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Aryo Bimo Makarim
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kriteria Islam terhadap kualitas tata kelola perusahaan. Kualitas tata kelola perusahaan dinilai menggunakan ASEAN CG Scorecard dengan kategori disclosure transparency. Kriteria Islam merupakan variabel dummy apakah perusahaan secara konsisten termasuk didalam Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia ISSI selama periode 2014-2016. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 60 perusahaan dari sektor consumer goods, building construction, dan ritel dengan periode penelitian selama tiga tahun yaitu dari tahun 2014-2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukan tidak terdapatnya pengaruh signifikan antara kriteria Islam terhadap kualitas tata kelola perusahaan khususnya pada kategori disclosure and transparency.
This study aims to determine the effect of Islamic criteria on the quality of good corporate governance in Indonesia. Quality of good corporate governance is assessed from ASEAN CG Scorecard in Disclosure and Transparency category. Islamic criteria are dummy variable whether the company is consistently inculded in Indona Sharia Shares Index ISSI during the period 2014 2016. The sample of reseach is 60 companies from consumer goods, building construction, and retail sector with research period for three years from 2014 2016. The result of this research shows that there is no significant effect between Islamic criteria on the quality of good corporate governance."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mazaya Putri Ramadhani
"Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis praktik stakeholder mapping pada perusahaan untuk menentukan siapa sajakah key stakeholder di dalam perusahaan. Obyek penulisan skripsi ini adalah AXA Mandiri yang bergerak di industri asuransi. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan pihak manajemen perusahaan, kuesioner, data sekunder, dan tinjauan literatur. Tulisan ini merupakan studi tentang persepsi yang berarti klasifikasi setiap stakeholder antara satu perusahaan dengan lainnya bisa saja berbeda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap stakeholder salience, posisi stratejik stakeholder, power dan interest stakeholder, ketergantungan stakeholder dengan perusahaan, power dan scope stakeholder, dapat disimpulkan bahwa key stakeholder dari AXA Mandiri adalah customer, shareholder, pemerintah dan lembaga terkait, dan bank partner. Pengelolaan hubungan yang baik dengan stakeholder akan membawa dampak baik bagi perusahaan secara finansial maupun non-finansial dan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.

The objective of this study is to analyze tha stakeholder mapping practice in order to determine the key stakeholder of the company. The object of this study is AXA Mandiri which is in the insurance company. Data collection was obtained through interviews with the management, questionnaire, secondary data, dan literature review. This study is a study of perception which means the classification of stakeholders in one company may vary with the other. According to the analysis results of stakeholder salience, strategic position of stakeholder, stakeholder power and interest, stakeholder intedependence, stakeholder power and scope, it can be concluded that the key stakeholders of AXA Mandiri are customers, shareholders, government and other institutions concerned, and bank partners. A good stakeholder relationship management will bring good impacts to the company financially or non financially, and also directly or indirectly. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aniza Nur Madyanti
"Corporate Leader Academy (APP) is a high level education that formed is academy and states owner by Indonesian Industrial Department. That institution is part of high level education bureaucrat that categorize by saves is a public goods. As we can say APP have a responsibility to take car good service quality and professional in the order that APP must available good service quality and professional, cause of it APP must do the good governance paradigm in daily operation on that environment. So, the APP implemented good government paradigm in that surround. APP can expected to participation of community force, to open they are mind or transparency to responsible all the policy actions to the community, and more effective and efficient in the management process and resources allocation. In the past, the researched about the relationship of good governance practice versus quality service for the student in the APP institution research, good governance is indifferent variable (X), with 4 (four) kind of indicators that is: efficiency, accountability participation and transparency. In the other hand, service-quality is formed in depend (Y), variable, with uses five indicators that is: Tangibles, reliability, responsibility, assurance and empathy. The result of this research get some points of quality o effectiveness 47,89%, accountability 44,97%, transparency 46,61%, and participants 36,52%. Best of the average that the quality of good governance practiced that involve APP according to the respondent. With some student of APP, only 43,94% from the analysis. Otherwise in the quality of the student service get the percentage 45,08% from the reliability indicator, 44,27% from responsibility indicator, 48,89% from the assurance indicators and 44,57% from the empathy indicator practicing. Based of the research result we can see it need the more service or the employ and lectures an APP. The quality of good governance it only 43,94% must be improved it. Efficiency must be built focused to procedure efficiency. APP has to short bureaucrat line toward to the student services. These this can be helped with the minimize procedure and involved student for finding the service or it can use exactly technology, Internet facility. Accountability can improve transparency. APP must open the opportunity of student to follow participate or giving the suggestion about how to built student service quality both individuality of organization. In another way student service quality sector in APP only 45,08% this things still under of the standard of the students min then APP has improve five indicators. From physics indicator or tangible consist of APP must improve the facilities for students. Responsibility indicator, reliability, assurance, and empathy can be improved it with the training that functions ability, competency, staff skills and APP lectures with the punish and reward systems for motivating staff and APP lectures to work be better with finally good quality of student service in APP. From the measurements about the relation of good governance practice and student service quality get are point 0,803. it means that between good governance practice and students service quality have positive and strong significant in means if good governance practice more improved it, it can improve student service quality APP."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Good corporate governance on Islamic banking is one of the important pillars that must be created to overcome the distrust among stakeholders. This paper aims at describing the concept of corporate governance in Islamic perspective and its application to Islamic banking. The method of analysis in this paper uses descriptive and qualitative analysis through the study of same literatures related to concepts, theoretical and frameworks of corporate governance between western models (Anglo-Saxon model and European model) and Islamic model. The basic concept that is used to formulate the corporate governance in Islamic perspective is tawhid and based on the paradigm of stakeholding. The corporate governance in Islamic approach is more oriented in the value of honesty and fairness to all stakeholders. The concept of Islamic corporate governance emphasizes on three main aspects, namely, accountability, transparency and trust. Related to accountability, the roles of the sharia supervisory board (SSB) and the internal control of banking system are necessary to ensure that Islamic banking practices remain based on Islamic principles. Transparency in Islamic banking is a form risk management practice accurately and timely. In addition, between the Islamic bank and the customer must have a high sense of trust.
JEP 18:2 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrian Sutedi
1. Teori dan konsep good corporate governance.
2. Good corporate governance di indonesia.
3. Good corporate governance pemegang saham menurut undang-undang perseoran terbatas.
4. Penegakan pelaksanaan good corporate governance
5. Putusan mahkamah agung: tinjauan kasus pengelolaan perusahaan."
Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, 2011
658.4 ADR g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrian Sutedi
Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, 2012
658.4 ADR g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Detri Ratnika Dewi
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh preferensi risiko dan Good Corporate Governance terhadap efisiensi biaya bank Syariah yang diukur dengan menggunakan Stochastic Frontier Approach. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 8 Bank Umum Syariah yang terdaftar di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan pada tahun 2010-2014. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa solvabilitas (Equity to Asset Ratio) dan likuiditas (Cash to Asset Ratio) berpengaruh positif, sedangkan kualitas pembiayaan (Not Performing Financing), Good Corporate Governance, dan jumlah anggota dari masing-masing Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan Dewan Pengawas Syariah tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap efisiensi bank Syariah di Indonesia.

This research investigates the effects of risk preferences and good corporate governance on cost efficiency of Islamic Banks listed on Indonesia Financial Service Authority during the period 2010-2014. The cost efficiency score is measured by Stochastic Frontier Approach. The result shows that solvability (equity to asset ratio) and liquidity (cash to asset ratio) have positive and significant effects on efficiency of the banks. However, financing quality (not performing financing), good corporate governance, and member of Executive Boards, Non Executive Boards, and Sharia Supervisory Boards have no significant effect on cost efficiency of the banks.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Menik Darmayanti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengusulkan konsep dinar sebagai salah satu alat pembayaran dalam transaksi perdagangan international. Dinar dan Dirham dalam dunia Islam sudah digunakan sejak zaman sebelum Nabi Muhammad menjadi Khalifah, dan tetap digunakan di masa kepemimpinan Nabi Muhammad hingga Khalifah Ottoman pada tahun 1924. Berdasarkan studi literatur, Dinar mempunyai tingkat kestabilan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan mata uang fiat yang saat ini digunakan. Mata uang yang digunakan dalam perdagangan internasional adalah mata uang dari negar maju yang dinilai memiliki nilai kestabilan yang lebih tinggi seperti US Dollar, Europe, Poundsterling. Namun, beberapa kajian juga menilai kekurangan dari mata uang (currency tersebut, karena nilainya yang fluktuatif dan menimbulkan kerugian bagi para pelaku pedagang international (eksportir dan importir).
Analisa pada penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan kestabilan antara Dinar dengan US Dolar, serta melihat data transaksi perdagangan Internasional Indonesia dengan negara anggota Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (OKI). Berdasarkan Analisa trend data dari 2001-2019, diduga volatilitas Dinar lebih tinggi daripada US Dolar. Berdasarkan Uji Kausalitas Granger didapatkan bahwa variable Dinar secara statistic signifikan mempengaruhi nilai tukar US Dolar, dan tidak sebaliknya. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan satu arah, yaitu hanya Dinar yang secara statistic signifikan mempengaruhi US Dolar. Berdasarkan pernyataan hasil perhitungan standar deviasi, dapat diputuskan bahwa Dinar Emas (DINAR) merupakan mata uang yang lebih stabil dibandingkan Dolar AS (USD). Hal tersebut dikarenakan Dinar Emas (DINAR) memiliki volatilitas yang lebih rendah dibandingkan Dolar AS (USD). Hasil analisis studi kasus perdagangan international antara Indonesia dengan anggota negara OKI didapatkan hasil bahwa untuk negara-negara tertentu yang memiliki nilai transaksi impor tidak terlalu besar (Indonesia meng-impor, dan lawan transaksi meng-ekspor), dimungkinkan penggunaan dinar diterapkan dengan mempertimbangkan kecukupan emas yang dimiliki Indonesia. Namun, perlu dilihat juga nilai kecukupan emas negara lawan transaksi tersebut, mengingat mereka juga memiliki nilai transaksi ekspor dengan Indonesia ( Indonesia meng-ekspor, dan negara lawan transaksi meng-impor dari Indonesia). Namun, untuk negara yang memiliki nilai transaksi impor besar, misal dengan Malaysia, tidak memungkinkan penerapan dinar sebagai alat tukar dilakukan, karena Indonesia tidak memiliki kecukupan emas. Apalagi jika mengikutsertakan impor migas dari negara timur tengah yang notabene juga anggota Negara OKI, maka penerapan Dinar sebagai alat pembayaran sangat tidak mungkin dilakukan.

exchange in international trading. Based on Islamic history, Dinar and Dirham had been used as medium of exchange before Rasulullaah Muhammad SAW became a prophet, and Rasulullah still used that medium and they still be used until The Ottoman Caliphate in 1924.
Based on the literature, Dinar has the highest stability level rather than fiat money that is used for now. In international trading, developed countries’s currencies are used as a medium of exchange, because their curencies were valued have more stabil, for example US Dollar, Euro and Poundsterling. However, there are many papers that found the shortage of the currencies, because they are fluctuating and cause losses in international trading transactions.
Analysis in this paper are aimed to compare the stability between Dinar and US Dollar, and also analyze international trading transaction between Indonesia and the members of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
The result of trend analysis from data series within 2001-2019, Dinar’s volatility is higher than US Dollar. Granger Causalities test shows there is one way causality between Dinar and US Dollar, Dinar does cause ganger USD or statistically, Dinar influence significantly US Dollar, and not vice versa. The result of standard deviation calculation, was found that Dinar more stabil than USD. Based on case study analysis, for some country that Indonesia has transaction’s import amount not too big, it’s possible to apply dinar as a medium of exchange. This is considering the number of gold that Indonesia has. But, this paper doesn’t include oil and gas transaction. Indonesia imports oil and gas from middle east country which is the member of OIC with a big amount. And the gold that Indonesia has not sufficient to pay that big amount. By that, generally, Dinar couldn’t apply in International trading between Indonesia and the the few members of OIC.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini mengkaji pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance (GCG) di sektor perbankan di Indonesia ditinjau dari aspek pelaporannya dan menganalisis korelasi tingkat pelaksanaan GCG Bank terhadap kualitas kredit perbankan. Obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah 122 bank yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Jumlah sampel untuk menilai tingkat pelaksanaan GCG Bank adalah 95, sedangkan jumlah sampel untuk pengujian korealsi adalah 68 bank. Analisis dilakukan dengan melakukan skoring terhadap laporan pelaksanaan GCG Bank berdasarkan kriteria yang ditetapkan BI. Untuk mengetahui korelasi antara tingkat pelaksanaan GCG Bank dan rasio Non Performing Loan (NPL) digunakan Korelasi Pearson.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 62% dari sampel Bank telah melaksanakan GCG dengan baik, 28% cukup dan 10% masih kurang. Uji korelasi menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat korelasi antara skor pelaksanaan GCG dengan rasio NPL atau kualitas kredit bank. Bank Indonesia sebaiknya perlu meningkatkan evaluasi terhadap pelaporan GCG bank untuk memastikan bahwa pengungkapan pelaksanaan GCG telah sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.

This research studied the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in banking sector in Indonesia viewed from its reporting aspect and analyzed the correlation between GCG implementation level and banking credit quality. The object of this research is 122 banks operating in Indonesia. Total sample for evaluating GCG implementation level is 95, while total sample for correlation test is 68. The analysis was performed by scoring bank’s GCG implementation reports against the criteria established by BI. To see the correlation between GCG implementation level and Non Performing Loan (NPL) ratio, Pearson Correlation was used.
The result showed that 62% of sampled banks have implemented GCG good, 28% fair and 10% poor. The correlation test showed that there is no correlation between the scores of GCG implementation and NPL ratio. Bank Indonesia needs to improve its evaluation on banks’ GCG reports to ensure the disclosure of GCG implementation is in accordance with prevailing regulations.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eny Suprapti
"Environmental problems become things that have not been considered for the companies. This Study aims to determine the effect good corporate governance to environmental disclosure. Good Corporate Governance is a system to controlling management, where GCG is proxied by the board of directors, board of commissioners, institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and audit committee. This reaserch use non financial companies listed on BEI. The research sample 30 companies. Measurement of environmental disclosure uses GRI G4 index is 34 index. This study using multiple regression. Based on the results of the study found good corporate governanceis proxieduse board of directors and board commissioners there isnteffect on environmental disclosure.The results institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and audit committee effect on environemental disclosure."
Jakarta: Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 2019
657 ATB 12:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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