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Advensius Cristian
"Integrasi ekonomi antar negara menjadi sangat penting dan hal ini sangat terkait dengan adanya aktivitas perdagangan internasional dan interaksi pasar keuangan global. Saat krisis keuangan global uncul, seperti yang baru terjadi di tahun 2007 ndash; 2008, efek krisis tersebut menyebar dengan cepat ke banyak negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia salah satunya. Untuk memahami efek krisis tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan teknik cointegrasi dengan melihat hubungan jangka panjang antara Real Effective Exchange Rate REER dan integrase perdagangan pada era sebelum dan setelah krisis. Hasil analisis penelitian dengan metode Autoregressive Distributed Lag ARDL menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan jangka panjang sebelum perode krisis, namun pada periode setelah krisis justru terdapat hubungan postif jangan panjang antar variable. Melalui hasil tersebut, diperoleh kesimpulan secara umum bahwa peningkatan integrase perdagangan akan diasosiasikan dengan apreasiasi REER setelah krisis keuangan global.

Economic integration among countries becomes substantial, and it can be represented by the activity of international trade and global financial market. Once a crisis emerges, like Global Financial Crisis in 2007 2008, its damage can widely spread into developing countries such as Indonesia. To understand the crisis effect, this research discusses the long run relationship between real effective exchange rate and trade integration during the pre and post crisis periods by applying cointegration technique. The autoregressive distributed lag ARDL analysis shows the evidence supporting no long run relationship during the pre crisis period, but the positive relationship during the post crisis period. This result suggests that intensified trade integration would be associated with real exchange rate appreciation after the Global Financial Crisis."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kenichi Ohmae
Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara, 1991
337. OHM d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raja Sawery Gading Dzetaj Notonegoro
"Sejak pertengahan 1990-an, semakin banyak negara berkembang yang menempuh Integrasi Ekonomi Regional (REI) dengan negara maju melalui Perjanjian Perdagangan Regional (RTA). Negara anggota perjanjian tersebut memberikan perlakuan yang lebih menguntungkan terhadap satu sama lain daripada terhadap mitra dagang lainnya yang bukan negara anggota. Perlakuan diskriminatif ini jelas tidak konsisten dengan kewajiban perlakuan Most Favoured Nation (MFN) WTO. Meskipun kewajiban perlakuan MFN merupakan prinsip dasar, namun WTO memperkenankan anggotanya untuk mengesampingkan prinsip tersebut dan menempuh REI berdasarkan Pasal XXIV GATT 1994 untuk RTA, Pasal V GATS untuk Perjanjian Integrasi Ekonomi (EIA) dan Klausul Enabling. Penelitian ini menganalisa mengapa WTO memberikan pengecualian tersebut. Selain itu, penelitian ini mengeksplorasi kecenderungan di kalangan negara berkembang menempuh REI dengan negara maju serta meneliti bagaimana negara berkembang dapat mengambil keuntungan tanpa mengucilkan sistem perdagangan multilateral WTO.
Berdasarkan analisis hukum, REI sangat bermanfaat bagi negara berkembang WTO. Penelitian ini mendesak KTT APEC ke-21 dan Konferensi Tingkat Menteri ke-9 WTO di Bali untuk digunakan sebagai kesempatan untuk menunjukkan peran aktif dari masing-masing negara berkembang terutama tuan rumah, Indonesia, dalam mempromosikan liberalisasi perdagangan dan investasi secara regional dan global. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa REI diperlukan untuk mengambil langkah lebih lanjut dalam mewujudkan tujuan WTO untuk menciptakan perdagangan yang bebas dan adil. Selain itu, negara berkembang disarankan untuk menggunakan REI sebagai pilihan kebijakan terbaik kedua dan terus menempatkan prioritas tertinggi pada WTO dengan berkomitmen terhadap modus operandi WTO.

Since mid-1990s, developing countries are increasingly pursuing Regional Economic Integration (REI) with developed countries through Regional Trade Agreements (RTA). In this case, the parties to such agreements offer each other more favourable treatment than they offer to other trading partners that are nonparties. Clearly, such discriminatory treatment is inconsistent with the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) treatment obligation of the WTO. Although MFN treatment obligation is a fundamental principle, the WTO does allow WTO members to set aside the principle and pursue REI under Article XXIV of the GATT 1994 for RTA, Article V of the GATS for Economic Integration Agreement (EIA) and the Enabling Clause. With that being said, this research analyses why does the WTO provides such exception. In addition, it explores the tendency among developing countries to pursue REI with developed countries and and examines how can those developing countries benefit from their pursuit without undermining the multilateral trading system of the WTO.
Based on a legal analysis, this research argues that REI will be highly beneficial for developing countries of the WTO. Furthermore, the research urges the 21st APEC Summit and the 9th Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Bali to be used as an opportunity to demonstrate an active role of each developing economy especially the host, Indonesia, in promoting regional and global trade and investment liberalisation. This research concludes that REI is necessary to take further steps towards realising the goal of the WTO to have a fair and freer trade. Moreover, developing countries are recommended to consider REI as the second best policy option and continue to place the highest priority on the WTO by committing to modus operandi of the WTO.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Snorrason, Snorri Thomas
"[This book investigates whether the effects of economic integration differ according to the size of countries.The analysis incorporates a classification of the size of countries, reflecting the key economic characteristics of economies in order to provide an appropriate benchmark for each size group in the empirical analysis of the effects of asymmetric economic integration. The formation or extension of Preferential Trade Areas (PTAs) leads to a reduction in trade costs. This poses a critical secondary question as to the extent to which trade costs differ according to the size of countries.The extent to which membership of PTAs has an asymmetric impact on trade flow according to the size of member countries is analyzed by employing econometric tools and general equilibrium analysis, estimating both the ex-post and ex-ante effects of economic integration on the size of countries, using a data set of 218 countries, 45 of which are European. ​, This book investigates whether the effects of economic integration differ according to the size of countries.The analysis incorporates a classification of the size of countries, reflecting the key economic characteristics of economies in order to provide an appropriate benchmark for each size group in the empirical analysis of the effects of asymmetric economic integration. The formation or extension of Preferential Trade Areas (PTAs) leads to a reduction in trade costs. This poses a critical secondary question as to the extent to which trade costs differ according to the size of countries.The extent to which membership of PTAs has an asymmetric impact on trade flow according to the size of member countries is analyzed by employing econometric tools and general equilibrium analysis, estimating both the ex-post and ex-ante effects of economic integration on the size of countries, using a data set of 218 countries, 45 of which are European. ​]"
[Berlin, Berlin]: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini menganalisis mengenai Singapore Convention on Mediation yang merupakan solusi bagi beberapa pihak yang tidak memilih penyelesaian sengketa perdagangan internasional melalui mediasi karena tidak memiliki kekuatan legitimasi internasional. Konvensi ini diterbitkan oleh UNCITRAL pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2019 dan secara resmi diberlakukan terhitung tanggal 12 September 2020. Dalam perkembangannya, konvensi ini semakin diminati dalam upaya sebagai alternatif penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan yang sampai saat ini masih belum sepenuhnya mengakomodasi kebutuhan untuk menyelesaikan sengketa secara cepat, sederhana, dan biaya ringan. Mengingat konvensi ini baru saja disepakati dan belum diterapkan secara efektif oleh negara-negara lain, dan untuk itu, dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai pertimbangan-pertimbangan Indonesia dalam menentukan sikap keikutsertaan dalam konvensi ini sebagai solusi penyelesaian sengketa yang efektif dan efisien. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif. Singapore Convention on Mediation adalah salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan Ease of Doing Business (EODB) di Indonesia, namun tetap harus mempertimbangkan apakah proses aksesi dibutuhkan oleh negara Indonesia, atau merupakan kepentingan negara lain untuk memudahkan proses eksekusi dari kesepakatan hasil mediasi yang dilakukan di luar negara Indonesia.

This thesis discusses the Singapore Convention on Mediation which is a solution for some parties who do not choose to settle international trade disputes through mediation because they do not have the power of international legitimacy. This convention was published by UNCITRAL on 7 August 2019 and officially entered into force on 12 September 2020. In its development, this convention is increasingly in demand as an alternative to out-of-court dispute resolution which until now has not fully accommodated the need to resolve disputes quickly, simple, and low cost. Considering that this convention has just been agreed upon and has not been effectively implemented by other countries, and for that, this research will discuss Indonesia's considerations in determining its participation in this convention as an effective and efficient dispute resolution solution. The research method used is normative juridical research. The Singapore Convention on Mediation is one of the efforts to increase the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) in Indonesia, but still has to consider whether the accession process is required by the Indonesian state, or is in the interest of other countries to facilitate the execution process of the mediation result agreement conducted outside the Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Eksistensi tenaga kerja informal yang relatif besar menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah liberalisasi perdagangan benar dapat membawa manfaat dalam menumbuhkan suatu perekonomian, khususnya di Indonesia dengan informalitas yang tinggi. Penelitian ini ingin menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh liberalisasi perdagangan terhadap tenaga kerja informal di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan data Indonesia tingkat provinsi dari tahun 1993 hingga 2019, penulis mengkonstruksi dua model untuk melihat secara statis dan dinamis sehingga dapat mengestimasi efek liberalisasi perdagangan pada jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Liberalisasi perdagangan diukur dengan trade openness ratio dan tenaga kerja informal diidentifikasi melalui status pekerjaan utama. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa liberalisasi perdagangan signifikan mempengaruhi tenaga kerja informal dan mengikuti pola inverted-U Kuznets curve. Liberalisasi perdagangan akan menaikkan porsi tenaga kerja informal pada jangka pendek. Pada jangka panjang, liberalisasi perdagangan akan mengurangi porsi tenaga kerja informal, yang berarti perekonomian membaik. Ditemukan pula bahwa pada penelitian ini, aktivitas informal cenderung terpengaruhi oleh liberalisasi perdagangan melalui aktivitas formal.

The existence of a relatively large informal workforce raises the question of whether trade liberalization can actually bring benefits in growing an economy, especially in Indonesia with high informality. This study aims to analyze how the effect of trade liberalization on informal workers in Indonesia. By using provincial-level Indonesian data from 1993 to 2019, the author constructs two models, static and dynamic, to estimate the effect of trade liberalization in the short run and long run. Trade liberalization is measured by trade openness ratio and informal workers are identified by the main employment status. This study finds that trade liberalization significantly affects informal workers and follows an inverted-U Kuznets curve pattern. Trade liberalization will increase the share of informal workers in the short term. In the long term, trade liberalization will reduce the share of informal workers, which means the economy is improving. It was also found that in this study, the informal activities tends to be affected by trade liberalization through the formal activities."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasna Alifa
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dampak ketidakpastian terhadap fleksibilitas institusi internasional dalam kasus kerja sama perdagangan Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) antara Tiongkok dengan Taiwan. Kerja sama antara Tiongkok dengan Taiwan menarik untuk diteliti karena kedua negara tersebut dapat menjalin kerja sama dalam sebuah institusi, meskipun hubungan politik antara keduanya kerap dipenuhi oleh ketegangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori rational institution design yang menjelaskan bahwa negara merancang institusi internasional sesuai dengan hambatan yang dimilikinya. Teori rational institution design menggagas bahwa ketidakpastian sebagai hambatan kerja sama menyebabkan terbentuknya institusi internasional yang fleksibel. Metode process-tracing digunakan untuk meraih penjelasan mengenai mekanisme kausal antara ketidakpastian dan fleksibilitas institusi internasional dalam proses pembentukan ECFA. Temuan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ECFA dirancang dengan fleksibilitas untuk menghadapi ketidakpastian mengenai politik domestik di Taiwan, secara khusus adalah pergantian kekuasaan di Taiwan yang berdampak pada perkembangan hubungan lintas selat Taiwan. Melalui rangkaian negosiasi, Tiongkok dan Taiwan memilih untuk merancang ECFA dengan fleksibilitas sebagai perjanjian sementara yang tidak memiliki batas waktu penyelesaian serta memasukkan ketentuan pemutusan kontrak ke dalam rancangan ECFA. Rancangan institusi tersebut dipilih oleh Taiwan dan Tiongkok dengan mempertimbangkan perlawanan terhadap ECFA dari partai oposisi Taiwan, karena keduanya tidak dapat memastikan apa yang dilakukan oleh partai oposisi terhadap ECFA apabila partai oposisi berkuasa di Taiwan.

This thesis explains the impact of uncertainty on the flexibility of international institution within the case of trade cooperation between China and Taiwan in Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). Cooperation between China and Taiwan is a considerably interesting subject, because they managed to establish a cooperation agreement despite their constrained political relations. I utilized rational institution design theory as an analytical framework in assessing how states design international institution based on the cooperation barriers they face. The theory suggested that uncertainty as cooperation barrier led to the formation of flexible institution. Process-tracing method was applied in this research to acquire explanation of causal mechanisms between uncertainty and the flexibility of ECFA. Findings in this research show that the flexibility possessed by ECFA is a response to uncertainty about Taiwans domestic politics, particularly power shift in Taiwan that gives significant impact on the development of cross-Strait relations. Throughout a series of negotiations, China and Taiwan decided to design ECFA with some degree of flexibility as an interim agreement that does not specify any deadline and ECFA also includes termination clause. The institutional design is chosen because China and Taiwan needs to consider resistance from Taiwanese opposition parties towards ECFA, as they are uncertain about what the opposition will do to ECFA once they are in power. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Selama bertahun-tahun, kerjasama di kawasan ASEAN
menunjukkan banyak kemajuan. Saat ini, dengan sebuah visi bersama sebagai suatu kesatuan dari Bangsa-Bangsa Asia Tenggara yang hidup dalam perdamaian dan terikat bersama-sama di dalam kemitraan untuk
pembangunan yang dinamis dan sebagai komunitas masyarakat yang saling peduli, para Pemimpin ASEAN sepakat untuk membentuk Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN 2015. Pembentukan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (AEC) 2015 akan membawa peluang ekonomi yang sangat besar serta memberikan tantangan besar bagi masing negara-negara di wilayah tersebut. Peluang ekonomi ini akan menghasilkan akses pasar yang lebih besar untuk ekspor dan environment yang lebih liberal bagi investasi asing. Ada 4 (empat) kunci karakteristik dari pembentukan AEC : (a) suatu pasar tunggal dan berbasis produksi; (b) wilayah ekonomi yang sangat kompetitif; (c) wilayah pembangunan ekonomi yang adil; dan (d) kawasan yang terintegrasi ke dalam ekonomi global. Untuk mencapai tujuan pembentukan pasar tunggal dan berbasis produksi dengan aliran bebas barang, para Menteri Ekonomi ASEAN di bulan Agustus 2007 sepakat untuk meningkatkan the Common
Effective Preferential Tariff for ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (CEPT-AFTA) menjadi instrumen hukum yang lebih komprehensif. Hal ini yang
menyebabkan penandatanganan ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) tanggal 29 Februari 2009, di Chaam, Thailand. Setelah penandatangan kesepakatan itu, negara-negara anggota ASEAN (AMSs), termasuk Indonesia, diwajibkan untuk menerapkan dan mengembangkan kebijakan mereka sesuai dengan kesepakatan dimaksud. Oleh karena itu, pasca keikutsertaan Indonesia dalam kesepakatan dimaksud, Pemerintah Indonesia harus mentransformasikan kesepakatan dimaksud ke dalam hukum
domestiknya. Pemerintah Indonesia telah meratifikasi kesepakatan dimaksud melalui Peraturan Presiden No. 2 Tahun 2010 tentang Pengesahan ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement. Ratifikasi diikuti dengan mengeluarkan Keputusan Menteri Keuangan dan Keputusan Menteri Perdagangan. Keputusan-keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia diharapkan dapat membantu otoritas Indonesia dalam memperkuat posisi Indonesia di ASEAN. Penelitian dalam tesis ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif. Tesis ini juga akan membahas keuntungan, kerugian, dan tantangan ATIGA bagi Indonesia serta sejauh mana implementasi ATIGA di dalam hukum nasional Indonesia.;Over the years, cooperation in ASEAN region has shown a lot of progress. Now, with a shared vision of ASEAN as a unified body of
Southeast Asian Nations living in peace and bounded together in partnership for dynamic development and as a community of caring communities, ASEAN Leaders resolved to establish an ASEAN Economic Community in 2015. The establishment of an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 will bring enormous economic opportunities as well as great challenges for the individual member countries in the region. These economic opportunities will result greater market access for exports and more liberal environment for foreign investment. There are 4 (four) key characteristics of AEC establishment : (a) a single market and production base; (b) a highly competitive economic region; (c) a region of equitable economic development and (d) a region fully integrated into the global economy. To achieve the goal of establishing the single market and production base with the free flow of goods, the ASEAN Economic Ministers agreed in August 2007 to enhance the Common Effective Preferential Tariff for ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (CEPT-AFTA) into a more comprehensive legal instrument. This has led to the signing of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) in February 29, 2009, at Chaam, Thailand. After signing the agreement, the AMSs, including Indonesia, is required to implement and
to develop their policies in accordance with the agreement. Therefore, after Indonesia’s participation in the aforesaid agreement, the Government of Indonesia have to transform the agreement into domestic law. Then, the Indonesian Government ratified the agreement through Presidential Decree No. 2 of 2010 on the Ratification of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement. Ratification is followed by issuing of Finance Ministerial Decree and Trade Ministerial Decree. Those decisions issued by the Government of Indonesia are expected could help the Indonesia’s authorities in strengthening the position of Indonesia in ASEAN. The research conducted in this thesis is
normative juridical research. This thesis also discusses the advantages,
disadvantages, and challenges of ATIGA for Indonesia. The extent of
implementation of ATIGA in national law of Indonesia will be discussed as well., Over the years, cooperation in ASEAN region has shown a lot of
progress. Now, with a shared vision of ASEAN as a unified body of
Southeast Asian Nations living in peace and bounded together in partnership
for dynamic development and as a community of caring communities,
ASEAN Leaders resolved to establish an ASEAN Economic Community in
2015. The establishment of an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015
will bring enormous economic opportunities as well as great challenges for
the individual member countries in the region. These economic opportunities
will result greater market access for exports and more liberal environment for
foreign investment. There are 4 (four) key characteristics of AEC
establishment : (a) a single market and production base; (b) a highly
competitive economic region; (c) a region of equitable economic
development and (d) a region fully integrated into the global economy. To
achieve the goal of establishing the single market and production base with
the free flow of goods, the ASEAN Economic Ministers agreed in August
2007 to enhance the Common Effective Preferential Tariff for ASEAN Free
Trade Agreement (CEPT-AFTA) into a more comprehensive legal
instrument. This has led to the signing of the ASEAN Trade in Goods
Agreement (ATIGA) in February 29, 2009, at Chaam, Thailand. After signing
the agreement, the AMSs, including Indonesia, is required to implement and
to develop their policies in accordance with the agreement. Therefore, after
Indonesia’s participation in the aforesaid agreement, the Government of
Indonesia have to transform the agreement into domestic law. Then, the
Indonesian Government ratified the agreement through Presidential Decree
No. 2 of 2010 on the Ratification of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement.
Ratification is followed by issuing of Finance Ministerial Decree and Trade
Ministerial Decree. Those decisions issued by the Government of Indonesia
are expected could help the Indonesia’s authorities in strengthening the
position of Indonesia in ASEAN. The research conducted in this thesis is
normative juridical research. This thesis also discusses the advantages,
disadvantages, and challenges of ATIGA for Indonesia. The extent of
implementation of ATIGA in national law of Indonesia will be discussed as
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Hafizh Ghifari Azizi
"Perdagangan internasional adalah salah satu faktor utama yang menentukan daya saing perekonomian suatu negara di tingkat internasional (Routledge et.al., 2012). Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi perdagangan internasional adalah volatilitas nilai tukar (Auboin 2013). Bank Indonesia menerbitkan sebuah instrumen, yaitu Bilateral Currency Swap Agreement (BCSA), yang ditujukan untuk menjaga kestabilan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap mitra dagang utama Indonesia guna meningkatkan total perdagangan internasional Indonesia. Penelitian ini menganalisis dampak BCSA pada perdagangan internasional Indonesia. Peneliti menggunakan data perdagangan internasional pada level HS-2 terhadap 20 mitra dagang utama Indonesia tahun 2006 – 2020. Dengan menganalisis data menggunakan pendekatan ppml, didapatkan hasil bahwa BCSA secara signifikan berhubungan negatif dengan total ekspor Indonesia dan berhubungan positif dengan total impornya. Akan tetapi, secara keseluruhan, variabel ini berkorelasi positif dengan total perdagangan internasional Indonesia.

International trade is one of the main factors that determine a country's economic competitiveness at the international level (Routledge et.al., 2012). One of the factors affecting international trade is exchange rate volatility (Auboin 2013). Bank Indonesia issued an instrument, The Bilateral Currency Swap Agreement (BCSA), which was aimed at maintaining the stability of the rupiah exchange rate against Indonesia's main trading partners to increase Indonesia's total international trade. This study analyzes the impact of BCSA on Indonesia's international trade. The researcher used international trade data at the HS-2 level for 20 of Indonesia's top trading partners in 2006 – 2020. By analyzing the data using the ppml approach, the result was that BCSA had a significantly negative relationship with Indonesia's total exports and a positive relationship with its total imports. However, overall, this variable is positively correlated with Indonesia's total international trade."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Studi ini mengkaji pengaruh bebas visa terhadap perdagangan internasional, menggunakan data perdagangan Indonesia dengan 169 negara mitra dagang penerima bebas visa Indonesia dan 22 negara non-penerima periode 2015 – 2019. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pada tahap estimasi dasar, bebas visa berpengaruh positif terhadap ekspor dan negatif terhadap impor. Namun pengaruh tersebut tidak signifikan, dan tidak bersifat “one size fits all”. Pengaruh bebas visa lebih bervariasi ketika dilakukan disagregasi data negara penerima bebas visa berdasarkan kelompok kawasan; tingkat pembangunan; dan tingkat pendapatan. Pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap ekspor dihasilkan oleh bebas visa yang diterima kawasan Amerika, dan pengaruh signifikan negatif terhadap ekspor dihasilkan oleh bebas visa yang kawasan Ocenia. Adapun kawasan Amerika merupakan salah satu prioritas penerima bebas visa Indonesia, kawasan yang paling banyak memberikan bebas visa kepada Indonesia setelah kawasan Asia. Sementara Oceania merupakan kawasan yang paling restricted dalam hal bebas visa baik unilateral maupun resiprokal dengan Indonesia.

This study examines the effect of visa exemption on international trade, by using Indonesia's international trading data 2015 – 2019 with 169 countries recipient of Indonesian visa exemption and 22 non-recipient countries year 2015 - 2019. This study finds that on basic estimation visa exemption has positive effect on exports and a negative trend towards imports. However, the effect is not significant, and not “one size fits all”. The effect of visa-exemption is varied when the data is disaggregated into groups of visa recipients based on region; development level; and income level. A significant positive effect on exports is generated by visa exemption for American region, and a significant negative effect on exports is generated by visa exemption for Oceania region. American region is one of the priority recipients of visa exemption to Indonesia, and the second rank region providing visa exemption to Indonesian passport. Meanwhile, Oceania is the most restricted area in terms of visa exemption, both unilaterally and reciprocally with Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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