; 1,31--2,12, serta persebaran jenis cenderung merata E 0,6--0,89. Terdapat korelasi positif antara nilai INP dengan nilai SLA spesies Asteraceae di kompartemen bertajuk dengan prediksi penambahan nilai logINP sebesar 0,0014599 tiap satu satuan SLA r2 = 0,1472 pada p = 0,07148. Spesies Asteraceae dengan nilai SLA besar cenderung tumbuh di habitat dengan tutupan tajuk pohon dibandingkan tempat terbuka, dengan nilai odds ratio sebesar 2,75.

Knowledge of community structures and capacity to differentiate invasive from non invasive species are essential for invasive species management. Specific Leaf Area SLA is a potential proxy to differentiate invasive species from non invasive species. This study aims to describe the community structure of Asteraceae family, identify the relationship between Important Value Index IVI with SLA of Asteraceae species, and predict Asteraceae habitat preference based on shade characteristics at the Cibodas Botanical Garden. The community structure data were obtained by measuring the extent of leaf cover and the presence of each Asteraceae species. SLA data were collected by measuring the leaf area and leaf dry weight. The study was conducted on 138 of 1x1 m plots in eight compartments which equally divided into two habitat conditions with and without tree canopy cover shading. Plots were sampled by using purposive sampling method. Linear regression analysis conducted to examine the correlation between SLA and IVI values of Asteraceae species. Logistic regression test conducted to observe habitat preference 1 for shaded area and 0 for open area of Asteraceae species based on SLA values. According to survey results, there are 20 species of Asteraceae, with Emilia sonchifolia as the species with largest IVI value 26,85. In general, there are no dominant Asteraceae species in all observed eight compartments D 0,14 0,40, the diversity of Asteraceae species is low to moderate H rsquo 1,31 2,12, and the distribution of Asteraceae species tends to be evenly distributed E 0,6 0,89. There is a positive correlation between SLA and IVI value of Asteraceae species in shaded area with predicted addition of 0,0014599 logINP per one SLA unit increase r2 0,1472 at p 0,07148. The Asteraceae species that prefer shaded habitat tend to have larger SLA relative to species in open area odds ratio 2,75. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Endang Christine
Penelitian ?Etnobotani Masyarakat Enis Karo di Kecamatan Merdeka,
Sumatera Utara? bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan spesies tumbuhan
berguna dan perbedaan pengetahuan lokal tentang pemanfaatan tumbuhan
berdasarkan gender dan umur oleh masyarakat etnis Karo di Kecamatan Merdeka.
Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan etik dan emik. Pengumpulan
data dilakukan melalui wawancara terbuka dan semi terstruktur, observasi
partisipatif dan diskusi kelompok fokus (Focus Group Discussion--FGD). Data
tentang keanekaragaman pemanfaatan spesies tumbuhan dianalisis dengan metode
LUVI (Local User?s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural Significance); dan data
tentang perbedaan pengetahuan pemanfaatan tumbuhan brdasar gender dan umur
dianalisis dengan metode UVs (Use Values), dan statistik. Terdapat 158 spesies
yang termasuk dalam 61 famili yang dikenal dan dimanfaatkan masyarakat etnis
Karo di KecamatanMerdeka. Seratus lima puluh delapan spesies tumbuhan
tersebut dimanfaatkan untuk obat-obatan, pangan, sumber penghasilan, teknologi
lokal, kayu bakar, adat/ritual/hiasan, racun/anti racun dan pewarna. Berdasarkan
analisis LUVI diperoleh 60 spesies yang dianggap paling penting dan pangan
sebagai kategori guna terpenting. Oryza sativa mendapat nilai ICS tertinggi yaitu
50, yang dimanfaatkan sebagai makanan pokok. Berdasarkan umur dari
kelompok responden, rata-rata jumlah spesies tumbuhan yang diketahui dan
dimanfaatkan dan nilai UVs pada responden umur lebih dari 50 tahun lebih tinggi
dibandingkan dengan umur 30--50 tahun. Sementara itu, berdasarkan gender,
rata-rata jumlah spesies tumbuhan yang diketahui dan dimanfaatkan dan nilai UVs
pada responden laki-laki lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perempuan

The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by
Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have
different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The
ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured
interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The
ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses
analysed by LUVI (Local User?s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural
Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender
was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka
District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in
medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional
celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60
species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The
ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is
used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant
species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50
years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender,
men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the
women.;The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by
Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have
different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The
ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured
interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The
ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses
analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural
Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender
was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka
District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in
medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional
celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60
species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The
ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is
used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant
species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50
years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender,
men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the
women.;The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by
Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have
different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The
ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured
interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The
ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses
analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural
Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender
was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka
District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in
medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional
celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60
species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The
ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is
used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant
species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50
years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender,
men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the
women., The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by
Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have
different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The
ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured
interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The
ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses
analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural
Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender
was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka
District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in
medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional
celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60
species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The
ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is
used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant
species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50
years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender,
men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Polunin, Nicholas
Jogjakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 1990
581.9 POL it
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Plant communities have been attracting many scientists due to their complexity and unclear underlying mechanisms that support it. How large numbers of competing plant species manage to coexist, for instance, is one of the major unresolved questions in plant community ecology. Ecological niche concept is a classical theory which tries to address this question. The development of this concept will be presented in this paper. Recent studies, although few in number and incomplete in many ways, do suggest that plants segregate along various environmental niche axes. Although it is unlikely that niche separation along environmental axes is the only mechanism of coexistence in any large community, the evidence now suggests that ecological niche concept plays a more significant role than has been previously appreciated.
580 BKR 15:1 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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